Setositibiella secunda, Papp, László, 2017

Papp, László, 2017, Twenty New Species Of Fifteen Genera Of The Afrotropical Sphaeroceridae (Diptera), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 63 (4), pp. 377-427 : 418-420

publication ID 10.17109/AZH.63.4.377.2017

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scientific name

Setositibiella secunda

sp. nov.

Setositibiella secunda View in CoL sp. n.

( Figs 152–159)

Holotype ( BMSA): male, Malaisetraps, Circumguineanforest, BURUNDI: Bururi Prov., Réserve Naturelle Forestière de Kigwena , 04° 05.949’S, 29° 30.455’E, 17–20.xi. 2010, 810m, A. H. Kirk- Spriggs – [blue] EntomologyDept. NationalMuseum, P.O.Box 266, Bloemfontein 9300, South Africa – BMSA (D) 24401. GoogleMaps

Size (in mm): body length 2.36 (holotype), wing length 2.14; wing width 0.97.

Description. Male. Black, onlymidandhindtarsiblackish. Scutumandscutellum granulated, sub-shiny. Scutellum very large. Width of head 0.65 mm, width of thorax 0.69 mm, width of scutellum 0.48 mm, length of scutellum 0.30 mm. Frons short and broad, twicewiderthanlong. Facialplate (prefrons) shiny, ashallowconcavegroovebelowantenna. Three pairs of medium-long interfrontals, anterior fronto-orbital thin, short lateroclinate, slightlyproclinate, posteriorpairstrong (0.23 mm). Allocellar, outerandinner verticalsetaestrong. Postocellarsminute, occi weak, swellseparatefromeachother. Both outerandinneroccipitalsetaethin, only 1/3 aslongasverticals. Scapeandpedicelyellow, firstflagellomeredarkgrey. Eyelarge, genanarrow, 0.05 mmbroadbeloweye, vibrissa long, 0.23 mm. Setaeonpedicelparticularlystrong, dorsalsubapicalsetaof 0.12 mm. First flagellomere about twice higher than long, arista extremely long, 1.00 mm with 0.03 mm longcilia. Longestciliaonfirstflagellomere 0.04 mm. Onepostpronotal, twonotopleurals (posteriorpaironaconicaltuberance), 1 verylonglateralpost-alar, 1 shortpost-alarat intra- alarline, twopairsofstrongdorsocentrals. Scutellarsstrong, apicalpairof 0.42 mm. Wingcomparativelyshort, rounded. Membranelightbrown, costalareadarker, veins ochre. Veinsratherthick (radials 0.015 mm), setulaeonmembranelong. Costalveinoverruns/surpasses apex of R 4+5 by 0.03–0.04 mm. Cs2 0.69 mm, Cs3 0.53, costal index, 1.29. M 1+2 not reaching wing margin, RM-MM 0.18 mm, M-M cross- vein 0.11 mm. Discal cell without appendagesofMveins. Alulasmall, verynarrowwithlong (0.05 mm) ciliaapicallyand medially. Midtibialarmaturestrong, ventrallywithseverallongsetaeof 0.15–0.18 mm, plusarowofshortthickblackthornletsventrally. Maleventro-apicalseta, 0.08 mmlong. Antero-dorsal setae at 20/46, 38/46 (both very long, 0.18 mm) and at 14/46, postero-dorsals at 25/46, 36/46, a short dorsal at 33/46. Hind tibia with a 0.42 mm long dorsal preapical seta. Clawsnormal. Maleabdominalsternites 3 to 5 verycharacteristic ( Fig. 152): sternite 3 long, with two pairs of strong setae. Sternite 4 on a smaller medial part, sternite 5 on a largemedio-caudalpartbearingalesssclerotisedandmelanisedareaeach. Medio-caudal partofsternite 5 withasmallsclerotisedstructureofseveralsmalllamellaebetterseen in higher magnification. Ventral part of epandrium ( Fig. 153) with cerci fused sagittally whichbear 4 pairsoflongthickblackthorns; cercuswithoutventralprocess. Subepandrial scleritedefinitelyhigh. Hypandrium ( Fig. 154) robust, withslightlyasymmetricalarms andanasymmetricalrightwardscurvedmedialappendage. Surstylus ( Figs 155–156) with caudalloberathernarrow, bare, mediallobeshort, apicallobebroaderandshorter. Phal- lapodeme ( Fig. 159) small, basiphallusshorter, distiphallusdifferentlyshaped. Postgonite ( Figs 157–158) with a caudal lobe on apical third, apex broadened, curvature on apical third (in anterior/caudal view) much stronger.

Etymology. ThespecificepithetofthisnewspeciesisfromtheLatinname‘secundus’

(second), referring to the fact, that this is the second known species of the genus.

Comments. S. secunda sp. n. is actually differing from the type species of the genus by the details of the male genitalia as demonstrated in the description above. The mid tibial armature as strong as in S. terrestris. Sternite 3 about twice longer than in S. terrestris and it bears not 1 but 2 pairs of strong setae (cf. PAPP 2008 a: fig. 287). The medio-caudal part of sternite 5 with a small sclerotised structure very different from that of S. terrestris, cf. PAPP 2008 a: fig. 286). The cercus without a ventral process is similar to S. terrestris. The subepandrialscleritedefinitelyhigherthanthatof S. terrestris ( PAPP 2008 a: fig. 290). The shape of the surstylus of S. secunda is very different from the surstylus of S. terrestris ( PAPP 2008 a: figs 293–294). The phallapodeme ( Fig. 159) much smaller than in S. terrestris ( PAPP 2008 a: fig. 291). The postgonite differs from that of S. terrestris ( PAPP 2008 a: figs 291–292) in details: it has a caudal, notananteriorlobeatdistalthird.


National Museum Bloemfontein

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