Lophoterges fatua ( PÜNGELER, 1904 )

Ronkay, L., 2005, Revision Of The Genus Lophoterges Hampson, 1906 (S. L.) (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Cuculliinae). Part Ii. The Genus Lophoterges S. Str., Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 51 (1), pp. 1-57 : 12-15

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Lophoterges fatua ( PÜNGELER, 1904 )


Lophoterges fatua ( PÜNGELER, 1904) View in CoL

( Figs 1, 2 View Figs 1–8 , 29 View Figs 25–32 , 33 View Figs 33–34 , 35 View Figs 35–37 , 67 View Fig )

Lithocampa fatua PÜNGELER, 1904 , Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift Iris 16: 288, pl. 6, fig. 4. Type locality: [ China] Kuku-Noor , Tibet.

Type material examined. Holotype male, “ TIBET (Kuku-Noor), Rückbeil, 98”, on the underside of the label: “ fatua Püng. ?, Original, abgebildet Iris 1903, (11/03 v. Tancr‚); “ Type fatua Püng. ?” (scarlet label); “ Zool. Mus. Berlin ” (yellow label); slide No. 2739 RONKAY (coll. MNHU Berlin) . Paratypes: 1 male, 1 female, with the same data, labelled as “ Cotype ”; slide No. 3792f RONKAY (coll. MNHU Berlin) .

Additional material examined. China: 1 male, 2 females, Gansu, Xiahe , 3000 m, 8.VII.1992, leg. J. VERHULST (coll. P. GYULAI & G. RONKAY) ; 1 female, Gansu, Xiahe , 2600–3000 m, 26–30. VI .1986, leg. GÖRGNER (coll. SPEIDEL).

Slide Nos: 8086m RONKAY (male), 5059f, 5082f RONKAY (females).

Diagnosis. The diagnostic features of the species are given under the diagnosis of the subgenus; no really similar species is known.

Description. External morphology. Wingspan 31–35 mm. Length of fore wing 14–16 mm. Head relatively large, frons broad, smooth, eyes large, globular. Antennae filiform in both sexes, distally sparsely, shortly ciliate, dorsal surface covered with pale greyish scales; antennal tuft large, bifid, grey and white. Palpi medium-long, slender, somewhat S-shaped, sides ochreous-greyish with large blackish-brown dorsal area; third segment elongate, finely curved. Collar large, pale ashy grey with strong black(ish) basal stripe. Thorax rather robust, its pubescence dark brownish grey, tegulae well developed, metathoracic tuft large, apically bifid, light grey. Abdomen slender, long, greyish brown with silvery shining, dorsal crest consisting of two chocolate-brown tufts, that of first segment minute, that of second segment large, erect. Fore wing narrow, elongated, with apex pointed, outer margin evenly arcuate, rather convex, cilia finely crenellate. Ground colour dark brownish grey, costal and marginal areas somewhat paler, more greyish, especially at termen where some ochreous irroration can be also found; veins finely covered with blackish grey. Basal dash short, white and black, with dark grey shadow around; antemedial and postmedial lines clearly visible, double, diffuse, dark grey with paler filling; median fascia thin, fine, sinuous, shadow-like. Maculation typically Lophoterges -like, orbicular stigma relatively broad, suborbicular stigma narrow, bar-shaped, reniform stigma narrowly semilunar, all stigmata encircled with whitish gery, filled with ground colour. Inner area of cell suffused with dark grey-brown around and between stigmata, a similarly coloured small patch can be seen at lower extremity of reniform stigma. Subterminal line sinuous, diffuse, dark grey, defined by fine blackish arrowheads. Terminal line fine, blackish with similarly thin whitish inner definition; cilia as ground colour, finely striolate with whitish at veins. hind wing whitish, variably strongly suffused with brownish grey; veins and marginal suffusion somewhat darker, discal spot present, usually rather rounded. Cilia whitish with brown line. Fore wing underside brownish grey with fine violet shade, median area slightly transparent, shadows of Lophoterges -maculation clearly recognisable. Terminal line fine, rather sharp, blackish, cilia dark grey, chequered with paler grey. Hind wing underside whitish, irrorated with brown and grey scales; discal spot conspicuous, large; transverse line diffuse, interrupted, marked by a row of short dark streaks on veins. Cilia dirty whitish with dark brown basal and greyish medial stripes.

Male genitalia ( Figs 33 View Figs 33–34 , 67 View Fig ). Genital capsula entirely symmetrical. Uncus medium-long, slen- der, curved, apically finely rounded; tegumen narrow, high. Socii weak, finely ciliate, apically rounded, more or less mushroom- or drumstick-like. Fultura inferior large, sclerotised, subdeltoidal; vinculum V-shaped. Valva elongate, narrow, evenly tapering distally; cucullus small, with apex rounded. Sacculus short, sclerotised, clavus minute but distinct. Harpe strong, fused with valval costa producing large, pointed, finely setose process. Aedeagus long, cylindrical, with large, bulbed coecum penis. Vesica everted forward, then bent dorsad and recurved towards sinus penis. Outer (frontal) surface covered densely with long, strong spinules forming a continuous field, medial, subterminal and terminal diverticula large, subconical, armed with strong spinules, those of terminal diverticulum even stronger, apically curved; postero-lateral field of cornuti also large, consisting of smaller, straight spinules.

Female genitalia ( Fig. 35 View Figs 35–37 ). Ovipositor short weak, without cartilagineous plates on intersegmental membranes. Ostium bursae large, narrow, rather lyriform, dorsal and ventral laminae homogeneously sclerotised. Ductus bursae relatively short, mostly membranous, distal half with fine, narrow and medium-long sclerotised ribbon, proximal two-thirds partly gelatinous and rugulose. Appendix bursae subconical, membranous with rather strong ribs and wrinkles, proximal section with stronger, pocket-like lateral appendage. Corpus bursae elliptical-ovoid, membranous; signum present.

Bionomics. Poorly known, only a few specimens of the species are known; the newly recorded adults have been collected at light. It is supposedly univoltine, the moths are on the wing in the summer (June–July).

Distribution. Records of the species are known only from the Kuku Noor region; its occurrence in the eastern part of the Tien Shan Mts requires confirmation.


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Lophoterges fatua ( PÜNGELER, 1904 )

Ronkay, L. 2005

Lithocampa fatua PÜNGELER, 1904

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