Eugenia species

Murugan, C. & Arumugam, S., 2022, EUGENIA PACHAKUMACHIANA (MYRTACEAE), A NEW SPECIES FROM THE WESTERN GHATS, INDIA, Edinburgh Journal of Botany 79 (1938), pp. 1-10 : 6-7

publication ID 10.24823/EJB.2022.1938

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scientific name

Eugenia species


Key to Eugenia species in India

1a. Leaves silvery-pubescent beneath _________________________________ E. argentea Bedd. View in CoL

1b. Leaves glabrous or brown hairy beneath ___________________________________________ 2

2a. Flowers sessile ___________________________________________________________________ 3

2b. Flowers pedicellate ________________________________________________________________ 4

3a. Calyx lobes longer than the petals ____________________________ E. macrosepala Duthie View in CoL

3b. Calyx lobes shorter than the petals ________________________________________________ 5

4a. Lateral veins 8–10 pairs, indistinct; fruits tomentose; seeds 1 or 2 __ E. codyensis Munro View in CoL 4b. Lateral veins 18–24 pairs, distinct; fruits glabrous; seeds 3–6

E. sphaerocarpa Vadhyar, Sujana, J.H.F.Benj. & G.V.S.Murthy

5a. Flowers in racemes _______________________________________________________________ 6

5b. Flowers solitary or in fascicles _____________________________________________________ 7

6a. Leaf base acute; calyx lobes ovate; petals obovate __________________ E. roxburghii DC. View in CoL

6b. Leaf base cordate; calyx lobes suborbicular; petals ovate ____ E. singampattiana Bedd. View in CoL 7a. Fruits ribbed ___________________________________________________________ E. uniflora View in CoL L.

7b. Fruits not ribbed __________________________________________________________________ 8

8a. Branchlets usually glabrous _______________________________________________________ 9

8b. Branchlets pubescent or floccose _________________________________________________ 10

9a. Leaves spathulate-obovate _____________________________________ E. mabaeoides Wight View in CoL

9b. Leaves ovate-lanceolate to elliptic ________________________________________________ 11

10a. Leaves, branchlets and fruits floccose _____________________________ E. floccosa Bedd. View in CoL

10b. Leaves, branchlets and fruits not floccose ________________________________________ 16

11a. Lateral veins 10–14 pairs; calyx lobes unequal; disc glabrous; ovules 1–3 per cell

E. kalamii Shareef, E.S.S.Kumar, Shaju & Prakashk. 11b. Lateral veins 6–10 pairs; calyx lobes equal; disc hairy; ovules 4 to many per cell ____ 12

12a. Pedicel and calyx lobes rusty to fulvous-tomentose _______________________________ 13

12b. Pedicel and calyx lobes glabrous or puberulous ___________________________________ 14

13a. Leaf base cuneate; ovules 4 per cell, pendulous _________________ E. wynadensis Bedd. View in CoL

13b. Leaf base cordate; ovules 2 per cell, axile _____________________ E. aloysii C.J.Saldanha View in CoL

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