Sclerocoelus punensis, Kuwahara & Marshall & Paiero, 2025

Kuwahara, Gregory K., Marshall, Stephen A. & Paiero, Steven M., 2025, A revision of the genus Sclerocoelus Marshall (Diptera: Sphaeroceridae), European Journal of Taxonomy 979, pp. 1-277 : 93-94

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Plazi (2025-03-06 11:14:09, last updated 2025-03-06 11:36:21)

scientific name

Sclerocoelus punensis

sp. nov.

Sclerocoelus punensis sp. nov.

Figs 8H View Fig , 114–115 View Fig View Fig


The species name reflects the high elevation habitat of this species.

Material examined


BOLIVIA • ♂; La Paz , Lake Titicaca, W of Guaqui; 16°35′56″ S, 68°53′52″ W; 3810 m a.s.l.; 19 Apr. 2001; S.A. Marshall leg.; stream, sweep; CBFC. GoogleMaps


PERU – Cusco • 7 ♂♂; Cusco, Quebradas Salineras ; 3550 m a.s.l.; 3 Aug. 1971; C. and M. Vardy, leg.; BMNH . – Junín • 1 ♂; Ondores ; 4100 m a.s.l.; 28–31 Dec. 1980; Gärdenfors, Hall and Samuelsson leg.; puna and wet pastures; MZLU .


BODY ( Fig. 114A View Fig ). Length 2.4–3.0 mm. Head dark brown, lower third of frons orange; face and gena orange-brown, antennae brown. Frontal width 2.3–2.4 × frontal height. Three pairs of strong interfrontal bristles surmounting a fine fourth pair; anterior orbital 0.4–0.5 × length of posterior. Palpus yellow. Eye slightly reduced, greatest height about 2.5 × shortest genal height. Thorax dark brown, scutum with paler lateral edges. Two pairs of dorsocentral bristles (anterior pair distinct, 0.7× length of posterior pair) separated by 7–8 rows of acrostichal setulae. Membrane around prosternum bare. Legs brown, mid and hind femora darker. Fore femur with four large ventral preapical setae. Ventral surface of male mid tibia with two rows of stout setae in apical third. Wing ( Fig. 8H View Fig ) hyaline. CS2 0.7–0.8 × CS3. Halter brown.

MALE ABDOMEN ( Figs 114B–C View Fig , 115 View Fig ). Dark brown, posterior edges of tergites sometimes slightly desclerotized. T2–5 and S2–4 uniformly long-setose with large posterolateral setae. S5 rectangular, 1.3× length of S4, posterolaterally long-setose, medially depressed and strongly darkened, lateral quarters darkened and anterior edge dark. Anterior flange of S6+7 not developed. Sclerites A not well differentiated from S6+7; sclerites, B, C, and D absent(?); sclerite E large, dark, tapered, and curved posteriorly; sclerite F large, dark and tapered; sclerite G small, not well developed; ring sclerite very large and very well sclerotized with a prominent mesial lobe. Epandrium very large, 0.9 × length of S8, height 1.9× maximum length and 1.0 × maximum width, uniformly setose with very long setae in anterolateral corners; perianal pads weakly developed. Pseudocercus inconspicuous, fused to epandrium; halves of subepandrial sclerite simple, slightly sinuate, and narrowly fused medially. Subcercus very large, triangular and apically curved posteriorly. Hypandrium with sinuate anteromedial apodeme. Surstylus with a broad anterolateral ridge bearing a row of long setae and an elongate, setose posteroventral lobe which has a prominent, bare, ventral process. Postgonite long, curved anteriorly, with a stout anterior lobe at about basal third and apex bent ventrally. Phallapodeme very large with sclerotized dorsal and ventral ‘fins’; basiphallus wedge-shaped with a curved, beak-like epiphallus; distiphallus basally sclerotized with two large, apical membranous lobes.

FEMALE ABDOMEN. Female unknown.


Neotropical: Bolivia, Peru.


Sclerocoelus punensis sp. nov. is superficially similar to S. puyensis sp. nov. but can be distinguished by the medially depressed male S5, apically bifurcate surstylus, apically tapered subcercus, and sinuate postgonite. Sclerocoelus punensis , like other ‘basal’ Sclerocoelus lineages, is a high Andean species. All known specimens were collected above 3500 m a.s.l. The holotype is from Lake Titicaca (about 3800 m a.s.l.), where it was taken in the same samples as S. lutosus sp. nov. and close to where S. mandibulum sp. nov. was collected.

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Fig. 8. Sclerocoelus Marshall, 1995, left wings, ventral view. A. Sclerocoelus nebulosus sp. nov. B. Sclerocoelus nitidistylus sp. nov. C. Sclerocoelus ocellatus sp. nov. D. Sclerocoelus paranebulosus sp. nov. E. Sclerocoelus pararegularis sp. nov. F. Sclerocoelus parasordipes sp. nov. G. Sclerocoelus plumiseta (Duda, 1925) H. Sclerocoelus punensis sp. nov. I. Sclerocoelus puyensis sp. nov.J. Sclerocoelus rectangularis (Malloch, 1914). Scale bars: A–J=0.5 mm.

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Fig. 114. Sclerocoelus punensis sp. nov. A. Male holotype habitus, lateral view (CBFC). B. Male paratype terminalia, posterior view. C. Male paratype terminalia, lateral view. Abbreviations: epa =epandrium; sc =subcercus; se =subepandrial sclerite; ss =surstylus. Scale bars: A=1.0 mm; B–C = 0.25 mm.

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Fig. 115. Sclerocoelus punensis sp. nov., paratype. A. Aedeagus and associated structures, lateral view. B. Male S5 and genital pouch, ventral view. Abbreviations: bp = basiphallus; dp =distiphallus; epi =epiphallus; hyp =hypandrium; pg =postgonite; ph =phallapodeme; RS (ring sclerite). Scale bars: A=0.13 mm; B= 0.25 mm.


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