Spelobia foldvarii, Papp, László, 2017

Papp, László, 2017, Twenty New Species Of Fifteen Genera Of The Afrotropical Sphaeroceridae (Diptera), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 63 (4), pp. 377-427 : 420-422

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.17109/AZH.63.4.377.2017

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scientific name

Spelobia foldvarii

sp. nov.

Spelobia foldvarii View in CoL sp. n.

(Figs 160–165)

Holotype ( HNHM): male, TANZANIA: Morogororegion , MikumiNationalPark, Mikumi Tented Camp – Netting over excrement of elephant, Feb 1, 1987, leg. S. Mahunka – T. Pócs – A. Zicsi, No. 8.

Paratypes ( HNHM): 10 males (2 maleswithgen. prep.) 2 females : samelabelsasfor theholotype.

Size (inmm): bodylength 1.92 (holotype), 1.82–1.96 (paratypes); winglength 1.93 (holotype), 1.76–1.95 (paratypes); wingwidth 0.86 (holotype), 0.82–0.94 (paratypes).

Description. Head. 3–4 strong interfrontals (differing on both sides of same specimens, includingholotype), 1 shortinterfrontalsetajustabovelunule. Numerousorbital setulae on anterior 3/5 of orbits. Two upper orbitals, outer and inner vertical pairs strong andthick, outerandinneroccipitalsstrongandthick, ca. 0.15 mmlong, postocellarpair Figs 160–165. Spelobia foldvarii sp. n., male postabdomen and genitalia. 160 = sternite 5, ventralview (outset: caudalpartinhighmagnification), 161 = subepandrialscleritewiththe cercalpartofepandrium, anteriorview, 162 = hypandrium, ventralview, 163 = basiphal- lus, lateralview, 164 = surstylus, inbroadest (sublateral) view, 165 = postgonitewithphal-

lapodeme, lateral view. Scale bar: 0.2 mm for Fig 160, 0.1 mm for the rest weaker. Aristawithlong, 0.025–0.03 mmcilia, apicalciliaonfirstflagellomere, 0.025 mm long. Presuturalacrostichalsatmost 0.10 mm (brokenmostofthetypespecimens); two pairsofstrongdorsocentrals, acrostichalsinca. 10 irregularrowsanteriorly; onlytwopairs ofscutellars, noadditionalsetulaeonscutellum. Asinglestrong (0.20–0.22 mmlong) pos- teriorkatepisternmalseta, oneshort 0.045–0.05 mmanteriorkatepisternalpresent. Anteriorfemurofmalesimple. Antero-dorsalsetaeonmidtibiaat 12/49 (short), 18/49 (strong), 31/49 (medium-long), 36/49 (strong), 44/49 (medium); a long rather dorsal seta at 40/49; postero-dorsalsetaeat 14/49 (weak), 22/49 (weak), 40/49 (strong). Astrongmedio-ventral setaat 29/49. Foretarsiblackandstrongly, flattened. Midtarsiblack, notparticularlymodified, 0.30–0.31 mm, withmedium-longanteroventralandposteroventralrowsofsetaeof similarlength. Hindtarsidark, extremelyflattened. Clawsthin. Wingmembranelight brown, veins ochre or light brown. Second costal section 0.63 mm, third section 0.54 mm, RM-MM section of M 1+2 0.25 mm, M-M cross- vein 0.12 mm. Alula narrow, only 0.07–0.08 mm wide. Male sternite 5 (Fig. 160) rather long, with a limited number of long setae. Sternite 5 medio-caudallywithnumerousshortblackpegsinfourrowsatoutsetofcaudal part in high magnification. Cercal part of epandrium without any cercal projection (Fig. 161). Subepandrialscleriteventrallyalignedwithventraledgeofcercalpartofepandrium (Fig. 161). Hypandrium (Fig. 162) withextremelybroadmedialpart. Basiphallus (Fig. 163) stronglynarrowedventrally. Surstylus (Fig. 164) uniqueforitslongsetaeandhairyapex; ventral thorn on a conical protuberance. Phallapodeme without a dorsal ridge. Postgonite (Fig. 165) wider on basal half.

Etymology. ThisspeciesisnamedtothehonourofDr. MihályFöldvári, whowas my partner on several exotic expeditions, and contributed much to the Collection of the HungarianNaturalHistoryMuseum.

Comments. Spelobiafoldvarii sp. n. keysintocouplet 13 inRohÁčeK’s (1983) keytotheEuropeanspeciesof Spelobia . However, noEuropeanspecies seems to be directly related to S. foldvarii sp. n. The four rows of pegs on the medio-caudalpartofmalesternite 5 ischaracteristic, althoughe.g. S. palmata or S. simplicipes have more than 2 rows of pegs there. The basiphallus of the newspeciesisstronglynarrowedventrallyinprofile, auniquecharacterin Spelobia . Theshapeandarmatureofthesurstylusalonewouldbeenoughto recognize this species. The thoracic chaetotaxy of S. foldvarii is as in the other species of Spelobia . In S. foldvarii the postgonite is much wider on basal half thanintheEuropeanspecies.


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics













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