Graminacaecilius micropterus, Schmidt & New, 2008

Schmidt, Evan R. & New, Timothy R., 2008, The Psocoptera (Insecta) of Tasmania, Australia, Memoirs of Museum Victoria 65, pp. 71-152 : 100

publication ID 10.24199/j.mmv.2008.65.7

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Felipe (2024-06-21 18:03:45, last updated 2024-06-21 21:55:08)

scientific name

Graminacaecilius micropterus

sp. nov.

Graminacaecilius micropterus View in CoL sp. nov.

Figures 75–84 View Figures 75-84

Material examined. Holotype: Tasmania, Jackeys Marsh (east), Carex appressa , 12 Nov 1986. Eleven nymphs, 20 and 22 paratypes: same data as holotype.

Description of male. Coloration (after ca six years in alcohol). Head testaceous except the following: brown ocellar tubercle; f 1 testaceous basally merging light brown apically, f 2 light brown basally merging dark brown apically, remaining segments dark brown; eyes black. Fore wing (fig. 75) and hind wing (fig. 76) hyaline. Thorax and legs testaceous. Abdomen creamy white.

Morphology. IO:D = 1.8. Eyes ovoid. Ocelli on raised tubercle. Antenna very long, basal segment slightly bent. Head and thorax glossy. Vertex flattened, elongate. Epicranial suture not distinct. Labrum: stylets as rudimentary spiculate bumps; internal sclerotisation present; distal sensilla 5 in total, row of 4 distinct sensilla on anterior margin of outer surface. Lacinia (fig. 77) apically narrow, rounded, preapically broader. Wings brachypterous.Fore wing(fig. 75): venation as in macropterous Caecilius , except apices of radial, medial and cubital veins not distinct; setae short, slanting distally, on veins and margin in a single rank; vein cu 2 glabrous. Hind wing (fig. 76) venation as in macropterous wing,except apices of radial veins not distinct; anal vein absent. Microtrichia obvious on the membranes of wings, particularly at apices. Meso- and meta-thorax not strongly developed. Epiproct (fig. 78). Paraproct (fig. 78) with ovoid field of about 11 trichobothria and small field of papillae. Hypandrium (fig. 79): simply rounded, each posterolateral margin with few strong setae; pair of large median preapical setae. Phallosome (fig. 80) relatively elongated and narrow.

Dimensions. B 1.9, FW 1.10, HW 0.85, F 0.59, T 0.86, t


0.245, t


0.118, rt 2.1:1, ct 0,0, f


0.608, f



Description of female. Coloration (after ca 6 years in alcohol). As male, except brown ocellar tubercle absent, antenna slightly paler than male.

Morphology. IO:D = 2.0.Median epicranial suture distinct. Ocelli present. Labrum and lacinia as male. Abdomen elongated and slender. Fore wing (fig. 81) reduced to small rudiment, with few setae and covered by microtrichia. Hind wing reduced to small bud. Epiproct semicircular, setose. Paraproct with round field of 8 trichobothria. Subgenital plate (fig. 82): apical median area covered by long setae; anteriorly diverging pigment bands faint and short; body of plate with two large preapical setae. Gonapophyses (fig. 83) with external valve remnant bearing a single seta. Spermatheca (fig. 84) with short glandular area (sac not present).

Dimensions. B 2.3, FW 0.25, F 0.50, T 0.77, t 1 0.182, t 2 0.118, rt 1.5:1, ct 0,0, f 1 0.434, f 2 0.332.

Etymology. Refers to the micropterous nature of known specimens.

Gallery Image

Figures 75-84. Graminacaecilius micropterus. Male: 75, fore wing; 76, hind wing; 77, lacinia; 78, epiproct and paraproct; 79, hypandrium; 80, phallosome. Female: 81, fore wing; 82, subgenital plate; 83, gonapophyses; 84, spermathecal duct. Figures 75, 76; 77-79; 80, 83, 84 and 81 and 82 to common scales.