Mycterothrips japonicus Masumoto & Okajima, 1998

Masumoto, Masami & Okajima, Shûji, 2024, Further study of the genus Mycterothrips Trybom (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) in Japan, with description of a new species and a new record, Zootaxa 5489 (1), pp. 107-124 : 122-123

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5489.1.7

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Mycterothrips japonicus Masumoto & Okajima


Mycterothrips japonicus Masumoto & Okajima View in CoL

( Figs 15 View FIGURES 5–15 , 50–54 View FIGURES 50–54 )

Mycterothrips japonicus Masumoto & Okajima 1998: 581 View in CoL .

This species breeds on Salix spp. [ Salicaceae View in CoL ]. The original description indicates that it has abdominal tergite IX of female with only posterior pair of CPS, but frequently paired or only one anterior CPS on the tergite may be present.

Second instar larva. Body dull creamy yellow ( Fig. 15 View FIGURES 5–15 ), head weakly shaded gray anteromedially, abdominal tergite IX shaded dark gray along posterior margin, shaded area reaching to but not exceeding setal base, tergite X shaded gray between D1 setae; antennal segment I pale, II shaded gray below setae, III shaded gray in median half, IV–VII shaded gray; basal half of femora and tibiae shaded gray; dorsal setae on head to abdomen shaded gray but slightly pale on tergite X. Head with D1 setae small and acute at apex, D2 and D4 setae expanded and multifid at apex, 1.6–1.7 and 1.8–2.2 times as long as D1 setae respectively, D3 setae subequal in length to D4 setae and acute at apex ( Fig. 51 View FIGURES 50–54 ). Antennae 7-segmented ( Fig. 50 View FIGURES 50–54 ), segment III with two and three rows of microtrichia on dorsal and ventral surfaces, respectively, IV with five and six rows of microtrichia on dorsal and ventral surfaces, respectively. Thoracic nota with strong setae expanded and multifid at apex, sternal setae slender and acute at apex; pronotum with longitudinal granules and large smooth areas at each side, meso- and metanota with more than 10 transverse rows of longitudinal granules; mesothoracic spiracle about 17.5 microns in major axis, with small peridrome and a posteromedian peridrome larger than spiracle opening in major axis ( Fig. 52 View FIGURES 50–54 ). Abdominal tergites I–VIII throughout covered with longitudinal granules having minute microtrichia posteriorly, microtrichia conspicuous laterally, D1–D3 setae strong, expanded and multifid at apex, spiracles on II and VIII small; tergite IX with minute teeth along posterior margin and about five transverse rows of longitudinal granules having minute microtrichia, interval of CPS same as or slightly narrower than interval of D1 setae ( Fig. 53 View FIGURES 50–54 ); tergite X with D1 setae weakly expanded apex and about 2.4 times as long as D2 setae blunt at apex; sternites throughout covered longitudinal granules, microtrichia more conspicuous than in tergites ( Fig. 54 View FIGURES 50–54 ), smooth at posterior half of X, all ventral setae slender and acute at apex.

Specimens of second instar larvae examined. JAPAN: Honshu , Gunma-ken , Higashiazuma-machi , Ichishiro : 7 larvae collected together with 11 females & 7 males on leaves of Salix sp. [ Salicaceae ], 24.vii.2012, M.Masumoto. Akita-ken, Honjou-shi, lower erach of Koyoshi-gawa River: 1 larva together with many females and males including holotype on leaves of Salix sp. [ Salicaceae ], 9.vii.1988, S.Okajima. All specimens are deposited in TUA .














Mycterothrips japonicus Masumoto & Okajima

Masumoto, Masami & Okajima, Shûji 2024

Mycterothrips japonicus

Masumoto, M. & Okajima, S. 1998: 581
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