Longibrachium arariensis, Nishi, Eijiroh & Kato, Tetsuya, 2009

Nishi, Eijiroh & Kato, Tetsuya, 2009, Longibrachium arariensis, a new species of Onuphidae (Annelida: Polychaeta) from the shallow water of Izu Peninsula, central Japan, with notes on its feeding behavior, Zootaxa 2081, pp. 46-56 : 47-49

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.187371



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scientific name

Longibrachium arariensis

sp. nov.

Longibrachium arariensis View in CoL sp. nov.

(Japanese common name: “Yatsude-Isome”)

Diagnosis. Antennae of about equal length, comparatively short, reaching to chaetigers 6 to 8. Anterior four pairs of parapodia prolonged, with three distally recurved long hooks and 6–10 small hooks in each; hooks of both sizes with two rows of immovable spines; chaetal sacs extending to chaetigers 12–23; subacicular hooks from chaetiger 30–35.

Material examined. Holotype: CMNH-ZW01695, Koganezaki beach, 34 50.581'N, 138 45.776'E, Arari, Kamo-mura, western part of Izu Peninsula, Shizuoka Prefecture, central Honshu, Japan ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 ), 15 m depth, sandy bottom, collected by K Nin, with scuba gear and fishing equipments, 12, July, 2004. Largest specimen, dissected, jaws in a separate vial.

Paratypes: NHM-ANEA2009.2, collection site is same to the one of holotype, dissected (with 3 extended parapodia); 21, June, 2004, coll. by K. Nin, T. Takaki and M. Takaki. USNM 1122509, dissected, with 4 extended parapodia, without tube, 12 June, 2004, coll. by K Nin. AM W35290, not dissected, with 4 extended parapodia, with tube, 12 June, 2004, coll. by K Nin.

Comparative material. Longibrachium longipes , paratype –AM W 198974.

Description. All type material incomplete, posterior parts lacking; holotype measuring 160 mm in length, for ca. 200 chaetigers, 8 mm wide excluding chaetae and 15 mm wide including chaetae at widest part at anterior part of body; paratypes NHM-ANEA 2009.2 – 40 mm long for 41 chaetigers, 6.5 mm and 10 mm wide (including and excluding chaetae) at anterior part: paratype AM W35290 – 90mm in length for 120 chaetigers, 8 mm and 16 mm wide (including and excluding chaetae) at anterior part. Single dark brown transverse line in dorsal part of each chaetiger, ceratophores and prolonged parapodia of anterior chaetigers, although color faded in some parts. Median part of styles of antennae and palps dark brown; distal part creamy white ( Fig.2 View FIGURE 2 E). Prostomium short with globular frontal lips ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 A, B). Ceratophores of antennae and palps with 6–7 short proximal rings and single long distal ring. Styles gradually tapering, ending in fine tips; palps reaching to chaetiger 2 in holotype and paratypes, lateral and median antennae about equal in length (6.0 to 7.5 mm in length) reaching to chaetiger 7 in holotype, to 6–8 in paratypes ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 A).Nuchal grooves not recognized. Peristomial cirri large, almost half as thick as antennal styles, 0.5 times as long as peristomium, inserted at anterior margin of peristomium between median and lateral antennae ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 A). Peristomium and chaetiger 1 almost twice as long as following chaetigers ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 A). Comparison of size of each specimens, ratio of antennae in length to body width and jaw width in each worm shown in Table 1 View TABLE 1 .

Modified parapodia (chaetigers 1–4) greatly prolonged, directed anteroventrally ( Figs. 2 View FIGURE 2 A–D;3A,B); parapodia l longest, becoming progressively shorter in following chaetigers. Modified parapodia of all examined specimens partly retracted ( Figs. 2 View FIGURE 2 B, 3A,B), resulting in curved ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 E) or ringed appearance ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 A, B). Smallest paratype (NHM-ANEA 2009.2) with 3 pairs of modified parapodia (chaetigers 1–3). Modified parapodia ( Figs. 2 View FIGURE 2 C, 3E, F, 5A) with small acicular lobe, three papilliform lobes and digitiform postchaetal lobe. Following parapodia ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 B, G) short; with low prechaetal folds, rounded acicular lobe, and subulate postchaetal lobes. Dorsal cirri digitiform with basal swelling developing into basal process by chaetiger 8 ( Figs. 3 View FIGURE 3 H, I, 5C). Ventral cirri subulate in anterior chaetigers. Branchiae as single filaments from chaetiger 6, bifid filaments from chaetiger 9, 3 filaments from 14 or 15, 4 filaments from 15 or 16, 5 filaments from 20 to 22, reaching a maximum of seven filaments by chaetigers 30 to 35 ( Figs. 3 View FIGURE 3 H, I).

Modified parapodia with two types of hooks. Single long distally recurved hook ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 F, 4A, 5A, B) projecting from each of three papilliform lobes (Fig. 5A). Bundle of shorter, thinner hooks ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 F, 4B, 5A) from lower folds. Both long and short hooks with two longitudinal rows of closely spaced spines, except distal part ( Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4 A, B, 5A, B). Chaetal sacs of hooks of parapodia 1–4 extending in body cavity to about chaetigers 23, 22, 13, 12 respectively.

Chaetiger 5 and following segments with limbate and pectinate chaetae. Upper bundle of 8–12 simple limbate chaetae and 1–3 pectinate chaetae (with ca.12 teeth) ( Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4 E), projecting from dorsal pocket. Pectinate chaetae in posterior segments with ca. 20–24 teeth ( Figs. 4 View FIGURE 4 F, 5D). Limbate chaetae of lower bundle consisting of bilimbate ( Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4 C) and long limbate chaetae ( Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4 D). Single bidentate subacicular hook ( Figs. 4 View FIGURE 4 G, 5E) from chaetiger 30–35, two from chaetiger 32 to 39, replacing lower limbate bundle.

Mandibles ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 D) white, strongly calcified; broad, thick shaft and large cutting plates serrated at distal margin. Maxillae ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 C) 4.0 to 4.5 mm in length (from top of Mx I to posterior end of carrier), 2.2 to 2.7 mm in width at Mx I, moderately sclerotized, darker towards inner plates edges. Central triangle of carrier pale brown, basal outer lobes very pale, hardly screlotized. Maxillary formula (based on two paratypes): Mx I=1+1; Mx II=6–8+7–8; Mx III=6–8+0; Mx IV=5–7+7–9; Mx V=1–2+1; MX VI= toothless plate ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 C).

Tube with white, parchment-like inner lining, and outer covering of foraminiferous sand ( Fig. 2 View FIGURE 2 B). Tube opening ca. 10 mm in diameter in holotype and paratypes.

TABLE 1. Size of type specimens of Longibrachium arariensis new species and L. longipes Paxton, 1986. Sizes are in mm.

Body width at anterior 6.2–6.5 2–5 chaetigers 7.4–8.2 6.5–6.6 8.0 3
No. of segments>200 >120 >41 >50 >22
Length of middle 7.6 antenna 7.6 7.2 7.5 6
Length of lateral 6.2 antenna 8 7.2 7.0 4.5
Middle antennae 7–8 ctg. reaching to 7–8 ctg. 7–8 ctg. 6 ctg. 10–14 ctg.
Length of jaw - (maxillae) 4 4.5 4.5 2.5
Width of jaw - (maxillae) 2.2 2.7 2.1 1.6
Ratio of middle 1.2 antenna to body width 0.97 1.1 0.94 ca.2.0
Ratio of middle - antenna to jaw width 3.4 2.7 3.6 3.8

Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History















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