Monopeltis zambezensis

GANS, CARL, 2005, Checklist And Bibliography Of The Amphisbaenia Of The World, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2005 (289), pp. 1-130 : 59-85

publication ID<0001:CABOTA>2.0.CO;2

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Monopeltis zambezensis


M. zambezensis , Zygaspis quadrifrons , Z. violacea ]

Broadley, D.G., and S. Broadley. 1997. A revision of the African genus Zygaspis Cope ( Reptilia: Amphisbaenia ). Syntarsus 1997(4): 1–24. [all; Zygaspis arenicola , Z. ferox , Z. kaufensis , Z. vandami ]

Broadley, D.G., and C. Gans. 1969. A new species of Zygaspis ( Amphisbaenia : Reptilia) from Zambia and Angola. Arnoldia 4(25): 1–4. [all; Zygapsis niger ]

Broadley, D.G., and C. Gans. 1974. A new dwarfed species of Monopeltis from the middle Zambezi valley ( Reptilia: Amphisbaenia ). Arnoldia 6(35): 1–5. [all]

Broadley, D.G., and C. Gans. 1975. Additional records for Zygaspis niger and Z. quadrifrons . Herpetological Review 6(1): 21. [all]

Broadley, D.G., and C. Gans. 1978a. Southern forms of Chirindia ( Amphisbaenia , Reptilia). Annals of the Carnegie Museum 47(3): 29–51. [all; Chirindia langi , C. orientalis , C. swynnertoni ]

Broadley, D.G., and C. Gans. 1978b. Distribution, variation and systematic status of Zygaspis violacea (Peters) ( Amphisbaenia , Reptilia), endemic to southeastern Africa. Annals of the Carnegie Museum 47(14): 319–334. [all]

Broadley, D.G., C. Gans, and J. Visser. 1976. Studies on amphisbaenians ( Amphisbaenia , Reptilia). 6. The genera Monopeltis and Dalophia in southern Africa. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 157(5): 313– 485. [all]

Broadley, D.G., and K.M. Howell. 1991. A check list of the reptiles of Tanzania, with synoptic keys. Syntarsus 1: 1–70. [pp. 19–20]

Broadley, D.G., and J.C. Poynton. 1998. Contributions to the Herpetology of the Belgian Congo. Karl P. Schmidt and G.K. Noble. Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, Ithaca, New York, USA in cooperation with the Herpetological Association of Africa. irreg. pagination.

Brogniart, A. 1800. Essai d’une classification naturelle des reptiles. IIe partie. Formation et disposition des genres. Bulletin Scientifique de la Societé Philomatique (Paris) 1800(36): 89–91.

Brongersma, L.D. 1932. Abnorme Beschilderung des Kopfes bei Amphisbaenen. Zoologischer Anzeiger 99(56): 132–134. [all; Amphisbaena alba , A. fuliginosa ]

Brongersma, L.D. 1935. Herpetological notes. XI. Note on Amphisbaena liberiensis (Blgr) . Zoologische Mededelingen (Leiden) 18(4): 259– 251. [all]

Brongersma, L.D. 1956. On some reptiles and amphibians from Trinidad and Tobago, B.W.I. II. Proceedings of the Koninkliik Nederlandsche Akademie der Wetenschappen 59: 165– 188. [all]

Brongersma, L.D. 1972. On the ‘Histoire naturelle des serpens’ by De La Cepede, 1789 and 1790, with a request to reject this work as a whole, and with proposals to place seven names of snakes, being nomina oblita, on the official index of rejected and invalid names in zoology, and to place three names of snakes on the official list of specific names in zoology (class Reptilia). A.N.(S.) 1985. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 29(1): 44–61.

Brown, A.E. 1904. Post­glacial Nearctic centers of dispersal for reptiles. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 56: 464–474. [p. 469; Rhineura ]

Brown, A.E. 1908. Generic types of Nearctic Reptilia and Amphibia. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 60: 112–127.

Browne, P. 1778. The pure and natural history of Jamaica, 1st ed. London: British Museum Natural History.

Browne, P. 1789. The pure and natural history of Jamaica, 2nd ed. London: British Museum Natural History. [p. 460, table 44, fig. 1]

Brühl, C.B. 1886. Zootomie aller Thierklassen für Lernende, nach Autopsien, skizziert, part 38. Vienna: Hölder. [40 pls. plus text]

Brünnichii [Brünnich], M.T. 1772 [1737–1827]. Zoologiae Fundamentii. Hafniae and Lipnae, F.C. Pelt, J.C. Kall. [pp. 104–105]

Bruton, M.N., and W.D. Haacke. 1975. New reptile records from the tropical transition zone of South­east Africa. Lammergeyer 22: 23–32. [p. 26; Monopeltis sphenorhychus ]

Brygoo, É.R. 1991. Les types d’Amphisbaenidés, Pygopodidés, Xantusiidés (reptiles, sauriens) du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle. Catalogue critique. Bulletin de le Museum Nationale de l’Histoire Naturelle, sec. A, Zoologie, Biologie, Écologie Animale 12(3, 4, suppl.) 1990[1991]: 3–18. [pp. 4–7]

Bumpus, H.C. 1888. Reptilia. In The Riverside natural history, vol. 3. Fishes and reptiles. New York: Houghton and Co. [pp. 432–433]

Burghardt, G.M. 1977. Learning processes in reptiles. In C. Gans and D.W. Tinkle (editors), Biology of the Reptilia 7(7): 555–681. London: Academic Press. [p. 571]

Burlet, H.M. de 1934. Höhere Sinnesorgane. 2. Vergleichende Anatomie des statoakustischen Organs. b. Die mittlere Ohrsphäre. In L. Bolk, E. Göppert, E. Kallius, and W. Lubosch (editors), Handbuch der vergleichenden Anatomie der Wirbeltiere 2(2): 1381–1432. Berlin: Urban und Schwarzenberg. [pp. 1400, 1402; Amphisbaena fuliginosa , Trogonophis ]

Burmeister, C.H.C. 1853. Reise nach Brasilien, durch die Provinzen von Rio de Janeiro und Minas Geraes. Mit besonderer Rücksicht auf die Naturgeschichte der Gold und Diamantendistrikte. Berlin: Georg Reimer. [pp. 372–373]

Burmeister, C.H.C. 1861. Reise durch die La Plata­Staaten mit besonderer Rücksicht auf die physische Beschaffenheit und den Culturzustand der Argentinischen Republik. Ausgeführt in den Jahren 1857, 1858, 1859 und 1860. Halle: H.W. Schmidt, 2 vols. [1: vi + 502; 2: vi + 538 pp.]

Burt, C.E. 1937. The lizards of the southeastern United States. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 1937(40): 349–366. [p. 364; Rhineura floridana ]

Burt, C.E., and M. Danheim Burt. 1930. The South American lizards in the collection of the United States National Museum. Proceedings of the U.S. National Museum 78(6): 1–52. [pp. 39–41; Amphisbaena alba , A. bohlsii , A. camura , A. darwini , A. fuliginosa , A. pericensis , A. plumbea , A. townsendi , A. vermicularis , Anopsibaena kingii , Leposternon boulengeri , L. microcephalum , L. polystegum , L. scutigerum ]

Burt, C.E., and M. Danheim Burt. 1931. South American lizards in the collection of the American Museum of Natural History. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 61(7): 227–395. [p. 238; Amphisbaena alba , A. camura , A. darwini , A. fuliginosa , A. mertensii , A. perisensis , A. spurrelli , A. vermicularis , Anops kingii , Leposternon microcephalum ]

Burt, C.E., and M. Danheim Burt. 1933. A preliminary checklist of the lizards of South America. Transactions of the Academy of Science of St. Louis 28(1, 2): 1–104. [pp. 78–85]

Burt, C.E., and G.S. Myers. 1942. Neotropical lizards in the collection of the natural history museum of Stanford University. Stanford University Publications, University Series, Biological Sciences 8(2): 1–52. [p. 49]

Burton, M. 1968. Amphisbaenia . In Purnell’s encyclopedia of animal life 2: 38–39. London: BPC Publ. [all]

Burton, J.A. 1998. The book of snakes. New Jersey: Chartwell Books.

Busack, S. D. 1976. Activity cycles and body temperatures of Acanthodactylus erythrurus . Copeia 1976(4): 826–831.

Busack, S.D. 1976. Bibliography of north African herpetology. Smithsonian Herpetological Information Service 1976(32): 1–12. [ Blanus , Trogonophis ]

Busack, S.D. 1978. Diurnal surface activity in the amphisbaenian, Blanus cinereus (Vandelli) 1797 ( Reptilia, Lacertilia, Amphisbaenidae ). Journal of Herpetology 12(3): 428. [all]

Busack, S.D. 1988a. Biochemical and morphological differentiation in Spanish and Moroccan populations of Blanus and the description of a new species from northern Morocco ( Reptilia, Amphisbaenia , Amphisbaenidae ). Copeia 1988(1): 101–109. [all; Blanus cinereus , B. mettetali , B. tingitanus ]

Busack, S.D. 1988b. Biogeographic analysis of the herpetofauna separated by the formation of the Strait of Gibraltar. National Geographic Research 1988(2): 17–36. [p. 21; Blanus cinereus , B. tingitanus ]

Butler, G.W. 1886. On the relations of the fat bodies of the Sauropsida. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1886: 602–613. [p. 603]

Butler, G.W. 1895. On the complete or partial suppression of the right lung in the Amphisbaenidae and of the left lung in snakes and snakelike lizards and amphibians. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1895: 691–712. [all]

Büttikofer, J. 1890. Reisebilder aus Liberia. II. Band. Die Bewohner Liberia’s. Thierwelt. Leiden: E.J. Brill. [pp. 441–443]

Buttle, D. 1990. The herpetofauna of Leros (Dodecanense, S. E. Aegan). British Herpetological Society Bulletin 34: 34–38. [ Blanus strauchi , color measures, ecology]

Cabrera, M.R. 1993. Los saurios del Espinal y su presencia en provincias biogeográficas vecinas. Rev. del Mus. Argentino de Ciencias Naturales ‘‘Bernardino Revadavia’’ e Instituto Nacional de Investigación de las Ciencias Naturales. Ecología 4(2): 17–34. [ Amphisbaena angustifrons , A. camura , A. darwini heterozonata , A. minuta , A. munoai , A. plumbea , Anops kingii ]

Cabrera, M.R. 1993. Segundo registro de Amphisbaena camura Cope ( Reptilia, Amphisbeania) en la provincia de Córdoba, Argentina. Boletin de la Asociación Herpetológica Argentina 9(1): 7–8. [all]

Cabrera, M.R. 1998. Rectificaciones y comentarios nomenclaturales al capítulo sobre reptiles, excepto ofidios, de Biodiversidad de la provincia de Córdoba. Fauna, vol. 1. Cuadernos de Herpetología 12(2): 35–36. [p. 35; Amphisbaena camura ]

Cabrera, M.R., and H.O. Merlini. 1990. The diet of Amphisbaena darwini heterozonata in Argentina. Herpetological Review 21(3): 53–54. [all]

Cabrera, M.R., and N.T.B. de Speroni. 1986. Composición y distribución de la lacertofauna de la Provincia de Córdoba, Argentina. II. Amphisbaenidae , Anguidae e Iguanidae . Historia Naturale, Corrientes Argentina 6(1): 1–12. [p. 2, 3]

Cagle, F.R. 1957. Reptiles. In W.F. Blair et al. (editors), Vertebrates of the United States: 273– 357. New York: McGraw Hill. [p. 326; Rhineura floridana , the only earless, legless, blind lizard of the U.S.]

Calabresi, E. 1915. Contributo alla conoscenza dei rettili della Somalia. Monitore Zoologico Italiano (Firenze) 26(10): 234–247. [pp. 239– 241]

Calabresi, E. 1923. Escursioni zoologiche del Dott.E. Festa nell’isola di Rodi. Bulletin del Museo Zoologico de Anatomia Comparata della Reale Universita de Torino, ser. 38, n.s., 1923(9): 1–16. [p. 5]

Calabresi, E. 1927. Anfibi e rettili raccolti nella Somalia dai Proff. G. Stefanni e N. Puccioni (Gennaio­Luglio 1924). Atti de Societa Italiana de Scientias Naturas (Milano) 66: 14–60. [pp. 27–28, 44]

Caldwell, M.W. 1999. Squamate phylogeny and the relationships of snakes and Mosasauroids. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 125: 115–147. [p. 127]

Cameron, H.D., and C. Gans. 1977. The Amphisbaena of antiquity: thoughts about the origin of the name. British Journal of Herpetology 5(8): 603–606. [all; Blanus strauchi ]

Camp, C.L. 1923. Classification of the lizards. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 48(11): 289–481. [pp. 293, 297, 299, 316–318, 333, 339–340, 342–343, 352–353, 356, 361, 363, 365, 369, 372, 375, 417, 419]

Campbell, J.H. 1980. Edwin James’ report on Bipes reconsidered. Herpetological Review 11(1): 6–7. [all]

Cansdale, G.S. 1951. Some Gold Coast lizards. Nigerian Field 16(1): 21–34. [pp. 31–32]

Capula, M. 1989. Simon and Schuster’s guide to reptiles and amphibians of the world. New York: Simon & Schuster. [p. 195, Blanus cinereus , Trogonophis wiegmanni ]

Carey, W.M. 1972. The herpetology of Anegada, British Virgin Islands. Caribbean Journal of Science 12(1, 2): 79–89. [pp. 85–86; refers to Schomburgk 1832 mention of ‘‘ Amphisbaena fuliginosa ’’ on Anegada, may be Amphisbaena fenestrata ]

Carlsson, A. 1887. Untersuchungen über Gliedmassen­Reste bei Schlangen. Bihang til Königliken Svenska Vetenskaben­Akademie Handlingar 1886(11): 1–38. [pp. 4, 6, 8, 15]

Carmichael, A.C. 1833. Domestic manners and social condition of the white, coloured and negro population of the West Indies, vol. 2. London: Whittacker, Treacher and Co. [p. 327]

Carr, A.F., Jr. 1940. A contribution to the herpe­ tology of Florida. University of Florida Publications, Biological Science Series 3(1): 1–118. [p. 77; Rhineura floridana ]

Carr, A.F., Jr. 1949. Notes on eggs and young of the lizard Rhineura floridana . Copeia 1949(1): 77. [all]

Carr, A.F., Jr. 1963. Life Nature Library: The reptiles. Time­Life, Inc. New York. 192 pp. (with editors of Life) [pp. 13, 28–31, 80, 83–84, 94]

Carr, A.F., Jr., and C.J. Goin. 1955. Guide to the reptiles, amphibians and freshwater fishes of Florida. Gainesville: Univesrity of Florida Press. [p. 266; Rhineura ]

Carrillo de Espinosa, N. 1970. Contribución al conocimiento de los reptiles del Perú ( Squamata, Crocodylia, Testudinata : Reptilia Publicaciones del Museo de Historia Naturale de la Universidad Nacional Mayor San Marcos, Ser. A, Zoologia (22): 1–64. [pp. 34–36; Amphisbaena fuliginosa ]

Carrillo de Espinosa, N., and J. Icochea. 1995. Lista taxonomica preliminar de la reptiles vivientes del Peru´. Publicaciones del Museo de Historia Naturale de la Universidad Nacional Mayor San Marcos, ser. A, Zoologia (49): 1– 27. [pp. 4–5]

Carroll, R.L. 1969. Origin of reptiles. In C. Gans, A.d’A. Bellairs, and T.S. Parsons (editors), Biology of the Reptilia 1(1): 1–44. London: Academic Press. [pp. 2, 6–7]

Carroll, R.L. 1995. Between fish and amphibian. Nature 373(6513): 389–390. [all; palaeontology]

Carruccio, A. 1910. Prime notizie su diversi vertebrati della Missiones (Repubblica Argentina) testé avuti dal Museo Zoologico della regia Università di Roma, e cenno intorno ad un coendu prehensilis. Bolletino de la Societa Zoologica de Italia 2(11): 49–55. [all]

Carus, J.V., and C.E.A. Gerstaecker. 1863. Handbuch der Zoologie. Leipzig: Wilhelm Engelmann. [pp. 372–373, 436–437; Amphisbaena , Lepidosternon ]

Carvalho, A.L. de 1937. Notas oecológicas e zoogeográphicas sobre vertebrados do nordeste brasileiro. O Campo. [pp. 12–14]

Casas, A.G., and C.J. McCoy. 1979. Anfibias y reptiles de Mexico. Mexico: Editorial Limusar. [p. 41; Bipes ]

Castañeda, M.R., and T. Alvarez. 1968. Contribución al conocimiento de la osteologia apendicular de Bipes ( Reptilia: Amphisbaenia ). Anales de la Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biologicas ( Mexico) 17: 189–206. [all]

Castro­Mello, C. 2000. A new species of Amphisbaena from central Brasil ( Squamata : Amphisbaenidae ). Papéis Avulsos de Zoologico (São Paulo) 41(16): 243–246. [ Amphisbaena anaemariae , A. mensae , A. talisiae , A. vermicularis ]

Cavallo, O., S. Sen, J.­C. Rage, and J. Gaudant. 1993. Vertébrés Messiniens du faciès à Congéries de Ciabòt Cagna, Corneliano d’Alba (Piémont, Italie). Rivistas Piemontese de Storia Naturale 14: 3–22. [pp. 9–10; Blanus cinereus ]

Cei, J.M. 1986. Reptiles del centro, centro­oeste y sur de la Argentina. Herpetofauna de las zonas áridas y semiáridas. Museo Regionale de Scientias Naturas (Torino), Monografia 4: 1– 527. [pp. 28–29, 32, 91, 135–136, 175, 329– 338, 340, 471]

Cei, J.M. 1993. Reptiles del noroeste, nordeste y este de la Argentina. Herpetofauna de las selvas subtropicales, Puna y Pampas. Museo Regionale de Scientias Naturas (Torino), Monografia 14: 1–949. [pp. 53, 58, 89–90, 117, 422–454; Amphisbaena , Anops , Leposternon ]

Cei, J.M., and V.G. Roig. 1974(1973). Fauna y ecosistemas del oeste árido Argentino. II. Anfibios de la Provincia de Mendoza. Deserta 4: 141–146. [p. 83; Amphisbaena plumbea ]

Cendrero, L. 1972. Zoologia Hispanoamericana. Vertebrados. Mexico: Ed Porrua. [pp. 573–576; Amphisbaena alba , A. angustifrons , A. camura , A. cubana , A. darwini , A. fuliginosa , A. vermicularis , Anops kingi , Bipes biporus , B. canaliculatus , B. tridactylus , Blanus cinereus , Mesobaena huebneri ]

Chabanaud, P. 1916. Sur divers reptiles et batraciens du Maroc reçueillis par M. Pallary. Bulletin de Muséum Nationale d’Histoire Naturelle (Paris) 22(5): 228–233. [p. 231; Blanus cinereus , Trogonophis wiegmanni ]

Chabanaud, P. 1917. Énumération des reptiles non encore étudiés de l’Afrique occidentale appartenant aux Collections du Muséum, avec la description des espèces nouvelles. Bulletin de Museum Nationale d’Histoire Naturelle (Paris) 23(2): 83–105. [p. 87]

Chabanaud, P. 1920. Reptiles reçueillis en Algérie par M. C. Dumont en 1918 et 1919. Bulletin de Museum Nationale d’Histoire Naturelle (Paris) 26(6): 461–462.

Chaine, J. 1900. Anatomie comparée de certains muscles sus­hyoidiens. Thèse de la Faculté des Sciences, Paris. [pp. 100–102, fig. 12; Amphisbaena caeca ]

Chalkidis, H. de M. 2000. Geographic distribution: Amphisbaena fuliginosa varia . Herpetological Review 3(4): 253. [all]

Chalkidis, H. De M., Duarte, A.C.C., and R.C. Vogt. 2003. Amphisbaenidae of the Collection of Amphibians and Reptiles of the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia, INPA. Program and abstracts 83rd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Ichthyologists and Her­ petologists (ASIH), 18th annual meeting of the American Elasmobranch Society (AES), the 50th annual meeting of the Herpetologists’ League (HL), and the 44th annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles (SSAR). Manaos, Sacado del CD, Brazil. [distribution, Amphisbaena alba , A. vanzolinii , A. fuliginosa amazonica , A. f. fuliginosa , A. f. bassleri , A. slevini ]

Charig, A., and C. Gans. 1990. Two new amphisbaenians from the Lower Miocene of Kenya. Bulletin of the British Museum of Geology 46(1): 387–400. [all; Lophocranion rusingense , Listromycter leakeyi , Monopeltis jugularis ]

Chebez, J.C. 1996. Reptiles of the province of Misiones. In J.C. Chebez (editor), Fauna Misionera. Catalogo sistematico y zoogeografico de los Vertebrados de la Provincia de Misiones: 84–106. Buenos Aires: L.O.L.A. [p. 91; Amphisbaena darwini trachura , A. mertensi ]

Chenú, D.J. (with M.E. Demarest). 1874. Encyclopédie d’histoire naturelle ou traité complete de cette science. Reptiles et poissons, 4 vols. Librairie de Firmin­Didot Frères, Paris. Paris: Marescq et Compagnie, Gustave Havard. [pp. 95–97, Blanus cinereus ]

Chew, R.M. 1961. Water metabolism of desertinhabiting vertebrates. Biological Review 36: 1–31. [Mention of Bogert and Cowles (1947)]

China, W.E. 1963a. Opinion 651. Anilius Oken, 1816 (Reptilia) : validation under the Plenary Powers. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 20: 111–113. [ Bipes lepidopus ]

China, W.E. 1963b. Opinion 664. Amphisbaena dubia Rathke, 1863 (Reptilia) : suppression un­ der the Plenary Powers. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 20: 197–198. [all]

Chondropoulos, B., and L. Paraschi. 1992. General remarks: amphibians and reptiles. In M. Karandinos and L. Paraschi (editors), The red data book of threatened vertebrates of Greece. 356 pages, 26 col photos, 2 plates. Hellenic ZS, Greece. [89–91]

Chubb, E.C. 1909. List of Rhodesian batrachians and reptiles in the Rhodesian Museum collection. Rhodesian Museum, Bulawayo, 8th Annual Report: 34–36. [p. 35]

Claessen, H. 1999a. De slangen van de Guyana’s. Deel I. The snakes of French Guyana, part 1. Terra 36(3): 71–76. [pp. 72–74]

Claessen, H. 1999b. De slangen van de Guyana’s. Deel II. The snakes of the Guyanas, part II. Terra 36(4): 107–111. [p. 109; Anylius scytale, Voeding Amphisbaena en slangen typhlops]

Clark, R.N., and E.P. Clark. 1973. Report on a collection of amphibians and reptiles from Turkey. Occasional Papers of the California Academy of Science 104: 1–62.

Clark, J.M., and R, Hernandez. 1994. A new burrowing diapsid from Jurassic La Boca formation of Tamaulipas, Mexico. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 14: 180–195.

Cloudsley­Thompson, J.L. 1977. Some aspects of the biology of Amphisbaena alba . British Journal of Herpetology 5(8): 617–621. [ Amphisbaena alba , mention of caeca ]

Cloudsley­Thompson, J.L. 1979. Water loss and locomotory activity in Agama persica and Diplometopon zarudnyi from Kuwait. Journal of the Arid Environment 29(3): 273–277. [all]

Cochran, D.M. 1924. Notes on the herpetological collections made by Dr. W.L. Abbott on the Island of Haiti. Proceedings of the U.S. National Museum 66(6): 1–15. [p. 11]

Cochran, D.M. 1928a. A new genus and species of lizard, Hispaniolus pratensis , from the Haitian Republic. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 41: 49–51. [not Amphisbaena ]

Cochran, D.M. 1928b. The herpetological collections made in Haiti and its adjoining islands by Walter J. Eyerdam. Proceedings of the Biological Socety of Washington 41: 53–59. [p. 54; Amphisbaena caudalis , related to A. innocens ]

Cochran, D.M. 1934a. Herpetological collections from the West Indies made by Dr. Paul Bartsch under the Walter Rathbone Bacon Scholarship, 1928–1930. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections 92(7): 1–48. [p. 44]

Cochran, D.M. 1934b. Herpetological collections made in Hispaniola by the Utowana Expedition, 1934. Occasional Papers of the Boston Society of Natural History 8: 163–188. [p. 184]

Cochran, D.M. 1941. The herpetology of Hispaniola. Bulletin of the U.S. National Museum 177: 1–398 [pp. 297–303; figs. 83–85; Amphisbaena caudalis , A. innocens , A. manni ]

Cochran, D.M. 1961. Type specimens of reptiles and amphibians in the U.S. National Museum. Bulletin of the U.S. National Museum 220: 1– 291. [ Amphisbaena bakeri , A. camura , A. manni ; A. fenestrate ; A. pericensis , A. townsendi ; Bipes biporus ; Rhineura floridana ]

Cochran, D.M., and C.J. Goin. 1920. The new field book of reptiles and amphibians. New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons. [pp. 231–232; Amphisbaenidae ]

Cocteau, J.T., and G. Bibron. 1843. Reptiles. In R. de le Sagra (editor), Histoire physique, politique et naturelle de l’Ile de Cuba: 194–199. Paris: Bertrand. [ Amphisbaena punctata ]

Cocteau, J.T., and G. Bibron. 1857. Reptiles. In R. de le Sagra (editor), Histoire physique, politique et naturelle de l’Ile de Cuba. Atlas. Paris: Bertrand. [p. 21, figs. 1–4]

Cole, C.J., and C. Gans. 1987. Chromosomes of Bipes , Mesobaena and other amphisbaenians ( Reptilia), with comments on their evolution. American Museum Novitates 2869: 1–9. [all]

Colli, G.R., and D.S. Zamboni. 1999. Ecology of the worm­lizard Amphisbaena alba in the Cerrado of Central Brazil. Copeia 1999(3): 733– 742. [all]

Colli, G.R., Bastos R.P., and A.F.B. Araújo. 2002. The character and dynamics of the Cerrado herpetofauna. In The Cerrados of Brazil: Ecology and Natural History of a Neotropical Savanna: 223–241. P.S. Oliveira and R.J. Marquis (editors). New York: Columbia University Press. [checklist, ecology]

Collins, J.T. 1990. Standard common and current scientific names for North American amphibians and reptiles, 3rd ed. Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles Herpetological Circular 19: 1–41.

Collins, J.T. 1997. Standard common and current scientific names for North American amphibians and reptiles. Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles Herpetological Circular 25: 1–40. [p. 18; Amphisbaenia ]

Collins, J.T., R. Conant, J.E. Huheey, J.L. Knight, E.M. Rundquist, and H.S. Smith. 1982. Standard common and current scientific names for North American amphibians and reptiles, 2nd ed. Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles Herpetological Circular 12: 14–28 [p. 17; Rhineura ]

Collins, J.T., J.E. Huheey, J.L. Knight, and H.M. Smith. 1978. Standard common and current scientific names for North American amphibians and reptiles. Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles Herpetological Circular 7: 1– 36. [p. 22]

Conant, R. 1958. A field guide to reptiles and amphibians of the United States and Canada east of the 100th Meridian. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. [p. 168; Amphisbaenidae ]

Conant, R. 1975. A field guide to reptiles and amphibians of eastern and central North America, 2nd ed., revised. Boston. Houghton Mifflin. 429 pp. [p. 135; Amphisbaenidae ]

Conant, R., F.R. Cayle, C.J. Goin, C.H. Lowe, W.T. Neill, M.G. Nettring, K.P. Schmidt, C.E. Shaw, and R.C. Stebbins. 1956. Common names for North American amphibians and reptiles. Copeia 1956(3): 172–185. [p. 180; Rhineura ]

Conant, R., and J.T. Collins. 1991. A field guide to reptiles and amphibians of eastern and central North America, 3rd ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. [p. 142; Amphisbaenidae ]

Conant, R., and J.T. Collins. 1998. A field guide to reptiles and amphibians of eastern and central North America, 3rd ed., expanded. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. [p. 280–281; Amphisbaenidae ]

Condamin, M., and A. Villiers. 1962. Contribution a l’étude de la faune de la basse Casamançe II. Reptiles. Bulletin de l’Institute Francais d’Afrique Noire 24A: 897–908. [pp. 900–902; Placogaster feae ]

Cooper, E.L., A.E. Klempau, and A.G. Zapata. 1985. Reptilian immunity. In C. Gans, F. Billett, and P.F.A. Maderson (editors), Biology of the Reptilia 14(8): 599–678. New York: Wiley. [pp. 617, 636]

Cooper, W.E., P. López, and A. Salvador. 1994. Pheromone detection by an amphisbaenian. Animal Behavior 47: 1401–1411. [all; Blanus cinereus ]

Cope, E.D. 1861a. Specimens of Lepidosternum floridanum Baird were exhibited. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 13: 75. [all]

Cope, E.D. 1861b. Remarks defining the following species of Reptilia Squamata . Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 13: 75–77. [pp. 75–76]

Cope, E.D. 1861c. Species of Reptilia Squamata . Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 1861: 75–76. [ Amphisbaena angustifrons , A. fenestrata , A. pretrei , A. vermicularis , Diphalus ]

Cope, E.D. 1862. Catalogues of the reptiles obtained during the explorations of the Parana, Paraguay, Vermejo and Uruguay Rivers by Capt. Thos. J. Page, U.S. N., and of those procured by Lieut. N. Michler, U.S. top. Eng., commander of the expedition conducting the survey of the Atrato River. I. The Paraguay collection. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 14: 346–359. [p. 350; Amphisbaena camura ]

Cope, E.D. 1864. On the characters of the higher groups of Reptilia Squamata —and especially of the Diploglossa. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 16: 224– 231. [p. 226]

Cope, E.D. 1868. An examination of the Reptilia and Batrachia obtained by the Orton expedition to Equador and the Upper Amazon, with notes on other species. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 20: 96–149. [pp. 96, 101]

Cope, E.D. 1869. Seventh contribution to the herpetology of tropical America. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 1869: 147– 169. [pp. 156, 164]

Cope, E.D. 1871. On the homologies of some of the cranial bones of the Reptilia, and on the systematic arrangement of the class. Proceedings of the American Association for the Ad­ vancement of Science 19: 194–247. [pp. 221, 237]

Cope, E.D. 1873. Synopsis of new Vertebrata from the Tertiary of Colorado. Obtained during the summer of 1873. Advance, 7th Geological and Geographical Survey Terr. (Hayden). Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office. [p. 19]

Cope, E.D. 1874. Report on the vertebrate paleontology of Colorado. 7th Annual Report U.S. Geological and Geographical Survey Terr., embracing Colorado: 427–533. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office. [pp. 475– 476]

Cope, E.D. 1875. Checklist of North American Batrachia and Reptilia. Bulletin of the U.S. National Museum 1: 1–104. [pp. 20, 44, 77]

Cope, E.D. 1876. Report on the reptiles brought by Professor James Orton from the middle and upper Amazon, and western Peru. Journal of the Academy of Natural Science of Philadelphia, ser. 2, 8(6): 159–183. [p. 176; Amphisbaena occidentalis , A. fuliginosa ]

Cope, E.D. 1877. On some new and little known reptiles and fishes from the Austroriparian region. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 17(1): 63–68. [p. 65]

Cope, E.D. 1879. Eleventh contribution to the herpetology of tropical America. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 18: 261– 277. [p. 273]

Cope, E.D. 1885. Twelfth contribution to the herpetology of tropical America. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 22: 167– 194. [p. 184; Amphisbaena beniënsis , Anops kingii , key to the genera]

Cope, E.D. 1887a. Synopsis of the Batrachia and Reptilia obtained by H.H. Smith, in the province of Mato Grosso, Brazil. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 24(125): 44– 60. [p. 56; Amphisbaena alba , Lepidosternum microcephalum ]

Cope, E.D. 1887b. Catalogue of batrachians and reptiles of Central America and Mexico. Bulletin of the U.S. National Museum 32: 1–98. [p. 47]

Cope, E.D. 1892a. On degenerate types of scapular and pelvic arches in the Lacertilia. Journal of Morphology 7: 223–242. [pp. 240–242; Amphisbaena occidentalis , A. alba , A. fuliginosa , Chirotes canaliculatus , Lepidosternon microcephalum , Rhineura floridana ]

Cope, E.D. 1892b. The osteology of the Lacertilia. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 30(138): 185–221. [p. 217, fig. 5; Rhineura floridana ]

Cope, E.D. 1894. On the genera and species of Euchirotidae. American Naturalist 1894(28): 436–437. [ Bipes canaliculatus , Euchirotes biporus , Hemichirotes tridactylus ]

Cope, E.D. 1896a. On the hemipenes of the Sauria . Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 48: 461–467 [pp. 945–946]

Cope, E.D. 1896b. The geographical distribution of Batrachia and Reptilia in North America. American Naturalist 30: 886–902, 1003–1026. [p. 897]

Cope, E.D. 1896c. The mesenteries of the Sauria . Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 1896: 308–314. [pp. 313– 314]

Cope, E.D. 1899. Contribution to the herpetology of New Granada and Argentina, with descriptions of new forms. Philadelphia Museum, Science Bulletin 1899(1): 1–22. [p. 10]

Cope, E.D. 1900. The crocodilians, lizards and snakes of North America. Report of the U.S. National Museum 1898: 153–1294.

Costa, M.C., Souza, C.A., Silva, N., and J.C. O’Reilly. 2003. A comparison of maximum pushing performance in three sympatric amphisbaenians from central Brazil. Program and abstracts 83rd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists (ASIH), 18th annual meeting of the American Elasmobranch Society (AES), the 50th annual meeting of the Herpetologists’ League (HL), and the 44th annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles (SSAR). Manaos, Sacado del CD, Brazil.

Cott, H.B. 1934. The Zoological Society’s expedition to the Zambesi, 1927: No. 5. On a collection of lizards, mainly from Portuguese East Africa, with descriptions of new species of Zonurus , Monopeltis and Chirindia . Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1934: 145–173. [pp. 155–160; Amphisbaena quadrifrons , Chirindia bushbyi , Monopeltis mossambica ]

Couplet, P. 1701. Mémoires de la Académie de Science (Paris). [Note: Amphisbaenids can cause pustules on the hands]

Court, J. 1884. Reptiles. In L.D. Vertieul and A. Aimé (editors), Trinidad: its geography, 2nd ed.: 381–388. London: Cassel.

Cracraft, J. 1974. Continental drift and vertebrate distribution. Annals and Review of Ecology and Systematics 5: 215–261. [p. 236; Amphisbaena ]

Crawford, S.C. 1931. Field keys to the lizards and amphibians of British Guiana. Annals of the Carnegie Museum 31(1): 11–42. [p. 26; Amphisbaena ]

Crespo, E.G. 1972. Répteis de Portugal continental das colecções do Museu Bocage. Arquivos do Museu Bocage, ser. 2, 3(17): 447–612. [pp. 541–545; Blanus cinereus ]

Crespo, E.G. 1973. Sôbre a distibuição e ecologia da herpetofauna portuguêsa. Arquivos do Museu Bocage, ser. 2, 4(11): 247–260. [ Blanus cinereus ]

Crespo, E.G. 1975. Aditamento aos catálogos dos répteis e anfíbios de Portugal continental das colecções do Museu Bocage. Arquivos do Museu Bocage, ser. 2, 5(3): 479–498. [ Blanus cinereus ]

Crook, J.M., and T.S. Parsons. 1980. Visceral anatomy of the Amphisbaenia . Journal of Morphology 163(2): 99–133. [all]

Crother, B. I. 1999. Evolutionary relationships. In B.I. Crother (editor), Caribbean amphibians and reptiles 8: 269–334. San Diego: Academic Press. [pp. 278–279; Amphisbaena bakeri , A. barbour , A. caeca , A. cubana , A. fenestrata , A. innocens , Cadea ]

Crumly, C.R. 1990. Type catalogues of herpetological collections: an annotated list of lists. Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles Herpetological Circular 18: 1–50. [pp. 16, 39]

Crusafont Pairó, M., and J.F. de Villalta. 1952. Sobre los pequeños reptiles y anfibios del Mioceno del Vallés­Penedés. Estudios Geologicos Instuto Investigaciones, Lucas Mallada 8: 213– 223. [p. 217; Blanus ]

Cruz Neto, A.P., and A.S. Abe. 1993. Diet composition of two synoptic species of Neotropical amphisbaenians, Cercolophia roberti and Amphisbaena mertensii . Journal of Herpetology 27(2): 239–240. [all; A. dubia ]

Cruz Neto, A.P., A.S. Abe, and V.L.L. Machado. 1987. Análise do conteúdo estomacal de Amphisbaena dubia ( Reptilia, Amphisbaenidae ). Resumos de Congresso Brasileiro Zoologia 14, Juiz de Fora. [all]

Cunha, O.R. da. 1961. II. Lacertílios da Amazônia. Os lagartos da Amazônia Brasileira, com especial referência aos representados na coleção do Museu Goeldi. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi (Belem), new ser., Zoologia 1961(39): 1–189. [p. 158, Amphisbaenidae ; p. 159, key; p. 160, Amphisbaena ; p. 162, A. fuliginosa ; p. 165, p. 163, A. alba ; A. f. amazonica ; p. 166, A. f. bassleri ; p. 168, A. vermicularis ; p. 170, Aulura anomala ; p. 173, Leposternon ; p. 174, L. crassum ]

Cunha, O.R. da, and F.P. Nascimento. 1982. Ofídios da Amazônia. XIV.—As espécies de Micrurus , Bothrops , Lachesis , e Crotalus do sul do Pará e oeste do Maranhão, incluindo áreas de cerrado deste estado. (Ophidia: Elapidae e Viperidae ). Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, nova ser., Zoologie (Belém) 1982(112): 1–58. [p. 15; Amphisbaena Mitchelli , predation]

Cunningham, J.T. 1912. Animal Life. An evolutionary natural history. Reptiles, Amphibia, fishes and lower chordates. London: Methuen & Co. [pp. 41, 114]

Cunningham, R.O. 1871. Notes on the reptiles, Amphibia, fishes, Mollusca and Crustacea obtained during the voyage of H.M.S. ‘Nassau’ in the years 1866–69. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London 27: 466–502. [p. 466]

Cusumano, M.A., and R. Powell. 1991. A note on the diet of Amphisbaena gonavensis in the Dominican Republic. Amphibia­Reptilia 12(3): 350–352. [all]

Cuvier, G.L.C.F.D. 1817. La règne animal, distribué d’après son organisation, 1st ed. Paris: Deterville. [pp. 61–62]

Cuvier, G. 1829. Le règne animal, distribué d’après son organisation, nouv. ed. Paris: Deterville. [p. 73]

Cuvier, G. 1830. Le règne animal, distribué d’après son organisation, nouv. ed. Revue et augmentée. Paris: Deterville [pl. 8, figs. 4–6]

Cuvier, G. 1835. Leçons d’anatomie comparée, Recueillies et Publiees par G. L. Duvernoy. Corrigee et Augmentee, 2nd ed. Paris: Crochard et Cie. [1835: vol. 1, miscelaneous; 1837: revu par F.G. Cuvier et Laurillard: vol. 2, pp. 555–556, head, skull, bimane avec les double marcheurs]

Cuvier, G., A.M.C. Duméril, and G. Bibron. 1874. Douzième famille: Amphisbéniens, Glyptodermes. In Encyclopédie d’histoire naturelle, ou traité complete de cette science: 95–97. Paris: Firmin­Didot Frères, Fils et Cie.

Cuvier, G., A.M.C. Duméril, and G. Bibron. 1874. Treizième famille, scincoidiens, lépidosaures. In Encyclopédie d’histoire naturelle, ou traité complete de cette science: 97–111. Paris: Firmin­Didot Frères, Fils et Cie.

Dampier, W. 1703. A voyage to New Holland, &c. in the year, 1699, 76–78. London: James Knapton. [Reprint, London: Argonaut Press; p. 53]

Danforth, S.T. 1925. Porto Rican herpetological notes. Copeia 1925(147): 76–79. [p. 78]

Daniel, H. 1956 [1955]. Algunos aspectos de la lucha biológica. IV. Los reptiles y la agricultura una serpiente bicéfala. Como se han clasificado las serpientes. Revista de la Faculdad Natural de Agronomia (Medellín) 17(48, 1955): 3–168, figs. [p. 38; Amphisbaena fuliginosa ]

Darevski, I. 1969. Amphisbaena —Zagadoshnay Reptilia. Nauka I Zizn 3: 158–161. [all]

Darevski, I. 1971. Amphisbaenia . Pp. 316–320. In Amphibians and reptiles of the USSR. Bannicok, A.G., Darevski, I.C. and A.K. Rustamov (editors). Moscow. Publishing House. [in Rus­ sian; Amphisbaena alba , A. bushbyi , A. fuliginosa , ‘‘ Amphisbaena ’’ violacea , Bipes biporus , B. canaliculatus , B. tridactylus , Blanus cinereus , Monopeltis habenichti , Trogonophis wiegmanni ]

DaSilva, N.J., Jr., M. 1998. The amphibians and reptiles of the Upper Tocantins river, Brazil. Program and abstracts American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists 89th Annual Meeting, Society for Amphibians and Reptiles 41st Annual Meeting, Herpetologists League 46th Annual Meeting, Guelph, Ontario, Canada. [all; p. 621]

Daszak, P., and S. Cawthraw. 1991. A review of the reptiles and amphibians of Turkey, including a literature survey and species checklist. British Herpetological Society Bulletin 36(summer): 14–26. [p. 23; Blanus strauchi ]

Daubenton, L.J.M. 1784. Encyclopédie Méthodique, ou par ordre de matières, par une societé de gens de lettres, de savans et d’artistes. Les animaux quadrupédes ovipares et les Serpens 2: 547–712. Paris: Pancouke. [p. 624]

Daudin, F.M. 1802. Histoire générale et particulière des reptiles. Paris: F. Dufart 4: 1–397. [p. 372, pl. 91, fig. 2]

Daudin, F.M. 1803. Histoire Naturelle, Générale et Particulière des Reptiles. Paris: F. Dufart. 7, 436 pp. [pp. 393–405, pl. 91, fig. 1]

David, P., and A. Dubois. 2001. A herpetological analysis of Shaw and Nodder’s Vivarium Naturae or The Naturalist’s Miscellany (1789– 1813), a 24­volume series on natural history. International Society for the History and Bibliography of Herpetology 2(2): 5–39.

Davis, N.S., Jr., and F.L. Rice. 1883. Descriptive catalogue of North American Batrachia and Reptilia, found east of Mississippi River. Bulletin of the Illinois State Library of Natural History 1883(5): 1–66. [pp. 45–46]

Davis, W.B., and J.R. Dixon. 1961. Reptiles (exclusive of snakes) of the Chilpancingo Region, Mexico. Proceedings of the Biological Socety of Washington 74: 37–56. [p. 38; Bipes canaliculatus ]

Dawson, B., and M. Sneary. 2003. Morphology of the cochlear duct and saccule of amphisbaenians. In preparation. [ Amphisbaena bakeri , A. caeca , A. schimidti , A. xera , Blanus strauchi ]

De­Aguiar, E.P.S., and P. Sawaya. 1981. Haemodynamics of Leposternum microcephalus ( Reptilia, Lacertilia). Proceedings of the 14th Congresso de la Asociacion Latinoamericana Ciencias Fisiológicas y Sociedade Brasileira de Fisiología 14(6): 423. [p. 445]

De Carlo, J.M. 1957. Consideraciones anatomohistológicas sobre el hígado y vías biliares de Amphisbaena darwini D. y B. Revistas de Mu­ seo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales (Buenos Aires), Ciencias Zoologicas 3(3): 155–186. [all]

De la Serna de Esteban, C. 1960. Anatomía microscópica de la lengua de Amphisbaena darwini (D. y B.). Actas Trabajos I Congresso sudamericano de Zoologica, La Plata (12–24 Oct. 1959) 5: 143–150. [Reprint: 1960. In Summaries of papers pertaining to herpetology from First South American Congress of Zoology, 9. Bulletin of the Philadelphia Herpetological Society; Amphisbaena darwini heterozonata ]

De la Serna de Esteban, C. 1965. Anatomía microscopica comparada de la lengua de algunos saurios Argentinos. Anais de Segundo Congresso Latinoamericano de Zoologia, São Paulo 2: 235–245. [ Amphisbaena darwini , Anops ]

Delfino, M., and S. Bailon. 2000. Early Pleistocene herpetofauna from Cava dell’Erbia and Cava Pirro (Apulia, Southern Italy). Herpetological Journal 10: 95–110. [ Blanus ]

Delfino, M. 1997. Blanus from the early Pleistocene of Southern Italy: another small tessera from a big mosaic. In W. Böhme, W. Bischoff, and T. Zieler (editors), Herpetologica Bonnensis 1997: 89–97. [all]

Dely, O.G. 1970. Untersuchungen über die Ringelechse Anops kingi Bell, 1833 ( Reptilia: Amphisbaenidae ). The scientific results of the Hungarian Soil Zoological Expeditions to South America. 16. Opuscula Zoologica Budapest 10(2): 231–239. [all; Anops kingi ]

de Queiroz, K., T. Reeder, and J. Sites, Jr. 2000. Squamata —lizards. In B.I. Crother (editor), Scientific and standard English names of amphibians and reptiles of north America North of Mexico, with comments regarding confidence in our understanding. Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles Herpetological Circular 29: III–82. [p. 50; Rhineura floridana ]

de Rochebrune, A. 1884. Faune ophiologique des phosphorites du Quercy. Memoires de la Societé des Sciences Saône et Loire 5: 149–164.

Dessauer, H.C. 1970. Blood chemistry of reptiles: physiological and evolutionary aspects. In C. Gans and T.S. Parsons (editors), Biology of the Reptilia 3(1): 1–72. London: Academic Press. [p. 31]

Devincenzi, G.J. 1925. Fauna erpetológica del Uruguay. Anales del Museo de Historia Naturale de Montevideo, ser. 2, 1925(2): 1–65. [pp. 26–36; Amphisbaena ]

de Waal, S.W.P. 1978. The Squamata (Reptilia) of the Orange Free State, South Africa. Memoirs of the Nasionale Museum Bloemfontein 11: 1– 160. [pp. 76–77; Monopeltis capensis ]

Dial, B.E., R.E. Gatten, Jr., and S. Kamel. 1987. Energetics of concertina locomotion in Bipes biporus ( Reptilia: Amphisbaenia ). Copeia 1987(2): 470–477. [all]

Diaz­Paniagua, C., M.C. Blazques, C. Keller, A.C. Andreu, G. Olmedo, and J.A. Mateo. 1995. Observations on seasonal and dial surface activity of the amphisbaenian Blanus cinereus in southwestern Spain. Herpetological Journal 5: 217– 220. [all]

Diaz­Ungria, C. 1963. Nématodes parasites, nouveaux ou intéressants du Vénézuéla. Annales Parasitologica Humana Comparativa 38(6): 893–914. [pp. 896–900, 911, Amphisbaena alba , Maracaya graciai ]

Dickerson, M.C. 1916. Description of a new amphisbaenian collected by the late Dr. Charles S. Mead in 1911 on the Isle of Pines, Cuba. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 35(34): 659–662. [all]

Dickson, E.D. 1997. A note on Oligorhineura sternbergii ( Amphisbaenia : Rhineuridae ) from the Oligocene of Wyoming. Tate Museum Field Conference Guidebook 2: 123–129. [all]

Dirksen, L., and I. De la Riva. 1999. The lizards and amphisbaenians of Bolivia ( Reptilia, Squamata ): checklist, localities, and bibliography. Graelisia 55: 199–215.

Ditmars, R.L. 1907. The reptile book. New York: Doubleday, Page and Co. [p. 193]

Ditmars, R.L. 1910a. Reptiles of the world. London: Pitman. [pp. 175–177; Amphisbaena alba , Rhineura floridana ]

Ditmars, R.L. 1910b. Reptiles of the world. Tortoises and turtles, crocodilians, lizards and snakes of the eastern and western Hemispheres. New York: Sturgis & Walton. [pp. 174–177]

Ditmars, R.L. 1928. Reptiles of the world. New York: Macmillan. [pp. 100–102]

Ditmars, R.L. 1936. Reptiles of the world, revised ed. New York: Macmillan. [pp. 100–102]

Dixon, J.R., and P. Soini. 1975. The reptiles of the Upper Amazon basin, Iquitos region, Peru. I. Lizards and amphisbaenians. Milwaukee Public Museum, Special Publications in Biology and Geology 4: 1–58. [pp. 52–53]

Doan, T.M., and W.A. Arriaga. 2000. New herpetological records for the Tambopata province, Department of Madre de Dios, Peru´. Herpetological Review 31(3): 188–189. [ Amphisbaena fuliginosa ]

Dobrizhoffer, M. 1784. Historia de Abiponibus equestri, bellicosaque paraquariae natione locupletata copiosis barbaratum gentium, urbiu, fluminum. ferarum, amphibiorum, insectorum, serpentium, praecipuorum, piscium, avium, arborum, plantarum, aliarumque, eiusdem proviciae proprietarum observationibus. Pars secunda. Vienna: Typis Josephi Nob de Kurzbeke.

Donadío, O.E. 1982. Restos de Anfisbénidos fós­ iles de Argentina ( Squamata , Anfisbaenidae) del Plioceno y Pleistoceno de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Circular Informativa, Asocia Paleontologica Argentina, Buenos Aires, 23 Nov. 1982: 10. [all]

Donndorff, J.A. 1793. Handbuch der Thiergeschichte. Leipzig: Weidmannsche Buchhandlung. [pp. 243, 443]

Donndorff, J.A. 1798. Zoologische Beyträge zur XIII. Ausgabe des Linneischen Natursystems. Dritter Band, Amphibien und Fische. Leipzig: Weidmannsche Buchhandlung. [pp. 135, 219, 221]

Donoso­Barros, R. 1968. The lizards of Venezuela. Caribbean Journal of Science 8(3, 4): 105– 122. [pp. 105–106]

D’Orbigny, A. 1847. Reptiles. In Voyage dans l’Amérique Méridionale... pendant les années 1826... 1833, vol. 5(1): 1–12. Paris: P. Bertrand, and Strassbourg: V. Levrault. [9 pls., p. 6, figs. 7–11]

Douglass, E. 1908. Some Oligocene lizards. Annals of the Carnegie Museum 4(3): 278–285. [pp. 283–284; Rhineura hatcheri ]

Doumergue, F. 1900. Essai sur la faune erpétologique de l’Oranie. Bulletin de la Societé Geographique d’Archives d’Oran 19–21: 89–120, 173–220, 233–302, 343–390. [Reprint: 1901. Oran: L. Fouque. Blanus cinereus , Trogonophis wiegmanni ]

Duarte de Barros Filho, J., and M.C.C. Valverde. 1996. Notas sobre os Amphisbaenia ( Reptilia, Squamata ) da microregião de Feira de Santana, Estado da Bahia, Brasil. Sitientibus, Feira de Santana 14: 57–68. [all; Amphisbaena alba , A. vermicularis , Leposternon polystegum ]

Duarte de Barros­Filho, J. 2003. Amphisbaena alba (White­bellied worm lizard). Reproduction. Herpetological Review 34(3): 243–244.

Duarte Rocha, C.F. 1992. Amphisbaena alba (White­bellied worm lizard). Distribution. Herpetological Review 23(3): 89.

Duellman, W.E. 1978. The biology of an equatorial herpetofauna in Amazonian Ecuador. University of Kansas Public Museum of Natural History, Miscellaneous Publications 65: 1–352. [pp. 49, 224; Amphisbaena fuliginosa ]

Duellman, W.E. 1989. Tropical herpetofaunal communities: patterns of community structure in Neotropical rainforests. In M.L. Harmelin­ Vivien and F. Bourlière (editors), Ecological studies, vertebrates in complex tropical systems 69: 61–87. New York: Springer. [p. 79; Amphisbaena alba , A. fuliginosa , A. mitchelli ]

Duellman, W.E. 1990. Herpetofauna in Neotropical rainforests: comparative composition, history, and resource use. In A.H. Gentry (editor), Four Neotropical rainforests: 455–500. New Haven: Yale University Press. [p. 499; Amphisbaena fuliginosa ]

Duellman, W.E., and J. R. Mendelson III. 1995. Amphibians and reptiles from northern Departamento Loreto, Peru: taxonomy and biogeography. University of Kansas Science Bulletin 55(10): 329–376. [p. 362; Amphisbaena fuliginosa ]

Dufaure, J.­P., and H. Saint Girons. 1984. Histologie comparée de l’epididyme, et de ses secretions chez les reptiles (lézards et serpentes). Archives d’Anatomie Microscopique 73(1): 15– 26. [pp. 15–18, 22; Blanus cinereus , Trogonophis wiegmanni ]

Dugès, A. 1894. Hemichirotes tridactylus,A. Dug. La Naturaleza , ser. 2, 2(7, 8): 411–412. [ Bipes tridactylus ]

Dugès, A. 1896. Reptiles y batracios de los E.U. Mexicanos. La Naturaleza, ser. 2, 2(11): 479– 485. [p. 480]

Duméril, A.M.C. 1806. Zoologie analytique ou méthode naturelle de classification des animaux. Paris: Allais. [pp. 85–87]

Duméril, A.M.C., and G. Bibron. 1839. Erpétologie générale ou Histoire naturelle complète des reptiles. Errata. De l’odre des Lézards ou des Sauriens. Ed. Roret. Paris. 5: i–viii + 1– 856. [ Amphisbaena leucura , A. macruraI, Lepidosternon phocaena ; pp. 484–485, pl. viii]

Duméril, A.H.A. 1851. Catalogue methodique de la collection des reptiles du Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle de Paris. Paris: Gide et Baudry. [pp. 7–14, 149]

Duméril, A.H.A. 1852a. Note sur un nouveau genre de reptiles sauriens, de la famille des Chalcidiens (le Lépidophyme), et sur le rang que les Amphisbéniens doivent occupé dans la classe des reptiles. Revue et Magazine Zoologique (Paris), ser. 2, 4: 401–414. [all]

Duméril, A.H.A. 1852b. Mémoire sur un nouveau genre de reptile saurien, de la famille des Chalcidiens (le Lépidophyme), et sur le rang que les Amphisbéniens doivent occupé dans la classe des reptiles. Compte Rendus Hebtodomarie de Academie de Sciences 35(12): 395–397. [pp. 396–397]

Duméril, A.H.A. 1854–1855. Notice historique sur la ménagerie des reptiles. Archives de le Muséum Nationale d’Histoire Naturelle (Paris) 7: 193–320. [pp. 218–222]

Duméril, A.H.A. 1856. Note sur les reptiles du Gabon. Revue et Magazine Zoologique Pure et Appliquée... Guérin­Méneville, ser. 2, 8: 417–424. [pp. 423–424]

Duméril, A.H.A. 1857. Notes pour servir a l’histoire de l’erpétologie de l’Afrique occidentale et en particulier de la côte du Gabon, précédées de considération génerales sur les rep­ tiles de les contrées. Paris. [pp. 16–17; reprint of Duméril, 1856]

Duméril, A.H.A. 1861. Reptiles et poissons de l’Afrique occidentale. Étude précédée de considérations générales sur leur distribution géographique. Archives de Museum 10: 137–268. [pp. 13–23]

Duméril, A.H.A., and F. Bocourt. 1882. Mission scientifique au Mexique et dans l’Amérique Centrale. Troisième partie. Paris: Imprimerie National. (5e, 1878; 6e, 1879; 7e, 1881; 8e, 1882).

