Hoplandrothrips asianus sp. n., 2024

Okajima, Shûji & Masumoto, Masami, 2024, The genus Hoplandrothrips and its relatives (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae) from Southeast Asia and Taiwan, Zootaxa 5489 (1), pp. 22-91 : 40-41

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Hoplandrothrips asianus sp. n.

sp. nov.

Hoplandrothrips asianus sp. n.

( Figs 24–25 View FIGURES 15–28 , 154–160 View FIGURES 154–160 )

Female (macroptera). Distended body length: 2.0– 2.5mm. Body uniformly brown. Antennal segments I– II and VI – VIII brown, extreme base of segment VI scarcely paler; segment III pale brown, with basal 1/3 yellowish; segments IV and V bicoloured, brown with basal 1/3 or 1/4 yellowish. Femora largely brown, with apices yellowish; tibiae and tarsi yellow. Fore wing shaded with grey, but basal 1/4 paler. All prominent setae clear. Head ( Fig. 154 View FIGURES 154–160 ) a little longer than wide, about 1.1 times as long as wide in holotype, dorsal surface sculptured with polygonal reticulation, but smooth medially, ocellar region with fine reticulation. Cheeks distinctly constricted at anterior ends, serrated, each with a few setae. Postocular setae much shorter than eyes, expanded. Eyes well-developed, 0.41 times as long as head in holotype, a little larger in ventral surface; distance between posterior ocelli shorter than a diameter of ocellus, 20μm apart from one another in holotype. Antennae ( Figs 156 & 157 View FIGURES 154–160 ) about 1.9 times as long as head; segment VIII pedicellate, long and distinctly constricted at base; segment III short, 1.9 times as long as wide, scarcely shorter than segment IV, with three sense cones. Maxillary stylets retracted to eyes. Pronotum ( Fig. 154 View FIGURES 154–160 ) reticulate marginally, about 2/3 length of head; five pairs of prominent setae elongate, expanded; am well-developed, but a little shorter than aa, aa and epim subequal in length, pa the longest. Mesopresternum ( Fig. 158 View FIGURES 154–160 ) divided into two lateral large triangles and a small median area. Metanotum ( Fig. 155 View FIGURES 154–160 ) sculptured with polygonal reticulation, the reticles weaker in anterior 1/3, median pair of setae acute, 33–35μm apart from anterior margin, 86μm apart from one another. Fore tarsal tooth small. Fore wings each with 9–10 duplicated cilia in holotype; 3 sub-basal setae ( Fig. 159 View FIGURES 154–160 ) expanded, S2 the longest. Pelta ( Fig. 155 View FIGURES 154–160 ) hat-shaped with rather slender lateral wings, distinctly reticulate. Tergite IX S1 setae shorter than tube, weakly expanded, S2 setae almost as long as tube, nearly pointed, intermediate setae slender, a little longer than 2/3 length of S1. Tube ( Fig. 160 View FIGURES 154–160 ) about 0.6 times as long as head, about 2.0 times as long as wide. Terminal setae longer than tube.

Measurements (holotype female in μm). Body length about 2500 (distended). Head length 230, from anterior margin of eyes 208, width across eyes 193, maximum width across cheeks 210; eyes dorsal length 94, ventral length 100, width 66; diameter of posterior ocelli 23–26; postocular setae 65. Antenna total length 430, segments I–VIII length (width) as follows: 48 (41), 50 (32), 67 (35), 70 (35), 68 (28), 60 (22), 53 (20), 38 (13). Pronotum length 150, width 275. Setae on prothorax: am 58–60, aa 65–68, ml 60, pa 80–83, epim 62–68. Fore wing length 860. Sub-basal wing setae: S1 65–72, S2 75–80, S3 68–75. Tergite IX setae: S1 116–118, S2 135–140. Tube length 137, maximum width 67; terminal setae 160–165.

Male (macroptera). Distended body length: 1.5–2.0mm. Colour similar to female, but intermediate abdominal segments often yellowish. Head 1.15–1.18 times as long as wide, dorsal surface sculptured weakly, almost smooth medially. Abdominal sternite VIII without pore plate; tergite IX S2 setae shorter than 1/2 length of S1, intermediate setae longer than S2. Tube 0.44–0.55 times as long as head. Large male: cheeks each with a stout sab-basal seta; pronotal am short and expanded, aa elongate; fore coxa with pointed two stout setae on posterior margin; fore femur with a pair of apical tubercles; fore tibia with a small sub-basal tubercle; fore wing with 8–10 duplicated cilia. Small male: cheeks without stout sub-basal seta; fore femur without apical tubercle; fore wing with 6–7 duplicated cilia.

