Ultratrella? ornata Gorochov, 2022

Gorochov, A. V., 2022, Taxonomy of Podoscirtinae (Orthoptera: Gryllidae). Part 15: Asymmetrella gen. n., Zvenellomorpha and Ultratrella from Madagascar, Russian Entomological Journal 31 (3), pp. 218-229 : 227-229

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.15298/rusentj.31.3.02

persistent identifier


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scientific name

Ultratrella? ornata Gorochov

sp. nov.

Ultratrella? ornata Gorochov , sp.n.

Figs 60–67 View Figs 60–67 .

MATERIAL EXAMINED. Holotype — ♂, Madagascar, Toamasina Prov., Moramanga Distr., Analamazaotra Forest Station near Andasibe Vill. ~ 900 m, at light, 8–20.III.2013, A. Gorochov ( ZIN).

DESCRIPTION. Male (holotype). General appearance distinctly different from that of U. gracilis Gorochov, 2004 , i.e. body clearly smaller, and coloration more contrast: head and pronotum ( Figs 60, 62–63 View Figs 60–67 ) dark grey with slightly lighter (grey) stripe along posterior edge of epicranial dorsum, yellowish ocelli and dorsal transverse band between anterior parts of eyes (this band situated behind median ocellus but very near it, and lateral ocelli located on this band), almost black scape and pedicel as well as rostral area, brown antennal flagellum and light brown to yellowish spots on mouthparts as well as on pronotal disc (lateral lobes of pronotum with only sparse light dots; Figs 60, 63 View Figs 60–67 ); fore and middle legs dark greyish brown with light brown ventral surfaces of tibiae and tarsi as well as with yellowish trochanters and coxae (each coxa with darkish lateral area); hind legs brown with light brown basal parts of femora and all spines and spurs ( Figs 60–63 View Figs 60–67 ); tegmina light grey with yellow spot at base of each tegmen ( Figs 61, 63 View Figs 60–67 ), greyish brown to blackish venation of dorsal field and longitudinal veins of lateral field, whitish crossveins in lateral field, slightly darkened spots on almost all membranes and rather wide whitish humeral stripe ( Figs 60–61 View Figs 60–67 ); visible distal parts of hind wings also light grey; other parts of body venter (including abdominal sternites, genital plate and cerci) yellowish to light brown. Head rather short, slightly concave dorsally (between middle parts of eyes), somewhat depressed dorsoventrally, with large eyes which slightly higher than long, with rather large and almost round ocelli, with short mouthparts and very short palpi, as well as with scape barely wider than space between antennal cavities ( Figs 60, 62–63 View Figs 60–67 ); pronotum distinctly transverse and moderately high (somewhat dorsoventrally depressed), with concave anterior edge of disc and convex posterior one ( Figs 60, 63 View Figs 60–67 ); fore and middle legs rather short, not flattened, without keels and with fore tibiae having outer and inner tympana oval and almost equal to each other in size (each of them 1.6–1.7 times as wide as maximal width of fore tibia and barely longer than latter width); tegmina strongly protruding beyond hind femora in rest position, with mirror clearly smaller than in U. gracilis and with rest venation as in Figs 60–61 View Figs 60–67 (lateral field with very narrow Sc-R area, 15–16 branches of Sc, rather numerous crossveins in proximal half of this field and almost without crossveins in its distal half); hind wings distinctly protruding beyond tegminal apices; genital plate practically intermediate between those of Zvenellomorpha s. l. and U. gracilis [see Gorochov, 2004: figs X, 2 and 7]. Genitalia ( Figs 64–66 View Figs 60–67 ) also more or less similar to those of U. gracilis (including similar structure of formula and rachis), but: distal part of epiphallus higher (less narrow in profile) and with dorsoapical processes triangular (not bilobate) in profile and located near convex part of epiphallus (in U. gracilis , this processes and latter part located not near each other); ventroapical epiphallic lobules higher (wider in profile); formula with shorter anterior ribbon and with lateral lobes angularly projected backwards (vs. not projected backwards); ectoparameres clearly longer; rachis with semimembranous subapical inflation (vs. without any inflation in distal part). Spermatophore with elongately rounded ampulla (oth- er structures of spermatophore missing; Fig. 67 View Figs 60–67 ).

Female unknown.

Length in mm. Body 10; body with wings 27; pronotum 2.8; tegmina 18.7; hind femora 10.

COMPARISON. The new species is clearly different from U. gracilis (type and only species of this genus) in the body smaller, coloration much more dark and contrast, a relatively smaller mirror in the male tegmen, and the above-mentioned characters of the male genitalia. These differences may be treated also as subgeneric or even generic ones, but this question may be clarified only after the study of some additional data.

ETYMOLOGY. This species name is the Latin word “ornata ” (ornated, adorned) due to the characteristic (contrasting) body pattern.


Russian Academy of Sciences, Zoological Institute, Zoological Museum













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