Dundee, H.A. 1980. A comment on J. Howard Campbell’s Bipes report. Herpetological Review 11(3): 74–76. [all]

Dunger, G.T. 1965. Baikia africana (Family Amphisbaenidae ): ecology and individual variation. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, ser. 13, 7: 217–221. [pp. 217–221]

Dunger, G.T. 1968. The lizards and snakes of Nigeria. Part 5: The amphisbaenids of Nigeria including a description of 3 new species. Nigerian Field 33(4): 167–192. Erratum: 34(1): 48. [all]

Dunn, E.R. 1931. The herpetological fauna of the Americas. Copeia 1931(3): 106–119. [p. 115]

Dunn, E.R. 1944a. Herpetology of the Bogotá area. Revistas de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales 6(21): 68–81. [p. 28 of 1957 reprint]

Dunn, E.R. 1944b. Los géneros de anfibios y reptiles de Colombia. II. Segunda parte: reptiles, orden de los saurios. Caldasia 3(11): 73–110. [pp. 106–107]

Dunn, E.R. 1957. Contributions to the herpetology of Colombia 1943–1946. Privately Printed, M.T.D. [pp. 164–165; Amphisbaena alba , A. fuliginosa , A. spurreli , Mesobaena huebneri ]

Dunn, E.R., and M.T. Dunn. 1940. Generic names proposed in herpetology by E.D. Cope. Copeia 1940(2): 69–76. [p. 72; Amphisbaena neglecta ]

Dunn, E.R., and J. Piatt. 1936. A new Amphisbaena from Brazil. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 88: 527–528. [all]

Durán, J.M.G. 1985. Producción de sonidos en Blanus cinereus . Doñana, Acta Vertebrata 12(2): 326–327. [pp. 326–327]

Duvall, D., L.J. Guilette, Jr., and R.E. Jones. 1982. Environmental control of reptilian reproductive cycles. In C. Gans and F.H. Pough (editors), Biology of the Reptilia 13(4): 201–232. London: Academic Press. [pp. 206, 210]

Duvernois, G.L. 1833. Fragmens d’anatomie sur l’organisation des serpens. Annales de Sciences Naturelles 30: 1–79. [pp. 34, 39, 57–58]

Duvernois, G.L. 1838–1842. Reptiles. In G. Cuvier, Le règne animal. Edition accompagnée des planches gravées. Paris: Fortin Masson et Cie. [p. 102]

Dyrkacz, S. 1973. The postcranial osteology of Rhineura . Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 8(3, 4): 43–44. [ Rhineura after C. Gans, and Hoffstetter and Gasc, 1969]

Ebert, J.J. 1776–1778. Naturlehre für die Jugend. I. 3 band. Leipzig. [p. 341]

Edgeworth, F.H. 1935. The cranial muscles of vertebrates. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [pp. 55, 59, 93, 144–145, 200]

Edmund, A.G. 1969. Dentition. In C. Gans, A.d’A. Bellairs, and T.S. Parsons (editors), Biology of the Reptilia 1(4): 117–200. London: Academic Press. [pp. 171–172]

Eichwald, C.E. von. 1831. Zoologia Specialis quam Expositis Animalibus tum Vivis, tum Fossilibus Potissimum Rossiae in Universum, et Poloniae in Specie, in Usum Lectionum Publicarum in Universitate Caesarea Vilnensi habendarum. Pars Posterior. Specialem Expositionem Spondylosoorum Continens 3: 1–404. Vilnae: Joseph Zawadski, and Lipsia: L. Voss. [pp. 178–180]

Eichwald, C.E. von. 1851. Naturhistorische Bemerkungen über Algier und den Atlas. Nouveau Memoirs de la Societé Imperial de Naturalistes (Moscou) 9: 331–464. [p. 438]

Eigenmann, C.H. 1901. The eyes of Rhineura floridana . Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science 1901: 106–107. [all]

Eigenmann, C.H. 1902. The eyes of Rhineura floridana . Proceedings of the Washington Academy of Science 4: 533–548. [all; figs., pls. xxxii–xxxiv]

Eigenmann, C.H. 1909. The cave vertebrates of America. A study in degenerative evolution. Carnegie Institute Washington Publications 104: 1–241. [pp. 42–53]

El­Assy, Y.S., and N.A. Al­Nassar. 1976. Morphological study of the cranial osteology of the amphisbaenian Diplometopon zarudnyi . Journal of the University of Kuwait 3(science): 113– 141. [all; bones illustrated]

Elter, O. 1981. La collezione erpétologica del Museo di Zoologia dell’ Università di Torino. In Cataloghi. Torino 1981(5): 1–116. [pp. 50–51; Amphisbaena alba , A. borelli , A. camura , A. darwini , A. fuliginosa , A. leeseri , A. matogrossensis , A. mitchelli , A. munoai , A. pretrei , A. prunicolor ]

Emslie, S.G. 1972a. A new record for Amphisbaena pericensis Noble. Journal of Herpetology 6(1): 78–79. [all]

Emslie, S.G. 1972b. Corrigenda: correction of the locality of Amphisbaena pericensis Noble. Journal of Herpetology 6(3, 4): 244–245. [all]

Enge, K.M., and C.K. Dodd, Jr. 1992. An indexed bibliography of the herpetofauna of Florida. Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission Nongame Wildlife Program Technical Report 1992(11): iv–231. [p. 214]

Engmann, P. 1926. [Brief von from Zambia and Angola... quoted by Wilh. Schreitmüller.] Lacerta, Zeitschrift für Vivarienkunde (Berlin) 1926(19): 76. [all]

Engmann, P. 1927. Beitrag zur Biologie von Lepidosternum microcephalum Wglr. Lacerta, Zeitschrift für Vivarienkunde (Berlin) 1927(11): (45–46).

Enlow, D.H. 1969. The bone of reptiles. In C. Gans and A. d’A. Bellairs (editors). Biology of the Reptilia, Morphology A. pp. 45–80. London: Academic Press.

Erber, J. 1868. Bericht über eine Reise nach Rhodus. Verhandlungen der konigliche­kaiserliche Zoologische und Botanische Gesellschaft Wien 18: 903–908. [p. 904]

Escarre´, J., and J.R. Vericad. 1981. Saurios y ofidios. Cuadernos de la fauna Alicantina, vol. 1. Alicante: Instituto Estudios Alicantinos.

Estes, R. 1965. Notes on some Paleocene lizards. Copeia 1965(1): 104–106. [p. 106; Oligondosaurus wyomingensis ]

Estes, R. 1970. Origin of the recent North American lower vertebrate fauna: an inquiry into the fossil record. Forma et Functio 3: 139–163. [p. 149, fig. 3]

Estes, R. 1975. Lower vertebrates from the Fort Union Formation , late Paleocene, Big Horn Basin, Wyoming. Herpetologica 31(4): 365–385. [pp. 378–381; Oligodontosaurus wyomingensis , an unidentified rhineurid]

Estes, R. 1976. Middle Paleocene Lower vertebrates from the Tongue River formation, southeastern Montana. Journal of Paleontology 50(3): 500–520. [pp. 500, 510; Oligodontosaurus ]

Estes, R. 1983. Sauria Terrestria , Amphisbaenia . Handbuch der Paläoherpetologie/Encyclopedia of Paleoherpetology, part 10A. Stuttgart: Fischer. [69 figs.; pp. 196–208, many fossil taxa]

Estes, R. 1985. Phylogenetic relationships and biogeography of squamates. Abstracts of the 3rd Ordinary Meeting of the Societa Herpetologica Europaea, Prague, 17–21 August 1985.

Estes, R. 1988. Charles Camp: an appreciation. In R. Estes and G. Pregill (editors), Phylogenetic relationships of the lizard families. Essays commemorating Charles L. Camp: 8–14. Stanford: Stanford University Press.

Estes, R., K. de Queiroz, and J. Gauthier. 1988. Phylogenetic relationships within Squamata . In R. Estes and G. Pregill (editors), Phylogenetic relationships of the lizard families. Essays com­ memorating Charles L. Camp: 119–281. Stanford: Stanford University Press. [pp. 242–244]

Estes, R., and G. Pregill (editors). 1988. Phylogenetic relationships of the lizard families. Essays commemorating Charles L. Camp. Stanford: Stanford University Press.

Estes, R., and E.E. Williams. 1984. Ontogenetic variation in the molariform teeth of lizards. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 4(1): 96– 107. [ Amphisbaena ridleyi, Ologodontosaurus wyomingensis ]

Estrada, A.R., and R. Ruibal. 1999. A review of Cuban herpetology. In B.I. Crother (editor), Caribbean amphibians and reptiles 2: 31–62. San Diego: Academic Press. [pp. 45, 53; table 22; Amphisbaena blanoides , A. cubana , A. palirostrata , Cadea ]

Fahd, S., and J.M. Pleguezuelos. 1992. L’atlas des reptiles du rif ( Maroc): résultats préliminaires. Bulletin de la Societé Herpétologique de France 63: 15–29. [p. 19]

Fahrenholz, C. 1937. Drüsen der Mundhöhle. In L. Bolk, E. Göppert, E. Kallius, and W. Lubosch (editors), Handbuch der vergleichenden Anatomie der Wirbeltiere 3: 115–210. Berlin: Urban and Schwarzenberg. [p. 147]

Ferguson, G.W. 1977. Variation and evolution of stereotyped behavior in reptiles. Part II. Social displays of reptiles. In C. Gans and D.W. Tinkle (editors), Biology of the Reptilia 7: 405–554. London: Academic Press. [p. 497]

Ferreira, J. de. 1893. Revisão dos répteis e batrachios de Portugal. (Continuação). Jornal de Sciencias Mathematicas Physicas e Naturaes (Lisboa), ser. 2, 3: 19–27. [p. 19]

Ferreira, J. de B. 1895. Additamento ao catálogo dos répteis e batrachios de Portugal Jornal de Sciencias Mathematicas Physicas e Naturaes (Lisboa), ser. 2, 3: 31–237. [p. 237]

Ferreira, J. de B., and A.F. de Seabra. 1911. Catalogue systématique des vertébrés du Portugal, III–IV. Reptiles et amphibiens. Bulletin de la Societé Portugaise de Sciences Naturelles (Lisbonne) 5(3): 97–128. [p. 110]

Feuer, R.C., and H.M. Smith. 1972. The contributions of the 1822 works of Jarocki and Fleming to herpetological nomenclature. Great Basin Naturalist 32(4): 55–60. [all, Amphisbaena , Bipes , Chirotes ]

Fink, T.F. 1817. De Amphibiorum Systemate Uropoetico. Dissertaition Inaugural Medicina et Chirurgia Honores Praeside Ioanne Friderico Meckel. Halae: Grunerti & Son. [all]

Finley, R.B., Jr. 1944. Notes on Amphisbaena fuliginosa . Copeia 1944(3): 188. [all]

Finley, R.B., Jr. 1945. Notes on lizards from Fernando de Noronha. Copeia 1945(3): 162–164. [pp. 162–163]

Fioramonti, E.A. 1996. Guia didáctica: Reptiles. Museo Provencial de las Ciencias Naturales ‘‘Florentino Ameghino’’, Santa Fe, Argentina. [4th page (no pagination), Amphisbaena darwini heterozonata , Anops kingi , Leposternum microcephalum ]

Fiorini, P. 1962. Der Eizahn und die Eischwiele der Reptilien. Eine zusammenfassende Darstellung. Acta Anatomica 49: 328–366. [ A. darwini ]

Fischer, E. 1900. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Nasenhöhle und des Tränennasenganges der Amphisbaeniden. Archiv für mikroscopische Anatomie und Entwicklungsgeschichte 55: 441– 478, pls. 22–24. [all]

Fischer, J. von 1889. Die Wurmschleiche ( Trogonophis wiegmanni Kaup ). Zoologischer Garten 30: 49–53. [all]

Fischer, J.G. 1852. Die Gehirnnerven der Saurier anatomisch untersucht. Abhandlungen des Gebiete Naturwissenschaften , Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein Hamburg 1852: 109–212. [pp. 50, 57, 60; pls. 1–3]

Fitzinger, L.J.F.J. 1826. Neue Classification der Reptilien nach ihren natürlichen Verwandschaften. Vienna: Heubner. [p. 53; Amphisbaena alba , A. fuliginosa , Chirotes canaliculatus , Leposternon microcephalum ]

Fitzinger, L.J.F.J. 1843. Systema reptilium. Fasciculus primus Amblyglossae. Vienna: Baumüller and Seidel. [p. 22]

Fitzinger, L.J.F.J. 1860. Die Ausbeute der österreichischen Naturforscher an Säugethieren und Reptilien während der Weltumsegelung Sr. Majestät Fregatte Novara. Sitzungsberichte der koniglichen Academie der Wissenschaften, Mathematische­Naturwissenschaftliche Classe Wien 42(25): 383–416. [p. 402; Lepidosternon scutigerum ]

Fitzinger, L.J.F.J. 1864. Bilder­Atlas zur wissenschaftlich­populären Naturgeschichte der Amphibien in ihren sämmtlichen Hauptformen. Vienna: K.K. Hof und Staatsdruckerei. [figs. 56, 57]

FitzSimons, V.F. 1930. Descriptions of new South African Reptilia and Batrachia, with distribution records of allied species in the Transvaal Museum collection. Annals of the Transvaal Museum 14(1): 20–48. [pp. 32–34; figs. 1–20]

FitzSimons, V.F. 1932. Preliminary descriptions of new forms of South African Reptilia and Amphibia, from the Vernay­Lang Kalahari Expedition, 1930. Annals of the Transvaal Museum 15(1): 35–40. [p. 36]

FitzSimons, V.F. 1933. Description of five new lizards from the Transvaal and southern Rhodesia. Annals of the Transvaal Museum 15(2): 273–280. [p. 277]

FitzSimons, V.F. 1935a. Notes on a collection of reptiles and amphibians made in the Southern Kalahari, Bushmanland, and Great and Little Namaqualand. Annals of the Transvaal Museum 15(4): 519–550. [p. 535]

FitzSimons, V.F. 1935b. Scientific results of the Vernay­Lang Kalahari Expedition, March to September, 1930. Reptilia and Amphibia. Annals of the Transvaal Museum 16(2): 295–397. [pp. 353–354; figs. 1–30, pls. x–xi]

FitzSimons, V.F. 1937a. Notes on the reptiles and amphibians collected and described from South Africa by Andrew Smith. Annals of the Transvaal Museum 17(4): 259–274. [p. 267; pl. x]

FitzSimons, V.F. 1937b. Three new lizards from South Africa. Annals of the Transvaal Museum 17(4): 275–279. [pp. 276–279; Monopeltis capensis gazei , M. decosteri , M. habenichti ]

FitzSimons, V.F. 1938. Transvaal Museum expedition to South­West Africa and Little Namaqualand, May to August, 1937. Reptiles and amphibians. Annals of the Transvaal Museum 19(2): 153–209. [p. 194; Amphisbaena quadrifrons , Monopeltis quadriscutata ]

FitzSimons, V.F. 1939a. An account of the reptiles and amphibians collected on an expedition to south­eastern Rhodesia during December 1937 and January 1938. Annals of the Transvaal Museum 20(1): 1–46. [p. 32]

FitzSimons, V.F. 1939b. Description of some new species and subspecies of lizards from South Africa. Annals of the Transvaal Museum 20(1): 17–46. [p. 32]

FitzSimons, V.F. 1941. Description of some new lizards from South Africa and a frog from Southern Rhodesia. Annals of the Transvaal Museum 20(3): 273–281. [pp. 277–278; Monopeltis ocularis ]

FitzSimons, V.F. 1943. The lizards of South Africa. Transvaal Museum Memoirs (Pretoria) 1943(1): 1–528. [pp. 374–401]

FitzSimons, V.F. 1956. Reptiles and amphibians of the Wonderboom Nature Reserve. Fauna and Flora (Transvaal) 1956(7): 88–105. [pp. 89, 94–95]

FitzSimons, V.F., and C.K. Brain. 1958. A short account of the reptiles of the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park. Koedoe 1(1): 99–104. [p. 102]

Flechtmann, C.H.W., and D.E. Johnston. 1990. Zeterohercon , a new genus of Heterozerconidae (Acari: Mesostigmata ) and the description of Zeterohercon amphisbaenae n. sp. from Brasil. International Journal of Acarology 16(3): 143– 148. [p. 147; Amphisbaena alba ]

Fleming, J. 1822. The philosophy of zoology, or a general view of the structure, functions and classifications of animals, vol 2. Edinburgh: Archibald Constable. [pp. 278, 290]

Flores­Villela, O. 1993a. Herpetofauna of Mexico: distribution and endemism. In T.P. Ramamoorthy, R. Bye, A. Lot, and J. Fa (editors), Biological diversity of Mexico: origins and distribution: 253–280. New York: Oxford University Press. [pp. 254, 267, 271, Bipes ]

Flores­Villela, O. 1993b. Herpetofauna Mexicana. Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Special Publication 17: 1–73. [pp. 3, 12, 22, 60, 70; Bipes ]

Flores­Villela, O., and P. Gerez. 1988. Conservación en México: síntesis sobre vertebrados terrestres, vegetación y uso del suelo. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Sobre Recursas Bioticos, Xalapa, Veracruz. [pp. 208, 254; Bipes biporus , B. canaliculatus , B. tridactylus ]

Flores­Villela, O., and P. Gerez. 1994. Biodiversidad y conservación en México: vertebrados, vegetación y uso del suelo, 2nd ed. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Ciudad Universitana, Mexico. [pp. 314, 358; Bipes biporus , B. canaliculatus , B. tridactylus ]

Florida Audobon Society Staff Photos 1954. Worm­lizard Rhineura floridana . Florida Naturalist 27: 73–74.

