Heteroderes longithorax, Platia & Ahmed, 2016

Platia, Giuseppe & Ahmed, Zubair, 2016, Contribution to the fauna of click beetles (Coleoptera: Elateridae) from Pakistan., Arquivos Entomolóxicos 16, pp. 3-28 : 9-10

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12765875

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scientific name

Heteroderes longithorax

sp. nov.

Heteroderes longithorax n. sp. ( Figs. 9 View Figs , 34 View Figs , 51 View 52 53 )

Material examined. Holotype ♂ - Pakistan: Tharparkar distr. , Mithi, 18.IX.2012 ( CPG).

Diagnosis. Species comparable with H. sabatinellii Platia, 2015 for the similar size, it is easily separated by the more elongate pronotum and the lighter colour of the integuments.


Male. Moderately shiny; entirely ferruginous with undefined blackish shadings on pronotum and elytra, antennae and legs yellowish; covered with very dense, declined, yellow golden pubescence.

Head with the eyes just narrower than the anterior margin of prono tum, frons convex, anterior margin substraight, protruding above the clypeus; punctuation dense, punctures simple, deep, approximately of the same size with very short intervals.

Antennae not reaching for about two articles the apices of posterior angles o f pronotum, very slightly serrate from fourth article on; second and third articles subcylindrical, subequal in lenght, taken together 1,25x longer than fourth; fourth-tenth subconical, last subellipsoidal.

Pronotum 1,17x longer than wide, widest at the middle and at the apices of the posterior angles, moderately convex; sides nearly subparallel, very slightly sinuate before the posterior angles, the latter, short, acute, very slightly divergent, very finely carinate, lateral margins entire, visible in a dorsal view only in the first third; punctuation uniformly distributed, double; larger, deep and simple punctures are more or less regularly mixed with very fine, intervals between the finer punctures smooth and subshiny.

Scutellum shield -shaped, convex, ridged at base, punctured.

Elytra 2x longer than pronotum and as wide as it, moderately convex, rather flattened on the disk; sides subparallel from the base to the middle then very gradually tapering to the apices; striae regularly marked and punctured, inte rstriae subconvex with very fine punctures.

Fourth tarsal segment with a long and narrow lamella.

Male genitalia as in the Fig. 9 View Figs (length 0.62 mm).

Female. Unknown.

Size. Length 5.6 mm; width 1.5 mm.

Etymology. The name is referred to the elongate pronotum of the species.













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