Terrilimosina improvisa, Papp, László, 2017

Papp, László, 2017, Twenty New Species Of Fifteen Genera Of The Afrotropical Sphaeroceridae (Diptera), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 63 (4), pp. 377-427 : 422-424

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.17109/AZH.63.4.377.2017

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scientific name

Terrilimosina improvisa

sp. nov.

Terrilimosina improvisa View in CoL sp. n.

( Figs 166–173)

Holotype ( HNHM): male, CONGO, Kindamba , 5. XI. 1963, No. 109, J. Balogh – A. Zicsi. Paratypemale ( HNHM, abdomen, midandhindlegspreparedandkeptinaplastic microvialwithglycerol): samedataasholotype.

Size (inmm): bodylength 1.94 (holotype), 1.83 (paratype); winglength 1.73 (holotype), 1.69 (paratype); wingwidth 0.73 (holotype), 0.71 (paratype).

Description. Male. Head. Facialplatedeeplyconcaveinprofile, with 2 largedeep impressions. Antennalbasesbroadlyseparated. 3 verylongpairsofinterfrontals. Both pairsoffronto-orbitalsstrong, plusseveralshortfronto-orbitalsetaepresent. Allouterand innerverticals, outerandinneroccipitalpairsverystrong. Postocularpairhardlydiscernible. Scape minute, with a 0.05 mm long medial seta. Pedicel large, conical, with a circlet oflongapicalsetaeand 3 ca. 0.10 mmlongdorsalsetae. Firstflagellomerewithlong (0.03 mm) cilia. Aristawithlongciliaofsimilarlength. Eyestronglyreduced, itslongitudinal diameter 0.22 mm, genabeloweye 0.15 mmbroad. Parafacialiabroad, witharowof 3–4 166, 167, 0.2 mm for Fig 168, 0.1 mm for Figs 169–173

setulae of 0.05–0.07 mm. Vibrissa strong, 0.26 mm (from base to tip), medially curved. Peristomals thin, not longer than 0.05 mm. No strong genal seta, but only some thin setulae onventralhalfofgena. Onlyonepairofdorsocentralsetae, othersetaealongdorsocentral line, hardlylongerthanacrosticals; twopairsoflongscutellars, apicalscutellarseta, 0.50 mmlong. Onepostpronotal, twonotoplaurals (posterioroneonacallus), onepre-sutural, onesupra- alar, twopostalars (lateralone 0.28 mmlong). Onepairofverystrongkatepisternalseta. Wingmembranelightbrownish, veinsochre, costalveindarker. ApexofR 4+5 neartoapexofwing. Discalcelldistallyrounded, nocontinuationofMdi 3+4 scernible. RM to MM 0.31 mm, crossvein M-M 0.11 mm. Alula large, apex rounded. Two 0.12– 0.12 mm longsub-basalsetaeoncosta, costalsetaeonfirstsection 0.06 mmlong. Second / third costalsections 0.66 mm / 0.60 mm, ratio 1.10. Halterlightbrown. Thoraciccalyptrawith extremelylong (0.15 mm) cilia. Legsbrown, withoutpeculiarmodifications. Maleforefemur simple. Male mid tibia without strong ventral, but a row of black thorns of ca. 0.03 mm. Midbasitarsus / 2ndtarsomere, 0.285 / 0.19 mm; hindbasitarsus / 2ndtarsomere 0.15 / 0.275 mm. Mid tibial armature: anterodorsals at 13/52, 27/52 (both medium long), a very long (0.15 mm), nearlydorsalat 43/52, posterodorsalat 40/52. Allclawsnormal ( Fig. 166). Malepostabdomenandgenitalia. Sternite 5 ( Fig. 167) rathersimple, apical 3/4 coveredby medium-long setae. Ventral part of sternite 6 portion of synsternite ( Fig. 168), with a flat, broadU-shapedsclerite. Synsternite ( Fig. 169) withrathersmallsternite 8 portion, medial edgeofsternite 7 portionrounded. Subepandrialsclerite, withlargerightsidescelerites (see PAPP 2008 a). Epandrium large, convex; cercal part of epandrium very short, edgy ( Fig. 173). Subepandrialsclerite (coveredonFig. 173), shortandbroad. Surstylus ( Figs 171–172) characteristic, withapairoflobes, anteriorlobedigitiform, with 4 apicalsetae ( Fig. 172), caudallobelarger, withtwostrongblackthornslaterallyandwithacombofsevenblack thornsmedio-apically. Postgonite ( Fig. 170) verybroadbasally, anteriorcontourwidely rounded, apicalthirdstronglynarrowed, withanarrowlyroundedapex.


Etymology. The specific epithet of this new species refers to the unexpected occurrence of this genus in the Afrotropical Region.

Comments. RohÁčeK (1983) revisedtheEuropeanspeciesandMArShALL (1985), theNearcticspecies. ForthespeciesfromChinaandJapan (probably also with Oriental distribution), see Su and Liu (2009). No new species from EuropeorAfricahavebeendescribedsincethen. Thisnewspeciesseemsto showsomesimilaritieswiththeEuropeanspecies. T. improvisa seemstobe closer to T. rakovitzai and to T. sudetica in the U-shaped lamella in their ventral partofsternite 6 portion. Actually, itisquitesurprisingthatthisterricolous Afrotropicalspecies (whichhabitsareclearlysuggestedbythefifthtarsomer- esandclaws, Fig. 166) andaHolarctic, mainlycavernicolousspecies, showsto becloselyrelated. Thereare, however, distinctivecharacters, astheU-shaped lamella of sternite 6 portion with a narrower gap than the arms (different from T. racovitzai ), apicalnarrowedpartofpostgoniteshorter, notparallel (cf. RohÁčeK 1983: fig. 139). Thesurstylusofthetwospeciesaresimilar, butthe anterior lobe of the new species is shorter, with no gap between the lobes (cf. RohÁčeK 1983: fig. 140), posteriorlobelessmedio-clinate.


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)













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