Lophocoryza sechellensis Basilewsky, 1973

Balkenohl, Michael, 2001, Revision of the genus Lophocoryza Alluaud, 1941 with descriptions of three new species and one new subspecies (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Clivinini), Belgian Journal of Entomology 68, pp. 1-26 : 1-26

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.13272697

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scientific name

Lophocoryza sechellensis Basilewsky, 1973


Lophocoryza sechellensis Basilewsky, 1973 View in CoL

( Figs 4, 5 View Figs 1-8 , 12, 18, 24)

Lophocoryza sechellensis BASILEWSKY, 1973: 202 View in CoL (a);

Lophocoryza sechellensis, BASILEWSKY, 1973: 249 View in CoL (b);

Lophocoryza sechellensis Basilewsky, 1973 View in CoL , LORENZ, 2005: 148.

Lophocoryza sechellensis Basilewsky, 1973 View in CoL , BALKENOHL, 2017: 258.

TYPE MATERIAL. Holotype: ♂, with labels and data: white, handwritten “Ile Praslin Grande Anse IV 1972. A. Peyrieras ” / grey, printed “MUSEUM PARIS I. SÉCHELLES” / red, printed “ HOLOTYPE ” / white, handwritten with black ink and printed “ Lophocoryza sechellensis n.sp. P. Basilewsky det., 1972” ( MNHN).

Paratypes: 3♀♀ (one with damaged abdomen), 2 specimens, with labels and data: white, handwritten “Ile Praslin Grande Anse IV 1972. A. Peyrieras ” / grey, printed “MUSEUM PARIS I. SÉCHELLES” / red, printed “ PARATYPE ” / white, handwritten with black ink and printed “ Lophocoryza sechellensis n.sp. P. Basilewsky det., 1972” ( MNHN / CBB) ; 4 specimens, with labels and data: white, handwritten “Ile Praslin Grande Anse IV 1972. A. Peyrieras ” / grey, printed “MUSEUM PARIS I. SÉCHELLES” / red, printed “ PARATYPUS ” / white, handwritten with black ink and printed “ Lophocoryza sechellensis n.sp. P. Basilewsky det., 1972” / white, printed ”COLL. MUS. TERVUREN (ex. Muséum Paris) Coll. P. Basilewsky ” ( RMCA / CBB) .

ADDITIONAL MATERIAL. 1♂, Ile Praslin Grande Anse IV 1972. A. Peyrieras / MUSEUM PARIS I. SÉCHELLES ( MNHN) ; 1 specimen, Iles Séchelles Praslin : Grande Anse, à la lumière 1/ 24. VIII. 1972 / Coll Mus Tervuren Miss. zool. belge aux Séchelles – PLG Benoit et J.J Van Mol / separate label on separate pin, beige, black framed GENIT . ♂; remark: This separately pinned label obviously refers to a preparation slide which could not be located ( RMCA); 1♂, MADAGASCAR Ouest Soalala (plage) II.1973. A.Peyrieras / COLL. MUS. TERVUREN (ex. Muséum Paris) Coll. P. Basilewsky ” ( RMCA) ; 1 specimen, same data but second label Museum Paris ( CBB) .

DIAGNOSIS. A small sized species, with maximum width of the elytra at middle, with the pronotum vase-like shaped with lateral margin distinctly crenulated. The transverse costa at the neck is straight, the eyes are globose and projecting laterally, and the supraantennal plates are wide and attenuating straight anteriorly. Only the costae on the frons of the head show a darker colour. Distinguished from all other species by the five setigerous punctures on interval three of the elytron, and the disc of the pronotum is covered completely with small upright tubercles.


Measurements: Body length 2.77–3.13 mm (0 = 2.95 mm *), width 0.72–0.88 mm (0 = 0.82 mm *), ratio length/width of pronotum 0.77–0.84 (0 = 0.8*), ratio length/width of elytra 1.85–1.92 (0 = 1.88*); (*n = 15).

Colour: Opaque, flavus, lateral margins and front legs somewhat darker, costae on frons of the head and tip of mandible fuscous, antennae livens; supraantennal plates translucent.

Head: A fifth narrower than pronotum. Clypeus with short longitudinal costa at middle, with two projecting tubercles anteriorly, wings broad, irregularly meshed, each with a projecting tubercle, as advanced as tubercles of clypeus, separated from clypeus by a costa at each side, tubercles of clypeus and wings flattened on top; supraantennal plates wide, attenuating anteriorly, margins distinctly reflexed; supraantennal plates with conspicuous costae running from clypeal wing up to costa of neck constriction. Frons with six

13 conspicuously raised longitudinal costae, two of them running paramedian in parallel from neck to clypeus, with a second pair of costae running laterally to the central ones from the neck distinctly beyond mid-eye level, distinctly converging anteriorly and indistinctly adjoining the central costae, with a third shorter pair of costae situated laterally at anterior-eye level each in parallel to the costae of the supraantennal plates, distinctly interrupted posteriorly. Supraorbital setae located at posterior-eye and neck level. Neck composed of a transverse conspicuously raised nearly straight costa, at extremities joining with converging costae. Surface of head covered with distinct isodiametric reticulation. Eyes globose, projecting, raised more than 2x as high as supraantennal plates. Genae indistinct. Antenna relatively short, reaching up to basal setigerous puncture of pronotum, segments five to ten slightly longer than wide. Labrum slightly excised anteriorly, with transverse reticulation, seven-setose. Mandible moderately long, straight at middle part, arcuate nearly hook-like at apex, reflexed margined. Apical segment of maxillary palpomere elongate, securiform, pointed at apex, terminal segment of labial palpomere securiform to bottle like, slender apically. Lobes of mentum rounded off apically, laterally reflexed margined, distinctly separated from median tooth by deep notches, median tooth acute, reflexed margined, surface irregularly reticulated.

Pronotum ( Figs 4, 5 View Figs 1-8 , 12): Convex on disc (lateral view). Distinctly convex in frontal view. Outline in dorsal view like a bowl, wider than long. Lateral margin convex, with straight and converging part in anterior half. Anterior angle rounded off by reflexed lateral margin. Reflexed lateral margin distinctly crenulated. Lateral channel of moderate width from anterior angle to posterior angle. Anterior setigerous puncture situated in marginal channel, posterior puncture removed from channel by diameter of pore (with two anterior setigerous punctures on the right side in the holotype, see under variation). Posterior angle marked by a small tooth. Pleura somewhat swollen, just visible in dorsal view. Anterior margin slightly excised. Anterior transverse line wide, not reaching anterior angle, with conspicuous transverse and convexly raised carina between anterior margin and anterior transverse line, attenuating distinctly to middle, broadly interrupted at middle. Median line wide and valley-like for most of its length, joining with anterior transverse line and basal constriction, bilaterally with carina nearly up to base. Basal constriction of moderate size, flange with sharp carina. Disc covered with small upright tubercles, with fine carinae between the tubercles and irregular reticulation.

Elytra ( Figs 4, 5 View Figs 1-8 ): Slightly transversally depressed in anterior third (lateral view). Elongate, sides straight in anterior half, maximum width at middle. Base truncated nearly straight. Marginal channel moderately wide, running over rounded humerus up to level of fifth stria, series of umbilical setigerous punctures not interrupted. Reflexed margin subcrenulated. Humeral tooth small but distinct. Striole distinct, elongated. Basal tubercle with setigerous puncture distinct, situated at declivity of first stria, tubercle at declivity of interval three distinct. Striae one to four free at base, all striae deep, indistinctly crenulated. Intervals distinctly convex, carinate apically. Interval three with five setigerous punctures, all approaching stria three. Surface of intervals irregularly reticulated but shiny, transverse rugae indistinct.

Hind wings: Fully developed.

Ventral description: Proepisternum and prosternum with irregular reticulation, pleura somewhat swollen postero-laterally. Abdomen with irregular reticulation, first two sternite with indistinct isodiametric reticulation. Last five abdominal sternites with two rows of setae. Abdominal sternum with the two bigger marginal setae separated.


16 17 18 19

20 21 Figs 16-21. Lophocoryza spp. , male genitalia, dorsal view of aedeagus (a) and parameres (b, c), lateral view of aedeagus (d). 16. L. araticeps araticeps Fairmaire. 17. L. vadoni Alluaud. 18. L. sechellensis Basilewsky. 19. L. sciakyi sp. nov. 20. L. hanoti sp. nov. 21. L. deuvei sp. nov.


Legs: Profemur dorsally covered densely with transverse parallel wrinkles and isodiametric reticulation, ventrally with eight transverse carinae. Protibia with the three upper spines elongated, the basal one shorter and rounded off, surface with longitudinal reticulation, movable apical spur shorter than terminal spine, spur not sharp, spines obliquely truncated apically, basal tarsomere nearly as long as movable spur. Mesotibia without preapical spine, with four strong setae distally arising from tubercles.

Male genitalia (Fig. 18): Median lobe moderately slender, in dorsal view slightly arcuate in basal quarter, slightly distorted in lateral view, tip of apex small, stick-like, turned dorsally (arrow in Fig. 18 d). Oroficium elongated. Internal sac with group of bristles. Parameres broad, not much distorted, both of them with two long setae at apex.

Female genitalia (Fig. 24): Coxostyli small, hyaline, slender, flattened, bottle-like shaped, with three long nematiform setae in the middle part and with one minute pilus at tip of apex.

Variation: On the surface of the pronotum the fine carinae between the tubercles are more or less distinctly developed. The lateral margin of the elytra runs parallel in some specimens, in others the margin is slightly diverging, the margin of the elytron is smooth to subcrenulated among the different specimens. Some specimens show a minute tubercle at the declivity of the second interval of the elytron. The holotype exhibits two anterior setigerous punctures on the right side in the marginal channel of the pronotum.

DISTRIBUTION: Known from the Island of Praslin ( Seychelles) as well as from Soalala (West of Madagascar).

REMARKS: The record “ Oman ” ( BALKENOHL, 2017) is deleted for L. sechellensis . The specimen from Oman represents the new subspecies L. araticeps omanica ssp. nov.

Lophocoryza sciakyi sp. nov.


( Figs 6 View Figs 1-8 , 13, 19, 25)

ETYMOLOGY. The species is dedicated to Dr. Riccardo Sciaky, (Milan).

TYPE MATERIAL. Holotype: ♂, with labels and data: white, handwritten “ MADAGASCAR Ouest Soalala (plage) II.1973. A.Peyrieras ” / light blue, printed “Museum Paris” / white, printed “COLL. MUS. Tervuren (ex Muséum Paris)” ( RMCA).

Paratypes: 1♀, same data as holotype ( MNHN) ; 1♀, white, printed “ MADAGASCAR, S.W.: ca. 20 km S. di Tuléar, sulla strada per Saint-Augustin, costa rocciosa 17.V.1991 ” / white, printed “legit: L. BARTOLOZZI, S.TAITI, C.RAHARIMINA (n. Mag.1107)” ( CBB) .

DIAGNOSIS. A medium sized species, with maximum width of the elytra at middle, with pronotum square shaped and lateral margin slightly crenulated. The transverse costa at the neck is nearly straight, the eyes are of medium convexity, and the supraantennal plates are distinctly excised. One of the most distinguishing character is the oval dark macula at the middle of the elytra. Distinguished from all other species by the surface of the pronotum which is meshed with flattened isodiametric reticulation. Moreover the aedeagus is stout with the apex stick like and bent dorsally. By contrast to the other species the female coxostylus exhibits two apical pili.


Measurements: Body length 2.78 / 2.82 / 3.17 mm, width 0.78 / 0.78 / 0.86 mm, ratio length/width of pronotum 0.86 / 0.87 / 0.84, ratio length/width of elytra 1.92 / 1.89 / 1.90.

Colour: Opaque, flavus, lateral margins darker, costae on frons of the head, wings of clypeus, and mandible fuscous, elytra with oval dark macula at middle and indistinct

16 triangular dark macula at base, antennae pale livens; supraantennal plates and teeth of pronotum translucent.

Head: A fifth narrower than pronotum. Clypeus with short longitudinal costa at middle, with two projecting tubercles anteriorly, wings broad, isodiametrically meshed, with projecting tooth-like tubercle each, slightly more advanced than tubercles of clypeus, separated from clypeus by a costa at each side, tubercles of clypeus convex on top, those of wings somewhat flattened; supraantennal plates moderately wide, attenuating anteriorly, distinctly excised laterally, margins distinctly reflexed margined; supraantennal plates with conspicuous costae running from clypeal wing up to mid-eye level. Frons with six conspicuously raised longitudinal costae, two of them running paramedian from neck to clypeus and slightly diverging posteriorly, with a second pair of costae running laterally to the central costae from the neck almost reaching anterior of eye, distinctly converging anteriorly, with a third shorter pair of costae situated laterally parallel to supraantennal plates each distinctly interrupted posteriorly. Supraorbital setae located at mid-eye and neck level. Neck composed of a transverse nearly straight costa, broadly interrupted from other costae. Surface of head covered with distinct isodiametric reticulation. Eyes convex, laterally projecting somewhat higher as supraantennal plates, oval in lateral view. Genae indistinct. Antenna of moderate length, reaching over basal setigerous puncture of pronotum, segments five to ten distinctly longer than wide. Labrum slightly excised anteriorly, with transverse reticulation, seven-setose. Mandible moderately long, straight at middle part, arcuate at apex, reflexed margined. Apical segment of maxillary palpomere moderately elongated, securiform, pointed at apex, terminal segment of labial palpomere securiform to bottle like, slender apically. Lobes of mentum laterally and centrally with a small sharp tooth, laterally reflexed margined, median tooth acute, surface irregularly reticulated.