Flourens, I., G. Saint­Hilaire, and G.L. Duvernoy. 1853. Rapport sur plusieurs mémoires d’Erpétologie et d’Ichthyologie, communiqués successivement a l’Académie par M. Auguste Duméril. Comptes Rendues de Séances de Academie de Sciences 37: 1–11. [p. 6]

Flourens, J.P. 1844. 1. Etudes sur les lois de la symétrie dans le Règne Animal et sur la théorie du dédoublement organique. Mémoires d’Anatomie et de Physiologie Comparées (Paris) 1844: 1–103. [pl. 1, fig. 4]

Flower, S.S. 1925. Contributions to our knowledge of the duration of life in vertebrate animals. III. Reptiles. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1925: 911–981. [p. 949; Amphisbaena alba , A. braziliana , A. darwini , Blanus cinereus , Lepidosternon microcephalum , L. scutigerum , Monopeltis capensis , Trogonophis wiegmanni ]

Fowler, H.W. 1918. Some amphibians and reptiles from Porto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Papers of the Department of Marine Biology of the Carnegie Institute 12: 1–15. [p. 14]

Fox, H. 1977. The urinogenital system of reptiles. In C. Gans and T.S. Parsons (editors), Biology of the Reptilia 6(1): 1–158. London: Academic Press. [pp. 24–27, 38, 56, 59, 72, 79, 95, 114]

Frade, F. 1937. Anotações a ‘‘Faunae Conimricensis rudimentum’’ de Manoel Dias Baptista (Se’c. XVIII). Bulletin de la Societé Portugaise de Sciences Naturelles 12(29): 251–258.

Francis, E.T.B. 1977. Amphisbaena : heart and ar­ terial arches. British Journal of Herpetology 5(8): 607–610. [all]

Frank, N., and E. Ramus. 1995. A complete guide to scientific and common names of reptiles and amphibians of the world. Pottsville, PA: N.G. Publishing. [pp. 124–127]

Franz, V. 1931. Systematik und Phylogenie der Wirbeltiere. In L. Bolk, E. Göppert, E. Kallius, and W. Lubosch (editors), Handbuch der vergleichenden Anatomie der Wirbeltiere 1: 185– 268. Berlin: Urban und Schwarzenberg. [pp. 225, 227]

Franz, V. 1934. Vergleichende Anatomie des Wirbeltierauges. In L. Bolk, E. Göppert, E. Kallius, and W. Lubosch (editors), Handbuch der vergleichenden Anatomie der Wirbeltiere. vol. 2, III, Hohere Sinnesorgane, pp. 989–1292. Berlin and Vienna: Urban und Schwarzenberg. [pp. 1106, rudimentary eyes, 1106–1107, 1190– 1191, 1193]

Franzen, M. 1986. Zur winterlichen Activität einiger Echsen in der südlichen Türkei. Herpetofauna (Weinstadt) 8(45): 6–10. [ Blanus strauchi aporus ]

Franzen, M. 1993. Erwiederung zu: ‘‘Bericht über Reptilienfunde in der Türkei.’’ von Dietmar Manteufel. Salamandra 29(1): 92–95. [ Blanus s. strauchi correction of earlier paper]

Frazer, J.F.D. 1965. Herpetological notes on Rhodes. British Journal of Herpetology 3(9): 220–224. [p. 223]

Frazzetta, T. 1962. A functional consideration of cranial kinesis in lizards. Journal of Morphology 111(3): 287–319. [ Amphisbaena fuliginosa , A. alba ]

Freiberg, M.A. 1939. Enumeración sistemática de los reptiles de Entre Ríos y lista de los ejemplares que los representan en el Museo de Entre Ríos. Memorias do Museo Entre Ríos, Zoologia 1939(11): 1–28. [p. 20]

Freiberg, M.A. 1954. Vida de batracios y reptiles Sudamericanos. Buenos Aires: Cesarini. [pp. 165–166; Amphisbaena darwini , Anopsibaena kingi ]

Freiberg, M.A. 1958. Vida de batracios y reptiles Sudamericanos. Buenos Aires: Cesarini. [p. 165]

Fricker, A. 1827. Dissertatio Inauguralis de Oculo Reptilium... Praeside Guilielmo Ludovico Rapp, Tübingen. [p. 12]

Frommhold, E. 1967 [1966]. Problematick bij de verzorging van Europese reptielen. Lacerta 24(1966): 101–104. [p. 103; Blanus ]

Fugler, C.M. 1984. Tercera contribución a la fauna herpetologica del oriente Boliviano. Ecología en Bolivia 1984(5): 63–72. [ Amphisbaena alba ]

Fugler, C.M. 1989. Lista preliminar de los Sau­ rios. Ecología en Bolivia 13: 57–75. [pp. 57– 58; Amphisbaena alba , A. angustifrons , A. camura , A. darwini , A. fuliginosa , A. microcephalum , A. silvestre , A. slateri , A. steindachneri , A. vermicularis ]

Fumagalli, M. 1951. Iets over Blanus cinereus Vaud. [sic], de enige europese amphisbaenide. Lacerta 9(5): 48–50. [all]

Fürbringer, M. 1870. Die Knochen und Muskeln der Extremitäten bei den schlangenähnlichen Sauriern. Vergleichend­anatomische Abhandlung. Leipzig: W. Engelmann. [pp. 74–80; Amphisbaena fuliginosa , Chirotes canaliculatus , Lepidosternon microcephalum , Trogonophis wiegmanni ]

Fürbringer, M. 1900. Zur vergleichenden Anatomie des Brustschulterapparates und der Schultermuskeln. Jenaische Zeitschrift der Naturwissenschaften 34: 215–718. [last part pp. 597–718 published separately under the title Beitrag zur Systematik und Genealogie der Reptilien: 616– 619; Amphisbaena , Anops , Blanus , Chirotes , Lepidosternon , Monopeltis , Rhineura , Trogonophis ]

Fürbringer, M. 1919. Ueber das Zungenbein der Reptilien. Bijd. Dierk. konig. zool. Genootsch. Amsterdam Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaft, Mathematisch­Naturwissenschaftliche Classe, sect. B, 1919(11): 1–164. [pp. vii, 12, 15, 19–40]

Gabe, M. 1970. The adrenal. In C. Gans and F.H. Pough (editors), Biology of the Reptilia 3(8): 263–318. London: Academic Press. [pp. 281, 284, 306; Blanus cinereus ]

Gabe, M., and M. Martoja. 1961. Contribution á l’histologie de la glande surrénale des Squamata . Archives de Anatomie Microscopique 50: 1–34. [pp. 3, 24; figs. 2, 15; Blanus cinereus , Tropidonotus wiegmanni ]

Gabe, M., M. Martoja, and H. Saint Girons. 1964. État actuel des connaissances sur la gland surrénale des reptiles. Année Biologique 3(7, 8): 303–376. [pp. 316, 347–348 adrenal gland microanatomy of Trogonophis wiegmanni and B. cinereus ]

Gabe, M., and H. Saint Girons. 1965. Contribution à la morphologie comparée du cloaque et des glandes épidermoïdes de la région cloacale chez les lépidosauriens. Memoirs de la Muséum Nationale de l’Histoire Naturelle (Paris), n. ser. A (Zoologie), 33(4): 149–292. [22 figs., 15 pls.]

Gabe, M., and H. Saint Girons. 1967. Données histologiques sur le tégument et les glandes épidermoïdes céphaliques des Lépidosauriens. Acta Anatomica 67: 571–594. [pp. 573, 580, 583, 590–592; Blanus cinereus ]

Gabe, M., and H. Saint Girons. 1969. Données histologiques sur le glandes salivares des Lépidosauriens. Memoirs de la Museum Nationale de l’Histoire Naturelle (Paris), n. ser. A (Zoologie), 38: 1–112. [pp. 5, 10, 14, 16, 23, 47, 65– 66, 68, 74, 77, 79, 82–83, 92, 95–96, 106–108; 136 figs., 2 pls.]

Gabe, M., and H. Saint Girons. 1971. Polymorphisme des glandes nasales externus des Sauriens. Comptes Rendues de la Academie de Science de Paris 272: 1275–1278. [p. 1276, Blanus cinereus , Trogonophis wiegmanni ]

Gabe, M., and H. Saint Girons. 1972. Contribution à l’histologie de l’estomac des Lépidosauriens (Reptiles). Zoologisches Jahrbuch der Anatomie 89: 579–599. [pp. 581, 586–587, 589, 597 Trogonophis wiegmanni ]

Gabe, M., and H. Saint Girons. 1976. Contribution à la morphologie comparée des fosses nasales et de leurs annexes chez les Lépidosauriens. Memoirs de la Muséum Nationale de l’Histoire Naturelle (Paris), ser. A, 98: 1–87. [pp. 11, 33–34, 46–58, 60–61, 63–69, 72; tables. I–V, pls. V, VI; Blanus cinereus , Trogonophis wiegmanni ]

Gadow, H. 1901. Amphibia and reptiles. In The Cambridge Natural History, vol. 8. London: Macmillan. [pp. 514, 565–567]

Gadow, H. 1905. The distribution of Mexican amphibians and reptiles. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1905(2): 191–244.

Gadow, H. 1908. Through southern Mexico. London: Witherby, 527 pp. [p. 330]

Gadow, H. 1910. The effect of altitude upon the distribution of Mexican amphibians and reptiles. Zoologisches Jahrbuch, Abteilung für Systematische Geographie und Biologie der Thiere 29(6): 689–714. [pp. 705–706]

Galan, R.P. 1985. Primeras citas de la culebrita ciega ( Blanus cinereus Vandelli, 1797 ) en Galicia. Doñana, Acta Vertebrata 12(2): 329–332. [all]

Galbreath, E.C. 1953. A contribution to the Tertiary geology and paleontology of northeastern Colorado. Paleontological Contributions of the University of Kansas 4(Vertebrata): 1–120. [p. 39; Rhineura amblyceps , R. coloradoensis , R. hatcheri , R. hibbardi , R. wilsoni ]

Gallagher, M.D. 1971. The amphibians and reptiles of Bahrain. Bahrain: Privately Published. [pp. 25–26; Diplometopon zarudnyi ]

Gallango, M.L., and R. Suinaga. 1979. Red cell uridine monophosphate kinase: a comparative study in various vertebrate species. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology B. Biochemistry & Molecular Biology 63(4): 507–509. [p. 507; Amphisbaena alba ]

Gallardo, J.M.A.F. 1962. El género Kentropyx ( Sauria , Teiidae ) en la República Argentina. Acta Zoologica Lilloana 18: 243–250. [p. 244]

Gallardo, J.M.A.F. 1966. Liolaemus lentus nov. sp. ( Iguanidae ) de la Pampa y algunas observaciones sobre los saurios de dicha provincia Argentina y del oeste de Buenos Aires. Neotropica 12(37): 15–29. [p. 27; Amphisbaena angustifrons , A. darwini , Anops kingii ]

Gallardo, J.M.A.F. 1967. Saurios argentinos. I. Observaciones sobre Amphisbaena darwini heterozonata Burmeister en los alrededores de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Ciencia e Investigaciones 23: 407–411. [all]

Gallardo, J.M.A.F. 1969. Las especies de saurios ( Reptilia) de la Provincia de Santa Fe, Argentina, y consideraciones sobres su ecología y zoogeografía. Neotropica 15(47): 73–81. [pp. 73, 77–80; Amphisbaena angustifrons , A. darwini ]

Gallardo, J.M.A.F. 1970a. Estudio ecológico sobre los anfibios y reptiles del sudoeste de la provincia Buenos Aires, Argentina. Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales ‘‘Bernadino Rivadavia’’ 10(3): 27–63. [p. 53; Amphisbaena darwini food, ecology, reproduction, hibernation; mentions Anops kingii , Blanus cinereus ]

Gallardo, J.M.A.F. 1970b. Interesante hallazgo en Sierra de la Ventana. Fauna Argentina. Camping (12): 67–69. [ A. darwini , A. kingii ]

Gallardo, J.M.A.F. 1971a. Composicion faunística de los Saurios de la Provincia de La Pampa, Republica Argentina. Neotropica 17(52): 44– 48. [pp. 44–47; Amphisbaena angustifrons A. plumbea , Anops kingii ]

Gallardo, J.M.A.F. 1971b. Algunas ideas sobre la zoogeografía de los saurios Patagonicos. Revistas del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales ‘‘Bernardino Rivadavia’’ (Ecologia) 1(4): 135– 146. [p. 139; Amphisbaena plumbea ; Anops kingii ]

Gallardo, J.M.A.F. 1973. Conservacion de la fauna: Vertebrados, Reptiles y Anfibios. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales ‘‘Bernardino Rivadavia,’’ Publicaciones de Extado Cultural Didactica 1973(2): 1–15. [p. 6, Amphisbaena , Anops ; p. 9, Amphisbaena darwini , Anops kingii ; p. 12, Anops kingii ]

Gallardo, J.M.A.F. 1976. Estudio ecológico sobre los anfibios y reptiles de la depresión del Salado, provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales ‘‘Bernardino Rivadavia’’ (Ecologia) 2(1): 1–26. [pp. 14–16; Amphisbaena darwini ]

Gallardo, J.M.A.F. 1977. Capítulo VII Otros saurios de la provincia de Buenos Aires. Los lagartos sin patas: los anfisbénidos, los géneros Amphisbaena , Anops , Leposternon . In Reptiles de los Alrededores de Buenos Aires: 136–146. Eudeba Editorial de la Universidad, Buenos Aires. [all; USNM Herpetology Department]

Gallardo, J.M.A.F. 1979. Composición, distribución y origen de la herpetofauna Chaqueña. In W.E. Duellman (editor), The South American herpetofauna: its origin, evolution and dispersal. University of Kansas Museum of Natural History Monograph 7: 299–307. [p. 302; Amphisbaena camura , Anops kingii , Leposternon microcephalum ]

Gallardo, J.M.A.F. 1982. Anfibios y reptiles de Parque Nacional el Palmar de Colón, Provincia de Entre Rios. Anales de los Parques Nacoinalces, Buenos Aires 15: 65–75. [p. 68; Anops kingii ]

Gallardo, J.M.A.F. 1987. Anfibios y reptiles del Partido de Magdalena (provincia de Buenos Aires). Buenos Aires: Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales.

Gallardo, J.M.A.F., M.T. Vallejo, and M.E. Miranda. 1985. Estudio sobre la distribución de los saurios de Santiago del Estero, República Argentina ( Reptilia: Sauria ). [Studies on the distribution of lizards in the province of Santiago del Estero, Argentina ( Reptilia: Sauria ).] Historia Nartuale 5(13): 97–103. [pp. 100–101; A. camura , Amphisbaena darwini heterozonata , Anops kingii , Leposternon microcephalum ]

Gans, C. 1957. Review of: W. Hellmich—Die Lurche und Kriechtiere Europas. Copeia 1957(4): 314–315. [all]

Gans, C. 1955. Localities of the herpetological collections made during the ‘‘Novara Reise’’. Annals of the Carnegie Museum 33(17): 275– 285. [pp. 278]

Gans, C. 1957. ‘‘Anguimorph’’ tooth replacement in Amphisbaena alba Linnaeus, 1758 ( Reptilia: Amphisbaenidae ). Breviora (70): 1–12. [all]

Gans, C. 1958. Modifications of the head joint in acrodont amphisbaenids and their functional implication. (Abstract). Anatomical Record 132(3): 441. [all]

Gans, C. 1960. Studies on amphisbaenids ( Amphisbaenia : Reptilia). 1. A taxonomic revision of the Trogonophinae and a functional interpretation of the amphisbaenid adaptive pattern. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 119(3): 129–204. [all; Agamodon anguliceps , A. arabicus , A. compressus , Diplometopon zarudnyi , Pachycalamus brevis , Rhineura floridana , Trogonophis wiegmanni ]

Gans, C. 1961a. Notes on amphisbaenids ( Amphisbaenia : Reptilia). On the name Amphisbaena reticulata Holmer, 1787 . British Journal of Herpetology 3(1): 12–13. [all]

Gans, C. 1961b. Dubia ( Amphisbaena ) Rathke, 1863 ( Reptilia, Squamata ), Proposed suppression under the Plenary Powers. Z.N.(S.) 1466. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 18(3): 220. [all; Reprint: 1963. Opinion 664. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 20(3): 197–198.]

