Scaroidana Osborn, 1938

Domahovski, Alexandre Cruz, 2019, New genera and species of Selenomorphini (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Iassinae), including redescription of Scaroidana Osborn, Pachyopsis Uhler and updated key to genera and species, Zootaxa 4711 (3), pp. 517-544 : 537-541

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4711.3.5

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Scaroidana Osborn


Scaroidana Osborn View in CoL

( Figs 93 View FIGURES 93 −113)

Scaroidana Osborn, 1938:49 View in CoL . Type species: Scaroidana flavida Osborn, 1938 View in CoL

Diagnosis. Medium to large size leafhoppers, 6.0 to 13.9mm in length; face, pronotum, mesonotum and forewing ( Figs 93 View FIGURES 93 −95, 105−107) without setae; head ( Figs 93 View FIGURES 93 , 105 View FIGURES 105 ) short, slightly narrower or as wide as pronotum; crownface transition rounded (Figs 94, 106); ocelli (Figs 95, 107) on anterior margin, not visible dorsally, located above the antennal pits, distance between ocelus and eye margin approximately one to two times the ocellar diameter; lorum and clypeus sexually dimorphic; AD row of metatibia with intercalary setae between macrosetae; first tarsomere of hind leg (Fig. 98) ventral surface with 2 longitudinal rows of simple (non-cucullate) setae; abdominal sternite II of male without elongated internal apodemes; connective (Fig. 101) linear, stem without keel medially; style (Figs 102, 103), in dorsal view, with external lobe antero-posteriorly flattened, blade without setae on external surface.

Coloration. Uniform yellow or pale-brown ( Figs 93 View FIGURES 93 , 94), usually without black markings (except S. spura with few markings).

Description. Length 6.0−11.5mm (male), 12.5−13.9mm (female). Head ( Figs 93 View FIGURES 93 , 105 View FIGURES 105 ), in dorsal view, slightly narrower or as wide as pronotum; median length of crown 7−8 tents of interocular width; anterior and posterior margins parallel or slightly longer medially. Crown with anterior margin broadly rounded; surface with transverse parallel striae. Ocelli not visible dorsally. Head (Figs 94, 106), in lateral view, with crown-face transition rounded, with transverse parallel striae; frons slightly inflated in male, more flattened in female. Head (Figs 95, 107), in ventral view, with face slightly wider than long; ocelli on anterior margin, located above the antennal pits, distance between ocelus and eye margin approximately one to two times the ocellar diameter; frons surface shagreen, lateral margins, slightly convergent ventrad; frontogenal suture extending to antennal ledges; antennal ledge carinate and slightly oblique, not concealing antennal base; antenna length ca. one third width of head; gena with some thin setae, near ventral margin of eye, ventrolateral margin broadly rounded, completely concealing proepisternum; maxillary plate very narrow, produced ventrally as far as clypeus apex, in male (Fig. 95), wider and surpassing clypeus apex in female (Fig. 107); epistomal suture complete, rounded in male, straight in female; lorum and clypeus sexually dimorphic; lorum in males (Fig. 95) very narrow, ca. one third width than in females (Fig. 107), lateral suture extended to dorsal margin of clypeus in males, and extended nearly to mid-length of lateral margin of frons in females, surface smooth without setae; clypeus without setae, in male (Fig. 95), three times wider than in female, strongly inflated, twice wider than high, wider than frons maximum width, surface shagreen, with few striae near lateral margin, lateral margins rounded dorsally and convergent ventrally; apex carinate, straight or slightly excavated; in female (Fig. 107), flattened, 1.1 times wider than high, surface shagreen, lateral margins straight and convergent apically.

Pronotum ( Figs 93 View FIGURES 93 , 105 View FIGURES 105 ), in dorsal view, with anterior margin rounded, not extended anterad of eyes medially, posterior margin slightly excavated; surface without setae, with transverse striae, except near anterior margin; lateral margins slightly convergent anterad, carinate, as long as eye length; in lateral view (Figs 94, 106) slightly convex and weakly declivous. Exposed part of mesonotum and scutellum slightly shorter than pronotum length; surface without setae; mesonotum with surface rugose, except lateral angels, shagreen; scutellum flattened, with irregular transverse striae.

Forewing ( Figs 93 View FIGURES 93 , 105 View FIGURES 105 ) with venation distinct, without setae, with few shallow punctations bordering veins, sometimes with extra crossveins and veinlets; 3 closed anteapical cells and 5 apical cells; appendix very narrow. Hind wing with RP and MA separated apically.