Pronotum ( Figs 6 View Figs 1-8 , 13): Slightly convex on disc (lateral view). Distinctly convex in frontal view. Outline in dorsal view square cup-like, wider than long. Lateral margin convex but with straight parallel part in anterior half. Anterior angle rounded off by reflexed lateral margin. Reflexed lateral margin slightly crenulated. Lateral channel wider at anterior setigerous puncture. Anterior setigerous puncture situated in marginal channel, posterior puncture removed from channel by distance of nearly two diameters of pore. Posterior angle marked by a small tooth. Pleura somewhat swollen but not visible in dorsal view. Anterior margin regularly excised. Anterior transverse line wide, not reaching anterior angle, with transverse and convexly raised carina between anterior margin and anterior transverse line, not interrupted at middle. Median line relatively narrow, joining with anterior transverse line and basal constriction, bilaterally with small carina up to basal inclination. Basal constriction of moderate size, flange with sharp carina. Disc smooth, covered with distinct isodiametric reticulation, with fine transverse wrinkles laterally.

Elytra ( Fig. 6 View Figs 1-8 ): Slightly transversally depressed in anterior third (lateral view). Elongate, sides straight in anterior half, parallel, maximum width at middle. Base truncated, nearly straight. Marginal channel moderately wide, running over rounded humerus up to level of fifth stria, series of umbilical setigerous punctures not interrupted. Reflexed margin smooth. Humeral tooth small but distinct. Striole distinct, elongated. Basal tubercle with setigerous puncture distinct, situated at declivity of first stria, tubercle at declivity of interval three distinct. Striae one to four free at base, all striae deep, indistinctly crenulated. Intervals distinctly convex, carinate apically. Interval three with four setigerous punctures, all approaching stria three. Surface of intervals irregularly reticulated but shiny.

Hind wings: Fully developed.

Ventral description: Proepisternum with irregular reticulation, pleura slightly swollen postero-laterally. Prosternum with irregular reticulation, shiny. Abdomen irregularly reticulated, shiny, laterally with isodiametric reticulation. Last five abdominal sternites with

17 two rows of setae, with transverse to isodiametric reticulation laterally. Abdominal sternum with the two bigger marginal setae separated.

Legs: Profemur dorsally covered with transverse rugae and indistinct irregular reticulation, with six indistinct transverse carinae ventrally. Protibia with the three upper spines elongated, the basal one short, rounded off, surface with irregular reticulation, movable apical spur shorter than terminal spine, spur somewhat sharpened, spines obliquely truncated apically, basal tarsomere nearly as long as movable spur. Mesotibia without preapical spine, with four strong and one small setae distally arising from tubercles.

Male genitalia (Fig. 19): Median lobe stout, moderately arcuate in dorsal view, slightly more curved towards apex, slightly distorted in lateral view at apex, tip of apex stick-like rounded (arrow in Fig. 19 d). Oroficium of moderate size. Internal sac at middle with group of four small teeth, strongly folded apically. Parameres slender, hardly distorted, each with two setae of moderate length at apex.

Female genitalia (Fig. 25): Coxostyli hyaline, slender, flattened, distorted, bottle-like shaped in dorsal view, with three long nematiform setae, two in the middle part and one located more basally, with two minute pili at tip of apex

Variation: The transverse costa at the neck constriction is slightly convex in one of the paratypes. On the disc of the pronotum the isodiametric reticulation is not completely reaching the median line but leaving a shiny space between the disc and the median line In the holotype, the transverse and convexly raised carina between the anterior margin and anterior transverse line of the pronotum exhibits an indistinct interruption at middle.

DISTRIBUTION: Recorded from the beach of Soalala (North West of Madagascar) and from the rocky coast of Tuléar near Saint-Augustin (South West of Madagascar).

