Leandra hirta Raddi (1820: 387)

Reginato, Marcelo, 2016, Taxonomic revision of Leandra sect. Leandra (Melastomataceae, Miconieae), Phytotaxa 262 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.262.1.1

persistent identifier


treatment provided by


scientific name

Leandra hirta Raddi (1820: 387)


8. Leandra hirta Raddi (1820: 387) . Type:— BRAZIL. Rio de Janeiro: Mandiocca, G. Raddi s.n. (holotype PI!, isotypes FI!, PI!). ( Figs. 40 View FIGURE 40 , 41 View FIGURE 41 , 42 View FIGURE 42 , 43 View FIGURE 43 )

Leandra dubia de Candolle (1828: 154) . Type:— BRAZIL. Rio de Janeiro: “inter Rio de Janeiro et Lorena et in Serra dos Orgãos”, C.F.P. von Martius s.n. (holotype M!, isotypes B, destroyed, G image!).

Leandra sylvestris de Candolle (1828: 154) . Type:— BRAZIL. Minas Gerais, C.F.P. von Martius s.n. (holotype M!, isotype G image!).

Leandra bergiana Cogn. in Martius et al. (1888: 89). Lectotype (designated here):— BRAZIL. F. Sellow s.n. ( BR 5186440 image!). Additional syntypes: BRAZIL: F. Sellow 1114 (not located); F. Sellow 1680 (not located).

Leandra bergiana var. hirsutior Cogn. in Martius et al. (1888: 90). Type:— BRAZIL. Rio de Janeiro: Serra dos Órgãos, L. Riedel 1849 (holotype BR image!).

Leandra hirta var. angustifolia Cogn. in Martius et al. (1888: 92). Type:— BRAZIL. Rio de Janeiro: 1841, A.F. Regnell 66 (holotype S image!).

Leandra hirta var. decumbens Cogn. in Martius et al. (1888: 92). Lectotype (designated here):— BRAZIL. Rio de Janeiro: L. Riedel s.n. ( BR 5193622 image!, isolectotype P). Additional syntypes: BRAZIL. Rio de Janeiro: C. Gaudichaud-Beupré 379 (not located).

Leandra hirta var. parvifolia Cogn. in de Candolle & de Candolle (1891: 624) . Lectotype (second-step, designated here):— BRAZIL. Rio de Janeiro: A.F.M. Glaziou 16859 ( BR 5193615 image!, isolectotypes BR image! (×2), C image!, G image!, K image!, MO image!, NY!, P, R! (×2)).

Shrubs, 1–2 m tall. Branches, petioles, leaves, inflorescences, bracts, bracteoles and hypanthia, sparsely to moderately covered by unbranched trichomes (0.5–2 mm), these usually sparser on leaf adaxial surfaces and denser on branches, acrodromous nerves on leaf abaxial surface, petioles, inflorescences and hypanthia, glandular trichomes (1–2 mm) mixed on the inflorescences and hypantia or absent, sometimes leaf surfaces and branches glabrous. Leaves isophyllous or slightly anisophyllous in each pair (up to 4:7 ratio); petioles (0.5) 1–2 cm long; blades (4.5)6–10(12) × (1.2)2–3.5(5) cm, lanceolate, seldom elliptic-lanceolate, apex acuminate, base cuneate,


Phytotaxa 262 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press • 49 seldom acute, obtuse or decurrent, margin entire or crenulate, ciliate (0.8–1.2 mm), membranaceous; 3–5 acrodromous nerves, plus 0–1 additional pair of faint veins, plinerved, distant (2) 5–20 mm above the base, acrodromous nerves flat, transversal not conspicuous on adaxial surface and acrodromous nerves prominent, transversal flat on abaxial, reticulation conspicuous or not. Inflorescences terminal, 1(3) per node, (4)5–8(10) cm long, 3–4 pairs of opposite paraclades, accessory branches absent,> 10 flowers, frequently> 30 flowers per inflorescence, these in glomerules; bracteoles 3–6 × 1.5–2.5 mm, lanceolate, uniformly covered by unbranched trichomes, partially involucral, early caducous. Flowers 5-merous, sessile. Hypanthium 3–3.5 × 1.8–2.2 mm, tubular, torus indumentum absent. Calyx tube 0.2–0.3 mm long; inner lobes 1–2 × 0.6–0.9 mm, triangular; external teeth 0.8–1.5 mm long. Petals white, 2.5–4 × 0.8–1 mm, linear or lanceolate, apex acuminate, glabrous, spreading at anthesis. Stamens 10(11), opposite to the style; filaments geniculation present, the larger 3–4 mm long, the smaller 2.5–3.5 mm long; anthers white, the larger 2.7–4 mm long, the smaller 2.4–3.5 mm long, linear-subulate, dorsally curved to straight, pore 0.12–0.14 mm wide, connectives dorsally produced below the anthers 0–0.5 mm, appendage absent or present, in the larger anthers as a basal-dorsal bifurcation in the connective in the smaller not bifurcated. Ovary 3-celled, 2.2–2.6 × 1.1–1.5 mm, 20–30 % inferior, apex glabrous or sparsely covered by glandular trichomes (0.5 mm). Style 7–10 mm long, sigmoid, opposite of the stamens, stigma ca. 0.2 mm diam. Berries purple or black, 5–8.5 × 3–6.5 mm. Seeds 0.7–0.9 × 0.5–0.6 mm, long-obpyramidal, hilum covering 9/10 of the seed length, anticlinal cell walls flat or slightly convex.

