Belonuchus dohrni, Fauvel, 1877

Herman, Taphylininae Iochini Aorothiini Thiini Latyprosopini Taphylinini Mblyopinina Nisolinina Yptiomina Hilonthina Lee H., 2001, Catalog of the Staphylinidae (Insecta: Coleoptera). 1758 to the End of the Second Millennium. V. Staphylinine Group (Part 2) Staphylininae: Diochini, Maorothiini, Othiini, Platyprosopini, Staphylinini (Amblyopinina, Anisolinina, Hyptiomina, Philonthina), Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2001 (265), pp. 2441-3020 : 2441-3020

publication ID 10.1206/0003-0090.265.1.5

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Belonuchus dohrni


dohrni Fauvel, 1877 View in CoL , see: Sternotoxus .

dominicus Blackwelder, 1943: 431 ( Belonuchus ; Type locality: Dominica: Hillsboro Estate , at mouth of the Layou River, Leeward side).

- DISTRIBUTION: West Indies.

duplicatus Blackwelder, 1944: 137 ( Belonuchus ; replacement name for bruchi Bernhauer ). - DISTRIBUTION: Argentina.

bruchi Bernhauer, 1934b: 213 ( Belonuchus ; [preoccupied]; Type locality: Argentinien: Prov. Tucuman).

— Blackwelder, 1944: 137 ( Belonuchus ; synonym of duplicatus ).

ecuadorensis Bernhauer, 1935c: 91 ( Belonuchus ; Type locality: Ecuador).


ephippiatus Say, 1830: 35 [= 1834: 448] ( Staphylinus ; Type locality: [Note: See neotype designation by Smetana , 1995e]. Originally cited from Mexico).

— Erichson, 1840: 927 ( Belonuchus ; characters; Mexico).

— LeConte, 1859: 563 ( Belonuchus ; California).

— Fauvel, 1901: 86 ( Belonuchus ; Colombia; California; Arizona; New Mexico; Mexico; Venezuela).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 370 ( Belonuchus ; catalog).

— Nishida, 1994: 70 ( Belonuchus ; Hawaii).

Smetana, 1995e: 746 ( Belonuchus ; neotype designation: [Note: Locality not cited; specimen selected from LeConte collection with “golden round disc”]; characters; notes; Arizona; California; New Mexico; Texas) .

— Nishida, 1997: 60 ( Belonuchus ; Hawaii).

- DISTRIBUTION: Venezuela, Colombia, Mexico, USA, Hawaii.

simplex Sharp, 1885: 432 ( Belonuchus ; Type locality: Mexico, Oaxaca; [Note: See lectotype designation by Smetana, 1995e]. Also cited from Mexico, Vera Cruz).

— Sharp, 1887: 789 ( Belonuchus ; Mexico).

— Fauvel, 1901: 86 ( Belonuchus ; synonym of ephippiatus ).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 370 ( Belonuchus ; synonym of ephippiatus ).

— Smetana, 1995e: 746 ( Belonuchus ; lectotype designation: Oxaca, Mexico; synonym of ephippiatus ).

punctiventris Casey, 1915: 446 ( Belonuchus ; Type locality: Arizona: Benson; [Note: See lectotype designation by Smetana, 1995e]).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1379 ( Belonuchus ; catalog).

— Smetana, 1995e: 746 ( Belonuchus ; lectotype designation; synonym of ephippiatus ).

laticeps Casey, 1915: 446 ( Belonuchus ; Type locality: California: near Indio; [Note: See lectotype designation by Smetana, 1995e]).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1378 ( Belonuchus ; catalog).

— Smetana, 1995e: 746 ( Belonuchus ; lectotype designation; synonym of ephippiatus ).

jacobianus Casey, 1915: 447 ( Belonuchus ; Type locality: California: San Diego; [Note: See lectotype designation by Smetana, 1995e]).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1378 ( Belonuchus ; catalog).

— Smetana, 1995e: 746 ( Belonuchus ; lectotype designation; synonym of ephippiatus ).

schaefferi Cooper, 1933a: 545 ( Belonuchus ; Type locality: Texas: Brownsville ).

— Smetana, 1995e: 746 ( Belonuchus ; synonym of ephippiatus ).

erichsoni Bernhauer, 1917 k: 223 ( Belonuchus ; Type locality: Mexiko).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1378 ( Belonuchus ; catalog).


erythropterus Solsky, 1868a: 137 ( Belonuchus ; Type locality: Mexique).

— Sharp, 1885: 432 ( Belonuchus ; characters; Mexico; Venezuela).