Lophocoryza hanoti sp. nov.


( Figs 7 View Figs 1-8 , 14, 20, 26)

ETYMOLOGY. The species is dedicated to Stéphane Hanot (Collection Manager, RMCA) who focussed my interest on this exciting genus.

TYPE MATERIAL. Holotype: ♂, with labels and data “ MADAGASCAR: TAM Foulpointe ii.1994, plage lumière A.PAULY col” / white, printed “ Coll. Mus. Tervuren ” ( RMCA).

Paratypes: 4♂, same data as holotype ( RMCA / CBB) ; 1♂, immature, with labels and data white, printed “Tuléar St. Augustin III-56 A.R” / pale grey, printed “INSTITUT SCIENTIFIQUE MADAGASCAR ” ( MNHN); 1♀, white, printed “MADAGASKAR Tollara o. Saint Augustin env. 13.- 18.2.1995 Ivo Jeniš leg.” ( CBP) ; 1♂, white, printed “COLL. MUS. TERVUREN Madagascar: Maroantsetra I.1962 J. Vadon” / “beige, printed and handwritten, black framed “ Genit . ♂ 71.265.2” / separate slide with labels: white, printed and handwritten “COLL. MUS. TERVUREN Lophocoryza vadoni All. ♂ 71.265.2” / “COLL. MUS. TERVUREN Madagascar: Maroantsetra euparal”. The euparal preparation is completely broken in many fragments and there is no object embedded ( RMCA) ; 1♀, same data as before but without separate genital preparation ( CBB) ; 1 specimen,white, printed “COLL. MUS. TERVUREN Madagascar: Maroantsetra I.1962 J. Vadon” / white, handwritten “sexe”? - four tarsalia of right hind leg and one front leg missing, last abdominal sternite and content of hind body missing ( RMCA); 1♂, white, handwritten “ Maroantsetra (lumière) J. Vadon. ” / grey blue, printed “INSTITUT SCIENTIFIQUE MADAGASCAR ”; - damaged specimen ( MNHN) ; 1♂, grey blue, printed and handwritten “ MADAGASCAR MAROANTSETRA J. Vadon 23.II.1952 ” / grey blue, handwritten “à la lumière” – damaged specimen ( CBB) ; 1♂, 1♀, 22 specimens, white, printed “S.Afr:E Cape Nahoon estuary 32.59 S – 27.57 E ” / white, printed “ 23.11.1992 leg. M.Bursey ” ( MNHP / CBB) GoogleMaps .


Remark: In the holotype the tarsalia of the right middle leg are missing.

DIAGNOSIS. A medium sized species, with maximum width of the elytra at middle, with pronotum in dorsal view cup-like shaped and lateral margin nearly straight. The transverse costa at the neck is almost straight and slightly adjoining the other costae. The lateral margins of the supraantennal plates are straight. The surface of the pronotum is covered evenly with rough coreaceate-like sculptures. In this species the subglobose eyes are as high as the supraorbital plates. More distinguishing characters to the other species within the genus are the lateral margin of the pronotum which exhibits a straight part directly anterior to midpoint but is contracted to the anterior angles in anterior quarter. Moreover the aedeagus is slender in dorsal view and nearly right-angled arcuate at middle, the apical part is elongated with the tip of apex turned dorsally in lateral view.


Measurements: Body length 3.15–3.61 mm (0 = 3.31 mm *), width 0.91–1.02 mm (0 = 0.96 mm *), ratio length/width of pronotum 0.79–0.84 (0 = 0.81*), ratio length/width of elytra 1.73–1.94 (0 = 1.88*); (*n = 12).

Colour: Head opaque, costae on frons of the head glossy; pronotum glossy, body and legs shiny. Elytra, middle and hind legs testaceous. Elytra with triangular dark macula at base. Pronotum and front legs darker. Lateral margins of pronotum somewhat translucent, costae on frons and mandible fuscous, antennae flavus.