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Phytotaxa 262 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press • 51 52 • Phytotaxa 262 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press


Notes:—Among the species with caducous bracteoles, L. hirta is differentiated from L. santos-limae by the narrower lanceolate leaves and longer lanceolate bracteoles, from L. aspera by the plinerved leaves, and from L. therezopolitana by the predominantly 5-merous flowers and white anthers. Herein, L. dubia , L. sylvestris and L. bergiana are considered synonyms of L. hirta . In general, among the examined collections, the name L. dubia was seldom applied; L. bergiana was applied to identify the plants bearing glandular trichomes on the inflorescences and hypanthia (most specimens); L. hirta for the specimens without glandular trichomes, mostly with leaves conspicuously plinerved and from Rio de Janeiro state; and L. sylvestris for the few remaining specimens. In some regions the presence of glandular trichomes appears to to be constant (like in southern Brazil), in other regions this character is more plastic (see Fig. 40 View FIGURE 40 ). Additionally, in some cases the glands are caducous, which might contribute to the misidentification of some specimens. Finally, the type specimen of L. hirta has some very sparse glandular trichomes on the inflorescences. This represents another case where further molecular and morphological studies are necessary for a better understanding of these taxa, and to test whether or not treating it as single species is an underestimation of the diversity.

Selected specimens examined:— BRAZIL. Bahia: Arataca, Reginato 1282 ( RB); Camacan, Borges 642 ( RB); Una, Thomas 11380 ( NY). Espírito Santo: Cachoeiro de Itapemirim, Souza 145 ( UPCB); Cariacica, Goldenberg 1099 ( RB); Ibitirama, Colletta 413 ( RB); Itaguaçu, Brade 18179 ( RB); Iúna, Hatschbach 31341 ( F, MBM); Santa Maria de Jetibá, Kollmann 5908 ( UPCB); Santa Teresa, Kollmann 5908 ( RB); Venda Nova do Imigrante, Hatschbach 52740 ( MBM). Minas Gerais: Belmiro Braga, Forzza 2995 ( RB); Carandaí, Mota 246 ( UPCB); Caratinga, Lombardi 3674 ( UPCB); Descoberto, Castro 65 ( UPCB); Faria Lemos, Leoni 6102 ( UPCB); Juiz de Fora, Machado 73 ( UPCB); Monte Belo, Vieira 15 ( RB); São Roque de Minas, Caddah 443 ( UPCB); Tombos, Oliveira 519 ( UPCB); Viçosa, Mexia 4518 ( NY). Paraná: Adrianópolis, Ribas 3001 ( MBM); Antonina, Hatschbach 34305 ( MBM); Guaraqueçaba, Hatschbach 18504 ( MBM); Guaratuba, Hatschbach 23370 ( MBM); Jundiaí do Sul, Carneiro 276 ( MBM); Londrina, Yoshimoto 1 ( UPCB); Morretes, Jönsson 560 ( F, NY); Rolândia, Tessmann 54 ( RB). Rio de Janeiro: Guapimirim, Sylvestre 659 ( RB); Itatiaia, Santos Filho 75 ( RB); Jacarepaguá, Fraga 1099 ( RB); Petrópolis, Martinelli 3071 ( RB); Rio de Janeiro, Vianna 637 ( R); Santa Maria Madalena, Reginato 1226 ( UPCB); Teresópolis, Brade 12068 ( RB). Santa Catarina: Blumenau, Verdi 5130 ( MBM); Brusque, Smith 5658 ( NY); Ibirama, Reitz 2584 ( NY); Sombrio, Reitz 9417 ( NY). São Paulo: Campinas, Moraes 2124 ( RB); Guarulhos, Pastore 1561 ( UPCB); Itararé, Barros 2984 ( SP); Mairiporã, Arzolla 872 ( UPCB); Pindamonhangaba, Cordeiro 1350 ( RB); São Paulo, Reginato 1316 ( NY).


Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro


William and Lynda Steere Herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden


Universidade Federal do Paraná


Field Museum of Natural History, Botany Department


San Jose State University, Museum of Birds and Mammals


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Instituto de Botânica














Leandra hirta Raddi (1820: 387)

Reginato, Marcelo 2016

Leandra dubia de Candolle (1828: 154)

Candolle, A. P. de 1828: )

Leandra sylvestris de Candolle (1828: 154)

Candolle, A. P. de 1828: )
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