
Shangningam, Bungdon, Kosygin, Laishram & Chowdhury, Basudhara Roy, 2019, Pethia arunachalensis, a new species of small barb (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) from Arunachal Pradesh, India, Records of the Zoological Survey of India 119 (4) : -

publication ID 10.26515/rzsi/v119/i4/2019/142213

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name



Key to the species of the genus Pethia View in CoL View at ENA occurring in the Ganga-Brahmaputra drainage


Lateral line complete………………………………. P.guganio

- Lateral line incomplete…………………………..……..............…2


Body with a humeral spot……………………….…….. P.ticto

- Body without humeral spot…………………………….............…3


Caudal peduncle with two black blotches………... P.shalynius - Caudal peduncle with one blotch/spot/ band………............…….4

4. Scales around the caudal peduncle 8…..………………………5

- Scales around the caudal peduncle 9–12………….........................6

5. Transverse scale rows between the lateral line and pelvic-fin origin 2; longer snout length 8.9–11.8 % SL….....….... P.canius View in CoL

- Transverse scale rows between the lateral line and pelvic-fin origin 2½; shorter snout length 6.1–8.4 % SL…….....… .................................................................................................... P. gelius View in CoL

6. Scales along the lateral line series 20–21………....... P. phutunio View in CoL

- Scales along the lateral line series 22–26………..............................7

7. Presence of a band around the caudal peduncle; a black spot under dorsal-fin origin and above anal-fin origin….... P.aurea View in CoL

- Presence of a black caudal spot; no black spot beneath dorsal- and above anal-fin origin……......................................................………8

8. Lateral line series scales 24–26; transverse scale rows from dorsal-fin origin to lateral line 5½; branched pectoral-fin rays 12-12…………………………................................ P. conchonius View in CoL

- Lateral line series scales 22–23; transverse scale rows from dorsal-fin origin to lateral line 4½; branched pectoral-fin rays 10-11……………..................................................... P. arunachalensi s

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