Stultaspa, Shɨshkin, 2021

Shɨshkin, Yegor, 2021, Protaspaidae nom. n. (fam.) pro Protaspidae Skuja 1939 (Cryomonadida, Eothecia Thecofilosea, Filosa, Rhizaria), with Protaspa obliqua transferred to Stultaspa gen n. (Stultaspidae fam. n.) as Stultaspa obliqua comb. n. and diagnosis of the former family amended, Zootaxa 5082 (5), pp. 497-500 : 498

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5082.5.8

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scientific name


gen. nov.

Stultaspa gen. n.

Diagnosis (as for the family): Unicellular monads; not metabolic or sometimes metabolic; hyaline; without chromatophores (plastids), although, algae can be ingested; cells flattened, more or less roundish or oval; with two dissimilar flagella inserted subapically under the ventral tip on the ventral surface of the cell; one flagellum directed toward the anterior, the other pulling at the rear; movement is by substrate-mediated gliding; a smooth cell wall; a nucleus usually located in the anterior part of the cell; a posterior indentation present; formation of pseudopodia has not been reported at 02.12.2021.

Etymology: From Latin stultus [ˈs̠t̪ʊɫ̪t̪ʊs̠]—one of the names for a chess piece in Latin, probably of French origin (“ The Deventer Poem ” [Authorship Unknown, the late 1100s–early 1200, Ms fonds Latin 3719; for other—and probably more late—manuscripts containing “ The Deventer Poem ” see Murray 1913]; Murray 1913), which became called “bishop” in English at least since Rowbothum’s translation (Damiano, Gruget & Rowbothum 1562) of Damiano (1512). In many chess sets (like modern Jaques (Staunton) set and its variants), the bishop pieces have the asymmetrical indentation on the head, in which the head is similar to the cell of the only known Stultaspa species S. obliqua . Bishop chessmen in Pre-Jaques sets have the indentation located in the median plane. Thus, the name is appropriate also if other Stultaspa species bear indentation symmetrically.

Grammatical gender is feminine.

Zoobank LSID: .

Type species: Protaspis obliqua Larsen & Patterson 1990 (original binomen—in accordance with Recommendation 67B of ICZN); previously Protaspa obliqua ( Larsen & Patterson 1990) Cavalier-Smith in Howe et al. 2011; now Stultaspa obliqua ( Larsen & Patterson 1990) comb. n.).

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