Neoschrammeniella norfolkii, Schlacher-Hoenlinger & Pisera & Hooper, 2005

Schlacher-Hoenlinger, Monika A., Pisera, Andrzej & Hooper, John N. A., 2005, Deep-sea “ lithistid ” assemblages from the Norfolk Ridge (New Caledonia), with description of seven new species and a new genus (Porifera, Demospongiae), Zoosystema 27 (4), pp. 649-698 : 674-676

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.5393958

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scientific name

Neoschrammeniella norfolkii

sp. nov.

Neoschrammeniella norfolkii View in CoL n. sp.

( Figs 3C View FIG ; 14 View FIG ; 28 View FIG )

HOLOTYPE. — Introuvable seamount, Norfolk Ridge, 24°39’69”S, 168°39’23”E, 569-616 m, RV Alis, 24.VI.2001, Warén dredge, coll. T. Schlacher ( MNHN DCL 3904 About MNHN , a fragment of the holotype in QM [G318555s).

ETYMOLOGY. — Named for the type locality.

OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED (see Table 1). — Jumeau- West, 386-950 m (QM G318552).


Growth form

Massive vase-shaped sponge with a thick wall and round vase opening and rounded margin. Specimens are approximately 4 cm high and 5 cm wide at the vase opening and are attached to the substratum by simple bases approximately 2.5 cm wide.


Dirty white to beige/light brown in etoh.

New “lithistids” (Porifera, Demospongiae) from New Caledonia


Not visible.


Hard, stony.

Surface ornamentation

Optically smooth.

Ectosomal skeleton

Ectosomal skeleton contains smooth dichotriaenes and abundant spirasters with short blunt rays.

Choanosomal skeleton

The choanosomal skeleton is extremely dense and consists of strongly tuberculated dicranoclones with strong zygoses. Outer surface of the choanosomal skeleton with numerous simple pores. Within the choanosome microscleres are present consisting of two types of spiraster/streptasters with long pointed rays.


Dicranoclone desmas very thick, short, dicranoclones, which bear nearly smooth, mushroomshaped to very regular rounded tubercles with strong zygoses: 330-400 µm/90-100 µm.

Dichotriaenes smooth; laterally flattened rays of cladome and conical, straight rhabdome: 302- 369 µm long × 362-421 µm (diameter of the cladome).


Massive spirasters with short blunt rays: 15.4- 17.6 × 6.37-793 µm.

Long pointed rays type I (spirasters): 21.8-26 × 13-19.6 µm.

Long pointed rays type II (streptasters): 78.4- 99.2 × 63.7-81.4 µm.


Based on microsclere and desma geometries this material undoubtedly belongs to the genus Neoschrammeniella , but differs considerably in shape from the type species. Consequently a redefinition of the genus Neoschrammeniella within the family Corallistidae is necessary as the original diagnosis is based predominantly on the morphology of the type species. The new species N. norfolkii n. sp. is a massive vase-shaped sponge, in contrast to club-shaped N. moreti . It differs from N. moreti in morphology of dicranoclones (which bear very regular, nearly round and smooth tubercles), as well in having two types of spirasters with pointed rays. The new species has spirasters with long, slender, nearly s m o o t h, p o i n t e d r a y s w h i c h a r e a b s e n t i n N. moreti .


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle

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