Appendicularia, Lahille, 1890

Karunarathne, Krishan D. & Croos, M. D. S. T. De, 2021, Pelagic tunicates (Appendicularia and Thaliacea) of Sri Lanka: two first records with an annotated checklist, Zootaxa 5067 (3), pp. 352-376 : 370

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5067.3.2

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Key to the Appendicularia View in CoL View at ENA species of Sri Lanka

(based on Tokioka 1960; Bückmann 1969; Fenaux 1993, 1998; Aravena & Palma 2002)

1 Usually trunk flattened or spindle-shaped; endostyle curved upwards; tail orientated at the right angle to body: Family Fritillaridae............................................................................................. 11

- Trunk oval in shape and on the same axis as tail; endostyle straight: Family Oikopleuridae View in CoL ........................... 2

2 Digestive tract incompletely developed; no oral glands and subchordal cells....................... Megalocercus huxleyi View in CoL

- Digestive tract completely developed..................................................................... 3

3 Digestive tract forms a loop broadly open to the front; oral glands and subchordal cells present......... Stegosoma magnum

- Digestive tract compactly coiled into a nucleus.............................................................. 4

4 Oral glands and subchordal cells present................................................................... 8

- Oral glands and subchordal cells absent.................................................................... 5

5 Ceacum developed upwards and backwards............................................... Oikopleura fusiformis View in CoL

- Ceacum directed either upward or backward only............................................................ 6

6 Small ceacum directed backwards......................................................... Oikopleura gracilis View in CoL

- Finger-shaped ceacum directed upwards................................................................... 7

7 Ceacum close to the cardial region....................................................... Oikopleura longicauda View in CoL

- Ceacum separated from the cardial region by a wide bight.................................... Oikopleura intermedia View in CoL

8 Numerous subchordal cells, arranged in two rows............................................. Oikopleura albicans View in CoL

- Subchordal cells few, arranged in a single row.............................................................. 9

9 With small postcardial ceacum on the left stomach lobe..................................... Oikopleura cophocerca View in CoL

- Without postcardial ceacum on the left stomach lobe........................................................ 10

10 One spindle-shaped cell................................................................ Oikopleura rufescens View in CoL

- Two spindle-shaped cells.................................................................. Oikopleura dioica View in CoL

11 Anterior ovaries......................................................................... Tectillaria fertilis View in CoL

- Posterior ovaries..................................................................................... 12

12 Distal end of the tail acuminate......................................................................... 15

- Distal end of the tail notched........................................................................... 13

13 Amphichordal cells absent................................................................ Fritillaria borealis

- Amphichordal cells present............................................................................ 14

14 Testis trapezoidal and laterally encircled by the ovary in a string.................................. Fritillaria venusta

- Testis Y-shaped and ovary spherical........................................................ Fritillaria pellucida

15 Ciliated rings of the branchial passages oval and elongated...................................... Fritillaria fraudax

- Ciliated rings of the branchial passages circular............................................................ 16

16 Trunk oval, compressed dorsoventrally...................................................... Fritillaria gracilis View in CoL

- Trunk elongate, bent upwards in the digestive nucleus region..................................... Fritillaria formica

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