Nanophyes globiformis Kiesenwetter, 1864

Bukejs, Andris & Balalaikins, Maksims, 2012, The First Record Of Nanophyes Globiformis Kiesenwetter, 1864 (Coleoptera: Brentidae: Nanophyinae) In Eastern Baltic Region From Estonia, Acta Biologica Universitatis Daugavpiliensis 12 (3), pp. 21-24 : 22-23

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12645028

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scientific name

Nanophyes globiformis Kiesenwetter, 1864


Nanophyes globiformis Kiesenwetter, 1864

Material examined: Estonia, Tartumaa district, Nina, 9-10.VIII.1997 (1♀, bank of Peipsijarv Lake , leg. A. Barševskis). Sampling location of species is presented in Fig. 1 View Fig .

Morphology: Body of Nanophyes globiformis is broadly oval (Fig. 2, 3), elytra obtuse apically in dorsal view. Rostrum is long and thin, distinctly longer than head and pronotum combined, weakly curved in lateral view (Fig. 4). Pronotum is conical, transverse, with almost straight lateral sides. Lateral sides of meso- and metathorax covered with dense scales. Legs are moderately long; femora without teeth. Coloration of dorsum varies from yellow brown to dark brown. Typically basal part of elytra and elytral suture are dark, often darkened sutural band in the middle interrupted with pale spot. The body length without a rostrum is 1.4–2.2 mm ( Lohse 1983, Smreczyński 1976, Zherihin 1996).

Distribution: The species is distributed in southern, western and eastern Europe, north Africa ( Morocco), Russian Far East (Primorsky Krai) (Dedyukhin 2012, Legalov 2010, Lohse

The first record of Nanophyes globiformis Kiesenwetter, 1864 ( Coleoptera : Brentidae : Nanophyinae ) in Eastern Baltic.....

Fig. 2-4. Nanophyes globiformis , female: 2 – habitus, dorsal view, 3 – habitus, lateral view, 4 – rostrum, lateral view.

1983, Zherihin 1996). The nearest to Estonia findings of this nanophyin are in Poland, where it is considered as rare species ( Smreczyński 1976, Wanat & Mokrzycki 2005, Wanat & Szypuła 2008). Thus, this record of N. globiformis in Estonia extends its distribution range to north.

Bionomy: It is stenotopic, hygrophilous species and inhabits banks of various water bodies. This phyllophagous species is oligophag and feeds on Lythrum salicaria L., L. hyssopifolia L. and L. acutangula Lug. ( Lythraceae ). Larvae develop in stem galls (Dieckmann 1963, Koch 1992).













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