Pentacentrus biflexuous Liu & Shi

Liu, Hao-Yu, Mao, Shao-Li & Shi, Fu-Ming, 2014, Review of the genus Pentacentrus Saussure (Orthoptera: Gryllidae: Pentacentrinae) from China, Zootaxa 3838 (5), pp. 557-566 : 561

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.3838.5.4

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scientific name

Pentacentrus biflexuous Liu & Shi

sp. nov.

2. Pentacentrus biflexuous Liu & Shi sp. nov.

Figs. 7–12 View FIGURES 7 – 12

Description. Male. Body small and slender. Head rather short, frontal rostrum slightly wider than scapus (5: 4); median ocellus small and transverse oval, lateral ocelli large and nearly round; eyes oval and distinctly projecting; apical joint of maxillary palpus distinctly widened and sloped at apex, nearly as long as third joint; apical joint of labial palpus slightly widened, slightly longer than second joint. Pronotum distinctly wider than long, disc with a pair of nearly triangular impressions; anterior margin straight, posterior margin sinuate and slightly protruding around midway; lateral lobes longer than high, anterior lower angles widely rounded, posterior lower angles narrowly rounded, lower margin slightly sinuate. Tegmina slightly extending over apex of abdomen, with 4 longitudinal veins on dorsal area; hind wings distinctly longer than tegmina, reaching apex of hind femora. Fore tibia with a large and oblong internal tympanum, nearly as long as half length of tibia, without external tympanum. Hind tibia with 3 long spines on each margin of apical part, and respectively 0-2 small spines along outer and inner margin on basal part. Abdominal tergite I with a pair of medium-sized swellings, II with a medium-sized swelling in centre and inclined forwards ( Fig. 7 View FIGURES 7 – 12 ).

Supra-anal plate distinctly wider than long, slightly narrowed posteriorly; dorsal area densely covered with short setae area in centre; posterior margin nearly rounded ( Fig. 8 View FIGURES 7 – 12 ). Subgenital plate rather long, slightly narrowed posteriorly, with posterior margin narrowly rounded ( Fig. 9 View FIGURES 7 – 12 ). Genitalia ( Figs 10–12 View FIGURES 7 – 12 ): epiphallus rather short; medial lobes of epiphallus small and acute teeth-like; lateral lobes of epiphallus double curved, covered with several long hairs at apex; epiphallus parameres rather short, reaching middle of lateral lobes.

Female. Unknown.

Coloration. Body brown. Tegmina light brown, each transverse vein surrounded by a small irregular brown spot; lateral field dark brown. Fore and mid legs light brown, hind legs yellow brown, with irregular brown bands at apex and outer side.

Measurements (mm). Male: body 8.2–9.5, length with wings 14.0–14.3, pronotum 1.3–1.4, tegmen 7.8–8.2, hind femur 5.8–6.0.

Type material examined. Holotype ♂, CHINA, Guangxi, Wuming, Mt. Daming, 11.VIII.2011, leg. Yuan- Yuan Lu. Paratypes: 6♂, same data as the holotype.

Distribution. China (Guangxi).

Diagnosis. This new species is related to Pentacentrus bituberus Liu & Shi , but can be distinguished by supraanal plate differently shaped at short setae area, posterior margin nearly rounded; subgenital plate rather short; genitalia differently shaped, lateral lobes of epiphallus long and double curved, blunt at apex; epiphallus parameres distinctly shorter than lateral lobes.

Etymology. This new specific name is derived from Latin bi (two) + flexuous (curved), a reference to lateral lobes of epiphallus double curved.















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