Poecilobothrus flaveolus (Negrobov et Chalaya, 1987)

Grichanov, Igor Ya. & Selivanova, Olga V., 2022, New records of Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from Yakutia and Far East of Russia, Amurian Zoological Journal XIV (1), pp. 156-167 : 164

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.33910/2686-9519-2022-14-1-156-167

publication LSID




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scientific name

Poecilobothrus flaveolus (Negrobov et Chalaya, 1987)


57. Poecilobothrus flaveolus (Negrobov et Chalaya, 1987)

= Poecilobothrus arcticus (Yang, 1996)

Material examined. 1♂, Kunashir Is., Grozovoe environs, Ivanovsky Cape, 43 ° 50′22.7′′ N, 145 ° 24′39.9′′ E, 8– 15.08.2008, I. Melnik.

Distribution. Type locality: Russia: Primorye, Spasskii Distr., Nakhimovka. Palaearctic: China (Beijing, Heilongjiang, Shaanxi), Japan, Russia (Amur Region, Khabarovsk, Primorye); Oriental: China (Hunan). First record from Kuriles.

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