Gans, C. 1961c. Reticulata ( Amphisbaena ) Holmer, 1787; Proposed suppression under the Plenary Powers ( Reptilia, Squamata ). Z.N.(S.) 1468. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 18(3): 223–224. [all]

Gans, C. 1961d. Notes on amphisbaenids ( Amphisbaenia : Reptilia). 2. Amphisbaenia occidentalis Cope from the coastal plain of northern Peru. Postilla [Yale] 56: 1–17. [all]

Gans, C. 1962a. Notes on amphisbaenids ( Amphisbaenia : Reptilia). 1. On the name Amphisbaena reticulata Holmer, 1787 . British Journal of Herpetology 3(1): 12–13. [all]

Gans, C. 1962b. Notes on amphisbaenids ( Amphisbaenia : Reptilia). 3. Redefinition and description of the Brasilian reptiles Amphisbaena silvestrii Boulenger and A. neglecta Dunn and Piatt. Copeia 1962 (1): 164–170. [all; Amphisbaena silvestrii ]

Gans, C. 1962c. Notes on amphisbaenids ( Amphisbaenia : Reptilia). 5. A redefinition and a bibliography of Amphisbaena alba Linne´. American Museum Novitates 2105: 1–31. [all]

Gans, C. 1962d. Notes on amphisbaenids ( Amphisbaenia : Reptilia). 6. Redescription and range extension of Amphisbaena spurrelli Boulenger. Breviora 171: 1–11. [all]

Gans, C. 1963a. Functional analysis in a single adaptive radiation. Proceedings of the XVI International Congress of Zoology 3: 278–282. [all]

Gans, C. 1963b. Notes on amphisbaenids ( Amphisbaenia , Reptilia). 7. Redescription and redefinition of Amphisbaena mitchelli Procter and Amphisbaena slevini Schmidt from the Middle and Lower Amazon, Brazil. American Museum Novitates 2127: 1–22. [all]

Gans, C. 1963c. Notes on amphisbaenids ( Amphisbaenia , Reptilia). 8. A redescription of Amphisbaena stejnegeri and the description of a new species of Amphisbaena from British Guiana. American Museum Novitates 2128: 1–18. [all; Amphisbaena stejnegeri , A. vanzolinii ]

Gans, C. 1963d. Notes on amphisbaenids ( Amphisbaenia : Reptilia). 9. Redescription of Amphisbaena ridleyi Boulenger. Copeia 1963 (1): 102–107. [all]

Gans, C. 1963e. Notes on amphisbaenids ( Amphisbaenia : Reptilia). 10. Redescription and redefinition of Amphisbaena pericensis Noble from the mountains of northwestern Peru. Breviora 189: 1–15. [all]

Gans, C. 1964a. Leposternon microcephalum feeding on larva of Tenebrio molitor . Photo­ graph. Bulletin of the Philadelphia Herpetological Society 12: 1 fig. [all]

Gans, C. 1964b. Notes on amphisbaenids ( Amphisbaenia : Reptilia). 11. On Amphisbaena schmidti , a third species of the genus from Puerto Rico ( Amphisbaenia : Reptilia). Breviora 198: 1–11. [all]

Gans, C. 1964c. Notes on amphisbaenids ( Amphisbaenia : Reptilia). 12. Redescription of Amphisbaena dubia Müller ( Amphisbaenia : Reptilia). Breviora 205: 1–11. [all]

Gans, C. 1964d. Notes on amphisbaenids ( Amphisbaenia : Reptilia). 14. New records of Amphisbaena silvestrii Boulenger , and the description of a new two pored species from the northern Chaco. Copeia 1964(3): 553–561. [all; Amphisbaena lesseri , A. silvestrii ]

Gans, C. 1964e. Amphisbaena mitchelli Proctor recorded from Belem, Para´, Brazil. Herpetologica 20(3): 192–194. [all]

Gans, C. 1964f. On the South American species of Amphisbaena with a vertically keeled tail ( Amphisbaenia : Reptilia). Notes on amphisbaenids. 15. Senckenbergiana biologia (Mertens Festschrift) 45(3/5): 387–416. [all; Amphisbaena bahiana , A. borelli , A. roberti , A. steindachneri , Cercolophia ]

Gans, C. 1965a. Notes on a herpetological collection from the Somali Republic. I. Introduction and itinerary. Annales in 8, Zoologica, R.G. Museum de Afrique Centrale 134: 1–93. [pp. 1–3]

Gans, C. 1965b. Notes on amphisbaenids ( Amphisbaena : Reptilia). 16. On Amphisbaena heathi Schmidt and A. carvalhoi new species, small forms from the northeast of Brazil ( Amphisbaenia : Reptilia). Proceedings of the California Academy of Science, ser. 4, 31(23): 613–630. [all]

Gans, C. 1965c. Notes on amphisbaenids. 17. Redescription and discussion of Amphisbaena angustifrons Cope and A. camura Cope , large amphisbaenids of southern South America ( Amphisbaenia : Reptilia). American Museum Novitates 2225: 1–32. [all]

Gans, C. 1965d. Redescription of Amphisbaena pretrei Duméril and Bibron and A. leucocephala Peters , with a discussion of their relation and synonymy ( Amphisbaenia : Reptilia). Notes on amphisbaenids. 18. American Midland Naturalist 84(2): 387–407. [all; Amphisbaena leucocephala , A. pretrei , A. vermicularis ]

Gans, C. 1966a. Redescription of Amphisbaena mertensi Strauch , with comments on its geographic variation and synonymy ( Amphisbaenia : Reptilia). Notes on amphisbaenids. 21. Copeia 1966(3): 534–548. [all; Amphisbaena mertensii , A. vermicularis ]

Gans, C. 1966b. Amphisbaena mildei Peters, 1878 (Reptilia) : Proposed suppression under the Plenary Powers. Z.N.(S.) 1746. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 23(4): 162–163. [all]

Gans, C. 1966c. Studies on amphisbaenids ( Amphisbaenia : Reptilia) 3. The small species from southern South America commonly identified as Amphisbaena darwini . Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 134(3): 185– 260. [all; Amphisbaena darwini heterozonata trachura , A. hogei , A. munoai , A. nigricauda , A. prunicolor albocingutala ]

Gans, C. 1967a. A checklist of the recent amphisbaenians ( Amphisbaenia : Reptilia). Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 135(2): 61–106. [all]

Gans, C. 1967b. Rhineura floridana . In Catalogue of American amphibians and reptiles. American Society of Ichthyology and Herpetology 43: 1– 2. [all]

Gans, C. 1967c. Redescription of Amphisbaena slateri Boulenger , with comments on its range extension into Bolivia. Herpetologica 23(3): 223–227. [all]

Gans, C. 1967d. A new record of Amphisbaena leeseri from Mato Grosso. Herpetologica 23(3): 247–248. [all]

Gans, C. 1967e. Amendment to application for the suppression of Amphisbaena mildei Peters, 1978 . Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 24: 8. [all]

Gans, C. 1967f. Rhineura . In Catalogue of American amphibians and reptiles, American Society of Ichthyology and Herpetology 42: 1–2. [all]

Gans, C. 1968a. Comment on the proposal to suppress Amphisbaena mildei Peters, 1878 . Z.N.(S.) 1746. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 25: 4. [all]

Gans, C. 1968b. Relative success of divergent pathways in amphisbaenian specialization. American Naturalist 102(926): 345–362. [all]

Gans, C. 1969. Amphisbaenians, reptiles specialized for a burrowing existence. Endeavour 28(105): 146–151. [all]

Gans, C. 1970a. Amphisbaenia . In P. Gray (editor), The encyclopedia of the biological sciences, 2nd ed.: 27. New York: Van Nostrand, Reinhold. [all]

Gans, C. 1970b. Leposternon . In J.A. Peters and R. Donoso­Barros (editors), Catalog of the neotropical Squamata . Part II. Lizards— Amphisbaenia . Bulletin of the U.S. National Museum 297: 167–169. [all]

Gans, C. 1970c. Burrowing adaptations and the amphisbaenian skull. Abstracts of the 9th International Congress of Anatomists (Leningrad) 1970: 43. [all]

Gans, C. 1970d. The amphisbaenians—enigmatic reptiles. African Wild Life 24: 277–281. [all]

Gans, C. 1971a. Studies on amphisbaenians ( Amphisbaenia : Reptilia). 4. A review of the amphisbaenid genus Leposternon . Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 144(6): 379–464. [all]

Gans, C. 1971b. Die Doppelschleichen. In Grzimek’s Tierleben 6: 339–343. Sechster Band. Kriechtiere. Zürich: Kinder Verlag. [all]

Gans, C. 1971c. Comments on the types and some other interesting amphisbaenians in the collection of the Leningrad Zoological Institute. Zoological Zhournal Moscow 50(9): 1353–1357. [In Russian, English version as Smithsonian Herpetological Information Service document]. [all; Amphisbaena albocingulata , A. fenestrata , A. gracilis , A. leucocephala , A. mertensi , A. pretrei , A. ridleyi , A. steindachneri , Blanus strauchi bedriagae , Diplometopon , Leposternon affine , L. boulengeri , L. crassum , L. guntheri , L. onychocephalum , L. rostratum , L. strauchi , Pachycalamus ]

Gans, C. 1971d. Redescription of three monotypic genera of amphisbaenians from South America: Aulura Barbour , Bronia Gray and Mesobaena Mertens. American Museum Novitates 2475: 1–32. [all; Aulura anomala , Bronia brasiliana , Mesobaena huebneri ]

Gans, C. 1973a. Locomotion and burrowing in limbless vertebrates. Nature 242(5397): 414– 415. [all]

Gans, C. 1973b. Wormhagedissen. In Grzimek Dierleven, vol. 6. Reptielen, pp. 396–404. Utrecht: Het Spectrum N.V. [all]

Gans, C. 1974a. Biomechanics: approach to vertebrate biology. Philadelphia: J.P. Lippincott. [1980 Reprint The University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor; pp. 118b, 125–126, 132f, 135, 137, 144, 162, 167–169, 171–172, 182]

Gans, C. 1974b. New records of small amphisbaenians from northern South America. Journal of Herpetology 8(3): 276–278. [all; Aulura anomala , Mesobaena huebneri ]

Gans, C. 1974c. The holotype of Amphisbaena mildei Peters rediscovered. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 31(4): 201–203. [all]

Gans, C. 1975a. Reptiles of the world. Bantam nature guide (Knowledge through color). New York: Bantam. Also in: Les reptiles du monde (La nature en couleurs). Lausanne: Delachaux et Niestle. [pp. 49–52]

Gans, C. 1975b. Tetrapod limblessness: evolution and functional corrollaries. American Zoologist 15(2): 455–467. [all]

Gans, C. 1975c. Reticulata C.P. Thunberg, 1787 ( Amphisbaena ): Proposed suppression under the Plenary Powers ( Reptilia Squamata ). Z.N.(S.) 1468. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 32(2): 113–114. [all]

Gans, C. 1975d. Amphisbaenian or worm lizards. In Grzimek’s animal life encyclopedia, vol. 6. Reptiles, pp. 338–344. Cincinnati: Van Nostrand­Reinhold. [all]

Gans, C. 1976. Three new spade­snouted amphisbaenians from Angola ( Amphisbaenia , Reptilia). American Museum Novitates 2590: 1–11. [all; Dalophia angolensis , Monopeltis luandae , M. perplexua ]

Gans, C. 1977a. Amphisbaenia . Definition and phylogeny. British Journal of Herpetology 5(8): 601–602. [Reprinted from ‘‘Biomechanics’’, 1974; all]

Gans, C. 1977b. The biological roles of ‘‘taxonomic’’ characteristics utilized in amphisbaeni­ an classification. British Journal of Herpetology 5(8): 611–615. [all]

Gans, C. 1978. The characteristics and affinities of the Amphisbaenia . Transactions of the Zoological Society of London 34: 347–416. [all]

Gans, C. 1979. Proposal. In ‘‘ Amphisbaena mildei Peters, 1878 (Reptilia) : Suppressed under the Plenary Powers.’’ R.V. Melville Opinion 1131. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 36(2): 82– 84. [all]

Gans, C. 1984 [= 1985]. The holotype of Amphisbaena reticulata ( Thunberg, 1787) . Amphibia­Reptilia 5(3, 4): 414–415. [all]

Gans, C. 1986a. Locomotion of limbless vertebrates: pattern and evolution. Herpetologica 42(1): 31–46. [pp. 33, 40]

Gans, C. 1986b. Evolution of limbless Squamates: functional aspects. In Z. Rôchék (editor), Studies in herpetology. Proceedings of the 3rd Ordinary General Meeting of Societas Europaea Herpetologica, August 19–23, Prague 1986: 71–74. [all]

Gans, C. 1987. Studies on amphisbaenians ( Reptilia). 7. The small round­headed species ( Cynisca ) from western Africa. American Museum Novitates 2896: 1–84. [all]

Gans, C. 1990. Patterns in amphisbaenian biogeography. A preliminary analysis. In G. Peters and R. Hutterer (editors), Vertebrates in the tropics: 133–143. Bonn: Museum Alexander Koenig. [all]

Gans, C. 1992. Amphisbaenians. Worm lizards. In H.G. Cogger and R.G. Zweifel (editors), Reptiles & amphibians: 212–217. McMahon’s Point, Australia: Hong Kong: Weldon Owen Pty. [all]

Gans, C. 1994. Approaches to the evolution of limblessness. Cuadernos de Herpetología 8(1): 12–17. [all]

Gans, C. 1997. The cariotype of Dibamus novae­ guineae ( Squamata : Dibamidae ). Herpetologica 53(2): 229–232. [all]

Gans, C. 1998. Amphisbaenians. Worm lizards. In H.G. Cogger and R.G. Zweifel (editors), Reptiles & amphibians, 2nd ed.: 212–217. McMahon’s Point, Australia: Weldon Owen Pty. [all]

Gans, C. 1999. Amphisbaenian diversity notes. Internet address: http://cluster3.biosci.utexas. edu/courses/herpetology/gans.html

Gans, C., and A.A. Alexander. 1962. Studies on the amphisbaenids ( Amphisbaenia ; Reptilia). 2. On the amphisbaenids of the Antilles. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 128(3): 65–158. [all; Amphisbaena bakeri , A. caeca , A. cubana barbouri , A. fenestrata , A. innocens caudalis gonavensis , A. manni , Cadea blanoides , C. palirostrata ]

Gans, C., and M. Amdur. 1966. Redescription of Amphisbaena vermicularis Wagler , with comments on its range and synonymy ( Amphisbaenia : Reptilia). Notes on amphisbaenids 20. Proceedings of the California Academy of Science, ser. 4, 33(5): 69–90. [all]

Gans, C., A.F. Bauer, and R. Günther. 1997. An annotated type catalogue of the amphisbaenians ( Reptilia: Squamata : Amphisbaenia ) in the Zoological Museum, Berlin. Mitteilung des Zoologisches Museum Berlin 73(1): 41–50. [all]

Gans, C., and J.J. Bonin. 1963. Acoustic activity recorder for burrowing animals. Science 140(3565): 398. [all]

Gans, C., and D.G. Broadley. 1974. A new dwarfed species of Monopeltis from the Middle Zambezi Valley ( Reptilia: Amphisbaenia ). Arnoldia ( Rhodesia) 6(35): 1–5. [ Monopeltis zambezensis ]

Gans, C., and W.R. Dawson. 1976. Reptilian physiology: an overview. In C. Gans and W.R. Dawson (editors), Biology of the Reptilia 5(1): 1–18. London: Academic Press. [pp. 2, 10]

Gans, C., and C.O. da C. Diefenbach. 1970. Amphisbaena . In J.A. Peters and R. Donoso­Barros (editors), Catalog of the Neotropical Squamata . Part II. Lizards— Amphisbaenia . Bulletin of the U.S. National Museum (297): 26–38. [all]

Gans, C., and C.O. da C. Diefenbach 1972. Description and geographical variation in the South American Amphisbaena angustifrons ; the southernmost amphisbaenian in the world ( Reptilia: Amphisbaenia ). American Museum Novitates 2494: 1–20. [all; Amphisbaena angustifrons , A. plumbea ]

Gans, C., C.C. Huang, and H.F. Clark. 1967. The diphyletism of the Amphisbaenia (Reptilia) . A reevaluation based upon chromosome counts. Copeia 1967(2): 485–487. [all]

Gans, C., and K. Klemmer. 1972. Gli anfisbeni. In Grzimek (editor), Vita degli animali, sesto 6: 376–383. Milano: Bramante Editrice. [all]

Gans, C., and E. Kochva. 1966. A systematic review of Ancylocranium ( Amphisbaenia : Reptilia). Notes on amphisbaenids. 22. Israel Journal of Zoology 14: 87–121. [all; Ancylocranium barkeri newalae , A. ionidesi haasi , A. somalicum parkeri ]

Gans, C., and D.M. Kraklau. 1989. Studies on amphisbaenians ( Reptilia) 8. Two genera of small species from East Africa ( Geocalamus and Loveridgea ). American Museum Novitates 2944: 1–28. [all; Geocalamus acutus , G. modestus , Loveridgea ionidesii , L. phylofiniens ]

Gans, C., and M. Latifi. 1971. Redescription and geographical variation of Monopeltis guentheri Boulenger ( Amphisbaenia : Reptilia). American Museum Novitates 2464: 1–21. [all; reprinted in Farsi 2. Archives of the Institute Razi 24: 63–82.]

Gans, C., and G.C. Lehman. 1973. Studies on amphisbaenians ( Amphisbaenia : Reptilia. 5. The species of Monopeltis from north of the river Zaire. Occasional Papers, Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan 669: 1–34. [all; Monopeltis galeata , M. guentheri , M. jugularis , M. schoutedeni ]

Gans, C., and W.G. Lynn. 1965. Comments on the thyroid structure of some acrodont amphisbaenids, with remarks on their systematic status. Herpetologica 21(1): 23–26. [all]

Gans, C., and S. Mather. 1977. Amphisbaena medemi , an interesting new species from Colombia ( Amphisbaenia , Reptilia), with a key to the amphisbaenians of the Americas. Fieldiana (Zoology) 72(2): 21–46. [all]

Gans, C., and R. Montero. 1996. Dos nuevos anfisbénideos fósiles provienientes de Lagoa Santa (Minas Gerais, Brasil). Abstracts of the XII Reunión de Comunicaciones Herpetológicas, Río Cuarto, 12–13 December 1996. [all; Amphisbaena braestrupi , A. laurenti ]

Gans, C., and R. Montero. 1997. Dos nuevos anfisbénidos fósiles provenientes de Lagoa Santa (Minas Gerais, Brasil). Abstracts of the Terceras Jornadas de Comunicaciones de la Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo, 24–26 November 1997, Tucumán. [ Amphisbaena braestrupi , A. laurenti ]

Gans, C., and R. Montero. 1998. Two new fossil amphisbaenids ( Reptilia: Squamata ) from the Pleistocene of Lagoa Santa (Minas Gerais, Brasil). Steenstrupia 24(1): 9–22 [all; Amphisbaena braestrupi , A. laurenti ]

Gans, C., and H. Pandit. 1965. Notes on a herpetological collection from the Somali Republic. V. The amphisbaenian genus Agamodon Peters. Annals in 8 °, Zoologica, R.G. Museum Af­ rique Centrale 134: 1–93. [pp. 71–86; Agamodon anguliceps immaculatus , A. arabicus , A. compressus ]

Gans, C., and T.J. Papenfuss. 1980. There is no evidence that Bipes occurs in the U.S. Herpetological Review 11(3): 74. [all]

Gans, C., and G. Pasteur. 1962. Notes on amphisbaenids ( Amphisbaenia : Reptilia). 4. The type locality of Amphisbaena elegans Gervais. Herpetologica 18(1): 9–11. [all; Trogonophis wiegmanni elegans ]

Gans, C., and C. Rhodes. 1964. Notes on amphisbaenids ( Amphisbaenia : Reptilia). 13. A systematic review of Anops Bell, 1833 . American Museum Novitates 2186: 1–25. [all]

Gans, C., and C. Rhodes. 1967. Chirindia from Tanganyika ( Amphisbaenia , Reptilia). Notes on amphisbaenids no. 19. Annals of the Carnegie Museum 39(1): 1–32. [all; Chirindia ewerbecki nanguruwensis , C. mpwapwaensis , C. orientalis , C. rondoensis ]

Gans, C., and C.E. Shaw. 1963. The locomotion of Bipes biporus Cope. [Abstract] Proceedings of the 50th Anniversary Meeting of the American Society of Ichthyology and Herpetology, Vancouver 1963: 38. [all]

Gans, C., and E.G. Wever. 1972. The ear and hearing in Amphisbaenia (Reptilia) . Journal of Experimental Zoology 179(1): 17–34. [all]

Gans, C., and E.G. Wever. 1974. Temperature effects on hearing in two species of Amphisbaenia ( Squamata , Reptilia). Nature 250(5461): 79–80. [all]

Gans, C., and E.G. Wever. 1975. The amphisbaenian ear: Blanus cinereus and Diplometopon zarudnyi . Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 72(4): 1487–1490. [all]

Gao, K. 1997. Sineoamphisbaena phylogenetic relationships discussed: reply. Canadian Journal of Science 34(6): 886–889. [all]

Gao, K., and L.A. Nessov. 1998. Early Cretaceous squamates from the Kyzylkum Desert, Uzbekistan. Neues Jahrbuch der Geologie und Paleontologie, Abhandlungen 207(3): 289–309.

