Pedicularis lachnoglossa Hook. f. ( Hooker 1884: 311 )

Garg, Arti & Singh, Rajeev Kumar, 2020, Typification of fifty one names in Pedicularis (Orobanchaceae), Phytotaxa 430 (2), pp. 61-94 : 86

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.430.2.1

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scientific name

Pedicularis lachnoglossa Hook. f. ( Hooker 1884: 311 )


25. Pedicularis lachnoglossa Hook. f. ( Hooker 1884: 311) View in CoL .

Protologue citation:—“ Pedicularis n. 32, Herb. Ind. Or. H. f. & T. SIKKIM HIMALAYA ; Lachen Valley, alt. 14,000 ft., J. D. H.”. Type:— INDIA. Sikkim: Lachen, 14,000 ft., 15 July 1849, ( Pedicularis n. 32) Hook. f. s.n. (lectotype K000739061!, designated by Mill

2001: 91); isolectotypes BM000885888!, K000739060!, M0188770!, L2885748!, P02985283!, P02985287!, S11-3087! = Pedicularis lachnoglossa var. macrantha Bonati (1913a: 41) . ≡ Pedicularis macrantha (Bonati) H. Lév. ( Léveillé 1917: 263) , nom. illeg., non Spreng. ( Sprengel 1827: 233) nec Klotzsch (1862: 108). Protologue citation:—“Open mountain meadows on the eastern flank of the Lichiang Range. Lat. 27˚ 35’ N. Alt. 11,000 ft. June 1910. G.

Forrest. No. 5821”. Type:— CHINA. Yunnan: Eastern flank of the Lichiang Range , 11,000 ft., June 1910, G. Forrest 5821 (lectotype E00284019!, designated here) ; isolectotype BM001010997!

Notes:—For the name P. lachnoglossa Hook. f., Mill (2001: 91) designated specimen at K (K000739061) as the lectotype and BM specimen as the isolectotype. Here six more isolectotype specimens were traced (K000739060, M0188770, L2885748, P02985283, P02985287 and S11-3087).

Bonati (1913a) described P. lachnoglossa var. macrantha based on the collection number 5821 of G. Forrest from China. Presently, two specimens of G. Forrest from China with collection number 5821 are extant, one each at BM (BM001010997) and E (E00284019). The better preserved specimen E00284019, is designated here as the lectotype.

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