— Sharp, 1887: 789 ( Belonuchus ; Mexico).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 370 ( Belonuchus ; synonym of ephippiatus ).

— Smetana, 1995e: 751, 752 ( Belonuchus ; valid species; characters; notes; Texas; Mexico).


excelsus Bernhauer, 1917c: 19 ( Belonuchus ; Type locality: West-Columbien: Umgebung von Cali: St. Antonio, 2000 m).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1378 ( Belonuchus ; catalog).


eximius Bernhauer, 1917 , see: bugnioni Fauvel, 1901 .

falsus Bernhauer, 1917 i: 105 ( Belonuchus ; Type locality: Venezuela).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1378 ( Belonuchus ; catalog).

- DISTRIBUTION: Venezuela.

fassli Bernhauer, 1917d: 37 ( Belonuchus ; Type locality: West-Columbien: Umgebung von Cali am Rio Cauca, Cañon del Mt. Tolima, 1700 m).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1378 ( Belonuchus ; catalog).


ferrugatus Erichson, 1840: 931 ( Philonthus ; Type locality: Java).

— Kraatz, 1859: 96 ( Philonthus ; characters; Java).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 370 ( Belonuchus ; catalog).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1378 ( Belonuchus ; catalog).

— Cameron, 1933d: 391 ( Belonuchus ; Sumatra).

— Cameron, 1937: 19 ( Belonuchus ; Java).

- DISTRIBUTION: Indonesia, Philippines.

rufotestaceus Cameron, 1941c: 381 ( Belonuchus ; variety of ferrugatus ; Type locality: Philippines: Luzon: Los Banos).

flavipennis Solsky, 1870a: 263 ( Belonuchus ; Type locality: Mexique).

— Sharp, 1885: 430 ( Belonuchus ; characters; Mexico).

— Sharp, 1887: 789 ( Belonuchus ; Mexico).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 370 ( Belonuchus ; catalog).


flavocaudatus Bernhauer, 1921c: 170 ( Belonuchus ; Type locality: Argentinien: Prov. Jujuy, Hornadita , 3400 m).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1378 ( Belonuchus ; catalog).

- DISTRIBUTION: Argentina.

formosus Gravenhorst, 1806 , see: rufipennis Fabricius, 1801 .

forsteri Scheerpeltz, 1960c: 115 ( Belonuchus ; subgenus Musicoderus ; Type locality: Bolivien: Yungas de Arepucho, Sihuencas, 2200–2500 m).


fossulatus Wasmann, 1887: 414 ( Belonuchus ; Type locality: Blumenau, Prov. St. Catharina, Brasil).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 370 ( Belonuchus ; catalog).


frater Bernhauer, 1906c: 333 ( Belonuchus ; Type locality: Peru).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 370 ( Belonuchus ; catalog).


fuscipes Fauvel, 1878f: 270 ( Belonuchus ; Type locality: Nouvelle-Guinée, Andai; Hatam, Salvatti; Iles Arou).

— Fauvel, 1879: 107 ( Belonuchus ; Dorei; Celebes).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 370 ( Belonuchus ; catalog).

— Cameron, 1931: 363 ( Belonuchus ; New Guinea).

— Frank, 1982: 34 ( Belonuchus ; list of parasites).

- DISTRIBUTION: New Guinea, Indonesia.

gagates Erichson, 1840: 424 ( Belonuchus ; Type locality: Cuba; [Note: See lectotype designation by Smetana, 1995e]. Also cited from Puerto Rico).

— Guérin-Méneville, 1857: 38 ( Belonuchus ; characters; Puerto Rico; Cuba).

— Chevrolat and Fauvel, 1863: 433 ( Belonuchus ; characters; Cuba, Santo Domingo, Puerto Rico).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 370 ( Belonuchus ; catalog).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1379 ( Belonuchus ; catalog; Jamaica).

— Blackwelder, 1943: 424 ( Belonuchus ; characters; Bahamas Islands; Cuba; Jamaica; Hispaniola; Puerto Rico; st. Thomas; St. John; Montserrat).

Smetana, 1995e: 737 ( Belonuchus ; lectotype designation: Cuba; characters; notes; Florida ) .


minax Erichson, 1840: 424 ( Belonuchus ; Type locality: Americae insulae St. Thoma et

St. Johannis).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 371 ( Belonuchus ; catalog).

— Blackwelder, 1943: 424 ( Belonuchus ; cited as minar; synonym of gagates ).

nigrocaeruleus Cameron, 1913a: 175 ( Musicoderus ; Type locality: Jamaica: Newcastle district , 3000 feet).