Garcia­Porta, J., and I. Casanovas­Vilar. 2001. Noves localitats de Amphisbaenia fóssils i comentaris sobre el grup en el Miocé peninsular. Bulleti de la Societat Catalana de Hérpetologia 15: 91–98. [ Blanus, Paleoblanus , Omoiotyphlops , fossils]

García­Porta, J., Quintana, J., and S. Bailon. 2002. Primer hallazgo de Blanus sp. ( Amphisbaenia , Reptilia) en el neógeno balear. Revista Española de Herpetologia 16: 19–28.

Garman, S. 1883. On certain reptiles from Brazil and Florida. Scientific Observer (Boston) 4(5, 6): 47–48. [all]

Garman, S. 1884. The North American reptiles and batrachians. A list of the species occurring north of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, with references. Bulletin of the Essex Institute 16: 3– 46. [p. 19]

Gasc, J.­P. 1967. Introduction a l’étude de la musculature axiale des squamates serpentiformes. Memoirs de le Museum Nationale de l’Histoire Naturelle, ser. A (Zoologie), 48(2): 69–124.

Gasc, J.­P. 1981. Axial musculature. In C. Gans and T.S. Parsons (editors), Biology of the Reptilia 11(3):355–436. London: Academic Press. [pp. 357–358, 361, 387, 389, 411, 414, 417, 425, 427–428, 430–431]

Gasc, J.­P. 1982. Le mechanisme du fouissage chez Amphisbaena alba ( Amphisbaenidae , Squamata ). Vertebrata Hungarica 21: 147–155. [all]

Gasc, J.­P., and S. Renous. 1979. La région pelvicloacale de Dibamus ( Squamata , Reptilia). Nouvelle contribution à sa position systématique. Bulletin de Museum Nationale de l’Histoire Naturelle (Paris), ser. 4, 1(A, 3): 659–684. [p. 679]

Gasparini, Z., M. de la Fuente, and O. Donadio. 1986. Los reptiles cenozoicos de la Argentina: implicancias paleoambientales y evolución biogeográfica. I Congreso Argentino de Paleontologia, Biostatistica Actas 2: 119–152. [p. 125]

Gasperetti, J. 1967. Survey of reptiles of the Sheikdom of Abu Dhabi, Arabian peninsula. Part 1. A geographical sketch of the Sheikdom of Abu Dhabi. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 35(8): 141–156. [p. 153; Diplometopon zarudnyi ]

Gatten, R.E., Jr., and R.M. McClung. 1981. Thermal selection by an amphisbaenian, Trogonophis wiegmanni . Journal of Thermal Biology 6(1): 49–51. [all]

Gatti, C. 1955. Las Culebras Venenosas del Paraguay. Revista Medica Paraguaya 1(2): 81–100.

Gauthier, J.A. 1994. The diversification of the Amniotes. In D.R. Prothero and R.M. Schoch (editors), Major features of vertebrate evolution. Lepidosauria, Amphisbaenia : 129–158. Knoxville: The University of Tennesee. [p. 144]

Gauthier, J., R. Estes, and K. de Queiroz. 1988. A phylogenetic analysis of Lepidosauromorpha. In R. Estes and G. Pregill (editors), Phylogenetic relationships of the lizard families. Essays commemorating Charles L. Camp: 15– 98. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.

Geniez, P., M. Geniez, S. Boisinot, S.P.­C. Beaubrun, and J. Bons. 1991. Nouvelles observations sur l’herpétofaune marocaine, 2. Bulletin de la Societé de Herpetologie de France 59: 19–27. [ Blanus mettetali ]

Gervais, P. 1835. ‘‘Les principaux resultats de l’étude... de reptiles envoyés de Barbarie.’’ Séance 23, Dec. 1835. Bulletin de la Societé de Science Naturelle de France (dernier trimestre) 1835: 112–114. [all]

Gervais, P. 1836. Énumération de quelques espèces de reptiles provenant de Barbarie. Annales de Sciences Naturelles, ser. 2, 6: 308–313. [p. 311; Amphisbaena cinerea , A. elegans ]

Gervais, P. 1837. Amphisbéne. Amphisbaena . Linn. Notice sur deux espèces africaines de ce genre. Magazine de Zoologie (Guérin­Méneville) iii: 1–6. [all; pls. x–xi]

Gervais, P. 1840. Reptiles. In Dictionaire du Sciences Naturelles, suppl. 11: 1–64.

Gervais, P. 1848a. Considerations générales sur la distribution geographique et la classification des reptiles vivants et fossiles. Dictionaire Universal de l’Histoire Naturelles.

Gervais, P. 1848b. Sur les animaux vertébrés de l’Algerie envisagés sous le double rapport de la géographie zoologique et de la domestication. Annales de Sciences Naturelles, ser. 3, 10: 202–208. [p. 205; Amphisbaena cinerea , A. elegans , Trogonophis wiegmanni ]

Gervais, P. 1853. Recherches sur l’ostéologie de plusieurs espèces d’amphisbénes, et remarques sur la classification de ces reptiles. Annales de Sciences Naturelles (Paris), ser. 3 (Zoologie), 20: 293–312. [pp. 308–312; figs. 4, 5; Amphisbaena fuliginosa , Blanus cinereus , Trogonophis wiegmanni ]

Gervais, P. 1869. Bibliotheque des Sciences Naturelles. Zoologie. Reptiles vivants et fossils. Paris. [pp. 15, 19, 27, 29–30, 33, 42, 55–56, 61, 64]

Gesner, C. 1613. De Serpentibus oder Schlangenbuch. Historie of Serpents. Heidelberg. [pp. 21– 22]

Geyer, H. 1901. Katechismus für Terrarienliebhaber. [Not found]

Gil, M., F. Guerero, and V. Pérez­Mellado. 1993. Observations on morphometrics and ecology in Blanus cinereus ( Reptilia: Amphisbaenia ). Journal of Herpetology 27(2): 205–209. [all; temperature, feed, absence of dimorphism]

Gilmore, C.W. 1928. Fossil lizards of North America. Memoirs of the National Academy of Science 22(3): 1–201. [p. 33]

Gilmore, C.W. 1938a. Descriptions of new and little­known fossil lizards from North America. Proceedings of the U.S. National Museum 86(3042): 11–26. [pp. 11–16; Rhineura minutus , R. sternbergii ]

Gilmore, C.W. 1938b. Fossil snakes of North America. Special Papers of the Geological Society of America (Washington) 9: 1–96. [pp. 87–88]

Gilmore, C.W. 1942. Paleocene faunas of the Polecat Bench Formation, Park County, Wyoming. Part II. Lizards. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 85: 159–167. [pp. 163, 164]

Gilmore, C.W. 1943. Fossil lizards of Mongolia. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 81(4): 361–384. [p. 377; Crythiosaurus mongoliensis ]

Gilmore, C.W., and G.L. Jepsen. 1945. A new Eocene lizard from Wyoming. Journal of Paleontology 19(1): 30–34. [all]

Gilpin, H.G.B. 1971. Blanus cinereus . Aquarist and Pondkeeper 36(1): 9, 23. [all; Ototriton minor ]

Girard, C.F. 1858. Herpetology. In United States Exploring Expedition during the years 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, under the command of Charles Wilkes, U.S. N. 20: 1–496. Private. Reprint Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott and Co. [pp. 215, 216; Amphisbaenae, Cephalopeltis , Cyclosaurus glyptodermes , Leposternon scutigerum ]

Gmelin, J.F. 1789 [1788–1793]. Caroli a Linne´, Systema Naturae per regna tria naturae, secundum classes. Laurentius Salvius, Holmiae 1(3): 1035–1514. [pp. 1123, 1124; see John Hopkinson, Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1907: 1035–1037]

Godinot, M., F. De Broin, E. Buffetaut, J.C. Rage, and D. Russell. 1978. Dormaal: une des plus anciennes faunes éocenes d’Europe. Comptes Rendues Hebd. Séances de Academie de Science de Paris 287: 1273–1276.

Godoy, J.C. 1963. Fauna Silvestre. In P. Série (editor), Evaluación de los recursos naturales de la Argentina. Consejo Federal de Inversiones, Buenos Aires, 8, Fauna Silvestre (1): 1–527. [pp. 153–156]

Goeldi, E.A. 1897. Die Eier von 13 brasilianischen Reptilien, nebst Bemerkungen über Lebens­ und Fortpflanzungsweise lezterer. Beobachtungen aus den Jahren 1884–1897. Zoologisches Jahrbuch, Abteilung für Systematische Geographie und Biologie der Thiere 10(5): 640–676. [p. 651]

Goeldi, E.A. 1902. Lacertílios. Lagartos do Brazil. Introdução geral. ‘‘Lancear d’olhos sobre a fauna dos Répteis.’’ Boletim do Museu Paraense 1: 402–432; 3 and 4: 499–560. [pp. 554– 559; Amphisbaena alba , A. brasiliana , A. darwini , A. fuliginosa , A. leucocephala , A. pretrii , A. mildei , A. ridleyi , A. steindachneri , A. subocularis , A. vermicularis , Anops kingii , Lepidosternon crassum , L. infraorbitale , L. microcephalum , L. octostegum , L. petersii , L. polystegum , L. rostratum , L. scutigerum , L. wuchereri ]

Golz, D.J., and J.A. Lillegraven. 1977. Summary of known occurrences of terrestrial vertebrates from Eocene strata of southern California. Contributions to Geology, University of Wyoming 15(1): 43–65. [In Estes text cited as 1978: 52, Amphisbaenia , Rhineuridae , indet. San Diego Co., RAS 1975:149 Mission Valley Formation, mid­Eocene]

Gómez Durán, J.M. 1985. Producción de sonidos en Blanus cinereus . Doñana, Acta Vertebrata 12(2): 326–327. [all]

Gonçalves Dias, A., and J.B. Barros Filho. 1992. Correlação entre Leposternon ( Reptilia: Amphisbaenia ) e os solos do Estado de Rio do Janeiro. Congresso Latino­Americano de Zoologia, 12 ° Congresso Brasileiro de Zoologia, 19, 1992. Resumos, Universidade Federal do Para´, p. 189.

González, J.A., G.J. Scrocchi, and E.O. Lavilla. 1999. Relevamiento de la biodiversidad de la Reserva Nacional de Flora y Fauna Tariquía. Fundación Miguel Lillo, Serie Conservación de la Naturaleza 14: 1–134.

Gonzáles, L., and S. Reichle. 2003. Reptiles. In Ibisch, P. L., and G. Mérida (editors.) Biodiversidad: La riqueza de Bolivia. Editorial FAN, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia: 137–141; 586– 589. [distribution, Amphisbaena alba , A. angustifrons , A. bolivica , A. camura , A. cegei , A. darwini , A. fuliginosa , A. silvestri , A. slateri , A. vermicularis , Cercolophia borelli , C. steindacheneri , Leposternon microcephalum ]

Göppert, E. 1899. Der Kehlkopf der Amphibien und Reptilien. II. Theil. Reptilien. Morphologische Jahrbücher 28: 1–27. [pp. 3–5, 7, 9]

Göppert, E. 1901. Beiträge zur vergleichenden Anatomie des Kehlkopfes und seiner Umgebung mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Monotremen. Richard Semon’s Zoologische Forschungsreisen in Australien und dem Malayischen Archipel, 3(2). Denkschrift der Medizinische­Naturwissenschaften Gesellschaft Jena 6(4): 533–634.

Göppert, E. 1937. Atmungssystem (Organe der Luftatmung). I. Kehlkopf und Trachea. In L. Bolk, E. Göppert, E. Kallius, and W. Lubosch (editors), Handbuch der vergleichenden Anatomie der Wirbeltiere 3: 797–866. Berlin: Urban und Schwarzenberg. [pp. 815, 819–121]

Gorham, F.W., and A.C. Ivy. 1938. General function of the gall bladder from the evolutionary standpoint. Zoology Series, Field Museum of Natural History 22(3): 159–213. [p. 180; Amphisbaena alba ]

Gorman, G.C. 1973. The chromosomes of the Reptilia, a cytotaxonomic interpretation. In A.B. Chiarelli and E. Capanna (editors), Cytotaxonomy and vertebrate evolution. London: Academic Press (12): 349–424. [pp. 393–394]

Gorman, G.C., A.C. Wilson, and M. Nakanishi. 1971. A biochemical approach towards the study of reptilian phylogeny: evolution of serum albumin and lactic dehydrogenase. Systematic Zoology 20(2): 167–185. [pp. 171, 176; Bipes biporus ]

Gorzula, S.J. 1985. Geographic distribution: Amphisbaenia . Amphisbaena gracilis (Morrona) Venezuela: Estado Bolivar. Herpetological Review 16(3): 83. [all]

Gorzula, S.J., and C.L. Arocha­Piñango. 1977. A coagulation study of Amphisbaena alba Linnaeus. British Journal of Herpetology 5(8): 629–633. [all]

Gorzula, S.J., and C.L. Arocha­Piñango. 1982 [1981]. Tromboplastic activity with particular reference to reptiles. Molecular Physiology 1(4): 173–177. [pp. 174–176; Amphisbaena alba ]

Gorzula, S.J., C. Salazar, and D. Rendon. 1977. Aspects of the ecology of Amphisbaena alba Linnaeus in the Venezuelan Guyana. British Journal of Herpetology 5(8): 623–626. [ Amphisbaena alba natural history]

Gorzula, S.J., and J.C. Señaris. 1999 (1998). Contribution to the herpetofauna of the Venezuelan Guayana. I. A data base. Scientia Guaianae 8, Caracas. [pp. 109–111; Amphisbaena alba , A. fuliginosa , A. gracilis ]

Gosse, P.H. 1850. Natural history—reptiles. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. [pp. 157–160]

Gotch, A.F. 1986. Reptiles. Their Latin names explained. A guide to animal classification. New York: Blanford Press. [pp. 118–120; Amphisbaenidae , Bipedidae , Trogonophidae ]

Grandison, A.G. 1956. On a collection of lizards from West Africa. Bulletin de la Institute Français d’Afrique Noire, ser. A, 18(1): 224–245. [p. 234]

Grant, C. 1932a. A redescription of Amphisbaena caeca with a discussion of its relationship to A. bakeri . Journal of the Department of Agriculture of Puerto Rico 16(2): 153–155. [all]

Grant, C. 1932b. Herpetology of Tortola; notes on Anegada and Virgin Gorda, British Virgin Islands. Journal of the Department of Agriculture of Puerto Rico 16(3): 339–346. [pp. 343–344]

Grant, C. 1937a. Two early Puerto Rican herpetologists. I. Dr. Augustín Stahl. II. Dr. Francisco del Valle Atiles. Journal of the Department of Agriculture of Puerto Rico 21(4): 491–502.

Grant, C. 1937b. Herpetological notes with new species from the American and British Virgin Islands. Journal of the Department of Agriculture of Puerto Rico 21(4): 503–522. [pp. 512, 519]

Grant, C. 1946. Notes on Amphisbaena . Herpetologica 3(2): 60–61. [all]

Gray, J.E. 1825. A synopsis of the genera of reptiles and Amphibia, with a description of some new species. Thomson Annals of Philosophy, ser. 2, 10: 193–217. [p. 203; Amphisbaena alba , Lepostermon microcephalum ]

Gray, J.E. 1831. Synopsis reptilium. In E. Griffith and E. Pidgeon (editors), The class Reptilia arranged by the Baron Cuvier, with specific descriptions: 110. London: Wittacker, Treacher and Co. [pp. 66–67, 324–327]

Gray, J.E. 1844. Catalogue of the tortoises, crocodiles, and amphisbaenians in the collection of the British Museum. British Museum of Natural History (London) 1844: 80 pp. [p. vi, vii, viii, 2, 68–74]

Gray, J.E. 1865. A revision of the genera and species of amphisbaenians with the descriptions of some new species now in the collection of the British Museum. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1865: 442–455. [p. 447; Baikia africana , Bronia brasiliana , Dalophia , Lepidosternon ]

Gray, J.E. 1872. Catalogue of shield reptiles in the collection of the British Museum, part II. Emydosaurians, Rhynchocephalia , and amphisbaenians. British Museum of Natural History (London) 1872: 41 pp. [pp. 32, 35]

Gray, J.E. 1873. Hand­list of the specimens of shield reptiles in the British Museum, 8th ed. British Museum (Natural History). London 1873. iv + 124 pp. [pp. 114–117]

Greenberg, N., and P.D. MacLean (editors). 1978. Behavior and neurology of lizards, an interdisciplanary colloquium. U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare. [pp. 337–340]

Greene, H.W. 1973. Defensive tail display by snakes and amphisbaenians. Journal of Herpetology 7(3): 131–161. [pp. 145, 149–150, 153, 154–155]

Greene, H.W. 1988. Antipredator mechanisms in reptiles. In C. Gans and R.B. Huey (editors), Biology of the Reptilia 16(1): 1–152. New York: Liss. [pp. 6, 10–13, 37, 53, 56, 58, 119, 136]

Greer, A.F. 1985. The relationships of the lizard genera Anelytropsis and Dibamus . Journal of Herpetology 19(1): 116–156.

