Parapelonides nigrescens ( Schaeffer, 1904 )

Opitz, Weston, 2014, Revision of the New World GenusParapelonidesBarr (Coleoptera: Cleridae: Enopliinae), The Coleopterists Bulletin 68 (1), pp. 73-81 : 73-81

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Parapelonides nigrescens ( Schaeffer, 1904 )


Parapelonides nigrescens ( Schaeffer, 1904) ( Figs. 15 View Figs , 27 View Figs , 31 View Figs , 32 View Fig )

Enoplium nigrescens Schaeffer, 1904: 221 . Holotype (USNM), gender unknown. Type locality: Texas, Brownsville , Esperanza Ranch.

Parapelonides nigrescens: Barr 1980: 281 .

Diagnosis. Specimens of this species superficially resemble those of P. penrosei , but in that species the elytral disc is entirely reddish with no traces of a longitudinal infuscation as in P. nigrescens .

Redescription. Size: Length 5.0 mm; width 2.0 mm. Form: As in Fig. 27 View Figs . Integument: Cranium, prothorax, mesoscutellum, elytra, pterothorax, and abdomen reddish; antenna, tibiae, and tarsi black; femora mostly yellow, infuscated distally. Head: Cranium roughly punctate, interstitial spaces smooth and shiny; eyes narrower than frons (15:30) ommatidia small; funicular antennomeres subfiliform, capitular antennomeres 8 and 9 triangular ( Fig. 15 View Figs ). Thorax: Pronotum quadrate (75:75), sides arcuate, disc roughly punctate, interstitial spaces smooth and shiny; each elytral disc sculptured with 10 striae

composed of asetiferous punctures, 1° setae above asetiferous punctures, interstitial spaces smooth and shiny; epipleural fold broad for most of length but eventually narrowed to elytral apex. Aedeagus: As in Fig. 31 View Figs . Redescribed from a non-type male specimen collected from Brownsville, Texas.

Variation. Size: Length 4.0–5.0 mm; width 1.6–2.0 mm. The dark streak on the elytral disc varies in expression.

Material Examined. I examined 71 specimens from: USA: Texas: Cameron Co., Brownsville, 23-V-1905; idem, 25-V-1934, J.N. Knull; Hidalgo Co., 4-VII-1950, D.J. & J.N. Knull; idem, 29-III- 1953, D.J. & J.N. Knull; idem, 31-III-1953, D.J. & J.N. Knull; idem, 1-IV-1953, D.J. & J.N. Knull; idem, 15-IV-1953, D.J. & J.N. Knull; idem, 24-III- 1954, D.J. & J.N. Knull; idem, 26-III-1957, D.J. & J.N. Knull; idem, 3-IV-1961, D.J. & J.N. Knull; idem, 7-IV-1961, D.J. & J.N. Knull; idem, 11-IV- 1961, D.J. & J.N. Knull; idenm, 29-III-1963, D.J. & J.N. Knull; idem, 29-III-1963, D.J. & J.N. Knull; idem, 4-III-1963, D.J. & J.N. Knull; idem, 8-IV- 1963, D.J. & J.N. Knull; idem, 27-III-1964, D.J. & J.N. Knull; idem, 6-IV-1964, D.J. & J.N. Knull; idem, 8-IV-1964, D.J. & J.N. Knull; idem, 10-IV- 1964, D.J. & J.N. Knull; idem, 3-IV-1965, D.J. & J.N. Knull; idem, 8-IV-1965, D.J. & J.N. Knull; idem, 12-IV-1965, D.J. & J.N. Knull; idem, 5-IV- 1967, D.J. & J.N. Knull. Mexico: Tamaulipas: 0.6 km N Llera, 4-VI-1965, H. R. Burke, J. R. Meyer, J.C. Schaffner; Tamaulipas, Rio Corona, 30 km NE Ciudad Victoria, 23-III-1980, Black light trap, E.G. Riley. Specimens are deposited in TAMU, WFBC, and WOPC.

Natural History. Collected in March, April, and June; one from a blacklight trap.

Distribution. Known from southern Texas and northeastern Mexico ( Fig. 32 View Fig ).


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Texas A&M University














Parapelonides nigrescens ( Schaeffer, 1904 )

Opitz, Weston 2014

Parapelonides nigrescens: Barr 1980: 281

Barr 1980: 281

Enoplium nigrescens

Schaeffer 1904: 221
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