Measurements (paratype large/small males in μm). Body length about 2000/1500 (distended). Head length 220/193, from anterior margin of eyes 198/173, width across eyes 175/152, maximum width across cheeks 190/165; eyes length 84/68, width 57/45; diameter of posterior ocelli 22/18; postocular setae 95/55. Antenna total length 425/355, segments I–VIII length (width) as follows: 43/30 (38/33), 45/38 (30/27), 62/50 (36/30), 62/52 (35/30), 57/48 (29/25), 50/43 (23/22), 45/38 (20/20), 35/32 (12/11). Pronotum length 150/100, width 250/198. Setae on prothorax: am 25/25, aa 100/30, ml 70/30, pa 95/53, epim 65/50. Fore wing length 750/570. Sub-basal wing setae: S1 60 /40, S2 75/52, S3 62/48. Tergite IX setae: S1 110/80, S2 40 /35. Tube length 111/85, maximum width 66/55; terminal setae 150/125.

Type series. Holotype: macropterous female, Vietnam, Cao Bang Prov., Babe , ca. 210m, in leaf-litter, 12.v.1998, T. Kishimoto . Paratypes: Vietnam, 2 females, collected together with holotype; Tuyen Quang Prov., Ham Yen Distr., Tan Lap, Lam Truong , 6 females and 18 males, on dead leaves and branches, 19.viii.2000, SO; Bac Can Prov., Ba Be National Park , 2 females and 2 males, on dead branches, 2.viii.2000, SO; Hoa Binh Prov., Mai Chau , 1 male, on dead leaves and branches, 11.viii.2000, SO.

Non-paratypic specimens. Singapore, Macritchie Park, on dead leaves, 1 male, 22.vii.1976, 1 female and 1 male, 23.vii.1976, SO. West Malaysia, Tapah, on dead leaves, 2 females and 1 male, 26.vii.1976, 1 female, 30.vii.1976; NE 13km from Tapah , 2 males, 27.vii.1976, SO; about 20km N from Kuala Lumpur, Templer Park, on dead leaves, 3 females, 13.viii.1990, 5 females and 2 males, 15.viii.1990, TN & SO . Thailand, nr. Chiang Mai, on dead leaves and branches, 3 females and 3 males, Lam Pang, 28.viii.1992, 9 females and 7 males, Doi Inthanon, 29.viii.1992, 14 females and 2 males, Doi Pui, 1.ix.1992, 2 females and 5 males, foot of Doi Pui, 1.ix.1991, 1 male, foot of Doi Saket, 25.viii.1992, 3 females and 1 male, Hang Dong, 25.viii.1992, TN & SO; Phuket Is., nr. Tone Sai Waterfall, on dead leaves and branches, 11 females and 3 males, 11.ix.1992, 1 female and 2 males, 12.ix.1992, 7 females and 3 males, 14.ix.1992, TN & SO . Indonesia, Lombok Is., Mataram, Krang Bedil, 5 females and 2 males, on dead leaves, 4.iii.2005, SO .

Doubtful specimens. Vietnam, Son La Prov., on dead leaves and branches, 2 females and 4 males, Truong Yen , 12.viii.2000, 4 females and 1 male, Deo Pha Din, 13.viii.2000, SO .

Remarks. H. asianus may be closely related to H. ochraceus from the temperate region of Japan, but it can be distinguished by the head and metanotum more finely reticulate, the maxillary stylets retracted to eyes (retracted to postocular setae, but not reaching eyes in ochraceus ), the tube shorter, about 0.6 times as long as head in female (0.75–0.78 times in ochraceus ), and the terminal setae distinctly longer than tube. Moreover, there is a possibility that these two species are closely related to H. flavipes , because they share several character states as discussed under flavipes . Apparently, it is also very similar to H. nonakai from the Ryukyus, Japan. However, asianus has three sense cones on antennal segment III, whereas nonakai has four sense cones on that segment. H. sapae sp. n. and H. thailandicus sp. n. described below are also similar to this species in appearance, but they are easily distinguished by antennal segment VIII not constricted basally, short and conical. Some females and males taken from Vietnam listed in the doubtful specimens have the femora fully brown and the antennal segment III somewhat wider, and there is a possibility that they represent a distinct species.


Mykotektet, National Veterinary Institute


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics

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