Head: A fifth narrower than pronotum. Clypeus with short longitudinal costa at middle, with two projecting tubercles anteriorly, wings broad, its surface isodiametric reticulated, with a projecting tubercle each, nearly as advanced as tubercles of clypeus, separated from clypeus by a costa at each side, tubercles of clypeus convex on top, those of wings flattened on top; supraantennal plates wide, laterally straight, margins distinctly reflexed margined; supraantennal plates with conspicuous costae running from clypeal wings nearly to posterior eye level. Frons with six conspicuously raised longitudinal costae, two of them running paramedian in parallel from neck to clypeus, slightly diverging posteriorly, with a second pair of costae running laterally to the central ones from the neck to anterior eye level, distinctly converging anteriorly, not adjoining the central costae, with a third shorter pair of costae located laterally at anterior-eye level each in parallel to the costae of the supraantennal plates, interrupted posteriorly. Supraorbital setae located at mid-eye and posterior-eye level. Neck composed of a transverse conspicuously raised straight costa, slightly adjoining other costae. Surface of head covered with distinct isodiametric reticulation, fields of meshes distinctly convex. Eyes subglobose, as high as supraantennal plates. Genae indistinct. Antenna subelongate, reaching nearly up to basal constriction of pronotum, segments five to ten distinctly longer than wide. Labrum slightly excised, with transverse reticulation, seven-setose. Mandible moderately long, straight at middle part, arcuate nearly hook-like at apex, reflexed margined. Apical segment of maxillary palpomere elongate, securiform, pointed at apex, terminal segment of labial palpomere bottle like, slender apically. Mentum with lateral lobes bidentate, surface with longitudinal rugae, tooth between lobes at same level as dents of lateral lobes.

Pronotum ( Figs 7 View Figs 1-8 , 14): Planate to slightly convex on anterior half of disc (lateral view). Distinctly convex in frontal view. Outline square, in lateral view cup-like, wider than long. Lateral margin straight in anterior half, slightly converging. Anterior angle moderately rounded off by reflexed lateral margin. Reflexed lateral margin almost smooth (slight undulation at 120 times). Lateral channel moderately narrow, as wide as two times the width of reflexed lateral margin. Anterior setigerous puncture situated in marginal channel, posterior puncture removed from channel by diameter of pore. Posterior angle marked by a small tooth.

19 Pleura just visible in dorsal view. Anterior margin slightly excised. Anterior transverse line wide, not reaching anterior angles, with conspicuous transverse carina between anterior margin and anterior transverse line, distinctly interrupted at middle. Median line wide, valley-like, joining with anterior transverse line and basal constriction, bilaterally with carina in most of length. Basal constriction of moderate size, flange with sharp carina. Disc shiny, with smaller coreaceate-like meshes, lines of meshes often transverse (variable), fields between meshes convex.

Elytra ( Fig. 7 View Figs 1-8 ): Slightly transversally depressed in anterior third (lateral view). Elongate, sides straight at middle, maximum width at middle. Base truncated, nearly straight. Marginal channel moderately wide, running over rounded humerus up to level of fifth stria, series of umbilical setigerous punctures not interrupted. Reflexed margin smooth. Humeral tooth distinct. Striole distinct, elongated. Basal tubercle with setigerous puncture distinct, situated at declivity of first stria, tubercle at declivity of interval three distinct. Striae one to four free at base, all striae deep, indistinctly punctuate-striate. Intervals distinctly convex, carinate apically. Interval three with four setigerous punctures, all approaching stria three. Surface of intervals glossy, with minute transverse rugae, striae irregularly reticulated.

Hind wings: Fully developed.

Ventral description: Proepisternum with transverse wrinkles, pleura somewhat swollen postero-laterally. Prosternum smooth, glossy. Abdomen smooth, shiny, laterally with isodiametric reticulation. Last five abdominal sternites with two rows of setae. Abdominal sternum with the two bigger marginal setae separated.

Legs: Profemur dorsally covered densely with transverse parallel wrinkles and irregular reticulation, ventrally with nine transverse carinae. Protibia with the three upper spines elongated, the basal one shorter and rounded off, surface with longitudinal reticulation, movable apical spur distinctly shorter than terminal spine, spur and spines rounded apically, basal tarsomere nearly as long as tarsomeres two to five together. Mesotibia without preapical spine, with four strong setae distally arising from tubercles.

Male genitalia (Fig. 20): Median lobe slender, elongated, in dorsal view nearly right-angled arcuate at middle, apical part elongated, tip of apex turned dorsally (arrow in Fig. 20). Oroficium of moderate size. Internal sac with few teeth and a bunch of bristles. Parameres medium sized, hardly distorted, the dorsal one stepped at apex, both of them with two distinctly separated long setae at apex.

Female genitalia (Fig. 26): Coxostyli hyaline, slender, flattened, boomerang-shaped, with three long nematiform setae in the middle part and with one minute pilus at tip of apex.

