Adalmus karekarensis Byeon & Chandler, 2024

Byeon, Ui-Joung, Chandler, Donald S., Leschen, Richard A. B. & Park, Jong-Seok, 2024, Revision of the New Zealand genus Adalmus with description of six new species (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae), Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 64 (1), pp. 17-32 : 23

publication ID 10.37520/aemnp.2024.003

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scientific name

Adalmus karekarensis Byeon & Chandler

sp. nov.

Adalmus karekarensis Byeon & Chandler , sp. nov.

( Figs 4 View Fig , 10 View Fig )

Type material. HOLOTYPE: J (genitalia dissected, NZAC): “Karekare, W. Coast. Auckland.[handwritten] // 10th. Joint of antennae not transverse. [red line, handwritten] // Brouniella maybe var of laevifrons Broun. ♀.? [handwritten] // Coll. A.E.Brookes. 23.2.1916. [handwritten] // A.E.Brookes Collection // NZ Arthropod Collection Private Bag 92170 Auckland New Zealand NZAC04261131” . PARATYPE: NORTH ISLAND: ND [Northland]: Waipoua SF Lookout area 29 Oct 1980 G.Kuschel // Sifted moss 80/93 (1 ♀ NZAC).

Diagnosis. Male of this species can be distinguished from other Adalmus by the following characters: body size larger than other Adalmus species, more than 2.5 mm long; antennomere I longer than 0.2 mm, approximately twice as long as II ( Fig. 4A View Fig ); rostrum wider (HW: RW = 48: 30); pro- and mesotrochanters with distinct spine, metatrochanter with broad, sharp and rounded margin ( Figs 4B–D View Fig ; arrow); left paramere thick, long, with blunt apex; right paramere slender, short, curved acutely pointed apex; median lobe abruptly angulate at middle, smooth, apex with medial curved spine ( Figs 4E–G View Fig ).

Description. BL 2.51–2.54 mm (FBL 1.63–1.66 mm); body and antennomere I blackish-brown, legs and antennomeres II–XI reddish-brown, maxillary palpus, and tarsi yellowish-brown; body pubescent.

Head slightly broader than long (HL: HW = 43: 48), widest across eyes, eyes convex, rostrum broad (HW: RW = 48: 30), impression between ridge of antennal tubercles deep, ridge of antennal tubercles parallel, apex of rostrum strongly projecting, clypeus not visible in dorsal view; antennal length approximately 1.23–1.25 mm, antennomere I approximately twice as long as II, antennomere II longer and broader than III–VIII, antennomere VIII smaller than those of IV–VII, antennomere X slightly shorter than IX, antennomeres IX–XI forming indistinct club, XI approximately 2.2 times as long as broad.

Thorax. Prothorax slightly broader than head (HW: PW = 48: 58), subhexagonal (PL: PW = 51: 58), broadest at anterior 2/5, sharply narrowing at middle, narrowest at anterior margin.

Elytra broader than pronotum (EW: PW = 82: 58), broader than long (EL: EW = 70: 82); with sutural striae; weak impression extending from basal elytral foveae; subhumeral foveae present, not visible in dorsal view.

Legs. Pro- and mesotrochanters with distinct spine; profemur rugose on ventral side; metatrochanter with broad sharply defined; tibiae and femora of similar lengths, moderately long.

Aedeagus asymmetric, 0.42 mm long, with diaphragm and basal stem; parameres asymmetric, left paramere thick, long, with blunt apex, right paramere slender, short, and apex sharp; median lobe curved, smooth, apex with inner curved spine.

Sexual dimorphism. Female has a simple protrochanter with posterior margin smoothly curved.

Etymology. The specific epithet is an adjective derived from the type locality ʻKarekareʼ.

Distribution. New Zealand (North Island: AK, ND; Fig. 10 View Fig ).


New Zealand Arthropod Collection













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