Moinodaphnia macleayi
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Moinodaphnia macleayi |
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Moinodaphnia macleayi View in CoL (type locality of China (31971396) to MY. We thank Alexey Australia) is widely distributed in Afrotropical, Kotov and one anonymous reviewer for use- Australasian, Nearctic, Neotropical, Oriental, ful comments on the earlier version of this and Palaearctic regions ( Kotov et al., 2013; manuscript.
Smirnov, 1976). However, the taxonomy of the genus Moinodaphnia is not well devel-
oped. Our data shows a new lineage (i.e., Authors’ contributions
“n”) of Moinodaphnia macleayi from Nigeria.
This lineage could belong to the “forgotten” MY designed the study. ZD, JW, EC, OE and OJ taxon Moinodaphnia mocquerysi Richard , carried out the sampling and molecular work, 1892, which has been regarded as a junior ZD, JW, YN, DB, WH and MY analysed and synonym of M. macleayi (Kotov & Ferrari, interpreted genetic data. MY wrote the man- 2010). Further studies are called for to put uscript with the help of ZD. All authors read this lineage into an appropriate global phylo- and approved the final version.
geography of the genus Moinodaphnia . Also,
further sampling in Nigeria, and West Africa generally, is needed to check for the presence Competing interests of other species from Moinidae in this region.
Several moinids, e.g., M. dumonti Kotov , Elías- The authors declare no conflicts of interest. Gutiérrez & Granados-Ramírez, 2005, have been described from tropical South America
( Kotov et al., 2005). It will be interesting to Supplementary material discover whether some of these also occur in tropical Africa. Supplementary material is available online at:
In conclusion, we have detected three dis-
tinct species of Moinidae within a small geographical area in Southeast Nigeria. Our data revealed several examples of discordance References between mtDNA and nuclear ITS phylogenies,
indicative of interspecific hybridization and Adamowicz, S. J., A. Petrusek, J. K. Colbourne, subsequent introgression between Moinidae P. D. N. Hebert & Witt, J. D. S. (2009) The scale species. Future studies are called for to inves- of divergence: A phylogenetic appraisal of tigate other geographical areas, and more hab- intercontinental allopatric speciation in a itat types such as puddles, small temporary passively dispersed freshwater zooplankton pools and natural lakes, to ensure the lineage genus. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 50, 423‒436.
diversity and gene introgression in Moinidae Andrews, K. R., E. L. Norton, I. Fernandez-Silva ,
from Africa are better undersood. E. Portner & Goetze, E. (2014) Multilocus evidence for globally distributed cryptic species and distinct populations across ocean Acknowledgments gyres in a mesopelagic copepod. Mol. Ecol., 23, 5462‒5479.
The authors declare that they have no com- Baas-Becking, L. (1934) Geobiologie of inleiding tot peting interests. This research was funded de milieukunde. W.P. van Stockum and Zoon,
by the National Natural Science Foundation The Hague Downloaded, The Netherlands from 12/12/2023 04:27:13 PM via Open Access. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the CC BY 4.0 license. /
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Rakoobraznye, 1, 1–237. RECEIVED: 24 APRIL 2021 | REVISED AND
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CSIRO Canberra Rhizobium Collection |
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.