Variation: The triangular dark macula at base of the elytra is in a few specimens not sharply marked. The lateral margin of the pronotum shows in some specimens a slight contraction at level of the anterior setigerous puncture. Some specimens from Maroantsetra exhibit slightly more convex eyes and the aedeagi are slightly more slender in the apical half as in the other populations. Moreover the wrinkles in the coreaceate pattern on the pronotum seems to be more equalized.

DISTRIBUTION: Found in Madagascar at the beach at the following localities: Maroantsetra and Foulpointe (both localities located in the North east of Madagascar) and Toliara (Tuléar) near Saint Augustin (South West of Madagascar).


220 23 24

250 26270 Figs 22-27. Lophocoryza spp. , female coxostyli. 22. L. araticeps omanica ssp. nov. 23. L. vadoni Alluaud. 24. L. sechellensis Basilewsky. 25. L. sciakyi sp. nov. 26. L. hanoti sp. nov. 27. L. deuvei sp. nov.


Lophocoryza deuvei sp. nov.


( Figs 8 View Figs 1-8 , 15, 21, 27)

ETYMOLOGY. The species is dedicated to Dr. Thierry Deuve (MNHN) who supported this contribution considerably.

TYPE MATERIAL. Holotype: ♂, with labels and data: white, handwritten “ MADAGASCAR Ouest Soalala (plage) II.1973. A. Peyrieras ” / “white, printed “Museum Paris” / white, handwritten and printed “ Lophocoryza sechellensis Basilew. P. Basilewsky det. 1973” ( MNHN)

Paratype: 1♀, with labels and data: white, handwritten “ MADAGASCAR Ouest Soalala (plage) II. 1973. A. Peyrieras ” / white, printed COLL. MUS. TERVUREN (ex. Museum Paris) Coll. P. Basilewsky ” ( RMCA) .

Remark: In the holotype the apical part of the right middle tibia and the tarsalia are missing as well as the terminal tarsus of the right hind leg.

DIAGNOSIS. A medium sized species, with elongated elytra having the maximum width at middle. The transverse costa at the neck is slightly convex and adjoining the other costae. The lateral margins of the supraantennal plates are nearly straight. The surface of the pronotum is covered with small but deep wrinkles of a coreaceate-like structure, the fields between the wrinkles are distinctly convex. The eyes are subglobose and not as high as the supraantennal plates. Distinguished from the other species by the square pronotum with straight but slightly converging and subcrenulated lateral margin which is contracted to the anterior angles only at the tip. Moreover the aedeagus is slender and elongated, is in dorsal view distinctly but obtusely angled arcuate at middle, the apical part is elongated, and the tip of the apex is shaped like half of a spoon with smooth margin. The dorsal paramere exhibits three long setae at apex.


Measurements: Body length 3.00 / 3.01 mm, width 0.81 / 0.82 mm, ratio length/width of pronotum 0.88 / 0.88, ratio length/width of elytra 1.95 / 1.96.

Colour: Head opaque, costae on frons glossy; pronotum, body and legs shiny. Elytra, middle and hind legs testaceous. Elytra with dark indistinct triangular macula at base. Pronotum and prolegs fuscous. Lateral margins of pronotum and supraantennal plates somewhat translucent, costae on frons and mandible fuscus, antennae flavus.

Head: A fifth narrower than pronotum. Clypeus with short longitudinal costa at middle, with two projecting tubercles anteriorly, wings broad, its surface isodiametric reticulated, each with a projecting tubercle, as advanced as tubercles of clypeus, separated from clypeus by a costa at each side, tubercles of clypeus convex on top, those of wings flattened on top; supraantennal plates wide, laterally nearly straight, margins distinctly reflexed margined; supraantennal plates with conspicuous costae running from clypeal wings to posterior quarter of eye. Frons with six conspicuously raised longitudinal costae, two of them running paramedian in parallel from neck to clypeus, converging anteriorly, with a second pair of costae running laterally to the central ones from the neck to anterior eye level, distinctly converging anteriorly, not adjoining the central costae, with a third short pair of costae located laterally at anterior-eye level each in parallel to the costae of the supraantennal plates, interrupted posteriorly. Supraorbital setae located at mid-eye and gena level. Neck composed of a transverse conspicuously raised slightly convex costa, slightly adjoining other costae at extremities. Surface of head covered with distinct isodiametric reticulation, fields of meshes distinctly convex. Eyes subglobose, not as high as supraantennal plates. Genae indistinct.

22 Antenna subelongate, reaching distinctly over posterior setigerous puncture of pronotum, segments five to ten distinctly longer than wide. Labrum slightly excised, with transverse reticulation, seven-setose. Mandible moderately long, straight at middle part, acute and arcuate nearly hook-like at apex, reflexed margined. Apical segment of maxillary palpomere elongate, securiform, pointed at apex, terminal segment of labial palpomere bottle like, slender apically. Mentum with lateral lobes bidentate, lateral teeth acute, projecting anteriorly, moderately excised between teeth, surface with irregular rugae, central tooth between lobes not as projecting as lateral teeth.

Pronotum ( Figs 8 View Figs 1-8 , 15): Planate to slightly convex on anterior half of disc (lateral view). Distinctly convex in frontal view. Outline square, wider than long. Lateral margin straight in anterior half, converging, contracted to anterior angle. Anterior angle rounded off by reflexed lateral margin. Reflexed lateral margin subcrenulated. Lateral channel moderately narrow, as wide as two times the width of reflexed lateral margin. Anterior setigerous puncture situated in marginal channel, posterior puncture removed from channel by two times the diameter of puncture. Posterior angle marked by a small tooth. Pleura visible in dorsal view. Anterior margin slightly excised. Anterior transverse line wide, not reaching anterior angles, with conspicuous transverse carina between anterior margin and anterior transverse line, distinctly interrupted at middle. Median line wide, valley-like, joining with anterior transverse line and basal constriction, bilaterally with distinct carina in anterior two thirds. Basal constriction of moderate size, flange with sharp carina. Disc shiny, with small but deep wrinkles of coreaceate-like structure, fields between wrinkles distinctly convex, lines of meshes more transverse towards base, fields between meshes convex.

Elytra ( Fig. 8 View Figs 1-8 ): Slightly transversally depressed in anterior third (lateral view). Elongate, sides nearly straight at middle, maximum width at middle. Base truncated nearly straight. Marginal channel moderately wide, running over rounded humerus up to level of fifth stria, series of umbilical setigerous punctures not interrupted. Reflexed margin smooth. Humeral tooth distinct. Striole distinct, elongated. Basal tubercle with setigerous puncture distinct, situated at declivity of first stria, tubercle at declivity of interval three distinct. Striae one to four free at base, all striae deep, indistinctly punctuate-striate. Intervals distinctly convex, carinate apically. Interval three with four setigerous punctures, all approaching stria three. Surface of intervals shiny.

Hind wings: Fully developed.

Ventral description: Proepisternum with dense transverse wrinkles, pleura somewhat swollen postero-laterally. Prosternum smooth, glossy. Abdomen smooth, shiny, laterally with isodiametric reticulation. Last five abdominal sternites with two rows of setae. Abdominal sternum with the two bigger marginal setae separated.

Legs: Profemur dorsally covered densely with transverse parallel wrinkles and irregular reticulation, ventrally with nine transverse carinae. Protibia with the three upper spines elongated, the basal one shorter and rounded off, surface with longitudinal reticulation, movable apical spur distinctly shorter than terminal spine, spur and spines rounded apically, basal tarsomere nearly as long as tarsomeres two to five together. Mesotibia without preapical spine, with four strong setae distally arising from tubercles.

Male genitalia (Fig. 21): Median lobe slender, elongated, in dorsal view distinctly but obtusely angled arcuate at middle, apical part elongated, tip of apex shaped like half of a spoon, with smooth margin. Oroficium of moderate size. Internal sac with a bunch of dense bristles preapically. Parameres medium sized, not much distorted, ventral one with two and dorsal one with three long setae at apex.

Female genitalia (Fig. 27): Coxostyli hyaline, slender, flattened, bottle-like shaped in apical half, with stepped tip of apex, with two moderately long nematiform setae in the middle part and one elongated nematiform setae towards apex, with one minute pilus at tip of apex.


Variation: The hind body of the paratype (female) is slightly more slender. The dark macula at base of the elytra is more distinct in the paratype.

DISTRIBUTION: Found at the beach of Soalala which is located in the North-East of Madagascar.


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle


Royal Museum for Central Africa


Princeton University














Lophocoryza sechellensis Basilewsky, 1973

Balkenohl, Michael 2001

Lophocoryza sechellensis Basilewsky, 1973

BALKENOHL M. 2017: 258

Lophocoryza sechellensis Basilewsky, 1973

LORENZ W. 2005: 148
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