Greer, A.F., and C. Gans. 1983. The amphisbaenian carpus: How primitive is it? Journal of Herpetology 17(4): 406. [all]

Gregory, W.K. 1934. Whence came the ‘‘dragons of Komodo’’. Bulletin of the New York Zoological Society 37(3): 68–90. [pp. 78, 80–81]

Gregory, W.K. 1951. Evolution emerging. A survey of changing patterns from primeval life to man, vol. 1. New York: Macmillan. [p. 276; Bipes , Rhineura ]

Griffin, L.E. 1916 [1917]. A list of the South American lizards of the Carnegie Museum, with descriptions of four new species. Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum 7(1, 2): 163–228, pls. 32–35. [reprint is Annals of the Carnegie Museum 11: 304—320. pp. 319—320, Amphisbaena alba , A. sp., Lepidosternon phocaena ]

Griffin, L.E. 1917. A catalog of the ophidia from South America at present (June, 1916) contained in the Carnegie Museum, with descriptions of some new species. Annals of the Carnegie Museum 7(3): 163–228. [pl. 1; Amphisbaena alba , A. steindachneri , Leposternon phocaena ]

Griffith, E., and E. Pidgeon. 1831. The class Reptilia arranged by the Baron Cuvier, with specific descriptions. London: Whittaker. [pp. 163, 246– 247]

Grillitsch, H., E. Schleiffer, and F. Tiedemann. 1996. Katalog der Trockenpräparate der Herpetologischen Sammlung des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, Stand 31 Dezember 1995. Selbstverlag des Naturhistorischen Museum Wien. Kataloge 11(Vertebrata Heft 5): 1–137. [p. 21]

Gronovius, L.T. (Gronovii, L.T.). 1756. Musei Ichthyologici. Tomus secundus sistens Amphibiorum animalium histori in Museo Laurentii Theodori Gronovii, J.U.D. adservatur, nec non quorumdam in aliis Museis observatorum descriptiones. vol. 2. Leiden. [pp. 52, 209–225]

Gronovius, L.T. (Gronovii, L.T.). 1763. Zoophylacii Gronoviani Fasciculus Primus, Exhibens Animalia Quadrupeda, Amphibia atque Pisces, quae in Museo fuo, rite examinavit, systematice disposuit, descripsit, atque ioconibus illustravit. Leiden: Sumptibus auctoris. [pt. 1, 380 + (20) + vi pp.; pp. 17–18; Amphisbaena ]

Gudynas, E. 1981. Consideraciones sobre la herpetofauna de Uruguay y areas vecinas con una aproximación biogeográfica. Res Communicacion Jornal de las Ciencias Naturales, Montevideo 2(5, 6): 2. [ Amphisbaena munoai ]

Guenther, K. 1931. A naturalist in Brazil. The record of a year’s observation of her flora, her fauna and her people (translation). Boston: Houghton Mifflin. [p. 342; Amphisbaena alba ]

Guenther, K. 1931. A fauna Brasileira. Gebrüder Weissflog. São Paulo: Companhia Melhoramentos.

Guérin­Méneville, F.E. 1829–1844. Iconographie de Règne Animal de G. Cuvier. 1829–1844, vol. 3. Paris: J.B. Ballière. [p. 13; Amphisbaena fuliginosa ]

Guibe´, J. 1950. Les lézards de l’Afrique du Nord ( Algérie, Tunisie, Maroc). Terre et la Vie (Paris) 97(1): 16–38. [pp. 36–37]

Guibe´, J. 1954. Catalogue des types de lézards du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle. Ba­ yeux: Imp. Colas. Bayeux, France. [ Agamodon compressum , Amphisbaena caeca , A. capensis , A. darwini , A. haugi , A. lamottei , A. pretrei , A. ridleyi , Lepidosternon phocaena , L. polystegum , L. octostegum , Monopeltis boveei , M. dumerilii unrostralis , Tomuropeltis ( M. ellenbergeri ), Trogonophis (Amphisbaena) elegans ]

Guibe´, J. 1962. Les reptiles. Paris: Presses Univ. France. [p. 109; les amphisbaeniens. No Latin names.]

Guibe´, J. 1970. La systématique des reptiles actuels. In P.­P. Grassé (editor), Traité de zoologie 14(3): 1054–1160. Paris: Masson. [pp. 1058, 1122–1124]

Guichenot, A. 1850. Histoire naturelle des reptiles et des poissons. In Exploration scientifique de l’Algérie pendant... 1840, 1841, 1842, etc. Famille de Cyclosauries, Dum. et Bib. Science Zoologie V: 1–444. [p. 16]

Guichenot, A. 1855. Reptiles. In F. de Castelnau (editor), Animaux nouveaux ou rares reçueillis pendant l’expedition dans les parties centrales de l’Amerique du Sud, de Rio de Janeiro à Lima, et de Lima au Para: 96. Paris: Bertrand. [pp. 37–40; Amphisbaena alba , A. fuliginosa , A. pretrei , Lepidosternum scutigerum ]

Gundlach, J. 1875. Catálogo de los reptiles cubanos. Anales de la Sociedad Española de Historia Naturale 4: 347–368. [pp. 360–361]

Gundlach, J. 1880. Contribucion á la erpetología Cubana. Habana: G. Montiel y Cia. [p. 65]

Gundlach, J. 1881. Apuntes para la fauna puertoriqueña. III. Anfibios. Anales de la Sociedad Española de Historia Naturale 10: 305–317. [p. 312]

Gundy, G.C. 1977. Photoreceptor degeneration in the eyes of an amphisbaenian in response to constant light or constant darkness. Journal of Experimental Zoology 201(2): 169–176. [ Bipes biporus ]

Günther, C.A.L.G. 1865. Zoological literature. Reptilia. Zoological Record (footnote to p. 149).

Günther, C.A.L.G. 1876. Notes on a small collection brought by Lieut. L. Cameron, C. B., from Angola. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1876: 678–679. [p. 678; Phractogonus scalper ]

Günther, C.A.L.G. 1880. Description of new species of reptiles from eastern Africa. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, ser. 5, 6(33): 234–238. [p. 234]

Günther, C.A.L.G. 1881. Description of the amphisbaenians and ophidians collected by Prof. I. Bayley Balfour in the island of Socotra. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1881: 461–462. [pp. 461–462]

Günther, C.A.L.G. 1885–1902. Reptilia and Ba­ trachia. In Biologia Centrali­Americana. London. [pp. 30–31; Amphisbaena fuliginosa , Chirotes canaliculatus ]

Günther, C.A.L.G. 1897. Note on some reptiles and a frog from Argentina. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, ser. 6, 20: 365–366. [all]

Guthe, K.F. 1981. Reptilian muscle: Fine structure and physiological parameters. In C. Gans and T.S. Parsons (editors), Biology of the Reptilia 11(2): 265–354. London: Academic Press. [pp. 268, 283, 336]

Haacke, W.D. 1979. A second specimen of Agamodon anguliceps immaculatus Calabresi, 1927 ( Reptilia, Amphisbaenia ) from Somalia. Monitore Zoologica Italiana (n. ser., suppl.) 12(7): 59–63. [all]

Haacke, W.D. 1984. The herpetology of the southern Kalahari domain. Koedoe 1984 (suppl.): 171–186. [pp. 175, 177, 181, 184; Dalophia pistillum , M. c. capensis , Monopeltis leonhardi , M. sphenorhynchus mauricei , Zygaspis quadrifrons ]

Haas, F. 1915. Spanischer Brief II. Nachrichtsblatt der Deutschen Malakologischen Gesellschaft 47: 76–83. [p. 78]

Haas, G. 1934. Beitrag zur Frage der Homologisierung der Kiefermuskulatur der Ophidia und Sauria . Biologia Generalis 10(2): 311–326. [p. 213]

Haas, G. 1951. On the present state of our knowledge of the herpetofauna of Palestine. Bulletin of the Reseach Council of Israel 1(3): 67–95. [p. 80; Blanus strauchii ]

Haas, G. 1957. Some amphibians and reptiles from Arabia. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, ser. 4, 29(3): 47–86. [pp. 71–72, fig. 8]

Haas, G. 1973. Muscles of the jaws and associated structures in the Rhynchocephalia and Squamata . In C. Gans and T.S. Parsons (editors), Biology of the Reptilia 4(5): 285–490. London: Academic Press. [pp. 315–316, 407– 412, 414–416, 420, 466, 479–480]

Haas, G., and Y.L. Werner. 1969. Lizards and snakes from southwestern Asia, collected by Henry Field. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 138(6): 327–406. [p. 361; or­ der Amphisbaenia , family Trogonophidae , Diplometopon zarudneyi ]

Hábitat , G.N. 1983. Zonas prospectadas del atlas de vertebrados de Galicia durante el año 1983. Mustela . Boletín informativo del G.N. Hábitat 1983 (3): 21–24.

Hahn, D.E. 1979. A new species of Cynisca (Amphisbaenidae) from the Ivory Coast. Copeia 1979(1): 122–125. [all; Cynisca rouxae ]

Hailey, A., and M. Elliot. 1995. Thermoregulation of the amphisbaenian Zygaspis quadrifrons . Herpetological Journal 5(3): 281–284. [all]

Hallermann, J. 1998. The ethmoidal region of Dibamus taylori ( Squamata : Dibamidae ), with a phylogenetic hypothesis on dibamid relationships within Squamata . Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 122: 385–426. [pp. 413– 414]

Hallermann, J. 2001. Morphology of the amphisbaenian nasal region ( Reptilia: Squamata ; Amphisbaenia ). Journal of Morphology 248(3): 238 ICVM abstracts. [all; Amphisbaena , Bipes , Leposternon , Trogonophidae ]

Hallowell, E. 1852. Description of new species of Reptilia from western Africa. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 64: 62–65. [pp. 62–63; Phractogonus galeatus ]

Hallowell, E. 1857. Notice of a collection of reptiles from the Gaboon country, West Africa, recently presented to the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia by Dr. Henry A. Ford. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 1857: 48–72. [p. 50]

Hammerson, G.A., J. Bennett, and J. Hekkers. 1982. Amphibians and reptiles in Colorado. Colorado Division of Wildlife, Denver, Colorado.

Hammerson, G.A. 1992. Amphibians and reptiles in Colorado, 2nd ed. Colorado Division of Wildlife. Denver: University Press of Colorado.

Hanke, V. 1913. Die rudimentären Sehorgane einiger Amphibien und Reptilien. Archives der Vergleichenden Opthalmologie 3(3, 4): 323– 342. [ Blanus cinereus ]

Harlan, R. 1827. Additional observations on the North American reptiles. Journal of the Academy of Natural Science of Philadelphia 6(1): 53–55. [p. 54; Chirotes ]

Harris, D.J., E.A. Sinclair, N.L. Mercader J.C. Marshall, and A.A. Crandall. 1999. Squamate relationships based on C­mos nuclear DNA sequences. Herpetological Journal 9(4): 147–151. [pp. 148–150; Bipes biporus ]

Hay, O.P. 1930. Second bibliography and catalogue of the fossil Vertebrata of North America. Carnegie Institute Washington 390(2): 1–1074. [pp. 249–250]

Heatwole, H. 1977. Habitat selection in reptiles. In C. Gans and D.W. Tinkle (editors), Biology of the Reptilia 7(3): 137–156. London: Academic Press. [p. 141]

Heatwole, H., F. Torres, and A. Heatwole. 1965. Herpetogeography of Puerto Rico. II. Distributional records for some of the outlying islands. Stahlia 1965(4): 1–4. [p. 1; A. caeca ]

Hecht, M.K. 1959. Amphibians and reptiles. In The geology and paleontology of the Elk Mountain and Tabernacle Butte Area, Wyoming. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 117(3): 117–176. [pp. 130– 146]

Hecht, M.K., and R. Hoffstetter. 1962. Note préliminaire sur les amphibiens et les squamates du Landenien Supérieur et du Tongrien de Belgique. Bulletin de l’Institute royale de Sciences Naturelles de Belgique 38(39): 1–30. [p. 1; au Landénien supérieur de Dormaal (gisement classique improprement dit ‘‘d’Orsmael’’ dans les anciennes publications)]

Hedges, S.B. 1996c. The origin of West Indian amphibians and reptiles. In R. Powell and R.W. Henderson (editors), Contributions to West Indian herpetology. A tribute to Albert Schwartz. Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles Contributions to Herpetology 1996(12): 95–128.

Hedges, S.B., C.A. Hass, and L.R. Maxson. 1992. Caribbean biogeography: molecular evidence for dispersal in West Indian terrestrial vertebrates. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 89: 1909–1913. [pp. 1910, 1912; Amphisbaena alba , A. manni , A. schmdti ]

Hediger, H. 1928. Die Tierwelt auf einer marokkanischen Farm. Blätter der Aquarien und Terrarien Kunde 39: 406–408. [all]

Hediger, H. 1937a. Herpetologische Beobachtungen in Marokko I. Verhandlungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft Basel 46: 1–49. [pp. 11–13, 34–36, 38, Blanus cinereus , Trogonophis wiegmanni ]

Hediger, H. 1937b. Herpetologische Beobachtungen in Marokko II. Zur Herpetofauna der Umgebung von Ouessan (und Tanger). Verhandlungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft Basel 48: 183–192. [p. 188; Trogonophis wiegmanni ]

Hellmich, W. 1956. Die Lurche und Kriechtiere Europas. Heidelberg: Carl Winter. [pl. 32]

Hellmich, W. 1960. Die Sauria des Gran Chaco und seiner Randgebiete. Abhandlungen der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Mathematische­Naturwissenschaftlichen Klasse, new ser., 101: 1–131. [pp. 87, 89–99]

Hellmich, W. 1962. Reptiles and amphibians of Europe. (English editor, A. Leutscher.) London: Blanford Press. [p. 14; Amphisbaenidae , Blanus cinereus ; 95–96, B. strauchi , ecology]

Hellyer, P. 1994. Amphisbaenian ( Diplometopon zarudnyi ). Tribulus 4(1): 22. [all]

Hemming, F. (editor). 1956. Opinion 417. Rejection for nomenclatorial purposes of volume 3 (Zoologie) of the work by Lorenz Oken entitled Okens Lehrbuch der Naturgeschichte published in 1815–1816. Opinions and Declarations of the International Commission of Zoological Nomenclature 14(1): 1–42.

Hemprich, W.F.G. 1820a. Grundriss der Naturgeschichte für höhere Lehranstalten. Berlin: A. Rücker. [p. 117; Amphisbaena alba , A. fuliginosa , A. scutigera ]

Hemprich, W.F.G. 1820b. Amphisbaena rum generis novas species duas descripsit. Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft Naturforschunden Freunde (Berlin) 1(2): 129–130. [all; Amphisbaena rufa , A. scutigera ]

Henderson, R.W. 1984. A guide to the identification of the amphibians and reptiles of Hispaniola. Milwaukee Public Museum, Special Publications in Biology and Geology 1984(4): 41–70.

Henderson, R.W., and R. Powell. 1999. West Indian herpetoecology. In B.I. Crother (editor), Caribbean amphibians and reptiles 7: 223–268. San Diego: Academic Press. [pp. 232, 241, 256; table 7.6; Amphisbaena ]

Henderson, R.W., and A. Schwartz. 1984. A guide to the identification of the amphibians and reptiles of Hispaniola. Milwaukee Public Museum, Special Publications in Biology and Geology 1984(4): 1–70. [p. 49; Amphisbaena caudalis , A. gonavensis , A. innocens , A. manni ]

Henderson, R.W., and A. Schwartz. 1985. A guide to the identification of the amphibians and reptiles of the West Indies exclusive of Hispaniola. Milwaukee: Milwaukee Public Museum.

Henderson, R.W., A. Schwartz, and S.J. Inchástegui. 1984. Guía para la identificación de los anfibios y reptiles de la Hispaniola. Museo Nacional de Historia Naturale., ser. Mono, 1984(1): 1–128. [p. 49; Amphisbaena caudalis , A. gonavensis , A. innocens , A. manni ]

Henle, F.G.J. 1839. Vergleichend­anatomische Beschreibung des Kehlkopfes mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Kehlkopfes der Reptilien. Leipzig: Leopold Voss. Vol. 4. [p. 2; Amphisbaena fuliginosa , Cephalopeltis hemprichii ]

Hensel, R. 1868. Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Wirbelthiere Südbrasiliens. Archiv der Naturgeschichte 34(1): 323–375. [pp. 339–346; Amphisbaena vermicularis , Anops kingii , Lepidosternon sp. , Ophiodes (Bipes) striatus ]

Henson, O.W., Jr. 1974. Comparative anatomy of the middle ear. Handbook of sensory physiology, 5(1): 39–110. [pp. 70–71, Amphisbaena , Diplometopon ]

Hermann, J. 1783. Tabula affinitatum animalium. [Second edition] Olim Academico specimine edita nunc uberiore commentario illustrata cum annotationibus ad historiam naturalem animalium. Agendam facientibus. Argentorati, Strasbourg: Impensis Joh. Georgii Treutel, Bibliopolae. [pp. 268, 270; Amphisbaena alba ]

Hermann, J. 1804. Observationes zoologicae, quibus novae complures, aliaeque animalium spe­ cies describuntur, opus posthumum edidit Friedericus Ludovicus Hammer. Pars Prior, Observationum Quatuor Centurias Continens. Paris: Amandus Koenig, Argentorati. [p. 289, ‘‘ Amphisbaena e, duobus pedibus brevibus post caput’’. ( Bipes )]

Hernandez­Gil, V., F.D. Lopez­Higuera, F.R. Aymerich, M.L. García Martinez, M.A.E. Selma, and L. Ramirez Díaz. 1993. Anfibios y reptiles de la region de Murcia. Guía ecológica para su identificación, conocimiento y conservación. Murcia: Universidad de Murcia.

Herrera, A.L. 1895. Catálogo de la colección de reptiles y batracios del Museo Nacional, 1st ed. Mexico: Imprimerie del Museo Nacional. [p. 25]

Herrera, A.L. 1904. Catálogo de la colección de reptiles y batracios del Museo Nacional, 2nd ed. Mexico: Imprimerie del Museo Nacional. [p. 25]

Herrera, A. de. 1726. The general history of the vast continent and islands of America, commonly called the West­Indies from the first discovery thereof, 6 vols. London: Jer. Batley. [vol. 4]

Heusinger, C.F. 1833. Untersuchungen über die Extremitäten der Ophidien, nebst Bemerkungen über die Extremitätenentwicklung im Allgemeine Zeitschrift für organische Physik 3(5): 481–523, 653. [ Amphisbaenia fuliginosa ]

Hewitt, J. 1910. The zoological region of southern Africa as deduced from the composition of its Lacertilia. Annals of the Transvaal Museum 2(1): 56–71. [pp. 69–70]

Hewitt, J., and J.H. Power. 1913. A list of South African Lacertilia, Ophidia and Batrachia in the McGregor Museum, Kimberley, with field notes on various species. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 3: 147–176. [p. 155; Amphisbaena quadrifrons , Monopeltis capensis ]

Hillis, D.M., M.T. Dixon, and L.K. Ammerman. 1991. The relationship of the coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae : evidence from sequences of vertebrate 29S ribsomal RNA genes. Environmental Biology, Fishes 32: 119–130. [ Rhineura floridana ]

Hingtgen, T. 1991. Geographic distribution: Rhineura floridana . Herpetological Review 22(2): 66. [extension of range coastal SW Florida]

Hiraldo, F. 1974. Macroprotodon cucullatus comiendo Blanus cinereus . Doñana, Acta Vertebrata 1: 53. [all]

Hochstetter, F. 1898. Ueber die Arterien des Darmkanals der Saurier. Gegenbaurs Morphologische Jahrbücher 26(2): 213–273. [pp. 240, 271, Lepidosternidae et Amphisbaenidae ; Am­













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