Myosoma fuscipenne BRULLÉ, 1846

Papp, J., 2012, A Taxonomic Study Of The Myosoma Genus-Group With Description Of Amyosoma Cavei Sp. N. From Honduras (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Braconinae: Braconini), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 58 (1), pp. 1-29 : 16-18

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Myosoma fuscipenne BRULLÉ


Myosoma fuscipenne BRULLÉ View in CoL

( Figs 57–65 View Figs 57–65 )

Myosoma fuscipenne BRULLÉ, 1846: 451 View in CoL (1 ♀), type locality: “Hab. le Brésil ”, female holotype (present designation) in Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris; examined. – SHENEFELT 1978: 1708 (literature up to 1904).

Bracon chontalensis CAMERON, 1900: 322 View in CoL (at least 1 ♀), type locality: “ Nicaragua, Chontales ”, male “Type” (= Lectotype) in The Natural History Museum, London; examined, syn. n. – SHENEFELT 1978: 1475 (literature up to 1904).

Designation of the female holotype of Myosoma fuscipenne View in CoL – (First label, printed) “Museum Paris / EY0000001665”; (second label, printed) “Museum Paris / Brésil / Gaudichard 1833”; (third round label, handwriting) “2665 / 93”; (fourth label, handwriting) “ Myosoma / fuscipenne Br. View in CoL ”; fifth label is the holotype card attached by me on a separate pin (holotype itself is on a very short pin). – Holotype is in fairly poor condition: (1) pinned by mesosoma on a short and fairly thick pin, body somewhat dirty; (2) left flagellum deficient, right flagellum missing; (3) pair of ovipositor sheath missing; (4) left fore wing glued to tegula; (5) left middle leg glued on the first label.

Designation of the the “Type” (= Lectotype) of Bracon chontalensis – (First round label with red margin, printed) “Type” / H. T.; (second label, printed) “ Chontales / Nicaragua. / Janson.”; (third label, printed) “B.C.A. Hymen. I. / Bracon / chontales, / Cam.”; fourth label is with the inventory number “3.c.463”; fifth great label with (Cameron’s?) handwriting: “ Bracon / chontalensis / Cam. Type / BCa 11322”; sixth label is with the actual name Myosoma fuscipenne BRULLÉ (det. J. Papp 2009). – Type is in fairly poor condition: (1) pinned by the mesosoma, mesoscutum somewhat dented; (2) head missing; (3) missing: right fore and middle (except coxa) legs, tarsus of left middle and tarsomeres 3–5 of right hind legs.

Material examined (3 ♀♀ + 1 ♂, in The Natural History Museum, London).–1 ♀ + 1 ♂: British Honduras (= Belize), Augustine, ex larva Hypsipyla grandella , July 1968, F. D. Bennett collector. 2 ♀♀:? U.S.A., “Cedar, Brigada Hill Res.”, ex larva Hypsipyla grandella , March 1967, “ Bracon sp. ? chontalensis Cam. ” (handwriting) “R. D. Eady 1967” (printed).

Redescription of the female holotype of Myosoma fuscipenne – Body 9 mm long. Antennae: right flagellum missing, left flagellum deficient, i.e. with 16 flagellomeres. Scape in outer-lateral view slightly longer dorsally than broad apically ( Fig. 57 View Figs 57–65 ). First flagellomeres gradually shortening, first flagellomere somewhat longer than broad, rest of 13 flagellomeres transverse. – Head in dorsal view transverse ( Fig. 58 View Figs 57–65 ), nearly 1.5 times as broad as long, eye nearly 1.4 times longer than temple, temple less rounded. Ocelli medium sized, almost round, OOL three times longer than POL. Eye in lateral view nearly 1.4 times as high as wide and just 1.3 times wider than temple, temple narrowing ventrally ( Fig. 59 View Figs 57–65 , see arrows). Horizontal diameter of oral opening 1.5 times longer than shortest distance between opening and eye. Head smooth, shiny, hairy.

Mesosoma in lateral view 1.4 times as long as high, polished. Notaulix faintly distinct. Hind femur 3.1 times as long as broad medially ( Fig. 60 View Figs 57–65 ). Hind basitarsus as long as tarsomeres 2–4 combined. Claw and its basal lobe deep as in Fig. 61 View Figs 57–65 .

Fore wing almost twice longer than body. Pterostigma ( Fig. 62 View Figs 57–65 ) 3.6 times as long as wide and issuing r somewhat proximally from its middle; r just longer than width of pterostigma. Second submarginal cell long, 3–SR twice length of 2–SR; SR1 1.4 times longer than 3–SR, straight and approaching tip of wing. First discal cell long and low, 1–SR–M faintly S-form and twice as long as 1–M ( Fig. 63 View Figs 57–65 ). – Hind wing: 1r–m bent ( Fig. 64 View Figs 57–65 ).

First tergite ( Fig. 65 View Figs 57–65 ) long and narrow, five times as long as broad behind, together with further tergites polished. Second tergite four times as broad behind as long medially, laterally narrowing. Third tergite 1.6 times longer medially than second tergite, not narrowing laterally. Ovipositor sheath longer than hind tibia.

Scape and pedicel black, flagellum dark brown. Head black. Mesosoma reddish with black(ish) pattern on pronotum, prosternum, middle lobe of mesoscutum, scutellum and axille. Metasoma testaceous, apically black. Legs 1–2 reddish, leg 3 dark reddish. Wings brown fumous, pterostigma light brown, veins brownish.

Deviating features of three females – Body 6 mm (1 ♀) and 8–8.5 mm (2 ♀♀) long. Head in dorsal view 1.5–1.6 times as broad as long. Hind femur 3.3 times (1 ♀) and 3.7 times (1 ♀) longer than broad medially. Fore wing: second submarginal cell less long, 3–SR 1.65–1.7 times as long as 2–SR (2 ♀♀). Metasoma reddish with much black(ish) pattern.

Deviating features of two males – Body 4–5 mm long. Head in dorsal view 1.6 times as broad as long (1 ♂). Hind femur 3.5 times (1 ♂) and 4 times (male Type of B. chontalensis ) as long as broad somewhat distally. Fore wing: second submarginal cell long, 3–SR almost 1.65 times (1 ♂) and 1.9 times (male Type of B. chontalensis ) longer than 2–SR. Metasoma reddish with much black(ish) pattern (1 ♂).

Host – Hypsipyla grandella Zeller (Lep. Pyralidae ).

Distribution. – Brazil, Belize,? U.S.A. (“Cedar”).

Taxonomic position – Myosoma fuscipenne is nearest to M. hirtipes BRULLÉ , for their distinction see key-couplets 15 (16)–16 (15).














Myosoma fuscipenne BRULLÉ

Papp, J. 2012

Bracon chontalensis

SHENEFELT, R. D. 1978: 1475
CAMERON, P. 1900: 322

Myosoma fuscipenne BRULLÉ, 1846: 451

SHENEFELT, R. D. 1978: 1708
BRULLE, A. 1846: 451
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