Eupsenella jadira Ramos & Azevedo

Ramos, Magno S. & Azevedo, Celso O., 2012, Revision of Eupsenella Westwood, 1874 (Hymenoptera, Bethylidae), Zootaxa 3539 (1), pp. 1-80 : 43-44

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.3539.1.1

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scientific name

Eupsenella jadira Ramos & Azevedo

sp. nov.

Eupsenella jadira Ramos & Azevedo , sp. nov.

( Figs 32, 77, 122)

Description. FEMALE (holotype).. Body length 5.81 mm. LFW 4.04 mm.

Coloration. Head dark brown; scape castaneous; pedicel and flagellum castaneous; mandible light castaneous with teeth dark castaneous; palpi light castaneous; mesosoma dark brown; tegula castaneous; wing venation light castaneous; coxae dark castaneous; trochanters castaneous; femora dark castaneous; tarsi castaneous; metasoma dark castaneous.

Head ( Fig. 32). Head wider than long, globoid in profile; gena weakly concave in profile. Mandible with base wider than apex, teeth sub-equal, lower tooth curved inward, lower margin strongly setose. Clypeus coriaceouspunctate, median clypeal lobe angulate, median concavity of median clypeal lobe absent, 0.13 LH, well marked off from frons, median carina present, 0.14 LH. Malar space inconspicuous, 0.15 mandibular base. Antenna 1.43 mm; first five antennomeres in ratio of about 11:11:11:11:11; flagellomere 1 1.22 longer than wide, flagellar pubescence dense, with few outstanding erect setae. Region between torulus and eye straight. Area between the anterior margin of eyes and demarkation of median clypeal lobe 0.14 LH. Eye not protuberant, 0.42 LH, with sparse hairs, located more laterally. WH 1.04 LH. WF 0.65 WH. WF 1.66 HE. OOL 1.14 WOT. VOL 0.78 HE. Distance from posterior ocellus to vertex crest 0.75 DAO. Ocelli large, DAO 0.12 WF, ocellar triangle not compact, distance between posterior ocelli 2.4 DAO, anterior ocellus not surpassing imaginary top eye line, posterior ocellus almost reaching vertex. Vertex straight, short setae, 0.14 LH, temple profile slightly convergent in dorsal view, with corner convex, not projected postero-laterad. Hipostomal carina, angulate, low.

Mesosoma (Fig. 77). Pronotal disc coriaceous-punctate, 0.46 as long as wide, anterior corner rounded, posterior margin strongly concave medially, pronotal disc without short longitudinal furrow. Parapsidal furrow conspicuous only at third posterior part. Notauli convergent posterad. Mesoscutum 1.6 length pronotal disc. Scutellum coriaceous-punctate, 1.05 length pronotal disc, almost flat in profile, posterior margin convex medially, scutellar pit elliptical, narrowed, distant each other 13.0 its own diameter. Dorsal axillar surface with fovea oval. Metanotum with median region high, coriaceous-puncticulate, as high as scutellum in profile, with fovea oval laterally. Propodeal disc wider than long; anterior margin without foveolate or transverse furrow; median carina 0.44 length propodeal disc, incomplete posterad; discal carina 0.14 length propodeal disc, parallel to median carina, straight; space between median and discal carina confused-rugulose. Mesopleuron with subtegular furrow oval; mesepimeral suture wholly conspicuous, mesopleural epicoxal lobe inconspicuous. Propleuron with sequence of foveae from anterior margin of prosternum until cervical collar absent. Prosternum with median excavation complete, median suture absent. Mesopectus with posterior depression heart-shaped; median suture evident.

Wings. Macropterous. Forewing ( Fig. 122) with 1M cell subpentagonal; 1M and 1R1 cells not aligned basally; C cell evenly narrow;cell present, distinctly longer than 2R1 cell, wider medially; Rs b convex; 2R1 cell 0.15 LFW; distal margin of Rs c convex; r-rs vein inclined; R1 b entirely on anterior margin of forewing; Cu b absent; Rs+M

Legs. Profemur swollen, 0.49 as wide as long. Metacoxa with median region 0.7 as wide as long. Metacoxal projection in dorsal region conspicuous, apex rounded.

Metasoma. 0.28 as wide as long.

MALE. Unknown.

Material examined. Holotype ♀. AUSTRALIA, 41.50S 146.03E, Tas [mania], Pellion Hut, 3 Km S, M[oun]t[ain] Oakleigh, Mar [ch] 1991, I.D.Naumann, Leptospermum scrub and vicinity, ANIC GoogleMaps . Paratype. AUSTRALIA, Q[ueensland], 1 ♀, 13 Km SE, Herberton, 24 May 1980, ex[tracted] alcohol collection, I.D.Naumann, J.C.Cardale, ANIC .

Distribution. Australia (Tasmania, Queensland).

Remarks. This species is similar to E. diemenensis by having the median clypeal lobe short, angulate and with median carina extending up to frons, the vertex crest convex, the propodeal disc with median carina and discal carina present. However this species has the mesoscutum large, the median carina of propodeal disc very short, less than half length of propodeal disc, whereas E. diemenensis has the mesoscutum not large, the median carina of propodeal disc long, more than half length of propodeal disc.


Australian National Insect Collection













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