Pantelodes camacana Orlandin & Carneiro, 2021

Orlandin, Elton & Carneiro, Eduardo, 2021, A new species of Pantelodes (Lepidoptera: Bombycoidea: Apatelodidae) from Southern Bahia, Brazil, Zootaxa 5047 (5), pp. 589-595 : 590-593

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5047.5.9

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scientific name

Pantelodes camacana Orlandin & Carneiro

sp. nov.

Pantelodes camacana Orlandin & Carneiro , sp. nov.

( Figs 1–11 View FIGURES 1–2 View FIGURES 3–7 View FIGURES 8–11 )

Diagnosis. Pantelodes camacana sp. nov. exhibits the same external morphological pattern as the other Pantelodes species. However, only P. organabo Herbin, 2017 , P. boliviana Herbin, 2017 and P. camacana sp. nov. lack a dorsal crest of brown scales on the central region of the metathorax (see Herbin 2017). From these species, P. camacana sp. nov. can be diagnosed by the morphology of the gnathos and aedeagus. The gnathos’ arms lack the numerous spines and granulations present in P. organabo or the sparsely lined spines present in P. boliviana (see Herbin 2017: 120–123, 130–131). The apex of the aedeagus of P. camacana sp. nov. presents numerous spicules, while in P. boliviana the spicules are reduced.

Description. Male. Head: Antenna approximately 1/3 the length of the forewing costal margin, bipectinate to the tip, ventrally glabrous, dorsally covered by scales. Compound eyes naked, large, occupying approximately two-thirds of the head. Vertex brown. Labial palpus: first and second palpomeres covered by large beige and brown scales; on the second palpomere, scales form a compact block; third palpomere markedly reduced, ovoid shape with light beige scales.

Thorax: Dorsally and ventrally with a mix of light brown and light ivory scales. Foreleg: femur, tibia and tarsomeres white cream scales with scattered brown scales, tibia flattened in anterior view. Mid and hindleg: covered by light brown scales, one pair of spurs in midleg, and two pairs of spurs in hindleg.

Forewing: length ~ 1.8 cm (n=2); elongated triangular shape, outer margin concave from apex to M 2. Dorsally ground color ivory pink mixed with brown and purple scales, an inner and a post medial light brown line, weakly marked, wavy; an elongated discocelular brown spot with orange center; postmedial region from costa to CuA brown; R 4 -R 5 with a hyaline lunar patch, R 5 -M 1 and M 1 -M 2 with hyaline lunar patch, distally close to orange patches, M 2 -M 3 with an orange patch. Ventrally ground color light beige with scattered brown scales, a postmedial brown line, narrow and weakly marked; postmedial region from costa to CuA, brown, patches like in dorsal view.

Hindwing, with a fairly developed, elongated and curved frenulum. Dorsally rather uniform color brownish beige, lighter at the base and darker in submarginal area, postmedial region with a slightly lighter transverse band. Ventrally ground color light beige with scattered brown scales, a brown discocellular spot; postmedial region with little brown patches forming a transverse line.

Abdomen: Covered by uniform elongated beige scales.

Male genitalia: General structure similar to the type species of the genus P. iracoubo Herbin, 2017 . Tegumen shield-like, sclerotized in all its extension, dorsally wider than uncus; saccus wide (approximately 2/3 the tegumen’s width) and rounded, dorsally curved; uncus with elongated tubular base, ventrally curved, flattened distal third, apex concave; tuba analis membranous; gnathos curved at right angle relative to tegumen, with a narrow base and equipped with a pair of triangular protuberances without spines; valva less sclerotized than tegumen and uncus, elongated, with a median ventral lobe, apex rounded, not exceeding the uncus apex, ventral lobe lower portion more sclerotized forming a grainy band, costa (= processus superior) sclerotized forming a short grainy process; fultura inferior sub-retangular sclerotized; aedeagus sclerotinized, basal portion of the ventral region forming a ventrally projected protuberance, apex curved, lateral portion with numerous small spines.

Female. Unknown

Type material. HOLOTYPE male with the following labels: / HOLOTYPUS / Brasil, Bahia, Camacan, Reserva Serra Bonita , 200m, 20-XII-2017, N. Tangerini Leg . / Holotype Pantelodes camacana Orlandin & Carneiro det. 2021/ DZ 43.501/. DZUP. CCDB code CMBUT1502-20

PARATYPES. BRAZIL – Bahia: Camacan (Reserva Serra Bonita), same data as holotype, 1 male DZ 52.168, CCDB code CMBUT1503-20 ( DZUP). Itacaré (14°18’S – 39°05’W), 20 m, 13.VIII.2018, VOB157.031 ( VOB) (not dissected) GoogleMaps .

Immature stages. Unknown.

Geographic distribution. This species is known from a few specimens collected in lowland areas of Atlantic Forest from southern Bahia from 20 m to 200 m a.s.l.

Etymology. The name is a tribute to the indigenous Kamakã tribe who lived in the region where the holotype and paratype were collected. Here, camacana is spelled with a “c” following the current Portuguese spelling of the city present at the same location.Also, the same spelling was used in other specie names after being discovered from the same sample site.


Universidade Federal do Parana, Colecao de Entomologia Pe. Jesus Santiago Moure


Crustacean Collection of the Department of Biology















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