— Blackwelder, 1943: 424 ( Belonuchus ; synonym of gagates ).

— Smetana, 1995e: 737 ( Belonuchus ; synonym of gagates ).

gowdeyi Bernhauer, 1935c: 91 ( Belonuchus ; Type locality: Jamaica: Hope Gardens ).

— Blackwelder, 1943: 424 ( Belonuchus ; synonym of gagates ).

— Smetana, 1995e: 737 ( Belonuchus ; synonym of gagates ).

ganglbaueri Bernhauer, 1906c: 331 ( Belonuchus ; Type locality: Bolivia).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 370 ( Belonuchus ; catalog).


gardneri Cameron, 1932: 173 ( Belonuchus ; Type locality: Bengal: Rangirum, alt. 6000 feet, near Darjeeling).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1378 ( Belonuchus ; catalog).

— Legner and Moore, 1977: 176 ( Belonuchus ; cited as gardeneri; found under bark).


gedyei Cameron, 1951c: 403 ( Belonuchus ; Type locality: Kenya Colony : Mutha district,

4000 feet).


gowdeyi Bernhauer, 1935 , see: gagates Erichson, 1839 .

gracilis Sharp, 1885: 456 ( Musicoderus ; Type locality: Nicaragua, Chontales).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 368 ( Musicoderus ; catalog).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1378 ( Belonuchus ; catalog).

- DISTRIBUTION: Nicaragua.

grandiceps Sharp, 1876 , see: sharpi Bernhauer, 1907 .

grandiceps Kraatz, 1859: 95 ( Philonthus ; Type locality: Ceylan).

— Fauvel, 1902a: 41 ( Belonuchus ).

— Bernhauer, 1902b: 28 ( Philonthus ; Ceylon).

— Fauvel, 1903: 159 ( Belonuchus ; Ceylon).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 370 ( Belonuchus ; catalog).

— Bernhauer, 1928: 17 ( Belonuchus ; Sumatra).

— Cameron, 1932: 171 ( Belonuchus ; characters; Ceylon; India).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1378 ( Belonuchus ; catalog).

— Cameron, 1933d: 391 ( Belonuchus ; Sumatra).

- DISTRIBUTION: India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia.

bicolor Motschulsky, 1860a: 79 ( Trapeziderus ; Type locality: montagnes de Noura-Ellia à Ceylan).

— Fauvel, 1903: 159 ( Belonuchus ; synonym of grandiceps ).

kedirianus Cameron, 1938b: 149 ( Belonuchus ; Type locality: E. Java: Res. Kediri, Toempoek ).

- DISTRIBUTION: Indonesia.

laevipennis Cameron, 1942: 25 ( Belonuchus ; Type locality: Kostarika : Cartago, Pino, 1000 m). - DISTRIBUTION: Costa Rica.

laticeps Casey, 1915 , see: ephippiatus Say, 1830 .

latro Erichson, 1840: 422 ( Belonuchus ; Type locality: Not cited).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 370 ( Belonuchus ; catalog; locality cited as South America but the basis for this information is unknown to me).

- DISTRIBUTION: South America?.

limbatus Fauvel, 1878f: 271 ( Belonuchus ; Type locality: Nouvelle-Guinée, Andai).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 370 ( Belonuchus ; catalog).


lividipes Fauvel, 1878f: 271 ( Belonuchus ; Type locality: Nouvelle-Guinée, Andai).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 370 ( Belonuchus ; catalog).

— Cameron, 1931: 363 ( Belonuchus ; New Guinea).


longiceps Bernhauer, 1906c: 332 ( Belonuchus ; Type locality: Peru).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 370 ( Belonuchus ; catalog).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1378 ( Belonuchus ; catalog).


maculipennis Fauvel, 1895: 267 ( Belonuchus ; Type locality: Bírmanie, Carin Cheba , 900–1100 m).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 370 ( Belonuchus ; catalog).

— Cameron, 1932: 174 ( Belonuchus ; characters; Burma).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1378 ( Belonuchus ; catalog).


magnificus Bernhauer, 1916 g: 277 ( Belonuchus ; Type locality: West-Columbien: Umgebung von Cali: S. Antonio, 2000 m).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1378 ( Belonuchus ; catalog).


marginicollis Lea, 1931: 374 ( Belonuchus ; Type locality: New Guinea: Komba).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1378 ( Belonuchus ; catalog).


meridionalis Bernhauer, 1916 g: 269 ( Belonuchus ; subgenus Musicoderus ; Type locality: Bolivien: Chaco).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1378 ( Belonuchus ; catalog; Argentina).