Profemur (Fig. 96) moderately elongated, ca. three times longer than high; PD, AD and AM rows formed by scattered, undifferentiated setae, PD1, AD1 and AM1 setae developed; IC row formed by double row of fine setae, continuous with AV row; AV row formed by 7−10 setae, irregularly aligned; PV row formed by 3−5 differentiated setae, with few undifferentiated intercalary setae. Protibia, with dorsal surface flattened but not expanded, with longitudinal rounded carina adjacent to PD row; AV row formed by short, thin and close setae in the basal third and thicker and longer setae, distally; AD row consisting of only undifferentiated setae; PD row formed by 5 long setae, with small intercalary setae; PV row with 9−10 long setae. Hind leg with femoral setal formula 2:2:1, all setae with approximately equal size; metatibia PD, AD and AV rows with 23−26, 12, 16−19 macrosetae respectively; AD row with short and robust intercalary cucullate setae between macrosetae; PV row (Fig. 97) with setae of apical half intercalating long, rounded apically setae and 2−4 shorter setae, ending with 2−3 short, thin setae; first tarsomere (Fig. 98) ventral surface with 2 longitudinal rows of 6−12 simple (non-cucullate) setae; pecten with 5−7 platellae flanked by tapered lateral setae; second tarsomere pecten with 2−4 platellae flanked by 2 tapered lateral setae on inner and 1 on external corner.

Abdominal sternite II of male without elongated internal apodemes.

Male terminalia. Sternite VIII approximately as long as wide; slightly longer or as long as sternite VII; ventral surface without setae; posterior margin straight. Genital capsule exposed, only base of styles concealed by sternite VIII in repose. Valve (Fig. 99) broadly fused laterally to pygofer, wider than long; posterior margin excavated medially. Pygofer (Fig. 99), with macrosetae on posterodorsal quadrant; ventral process elongated, arising from base and extended distad. Anal tube membranous, without processes. Subgenital plate (Figs 99, 100), elongated, with one longitudinal row of macrosetae on ventral surface and thin setae along external margin; apex rounded. Connective (Fig. 101) linear with small ventral projection between arms, directed anterad; stem wide, dorsal keel Y-shaped, bordering lateral margins of stem distally. Style (Fig. 102), in dorsal view with external lobe antero-posteriorly flattened, produced laterally, with long setae; in lateral view (Fig. 103), blade elongated, blade without setae on external surface; ventral margin serrated or not. Aedeagus (Fig. 104) with preatrium produced anterad; shaft short or moderately elongated, flattened laterally, without processes; gonopore opening on mid-length of posterior surface.

Female terminalia. Ovipositor slender, curved dorsad, not surpassing pygofer apex. Pygofer (Fig. 108) with ventral margin rounded; macrosetae dispersed on ventral half and apex of dorsal margin. First valvula (Fig. 109) with sculptured area areolate. Second valvula (Fig. 111) with 2 distinct subapical teeth widely spaced; apex with undifferentiated teeth. Gonoplac (Fig. 113) ventral margin with microsetae and few macrosetae mainly near apex.

Distribution. Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil (Mato Grosso, Pará, Paraná [new record], Rondônia [new record] and Santa Catarina [new record]), Colombia, Panama, Paraguay and Peru.

Notes. The ocelli of the studied species of Scaroidana (Figs 95, 107) are located above the antennal pits and are closer to the eyes compared with the other Neotropical genera of Selenomorphini that have the ocelli more distant from eye margin and located mesad of antennal pits (e.g. Figs 3, 25, 66, 85; Dai & Dietrich 2015, fig.1E).

Sternites II of Pachyopsis (Figs 29, 48, 67), Parapachyopsis gen. nov. (Fig. 7) and Uhleriana gen. nov. (Fig. 86) have very developed internal apodemes but, interestingly, in Scaroidana these internal apodemes are absent.

The ventral margin of the style of S. flavida , S. fulvula and S. blockeri are serrated and, second Kramer (1963), in S. xouthe the ventral margin is not serrated. In S. spura this character was not mentioned in the description of this species but, according to the illustration ( Freytag 2018b, fig. 4), the style is apparently not serrated as in S. xouthe .

The number of setae on the first tarsomere of the hind leg is little different between S. flavida and S. fulvula . The setae of the 2 longitudinal rows of the ventral surface are more numerous in S. fulvula (10−12 setae) than in S. flavida (6−7 setae) and the pecten of the first and second tarsomere in S. flavida have more platellae (7 and 3−4 respectively) than in S. fulvula (5−6 and 2 respectively). These characters were not described for the last three spe- cies of Scaroidana , and additional study will be necessary to demonstrate if there are other differences between the species.
















Scaroidana Osborn

Domahovski, Alexandre Cruz 2019


Osborn 1938: 49

Scaroidana flavida Osborn, 1938

Osborn. Detailed 1938
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