Odonestis bolotovi, Spitsyn & Potapov, 2020

Spitsyn, Vitaly M. & Potapov, Grigory S., 2020, A new species of the genus Odonestis from the Flores Island, Indonesia (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae), Ecologica Montenegrina 29 (2020), pp. 47-50 : 49-50

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.37828/em.2020.29.7

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scientific name

Odonestis bolotovi

sp. nov.

Odonestis bolotovi sp. nov.

Figs 1-3 View Figure 1 View Figure 2 View Figure 3

https://zoobank.org/ urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:8FEE4ADF-53A4-442E-A195-3BCAAE6F2488

Type material. Holotype male RMBH Sph 0827 Indonesia, Flores Island, town of Bajawa, Wolokoro Ecolodge, heavily disturbed monsoon forests and eucalyptus plantings, 08º49'02"S, 120º56'03"E, 28- 31.i.2020, V. Spitsyn & E. Spitsyna leg. GoogleMaps

Diagnosis. According to the external morphology, Odonestis bolotovi sp. nov. is close to O. bheroba Moore, 1858 -1859 (the mainland tropical areas of South and Southeast Asia), but the new species is distinguished by more direct median line and the absence of a strip at the base of the wing. O. bolotovi sp. nov. is differs from O. erectilinea (Swinhoe, 1904) , O. lipara Tams, 1935 , O. kama Zolotuhin & Holloway, 2006 and O. gisla Zolotuhin & Holloway, 2006 in that the median line at the costal vein are curved towards the base of the wing (in contrast to straight median line and curved median line towards the apex of the wing). O. vita Moore, 1859 and O. angulata (Grünberg, 1913) have no straight median line (in contrast to clear direct median line in the new species). O. bolotovi sp. nov. has a straight marginal edge of the forewing (in contrast to the concave marginal edge of the wing or the curved top of the wing in O. schalicteta Tams, 1935 , O. vinacea Holloway & Bender, 1990 , O. ophioglossa Tams, 1935 , O. maya Zolotuhin & Holloway, 2006 and O. germari Sergeev & Zolotuhin, 2010 ). Also O. bolotovi sp. nov. has differences in the structure of male genitalia with respect to all known species (see Fig 3 View Figure 3 and Sergeev & Zolotuhin 2010).

Description. Male morphology: Wingspan 34 mm, forewing length 18 mm. Eye olive. Antenna light brown, bipectinate. Head red brown. Labial palpus red brown, long, about 2.5 eye diameters. Thorax, patagium and tegula red brown. Legs red brown. Upperside of forewings red brown, has clear median lines, relatively straight with a slight curve at the top. In discal part of forewing is clear white dot. Along marginal edge is unclear curved brown strip. Marginal edge of forewings and forewing border dark brown. Underside of forewings has similar pattern as upperside, but has no white dot in discal part. Upperside of hindwings red brown. Underside of hindwings has unclear colorful pattern; black strip in discal part. Abdomen red brown.

Male genitalia: Typical form for genus Odonestis . Tegumen wide, well sclerized. Uncus small. Vinculum strongly elongated, rounded at the end. Juxta sclerized at the sides. Valva two-lobed with upper lobes, long and thin. Under lobes small and short. Aedeagus tubular with expanded base, always with protruding apical process. VII sternum strongly modified; lateral process long, bifurcated at the end.

Female: Unknown.

Distribution. This species is known only from the type locality from the Flores Island, Indonesia.

Etymology. This species is named after the Russian scientist, Dr. Sc., Ivan N. Bolotov (Arkhangelsk, Russia) who is a Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS).


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium













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