Centronycteris maximiliani, J. B. Fischer, 1829

Bonaccorso, Frank, 2019, Emballonuridae, Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 9 Bats, Barcelona: Lynx Edicions, pp. 350-373 : 370

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Centronycteris maximiliani


48 View On . Common Shaggy Bat

Centronycteris maximiliani View in CoL

French: Centronyctère de Maximilian I German: Maximilian-Spornscheidenschwanz I Spanish: Centronicterio de Maximilian

Other common names: Maximilian's Shaggy Bat

Taxonomy. Vespertilio maximiliani J. B. Fischer, 1829 View in CoL ,

“ In ora orientali Brasiliae [= on the eastern edge of Brazil].” Restricted by M. P. zu Wied-Neuwied in 1826 to Fazenda Coroaba, Rio Jucu, near Rio do Espirito Santo , Brazil.

This species was originally named Proboscidea calcarata and its type locality described as “Ostküste von Brasilien” (= east coast of Brazil) by H. R. Schinz in 1821, but the specific epithet was preoccupied by Vespertilio calcaratus named by. S. Rafinesque in 1818. Wied-Neuwied in 1826 restricted Schinz’s original type locality beforeJ. B. Fischer in 1829 provided the replacement name maxmzZiam and presumably paraphrased Schinz’s type locality. Monotypic.

Distribution. SE Colombia, S Venezuela, the Guianas, NW & N Brazil, and NE Peru, also in E & SE Brazil as far S as Vitória, Espirito Santo State. View Figure

Descriptive notes. Head—body 43—61 mm, tail 20—26 mm, ear 14-17 mm, hindfoot 6 7 mm, forearm 41-5-44-7 mm; weight: 4-5—9 g. Long, shaggy dorsal fur of the Common Shaggy Bat is orange-brown; venter is slightly paler. Eyes are large, with dark brown irises. Ears are long, rise well above crown, and are pointed at apex. Inner surface of pinna is heavily ribbed for most ofits length. Tragus is equally broad as long. Tip of muzzle and nostrils extend slightly forward of lower lip. Facial region is heavily furred, with little exposed skin visible. Edge of wing membrane attaches to side of foot at metacarpal-phalangeal joint. Small P1, large basisphenoid pits not extending beyond hamular processes of pterygoids, and rostrum with dorso-lateral swelling at base of postorbital process differentiate the Common Shaggy Bat from congeneric Thomas’s Shaggy Bat (C. centralis').

Habitat. Primary and secondary rainforests from sea level to elevations of at least 200 m, including white sand forest in Peru; poorly drained lowland forests dominated by Morai, Pentaclethra (both Fabaceae ), and Licania (Chrysobalanaceae) ; and welldrained forests dominated by Chlorocardium (Lauraceae) , Eperua (Fabaceae) , and Eschweilera (Lecythidaceae) .

Food and Feeding. The Common Shaggy Bat pursues aerial insects with slow, fluttering flight.

Breeding. One lactating Common Shaggy Bat was recorded in mid-February in central Brazil.

Activity patterns. Common Shaggy Bats are crepuscular and have been observed flying in late afternoon as early as 17:00 h. They roost in hollow trees and on undersides of large leaves and tree trunks. Roosts are 3-10 m aboveground.

Movements, Home range and Social organization. Roost reports are uncommon but include a solitary adult male near Iquitos, Peru. Observations of Common Shaggy Bats regularly using the same spatial areas for foraging suggest that individuals use core areas in established home ranges over a long period of time.

Status and Conservation. Classified as Least Concern on The IUCN Red List. The Common Shaggy Bat has a large distribution and recently appeared in some echolocation surveys as being locally common.

Bibliography. Eisenberg (1989), Emmons & eer (1997), Fischer (1829), Hice & Solari (2002), Hood & Gardner (2008), Rafinesque (1818), Schinz (1821), Simmons & Handley (1998), Thomas (1912 c), Wied-Neuwied (1826).


















Centronycteris maximiliani

Bonaccorso, Frank 2019

Vespertilio maximiliani

J. B. Fischer 1829
GBIF Dataset (for parent article) Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF