Eoophyla piscatorum, Published, 2012

Agassiz, David J. L., 2012, The Acentropinae (Lepidoptera: Pyraloidea: Crambidae) of Africa, Zootaxa 3494, pp. 1-73 : 42-43

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.3494.1.1

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scientific name

Eoophyla piscatorum

sp. nov.

Eoophyla piscatorum sp. n.

Type locality: Kenya, Kangema.

Imago (Fig. 58): Wingspan 18–22mm. Head pale ochreous; labial palpus short, segment 3 pointed, upturned, longer than 1 + 2; maxillary palpus rudimentary; antenna dull ochreous. Thorax dull pale ochreous; tegulae with long scales. Forewing whitish, base of costa fuscous; an obscure fuscous subbasal fascia; a very weakly defined oblique antemedian fascia, dull yellow mixed fuscous; a bent cross line at ½; obscure yellowish discal spot; wavy cross line in costal half at 3/4; terminal area dull yellow enclosing whitish costal strigula; tornal spot silver-white; a series of dark fuscous spots along termen; cilia pale fuscous. Hindwing white; an obscure discal spot, yellowish ringed fuscous; one or two weak fuscous subterminal lines; five black terminal eyespots, sometimes coalesced, 5 much reduced; cilia pale fuscous, darker in inner half. Abdomen and legs pale straw.

Male genitalia (Fig. 122): Uncus long and drawn out to a point; gnathos 0.6x uncus, slender but widened at tip which bears thorns; valva sides almost parallel, specialised seta arising near apex, which is elbowed and the tip has a flat plate inwardly curved at the extremity; juxta with serrated sides; aedeagus with a cluster of fine cornuti.

Female genitalia (Fig. 176): Ostium fairly wide, antrum long with sclerotisation before colliculum; colliculum a broad sclerotised band; corpus bursae 1.5 x antrum in length, ovate with a weakly scobinate patch.

Tympanal organs: Venulae widely separate, gently waisted in middle.

Diagnosis: Distinguished from other species in the genus by the comparatively evenly coloured forewings and somewhat plain hindwings inside the terminal eyespots. In the male genitalia by the specialised setae arising from the termen of the valva and the shape of the gnathos.

Derivation: Named “of the fishermen” on account of the type locality which is a fishing camp run by the Kenya Fly Fishers Club , who gave permission for the fieldwork which yielded this species.

Biology: Unknown. All specimens have been taken within a few metres of a river.

Distribution: Recorded only from the North and South Mathioya rivers, on the southern slopes of the Aberdares, near Kangema in Central Kenya.

Material examined: Holotype ♂ KENYA, Central, Tuthu fishing camp , near Kangema , 7000ft (0° 40' S, 36° 50' E) 25.viii.2000, GoogleMaps 11 paratypes 3♂, 2♀ same data. GoogleMaps and 2♂ same locality 30.xi.2006, 4♂ N. Mathioya camp, near Kangema .

















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