Dacryopinax elegans (Berk. & M.A. Curtis 1849: 239) G.W. Martin (1948: 116)

Castro-Santiuste, Sandra, Sierra, Sigfrido, Guzmán-Dávalos, Laura, Cifuentes, Joaquín, Evans, Thomas, Martínez-González, César Ramiro, Sizzo, Hernán Alvarado- & Luna-Vega, Isolda, 2020, Dacryopinax (Fungi: Dacrymycetales) in Mexico, Phytotaxa 446 (1), pp. 6-22 : 10-12

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.446.1.2



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scientific name

Dacryopinax elegans (Berk. & M.A. Curtis 1849: 239) G.W. Martin (1948: 116)


Dacryopinax elegans (Berk. & M.A. Curtis 1849: 239) G.W. Martin (1948: 116) View in CoL . Figs. 1a View FIGURE 1 and 2 View FIGURE 2

Basidiome 3–17 mm long, pileate-stipitate, tough-gelatinous or cartilaginous, reddish golden (6C7) to dark brown (6F7) when fresh, brown (7E6) to dark brown (7F7) when dry. Pileus 3–20 mm in diameter, campanulate, cochlear, or flabelliform; some with wavy to lobulate margin in mature specimens; sterile side velutinous, with yellowish to brownish hairs. Stipe up to 10 × 1–3 mm, cylindrical, eccentric, dorsally attached, velutinous, with yellowish to brownish hairs. Hymenium unilateral on the internal side of the cup, smooth, glabrous.

Basidiospores 12–17 × 4–6 µm, Q = 2.83–3, phaseoliform, aseptate to transversally triseptate, with thick septa, hyaline, guttulate, smooth, thick-walled; germination through conidia. Probasidia and metabasidia 45–57 (–63) × 4–5 µm, cylindrical, bifurcate when mature; sterigmata 15–20 × 3 µm, cylindrical, attenuated at the apex, hyaline, guttulate. Marginal hyphae (hairs) of abhymenium and stipe 4–5 µm wide, cylindrical, tortuous, septate, thick-walled, hyaline to yellowish; content purple with phloxine. Subhymenium hyphae with bulbous septa.

