Systropha (Systropha) sirikitae de Silva & Packer, 2016

Silva, Nicholai de & Packer, Laurence, 2016, A new species of Systropha from Thailand (Hymenoptera: Halictidae: Rophitinae), Journal of Melittology 2016 (61), pp. 1-9 : 3-5

publication ID 10.17161/jom.v0i61.4721

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scientific name

Systropha (Systropha) sirikitae de Silva & Packer

sp. nov.

Systropha (Systropha) sirikitae de Silva & Packer , new species


( Figs. 1, 2 View Figures 1–4 , 5 View Figure 5 , 6, 8, 9 View Figures 6–9 , 10 View Figures 10–13 )

DIAGNOSIS: Males can be differentiated from all other congeners globally by the combination of the nature of the antennal flagellum and that of S2. The flagellum has six well-defined flagellomeres of normal size and an additional two or three that are minute ( Figs. 1, 2 View Figures 1–4 ). The second metasomal sternum has a well-defined transverse ridge ( Fig. 10 View Figures 10–13 ). Only S. glabriventris Friese , from Namibia and Zimbabwe, has a similarly structured flagellum but it lacks protuberances on S2. Systropha glabriventris also differs in having a lateral tooth on each of T6 and T7 ( Patiny & Michez, 2006: cf. their figure 4 and Fig. 7 View Figures 6–9 ); S. sirikitae lacks such teeth ( Figs. 5 View Figure 5 , 6 View Figures 6–9 ). There are only two known Systropha from southeastern Asia: S. difformis Smith known only from the Republic of the Union of Myanmar [ Burma] and S. inexspectata from Thailand. The males of these both have the normal 11 flagellomeres ( Fig. 4 View Figures 1–4 ) (although the apical ones are narrow and form a spiral in both species), and a single, median process on S2 (e.g., Fig. 11 View Figures 10–13 ; see also Ebmer, 1994: figures 10, 11 therein).

DESCRIPTION: ♂: Body length 11 mm, forewing length 6.8 mm, intertegular width 1.8 mm, head width 2.3 mm.

Coloration. Black except as follows: F7–F9 very pale to light brown; tegula brown, translucent posteriorly and laterally; wing veins translucent brown; T6 entirely red-brown, somewhat translucent apically; pretarsal claws red-brown; metatibial spurs brown, becoming darker distally; antennal cleaner almost entirely transparent.

Structure. Head broader than long, width to length ratio 4:3. Labrum slightly shiny, basal area with irregular carinulae, apical area distinctly punctate. Mouthparts long; length of labial palpus approximately 1.5X length of head; glossa approximately 1.5X as long as labial palpus. Clypeus basal two fifths with dense, small punctures, i<d, rest shiny with large, sparse, longitudinally effaced punctures, i<d; with dull yellow hairs. Supraclypeal area densely and finely punctured (i<d). Frontal area densely punctate, i<d; upper paraocular area minutely and sparsely punctate, ocellocular area largely impunctate. Scape minutely and densely punctate; F1 twice as long as greatest breadth. Antenna reduced apically, F7–F9 minute, superficially appearing as if with only 7 flagellomeres. Genal area shiny, obscurely and sparsely punctate (i>3d); genal beard long (L<2D).

Mesoscutum doubly and finely punctate, i<1.5d between median and parapsidal lines; large punctures sparse except on anterior one third (i=1–3d); pubescence sparse, short (L<1.3D, somewhat longer anteriorly L<2D). Mesoscutellum with punctures as on mesoscutum except smaller and somewhat sparser. Metanotum with transversely effaced punctures i<2d. Metapostnotum imbricate, dull, margins smooth, lacking microsculpture, side of propodeum shiny, distinctly punctate, i=2d; pubescence long (L<2D). Mesosoma lacking ventral protuberances. Fm1 and Fm3 thickest at basal one quarter, Fm2 thickest at midlength. Tb1 and Tb2 unmodified, Tb3 somewhat swollen, thickest subapically. Anterior metatibial spur curved apically, shorter than posterior spur.

Terga without lateral spines or teeth. T1 distinctly and regularly punctate (i ≈ d), apical impressed area more finely and sparsely punctate (i>d); pilosity pale, longest apicolaterally (L ≈1.5D), remaining hairs short (L<D). T2–T3 as for T1 except basal areas depressed and with punctures similar to those on apical impressed areas, apical impressed area longer, hairs towards side of disc short, thick, and dark brown; T4–T6 lacking basal depressed areas, punctures on discs smaller. Hairs increasing in length from T2 to T6, on T6 ≈3D, proportionately more dark brown hairs on more posterior terga; hairs simple except somewhat plumose towards sides of terga. Sterna shiny, with row of hairs subapically; sparsely and irregularly punctate (i>2d). S2 with a pronounced transverse ridge extending almost entirely across exposed portion of sternum. S5 weakly concave basomedially. S6 with raised area medially ending in short blunt process. Erect hairs longest on S1 and towards sides of S3–S4 (L<2D). T7 lacking lateral tooth but with broadly rounded convexity on either side.

♀: Unknown.

HOLOTYPE: ♂, THAILAND: Chaiyaphum, Pha Hin Ngam NP. 15°37.683’N 101°23.323’E 681 m. malaise trap. 19–26.ix.2006. coll: Sa-nog & Adnafai. T856 B. To be deposited in Queen Sirikit Botanical Gardens ( QSBG). GoogleMaps

PARATYPE: ♂, THAILAND: Loei, Phu Kradeung NP. 16°49.099’N 101°47.624’E 275m GoogleMaps . MT. 14.xi.2006. coll: S. Gong-lasae. T1074 A. Deposited in PCYU .

VARIATION: Paratype as in holotype except: only 8 flagellomeres, F7–F8 minute, forming a hook, and bee slightly smaller, head width 2.2 mm. Terminalia as in figures 8–9.

ETYMOLOGY: The species is named after the botanical gardens where the holotype will be deposited, QSBG, Thailand.

COMMENTS: In the locality labels, NP refers to ‘National Park’: both of the known specimens are from national parks. The two localities are less than 150 km apart.


Mus. Tinro, Vladyvostok


The Packer Collection at York University













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