- DISTRIBUTION: Argentina, Bolivia.

mexicanus Solsky, 1864: 440 ( Belonuchus ; Type locality: Mexique).

— Sharp, 1885: 436 ( Belonuchus ; Mexico).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 370 ( Belonuchus ; catalog).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1378 ( Belonuchus ; catalog; Argentina).

— Silvestri, 1945: 324 ( Belonuchus ; characters; Brazil).

- DISTRIBUTION: Mexico, Brazil, Argentina.

militaris Bernhauer, 1921c: 170 ( Belonuchus ; Type locality: Brasilien: São Paulo).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1378 ( Belonuchus ; catalog).


mimeticus Sharp, 1885: 436 ( Belonuchus ; Type locality: Panama, Bugaba 800 to 1500 feet). — Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 370 ( Belonuchus ; catalog).


mundus Erichson, 1840: 425 ( Belonuchus ; Type locality: Americae meridionalis ins.

St. Vincentii).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 371 ( Belonuchus ; catalog).

— Blackwelder, 1943: 430 ( Belonuchus ; characters; St. Lucia; St. Vincent; Grenada).

- DISTRIBUTION: West Indies.

mutator Fauvel, 1879: 106 ( Belonuchus ; Type locality: Gilolo ; Célèbes; Malacca;

Pulo Pinang).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 371 ( Belonuchus ; catalog).

— Bernhauer, 1928: 17 ( Belonuchus ; Sumatra).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1379 ( Belonuchus ; catalog; Singapore).

— Cameron, 1933d: 391 ( Belonuchus ; Sumatra).

— Cameron, 1937: 20 ( Belonuchus ; Java).

- DISTRIBUTION: Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Singapore.

nalandensis Bernhauer, 1902b: 30 ( Belonuchus ; Type locality: Nalanda).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 371 ( Belonuchus ; catalog).

— Bernhauer, 1922a: 151 ( Belonuchus ; Indochina).

— Cameron, 1932: 173 ( Belonuchus ; characters; Ceylon).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1379 ( Belonuchus ; catalog).

- DISTRIBUTION: Sri Lanka, “Indochina”.

nigerrimus Bernhauer, 1917 k: 225 ( Belonuchus ; Type locality: Mexiko: Jalappa ).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1379 ( Belonuchus ; catalog).


nigripennis Cameron, 1928 , see: quadratus Kraatz, 1859 .

nigripes Bernhauer, 1922 , see: rufoniger Fauvel, 1895 .

nigrocaeruleus Cameron, 1913 , see: gagates Erichson, 1839 .

nigrorufus Fauvel, 1907: 38 ( Belonuchus ; Type locality: Kilimandjaro: Kibonoto ).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 371 ( Belonuchus ; catalog).


nilgiriensis Cameron, 1932: 175 ( Belonuchus ; Type locality: Nilgiri Hills).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1379 ( Belonuchus ; catalog).


nullicedo Dohrn, 1892: 74 ( Belonuchus ; Type locality: Philippinen).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 371 ( Belonuchus ; catalog).

- DISTRIBUTION: Philippines.

oakleyi Blackwelder, 1943: 422 ( Belonuchus ; Type locality: Puerto Rico: Mayaguez).

- DISTRIBUTION: West Indies.

obscuricornis Bernhauer, 1936a: 23 ( Belonuchus ; Type locality: Lulua: Kapanga).


oxyporinus Sharp, 1885: 419 ( Philonthus ; Type locality: Mexico, Oaxaca).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 349 ( Philonthus ; catalog).

— Frank, 1982: 42 ( Philonthus ; list of parasites).

— Navarrete-Heredia, 1995: 86, 89, 100 ( Philonthus ; characters; habits; natural history notes; host mushrooms; Mexico).

— Jimenez-Sanchez, Navarrete-Heredia, and Padilla-Ramirez, 2000: 61 ( Belonuchus ; Mexico). - DISTRIBUTION: Mexico.

pallidus Casey, 1915: 449 ( Belonuchus ; Type locality: Florida: New River; [Note: See lectotype designation by Smetana, 1995e]. Also cited from Florida: Palm Beach).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1379 ( Belonuchus ; catalog).

Smetana, 1995e: 735 ( Belonuchus ; lectotype designation: New River, Florida; characters; notes; Florida; Louisiana) .














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