Holopsenella, Engel & Ortega-Blanco & Azevedo, 2016

Engel, Michael S., Ortega-Blanco, Jaime & Azevedo, Celso O., 2016, A New Bethylid Wasp in Lebanese Early Cretaceous Amber (Hymenoptera: Chrysidoidea), with Comments on other Mesozoic Taxa, American Museum Novitates 2016 (3855), pp. 1-16 : 7

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1206/3855.1



persistent identifier


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scientific name


gen. nov.

Holopsenella , new genus

TYPE SPECIES: Holopsenella primotica , new species .

DIAGNOSIS: Female. Head broad, posterior margin in dorsal view straight, with rounded posterolateral corners (figs. 1, 2); vertex flat; occipital carina present (fig. 2A), weak; space between and anterior to antennal toruli depressed; antennal flagellum with 10 flagellomeres; scape distinctly thickened compared to pedicel and flagellum; compound eye circular, separated from posterior head margin in dorsal view by half of eye length; ocelli present (fig. 2B); clypeus projecting anteriorly (fig. 2B), surface comparatively flat except weak longitudinal medial ridge, apical margin with prominent but shallow medial emargination (fig. 2B); mandible short and thick, with at least two sharp apical teeth (likely three, as edge of a third seems partially apparent on left mandible), mandibles overlapping in slightly less than their apical halves, mandibles obscured by projection of clypeus in dorsal view; maxillary palpus elongate; labial palpus short. Forewing with marginal cell closed (fig. 2C), distal part of Rs almost straight resulting in evenly tapering marginal cell across its length, apex of cell acutely rounded; discoidal cell somewhat quadrate; cu-a straight; pterostigma longer than wide, with r-rs arising near pterostigmal midlength, r-rs long and arching apically to meet Rs; m-cu straight, nearly parallel with 1M (fig. 2C), and about as long as 1Cu; subdiscoidal cell slightly wider than discoidal cell, broader posteriorly than anteriorly. Tibial spur formula 1-2-2; basitarsi longest tarsomeres, tarsomeres II–IV distinctly shorter than basitarsi and tarsomeres V. Metasoma not petiolate; first metasomal tergum with weak transverse carina running across angle between anterior-facing and dorsal-facing surfaces (fig. 2A), then curving laterally along lateral disc for short distance.

Male. Unknown.

ETYMOLOGY: The new genus-group name is a combination of the Greek terms holos, meaning, “complete,” and the diminutive form of psen, meaning “wasp” (the Latinized diminutive psenella serves as the stem for two of the most primitive bethyline genera exhibiting the most complete venation found in the family— Lytopsenella Kieffer and Eupsenella Westwood ). The name refers to the comparatively complete wing venation relative to other lineages of Bethylidae . The gender of the name is feminine.











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