Ferrerianus biimpressus ( Schmidt, 1909 ) Dellacasa & Dellacasa & Gordon, 2007

Dellacasa, Marco, Dellacasa, Giovanni & Gordon, Robert D., 2007, Ferrerianus, new genus for Aphodius biimpressus Schmidt, 1909 (Scarabaeoidea: Aphodiidae), Insecta Mundi 2007 (11), pp. 1-4 : 3

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.4532599

persistent identifier


treatment provided by


scientific name

Ferrerianus biimpressus ( Schmidt, 1909 )

comb. nov.

Ferrerianus biimpressus ( Schmidt, 1909) , new combination

( Fig. 1-5 View Figure )

Aphodius biimpressus Schmidt, 1909: 177 ; Blackwelder, 1944: 212.

Aphodius (Orodalus) biimpressus ; Schmidt, 1913: 158; Schmidt, 1922: 260.

Aphodius (Euorodalus) biimpressus ; Dellacasa M., 1988: 98.

Type locality. Paraguay .

Type repository. Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Stockholm.

Description. Length 2.5-3.0 mm; oblong, convex, moderately shiny, glabrous. Dark brownish-red; clypeal margin, pronotal sides and elytral apex somewhat paler; legs yellowish-brown; antennal club brownishblack. Head with epistome moderately convex, finely alutaceous, evenly finely not closely punctured; clypeus feebly sinuate at middle, broadly rounded at sides, rather thickly bordered, edge feebly upturned, glabrous; genae obtusely rounded, sparsely ciliate, slightly protruding more than eyes; frontal suture not tuberculate, distinctly impressed medially; front somewhat more irregularly coarsely punctured than epistome. Pronotum convex, moderately transverse, rather deeply depressed before hind angles, more superficially near front angles, medially with short superficial groove near the basal margin, almost evenly, rather sparsely punctured; punctures somewhat larger and coarser on sides; lateral margins feebly arcuate, rather thickly bordered, edge glabrous; hind angles obtusely rounded; base bisinuate, thickly bordered. Scutellum flat, with few sparse punctures near base. Elytra moderately convex, deeply striate; striae coarsely, not very closely punctured, feebly crenulate; intervals finely alutaceous, slightly convex, finely sparsely punctured; punctation denser and coarser preapically. Metasternal plate excavate and shortly shallowly longitudinally grooved at middle, sparsely distinctly punctured on sides; each puncture elongately setigerous. Hind tibiae superior apical spur as long as first tarsal segment; latter somewhat longer than following two combined. Male: fore tibiae without apical spur; first segment of anterior tarsi almost as long as first outer teeth of tibia; aedeagus Fig. 4-5 View Figure . Female: unknown.

Type material. Lectotype (male, herein designated) bearing the following labels: 1) white, printed: Paraguay; 2) white, handwritten: biimpressus m.; 3) red, printed: TYPUS; 4) red, printed: Aphodius biimpressus Sch., Dt. Stebnicka ’00, HOLOTYPE; 5) red, printed: Aphodius biimpressus Schmidt A., 1909 , LECTOTYPE, Dellacasa des. 2007. Paralectotype (male) bearing the following labels: 1) white, printed: Paraguay; 2) red, printed: Aphodius biimpressus Sch., Dt. Stebnicka ’00; 3) red, printed: Aphodius biimpressus Schmidt A., 1909 , PARALECTOTYPE, Dellacasa des. 2007.

Distribution. Known from the type locality only.
















Ferrerianus biimpressus ( Schmidt, 1909 )

Dellacasa, Marco, Dellacasa, Giovanni & Gordon, Robert D. 2007

Aphodius (Orodalus) biimpressus

Schmidt, A. 1922: 260
Schmidt, A. 1913: 158

Aphodius biimpressus

Blackwelder, R. E. 1944: 212
Schmidt, A. 1909: 177
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