Preptychostomum Puytorac, 1968a

Nana, Paul Alain, Tchakonte, Simeon, Mama, Anselme Crepin, Onana, Fils Mamert, Fokam, Zephyrin, Ngassam, Pierre, Masseret, Estelle, Nola, Moïse & Sime-Ngando, Telesphore, 2022, Four new species of Hysterocinetida (Protozoa: Ciliophora) from the digestive tract of earthworms collected to the lower Nyong estuary (South Coast, Cameroon), Zootaxa 5194 (2), pp. 233-244 : 235

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5194.2.5

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scientific name

Preptychostomum Puytorac, 1968a


Genus Preptychostomum Puytorac, 1968a

Preptychostomum ciliates are usually globular in shape. They are characterized by a large oral cavity, an anterior bare area more or less developed without skeletal fibers. The elongated macronucleus perpendicular to the anteroposterior axis of the cell is surmounted by a bulky micronucleus. There is the presence of a posterior pulsatile vacuole. In the genus Preptychostomum , we describe a new species: P. donedaensis n. sp.

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