Specimens examined:— MEXICO. Campeche: Municipality of Calkini, between Tankuche and El Remate, 10 m, 20°30’29’’ N, 90°14’32’’ W, November 1981, G. Guzmán 21330 (ENCB!). Chiapas: highway Ocozocuautla-Malpaso, km 21.5, 600–700 m, 16°53’38’’ N, 93°27’07’’ W, 4 September 1979, G. Ocampo 10 (FCME 10512!). Jalisco: Municipality of Autlán, Sierra de Manantlán, Las Joyas property, El Laurelito, 1900 m, 19°38’33’’ N, 104°15’25’’ W, 14 October 1985, L. Guzmán-Dávalos 2946 (IBUG!). Municipality of La Huerta, Estación Biológica Chamela, 100 m, 19°30’00’’ N, 105°3’00’’ W, 18 October 2009, S. Castro-Santiuste s/n (FCME 27539!). Municipality of Mazamitla, Sierra de Mazamitla, 2000 m, 19°54’28’’ N, 103°01’01’’ W, 12 October 1989, F.A. Acevedo 5 (IBUG!). Municipality of Puerto Vallarta, estero Boca Negra, 0 m, 19º39’42’’ N, 105º15’17’’ W, 2 August 1997, R. Ramírez-Delgadillo 4136 (IBUG!). Municipality of Zapopan, Bosque Pedagógico del Agua, 1570 m, 20°43’11’’ N, 103°24’36’’ W, 27 September 2014, C. Hernández-Ávila 4 (IBUG!). Morelos: Municipality of Cuernavaca, Salto de San Antón, 1500 m, 18° 55’ 28’’ N, 99°14’36’’ W, 6 July 1991, L. Guzmán-Dávalos 5272 (IBUG!). Municipality of Tepoztlán, 5 km W of Tepoztlán, 1600 m, 18°58’43’’ N, 99°09’20’’ W, 16 August 1970, G. Guzmán 8112 (ENCB!). Nayarit: Municipality of Tepic, Reserva Ecológica del Cerro San Juan, La Capilla, 2020 m, 21°28’5’’ N, 105°0’23’’ W, 29 August 1991, L. Pérez-Ramírez 1494 (FCME 27540!). Oaxaca: between Tuxtepec and the paper factory, at edge of the highway heading towards Oaxaca, 50 m, 18°02’12’’ N, 96°09’56’’ W, 2 August 1976, G. Guzmán 16139 (ENCB!); Cerro de Sebastopol, SW of Tuxtepec, 170 m, 18°1’25’’ N, 96°10’52’’ W, 2 August 1976, J. Pérez Ortiz 65 (ENCB!); 5 km before Bethania, highway Tuxtepec-Palomares, 100 m, 17°56’36’’ N, 96°2’10’’ W, 26 July 1977, J. Pérez Ortiz 711 (ENCB!). Puebla: Municipality of Huitamalco, Limonateno, 100 m, 19°54’53’’ N, 97°17’51’’ W, 11 February 1970, F. Ventura 490 (ENCB!). Tabasco: Municipality of Teapa, Puyacatengo, Universidad Autónoma de Chapingo, Centro Regional Universitario del Sureste, 80 m, 17°31’41’’ N, 92°55’52’’ W, 20 October 1991, S. Sierra 46 (FCME 4523!). Veracruz: Municipality of Coatzacoalcos, Allende, area of Coatzacoalcos, 16 m, 18°8’58’’ N, 94’22’39’’ W, 14 May 1955, G. Guzmán 70 (ENCB!); Municipality of Minatitlán, 14 km E of the lagoon road to Uxpanapa, then 7 km N on the road towards Belisario Domínguez, 10 m, 17°13’54’’ N, 94°24’08’’ W, 2 July 1987, R. Fernández 4005 (ENCB!); Municipality of Montepío, Estación Biológica de Los Tuxtlas, road Catemaco-Montepío, 400 m, 18°35’06’’ N, 95°04’26’’ W, 9 July 1972, G. Guzmán 10202–B (ENCB!); San Martín volcano, E slope of the Vaxin hill, area of Los Tuxtlas, 1900 m, 18°31’34’’ N, 95°10’22’’ W, 1977, G. Guzmán 10353 (ENCB!); Montepío, 30 m, 18°38’32’’ N, 95°5’35’’ W, 20 May 1969, T. Herrera s/n (ENCB!); 21 June 1969, T. Herrera (MEXU 6377!); 4 July 1969, without collector (MEXU! 6378); Balzapote, road from Catemaco to Montepío, 50 m, 18°36’56’’ N, 95°04’21’’ W, 1 November 1982, G. Rodríguez 1202 (ENCB!); Los Tuxtlas, 400 m, 18°35’06’’ N, 95°04’26’’ W, 24 October 1991, S. Sierra 59 (FCME 4546!); Municipality of San Andrés Tuxtla, near the lake of Catemaco, 370 m, 18°24’59’’ N, 95°7’17’’ W, 19 July 1962, B. Lowy 112 (MEXU 1292!); Estación Biológica Los Tuxtlas 156 m, 18°35’01’’ N, 95°04’30’’ W, 12 September 2006, L. Guzmán-Dávalos 10019 (IBUG!). Municipality of Totutla, El Mirador, 1000 m, 19°11’58’’ N, 96°58’51’’ W, 23 March 1972, F. Ventura 5446 (ENCB!); Municipality of Uxpanapa, S from Nº 2 settlement X– 66 trail in the Uxpanapa region, 90 m, 17°13’54’’ N, 94°37’30’’ W, 19 July 1976, G. Guzmán 15774 (ENCB!); La Laguna towards the Uxpanapa camp, 105 m, 17°15’51’’ N, 94°32’47’’ W, 15 July 1976, G. Guzmán 15821 (ENCB!); 2 km SW of Jilotepec, highway Xalapa to Naolinco, 2830 m, 19°36’07’’ N, 96°57’26’’ W, 16 October 1983, G. Guzmán 24164 (XAL!); between Orizaba and Fortín, 1000 m, 18°53’15’’ N, 97°2’20’’ W, 7 July 1972, G. Guzmán 10117 (ENCB!). Yucatán: Municipality of Mérida, Zona Arqueológica de Dzibilchaltún, 8 m, 21°5’29’’ N, 89°35’45’’ W, 18 November 1981, G. Guzmán 21214 (ENCB!).

Habit, habitat, and distribution:—Gregarious to fasciculate, on decaying wood, in Quercus forests, deciduous forests with Liquidambar , high-elevation evergreen forests, deciduous lowland forests, cloud forests, and coffee or cocoa plantations, at elevations from sea level to 2800 m, from February to November. Collected in Mexico in the states of Campeche, Chiapas, Jalisco, Morelos, Nayarit, Oaxaca, Puebla, Tabasco, Veracruz, and Yucatán.

Remarks:— Lowy (1971) described basidiospores of 12–15 × 5–6 µm; in the examined material some spores were up to 2 µm longer. Dacryopinax elegans is usually found in tropical zones; however, it may be present at higher elevations, such as cloud forests, which are typically present in humid and temperate regions ( Luna-Vega et al. 2007). This species has also been recorded in the states of Guerrero, Michoacán, Quintana Roo, and State of Mexico ( Castro-Santiuste et al. 2017).














Dacryopinax elegans (Berk. & M.A. Curtis 1849: 239) G.W. Martin (1948: 116)

Castro-Santiuste, Sandra, Sierra, Sigfrido, Guzmán-Dávalos, Laura, Cifuentes, Joaquín, Evans, Thomas, Martínez-González, César Ramiro, Sizzo, Hernán Alvarado- & Luna-Vega, Isolda 2020

Dacryopinax elegans (Berk. & M.A. Curtis 1849: 239) G.W. Martin (1948: 116)

Martin, G. W. 1948: )
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF