Zercon magdae IVAN et CĂLUGĂR, 2004

Ujvári, Zs. & Cälugär, A, 2010, New Zerconid Mite Species (Acari: Mesostigmata: Zerconidae) From Romania, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 56 (3), pp. 235-255 : 251-253

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https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12584379

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Zercon magdae IVAN et CĂLUGĂR, 2004


Zercon magdae IVAN et CĂLUGĂR, 2004

( Figs 19–21 View Figs 19–21 )

Type material examined. Female holotype and 1 female paratype: Romania, Horia, Botoşani County, saxicolous vegetation with Bryophytes sinusia and Asplenium trichomanes , 25.10.2000, leg. O. IVAN (deposited in the IBRR) .

Diagnosis. Anterior margin of ventroanal shield with two pairs of setae. Podonotal setae smooth, with the exception of i1, i2 and the marginal ones (i1 densely barbed, i2 finely barbed, setae from r row with 3 barbs and distally with a hyaline sheath). Opisthonotum with reticulated lateral sides, up to the insertions of I3, Z2 and S2, the rest covered by a foveolate microsculpture. Dorsal fossae large and ar-

I1 16 Z 1 16 S 1 16

I1-I2 39 Z1-Z 2 51 S 1- S2 39 I2 24 Z 2 19 S 2 25

I2-I3 36 Z2-Z 3 28 S 2-S3 –

I3 29 Z 3 30 S 3 –

I3-I4 31 Z3-Z 4 27 S 3-S4 –

I4 34 Z 4 38 S 4 36 I4-I5 30 Z4-Z5 35

I5 37 Z5 19

I5-I6 43

I6 41

I6-I6‘ 91

ranged in an oblique direction to the body axis. Opisthonotal setae barbed: I1, Z1 and S1 only with 1–2 barbs. I2–6, Z2–5, S2 and S4 densely barbed, with a hyaline sheath at their end. Setae S3 absent. Marginal setae provided with 2–3 barbs and with a hyaline sheath.

Redescription. Female. Length of idiosoma 403 µm in holotype (429 µm in 1 paratype); width: 301 µm (288 µm).

Dorsal side ( Fig. 19 View Figs 19–21 ). Podonotum with 22 pairs of setae: i-row with 6 pairs, z-row with 2 pairs, s-row with 6 pairs, r-row with 6 pairs, p-row with 2 pairs. Podonotal setae short (10–25), the majority of them smooth, with exception of i1, i2 and marginal ones (i1 densely barbed, i2 finely barbed and those from r-row with 3 barbs and distally provided with hyaline sheath). Lateral surface of shield covered by tile-like pattern, central surface with reticulate ornamentation.

Opisthonotum with 22 pairs of setae: I-row with 6 pairs, Z-row with 5 pairs, S-row with 4 pairs and R-row with 7 pairs. Setae I1 short and provided with one barb; I2–I6 densely barbed; I3–6 provided distally with hyaline sheath and much thicker than anterior two pairs of I-row. I3 and I4 reaching bases of following setae of row. In Z-row, Z1 short and with one barb. Z2–5 more barbed than former setae and distally provided with hyaline sheath. Z3 and Z4 much thicker than rest of Z-setae. Z3 reaching bases of next setae of row. Z5 short, barbed and with hyaline sheath. In S row S1 short and with two barbs. Setae S3 absent. S2 and S3 longer and stouter than S1, densely barbed, with hyaline tips. S4 thick, barbed, with hyaline sheath at end and exceeding body edge with 2/3 of their length. Marginal setae with 2–3 barbs and hyaline sheath. Lengths of setae and distances between bases of setae as in Table 9. Marginal serration of dorsal idiosoma shallow and obtuse. Sculpturing pattern of opisthonotum reticulated on lateral sides, up to insertions of I3, Z2 and S2; rest of it covered by foveolate microsculpture. Dorsal fossae strongly sclerotized, larger comparatively with other species, equal as to their shape and arranged in oblique direction to body axis ( Fig. 21 View Figs 19–21 ).

Poroidotaxy. On podonotum, pores po1 situated posterolaterally to insertions of s1, po2 below line connecting i4–s4, po3 lying axially to line connecting s5–6. On opisthonotum, pores Po1 located anterolaterally to bases of setae Z1, Po2 lying below line connecting setae S2–Z3, Po3 situated on line connecting setae I5–Z4, near I5, Po4 located behind bases of S4.

Ventral side ( Fig. 20 View Figs 19–21 ). Chaetotaxy, poroidotaxy and shape of ventral shields typical for genus Zercon . Peritremes firmly curved. Sternal shield well sclerotized, 68 µm long and 67 µm wide at level of setae st2, with slightly arcuate posterior margin and reticulate ornamentation. Adgenital platelets present, with three gland-openings each. Anterior side of the ventroanal shield bearing two pairs of setae (Vm1 and Vi1). Surface of ventroanal shield covered by tile-like and reticulate pattern. Ventroanal setae simple except barbed postanal seta. Anterior part of ventroanal shield with two pairs of setae.

Differential diagnosis. The species belongs to the group having two pairs of setae on the anterior side of the ventrianale shield and mostly resembles Zercon athiasi VINCZE, 1965 by the opisthonotal chaetotaxy and the shape of dorsal cavities. The distinguishing characters between the two species are given in Table 10.













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