Umbrageocoris maai timorensis, Kóbor, 2019

Kóbor, Péter, 2019, Contributions to the knowledge of Umbrageocoris (Heteroptera: Lygaeoidea: Geocoridae), Zootaxa 4652 (2), pp. 384-390 : 389-390

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4652.2.11

publication LSID

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scientific name

Umbrageocoris maai timorensis

subsp. nov.

Umbrageocoris maai timorensis new subspecies

( Figures 1C View FIGURE 1 , 5 View FIGURE 5 )

Material studied. Holotype: TIMOR (Portuguese): / Ermera, 1200-1500m / 29. XII. 1963 // J. Sedlacek / Collector / BISHOP (1 ♀, BPBM) ; Paratype: TIMOR (Portuguese): / Ermera, 1200–1500m / 29. XII. 1963 // J. Sedlacek / Collector / BISHOP (1 ♀, BPBM).

Description. COLOURATION: Head: vertex with extent blackish spot reaching from base of head to anterior part of eyestalks and middle of clypeus ( Fig. 1C View FIGURE 1 ). Eyes dark reddish, ocelli ochraceous. Antennal segment I ochraceous, II-III dark brownish, IV missing from studied specimen. Thorax. Pronotum with pattern similar to U. maai , extent of spots on posterior half smaller (compare Figs. 1B and 1C View FIGURE 1 ). Corium with rounded dark brownish spots at apical region surpassing the corium-membrane edge. Membrane medially infuscate. Hind femora ventrally infuscate. Abdomen. Connexival margins with more expressed ochraceous pattern than in U. maai maai .

STRUCTURE (only differences to U. maai maai denoted): Pronotum with wide, impunctate collar; besides the punctures surrounding pronotal callosities, posterior half is punctate medially, band-like. Trifurcate carina of scutellum only visible medially, apices interrupted by punctures.

MEASUREMENTS [holotype (paratype)]: total body length: 3.78 (3.70); head length: 0.48 (0.45); head width: 1.58 (1.55); ocellar distance: 0.50 (0.50); antennal segments: 0.18-0.43-0.35-0.50 (0.18-0.50-0.38-0.55); labial segments: 0.54-0.38-0.53-0.60 (0.50-0.40-0.50-0.58); pronotum length: 0.87 (0.88); pronotum width: 1.39 (1.40); scutellum length: 0.84 (0.85); scutellum width: 0.81 (0.80).

Diagnosis. The markings of the pronotum are less extensive as in U. maai maai . Pronotum anterior to callosities with only one row of punctures, posterior part with more extended impunctate regions and punctation forming a band of 3–4 complete line of punctures.

Remarks. The specimens belonging to this taxon are highly similar to U. maai . However, due to the clearly definable colouration and structural differences and limited distribution it is suggested to recognize them as repre- sentatives of a separate subspecies because they meet the criteria formulated in the author’s work on the applicability of subspecies concept in subfamily Geocorinae ( Kóbor et al. 2018) .

Etymology. The subspecies’ name was given respectively to the suggestions on the naming of subspecies formulated by the above cited study. The name “timorensis” refers to the place of origin, Timor, and the assumed endemic status.

Distribution. Specimens known to the author originated from Ermera, Timor (fig. 5).















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