Modisimus enriquillo, 2010

Huber, Bernhard A., Fischer, Nadine & Astrin, Jonas J., 2010, High level of endemism in Haiti’s last remaining forests: a revision of Modisimus (Araneae: Pholcidae) on Hispaniola, using morphology and molecules, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 158 (2), pp. 244-299 : 276-277

publication ID 10.1111/j.1096-3642.2009.00559.x


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Modisimus enriquillo

sp. nov.


( Figs 49, 50 View Figures 38–62 , 72 View Figures 63–82 , 154–156 View Figures 154–160 , 199 View Figure 199 )

Type: Male holotype from north-west of Paraiso, at ~ 18°02.4 ′ N, 71°11.6 ′ W, Barahona Prov., Dominican Republic GoogleMaps ; secondary forest at 180 m a.s.l., domeshaped webs under dead palm fronds on ground, 7 December 2007 (B.A. Huber), in ZFMK ( Haiti 58b) .

Etymology: The species name refers to Enriquillo, the Taino chief of the 1519 rebellion against Spanish subjugation; it is used as a noun in apposition.

Diagnosis: Medium-sized species with pair of small apophyses posteriorly on female sternum ( Figs 49, 50 View Figures 38–62 ), distinctive epigynum shape ( Figs 49, 50 View Figures 38–62 ), otherwise very similar to M. tiburon sp. nov. (palps, male chelicerae).

Male (holotype): Total length, 2.9; carapace width, 1.3. Leg 1: 28.6 (7.6 + 0.5 + 7.4 + 10.9 + 2.2); tibia 2, 4.9; tibia 3, 3.9; tibia 4, 5.2. Tibia 1 L/d: 58. Habitus similar to M. seguin sp. nov. (cf. Figs 27–29 View Figures 17–37 ), carapace pale ochre-white, with wide brown lateral margins above legs 2–4, thoracic furrow also dark brown, ocular area and clypeus brown, clypeus with pair of lateral dark-brown bands; sternum medially brown with some light spots, laterally whitish; legs light ochre-brown, tips of femora and tibiae whitish, distinct darker rings subdistally on femora and tibiae; abdomen bluish grey, densely covered with black spots dorsally (except heart area) and laterally, with distinct white lines made of small spots; genital area and area in front of spinnerets light brown, bluish spot in between. Ocular area strongly elevated; thoracic furrow distinct. PME–PME, 115 Mm; PME diameter, 125 Mm; PME–ALE, 150 Mm; AME–AME, 20 Mm; AME diameter, 20 Mm. Sternum wider than long (0.80/0.65), unmodified. Chelicerae with patch of ~15 short modified hairs on each side ( Fig. 155 View Figures 154–160 shows a male from near Polo, with slightly more and larger modified hairs). Palps as in Figure 154 View Figures 154–160 , coxa with retrolateral apophysis, femur with rounded proximal and pointed distal ventral apophyses; procursus without dorsal spine-like process, bulb with large, weakly curved apophysis and complex membranous and sclerotized subdistal projections. Femur 1 with prolateral row of ~30 short spines, not reaching tip; femur 2 with three rows of spines (~ 25 in prolateral row, ~ 10 in prolateroventral row, ~ 20 in retrolateroventral row; the latter two reaching tip); all femora with many short vertical hairs; curved hairs on tibiae and metatarsi 1–3 (most on legs 2); retrolateral trichobothrium of tibia 1 at 12%; prolateral trichobothrium missing on tibia 1, present on all other tibiae. Tarsus 1 with more than 20 pseudosegments, indistinct.

Variation: Number of spines on femora 1 and 2 varies considerably; prolateral rows may be missing entirely; white lines on abdomen variably distinct, often rather light bluish; the male from near Polo has slightly larger and more modified hairs on the chelicerae than the type. Tibia 1 in 12 other males: 5.5–8.4 (mean 7.3).

Female: In general, similar to male, but sternum with pair of distinct projections on posterior margin ( Figs 49, 50 View Figures 38–62 ). Tibia 1 in 25 females: 4.9–6.4 (mean 5.7). Epigynum, distinctively shaped sclerotized plate, five brushes/combs of stronger hairs (one median frontally and two lateral pairs); dorsal view as in Figures 72 View Figures 63–82 and 156 View Figures 154–160 . Females from near Polo differ slightly in the shape of the epigynum ( Fig. 49 View Figures 38–62 ), but have indistinguishable internal genitalia.

Distribution: Known only from Barahona Province, Dominican Republic ( Fig. 199 View Figure 199 ).

Material examined: Dominican Republic: Barahona Prov., north-west Paraíso, 1♂, holotype above; same data: 9♂, 12♀ and three juveniles ( ZFMK, Haiti 58, 58a); forest north-west of Paraíso, about 500 m from type locality, 180 m a.s.l., near ground, 7 December 2007 (B.A. Huber), 3♂, 8♀ and seven juveniles ( ZFMK, Haiti 52); same data, 1♀ and three juveniles, in pure ethanol ( ZFMK, Haiti 101); south of Barahona (18°01.9 ′ N, 71°08.4 ′ W), forest along brook, 60–150 m a.s.l., 18 November 2005 (B.A. Huber), 1♂ and 7♀ ( ZFMK, DR 70 About ZFMK ) GoogleMaps ; near Polo (18°06.8 ′ N, 71°16.2 ′ W), forest with plantations, 850 m a.s.l., 17 November 2005 (B.A. Huber), 1♂, 2♀ and two juveniles ( ZFMK, DR 64 About ZFMK ) GoogleMaps .


Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig













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