Miridiba (Pledina) sinensis ( Hope, 1842 )

Li, Chun-Lin, Yang, Ping-Shih & Wang, Chuan-Chan, 2015, A review of the genus Miridiba Reitter (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae) of Taiwan, Zootaxa 3955 (4), pp. 521-536 : 533-535

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Miridiba (Pledina) sinensis ( Hope, 1842 )


Miridiba (Pledina) sinensis ( Hope, 1842)

Figs. 6 View FIGURES 1 – 6 , 12 View FIGURES 7 – 12 , 18, 24, 39, 40

Holotrichia sinensis Hope, 1842: 60 (Type locality: Chusan (presently Zhoushan, Zhejiang Prov.), China. Type not examined); Hope 1845: 8 (redescription, type locality stated); Smetana & Král 2006: 219 (catalog).

Ancylonycha sinae Blanchard, 1851: 139 . Synonymized by Burmeister (1855: 316).

Rhizotrogus cribellatus Fairmaire, 1891: 200 . Synonymized by Keith (2006: 43).

Specimens examined. TAIWAN. New Taipei City (formerly Taipei County): Sheng Ken, 16/VI/1982, C.-L. Li (1 male, CCLI); Lin Kou, 21/V/1993, C.-C. Chen (1 male, CCLI); Ba Li, 23/VI/1993, I.-S. Hsu (3 males, CCLI); Kwan In Shan, 2/VI/1993, I.-S. Hsu (2 males and 1 female, CCLI). Taoyuan County: Da Wan, N. Crossing Hwy, 23/V/2003, C.-L. Li (1 male, CCLI); Yangmei, May 23, 1972, B-S. Chang. Nantou County: Lienhuachih, V/2–VI/ 12/2001, C.-S. Lin & W.-T. Yang, Malaise trap (KCN) (2 males, NMNS); same locality, VI/10–VII/12/2004, C.-S. Lin & W.-T. Yang, Malaise trap (KCN) (2 males, NMNS); same locality, VI/10–VII/7/2003, C.-S. Lin & W.-T. Yang, Malaise trap (KCN) (1 male, NMNS); same locality, VII/7–VIII/14/2003 ,, C.-S. Lin & W.-T. Yang, Malaise trap (KCN) (1 male, NMNS); same locality, V/5/2004, S.-M. Chan, Sweeping Net (1 male, NMNS); Taichung County: Tatu Juiching Village, No.1 Sampling Plots, IV/27–VII/20/2007, C.-S. Lin & W.-T. Yang, Malaise trap (KCN) (1 male, 1 female, NMNS); Kaoshiung County: Maolin, 12/V/1991, C.-K. Yu (1 male, 1 female, CCLI). Pingtung County: Kentine, K. Botan. Garden, 22–25/V/1989, C.-S. Lin, Light Trap (2 males, NMNS); Manchou Nanjensahn, IV/29–V/17/2009, M.-L. Jeng & T.-R. Chen, Flight Intercept Trap (1 male, NMNS). CHINA. Anhui Prov., Hwangshan city, Tanko township, Fuxi, 118.08E, 30.04N, alt. ca. 540 m, by light, 10/July/2014, Collr. J.-Y. Qiu (1 male, CCLI); Jiangxu Prov., Zhongshan Tomb, Zijing Shan, Nanjing city, 118.50E, 32.03N, alt. ca. 113 m, by light, 6/July/2014, Collr. J.-Y. Qiu (1 male, 2 females, CCLI); Hainan Prov. Wuzinshan Nature Reserve HQ, 109.40E, 18.54N, alt. ca 751 m, by light, 18/May/2014, Collr. J.-Y. Qiu (1 female, CCLI).

Redescription. Male ( Fig. 6 View FIGURES 1 – 6 ). Body length 19.5–23.0 mm; width across humeri 9.3–11.2 mm. Color dark reddish brown to nearly piceous on head, pronotum, scutellum, venter, and legs; reddish brown to dark rufotestaceous on elytra; weakly shiny. Antennae yellowish brown to dark reddish brown. Body thick with dorsum completely glabrous ( Figs. 6 View FIGURES 1 – 6 , 12 View FIGURES 7 – 12 , 18). Head: Surface densely punctate, punctures large. Clypeus ( Fig. 7 View FIGURES 7 – 12 ) with apex distinctly bilobed and reflexed; lobes obtuse, widened at base. Clypeofrontal suture clearly defined. Basal carina straight, distinctly raised. Antenna with 10 antennomeres, club subequal to length of antennomeres 3–7 combined. Thorax: Pronotum widest at middle; anterolateral angles moderately protuberant ( Fig. 12 View FIGURES 7 – 12 ) basolateral angles obtuse, lateral margin weakly serrate to smooth on anterior fifth, moderately reflexed; lateral declivities with distinct gibbosity behind middle; anterior margin completely beaded, basal margin smooth; setiferous punctures deep, large, and evenly distributed. Scutellum triangular, flat; punctures identical to those on pronotum. Prosternal process trapezoidal, slightly raised apically. Elytra: Discal surface densely rugopunctate; sutural costa weakly developed to vestigial. Abdomen: Pygidium wider than long, propygidium and pygidium glabrous. Sternites 1, 2, and 6 with surface densely punctate, sternites 3–5 with moderately distributed, deep punctures; sternites 3–6 almost glabrous with only a row of setae on anterior margin; setae on sternites 3–4 short, on sternites 5–6 intermixed with longer setae. Legs: Protibia tridentate. Profemora and mesofemora moderately covered with long setae, metafemora ( Fig. 24 View FIGURES 19 – 24 ) with only a row of robust setae along posterior margin; metafemora moderately broadened anteriorly and posteriorly, weakly convex. Metatibia upper apical spur reaching basal one-fourth of second tarsomere. Genitalia: Parameres asymmetrical, prolonged anteriorly and curved at middle when viewed laterally ( Fig. 39 View FIGURES 33 – 40 ); both parameres with an inner leaf-like expansion interlocked at middle in dorsal view ( Fig. 40 View FIGURES 33 – 40 ).

Female. Body length 20.1–23.6 mm; width across humeri 9.2–10.8 mm. Antennal club shorter than in male, subequal to length of antennomeres 4–7 combined.

Diagnosis. See diagnosis of M. kuraruana for comparison of species.

Distribution. Taiwan. Northern to southern China: Shangdong, Anhui, Jiangxi, Zhejian, Jiangxu, Fujian, Guangdong, Hainan.

Chinese name. 中華脊頭鰓金龜

Remarks. We have examined several specimens of Miridiba sinensis collected from various places of China and confirmed that the same species occurs in Taiwan. Miridiba sinensis is common in Taiwan and can be found from coast to lower montane areas under 700 m in elevation throughout the western and northwestern part of Taiwan ( Fig. 43 View FIGURE 43 ). Adults of M. sinensis are sympatric with M. formosana and M. kuraruana with an identical temporal distribution from late spring to summer.
















Miridiba (Pledina) sinensis ( Hope, 1842 )

Li, Chun-Lin, Yang, Ping-Shih & Wang, Chuan-Chan 2015

Rhizotrogus cribellatus

Keith 2006: 43
Fairmaire 1891: 200

Ancylonycha sinae

Burmeister 1855: 316
Blanchard 1851: 139

Holotrichia sinensis

Smetana 2006: 219
Hope 1845: 8
Hope 1842: 60
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