Dacryopinax, G. W. Martin, Lloydia, 1948

Castro-Santiuste, Sandra, Sierra, Sigfrido, Guzmán-Dávalos, Laura, Cifuentes, Joaquín, Evans, Thomas, Martínez-González, César Ramiro, Sizzo, Hernán Alvarado- & Luna-Vega, Isolda, 2020, Dacryopinax (Fungi: Dacrymycetales) in Mexico, Phytotaxa 446 (1), pp. 6-22 : 10

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.446.1.2

persistent identifier


treatment provided by


scientific name



Key for species of Dacryopinax View in CoL View at ENA present in Mexico

1a Basidiospores normally with one septum when mature..................................................................................................................... 2

1b Basidiospores normally with three septa when mature ...................................................................................................................... 3

2a Basidiomes yellow-orange; stipe with marginal hyphae.............................................................................................. D. spathularia View in CoL

2b Basidiomes salmon colored; stipe glabrous ...................................................................................................................... D. martinii View in CoL

3a Inflated vesicles or bulbous hyphae present in the context .................................................................................................... D. lowyi View in CoL

3b Inflated vesicles or bulbous hyphae absent in the context ................................................................................................. D. elegans View in CoL

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