Mycetophagus (Paramycetophagus) nepalensis, Háva, 2019

Háva, Jiří, 2019, A New Mycetophagus Fabricius, 1792 Species From Nepal (Coleoptera: Mycetophagidae), Acta Biologica Universitatis Daugavpiliensis 19 (1), pp. 87-90 : 88-89

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12648926

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scientific name

Mycetophagus (Paramycetophagus) nepalensis

sp. nov.

Mycetophagus (Paramycetophagus) nepalensis sp. nov.

(Figs. 1-4)

Type material. Holotype (♀): Nepal, Prov. Koshi, Tashigaon , 2100 m, 11.x.2002, J. Weipert lgt., ( NMED) . Paratypes: 1 (♀): the same data as holotype, ( NMED) ; 1 (♀): Nepal, Koshi, Gufa- Gorza , 2800- 2100 m, C. Holzschuh lgt., ( JHAC) ; 1 (♀): Nepal, Anapurna Mts., Kali Gandaki valley, SE Lete, Tandung Khola, 2400 m,, Schmidt lgt., ( NMED) .

Figs. 1-4. Mycetophagus (Paramycetophagus) nepalensis sp. nov.: 1- habitus, dorsal aspect; 2- elytra, dorsal aspect; 3- habitus lateral aspect; 4- antennae.

Description. Female. Body TL 5.2-6.0 mm, EW 2.1-2.4 mm; elongate-oval, subparallel-sided; weakly convex dorsally, weakly glossy; mostly brown, covered with erect brownish setation and yellowish-white decumbent setation; mouth parts, antennae, and legs brown; elytra brown with yellowish-brown patches. Head with dense and coarse punctures; ocular distance about 2.7 times wider than diameter of eyes; covered by yellowish-white, erect setation; eyes prominent laterally in dorsal view, coarsely faceted and slightly emarginate near antennal insertions; antennae brown, with 11 antennomers, antennal club with five antennomeres (Fig. 4); palpi brown, apical maxillary palpomere cylindrical. Pronotum convex dorsally, rugose, with large and dense punctures; widest at middle part, gradually narrowed anteriad and posteriad; anterior margin slightly arcuate; lateral sides distinctly margined, roundly arcuate; basal margin sinuate, with short and circular grooves at subbasal parts. Scutellum triangular, with short decumbent setation. Elytra with double setation (long erect setation and short decumbent setation), elongate, subparallel-sided, narrowed from apical 1/4 part to apex; black with many small, large and geometric yellowish-brown patches (Figs. 1-3), which are variable among individuals; punctate-striate, strial punctures very deep, large and regular; interstices flat, narrower than striae.

Male. Unknown.

Differential diagnosis. The new species belongs to the subgenus Paramycetophagus Nikitsky, 2007 according to its double setation on elytra and is similar to M. (P.) sulcicollis Champion, 1917 but differs from it by the characters depicted in figures (structure of antennae and elytral colour patters).

M. (P.) nepalensis sp. nov.: elytra black with many small, large and geometric yellowish-brown patches (Figs 1-3).

M. (P.) sulcicollis Champion, 1917 : elytra black with two large yellowish-brown fasciae and apical spot (Fig. 5).

Figs. 5-6. Mycetophagus (Paramycetophagus) sulcicollis Champion, 1917: 5 - right elytron; 6- antenna. (according to original drawing in Nikitsky 2007).

Etymology. Toponymic, named according to the country Nepal.

Acknowledgements. I am very obliged to Matthias Hartmann (NMED) for loaning me the interesting material.


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