Anthriscus lamprocarpa Boissier (1844: 59)

Tekin, Mehmet & Civelek, Şemsettin, 2017, A taxonomic revision of the genus Anthriscus (Apiaceae) in Turkey, Phytotaxa 302 (1), pp. 1-26 : 14-16

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Anthriscus lamprocarpa Boissier (1844: 59)


5. Anthriscus lamprocarpa Boissier (1844: 59) View in CoL

Type: SYRIA. Lectotype (designated by Spalik 1995): G – BOIS [photo!] (Aucher–Eloy 3609); isolectotypes: P [photos!], FI, and W.

Biennial herbs. Stem up to 180 cm high, glabrous or densely covered with simple hairs at base, and slightly corrugated. Basal leaves 2–3-pinnate, triangular in outline with petioles (19–)25.7(–36) cm long, blade up to 29 cm long, the ratio of blade length to petiole length (0.53–)0.75(–1.1); primary segments 8–10, the ratio of the first primary (lowest) segment length to blade length (0.51 –)0.63(– 0.77); the ratio of the second primary (middle) segment length to blade length (0.36 –)0.46(– 0.51); the ratio of the third primary (subterminal) segment length to blade length (0.24–)0.30(– 0.36); the ratio of the uppermost primary (terminal) segment length to blade length (0.1–)0.17(–0.22); pinnule margins of primary segments glabrous or covered with simple hairs, upper surface glabrous or sparsely covered with simple hairs, lower surface with simple hairs or only hairy on veins, lobes of pinnule ovate, margins serrate-crenate, apex mucronate. Petiole glabrous or densely covered with simple hairs towards the base. Cauline leaves 2–3-pinnate, triangular in outline with petioles (1.5–)7(–13) cm long and blade up to 19 cm long, the ratio of leaf blade length to petiole length (0.75–)2.4(–6.8); primary segments 6–8, the ratio of the first primary (lowest) segment length to blade length (0.47–)0.57(–0.75); the ratio of the second primary segment length to blade length (0.31–)0.38(–0.48); the ratio of the third primary (subterminal) segment length to blade length (0.20–)0.26(–0.29); the ratio of the uppermost primary (terminal) segment length to blade length (0.12–)0.2(–0.27); pinnule margins of primary segments glabrous or covered with simple hairs, upper surface glabrous or with sparse simple hairs, lower surface with simple hairs or only hairy on veins, lobes of pinnule ovate, margins serrate-crenate, apex mucronate. Margins of the sheath densely covered with simple hairs at base, and petiole covered with sparse simple hairs. Bracts absent or rarely singular, 5–6 mm long, similar to bracteoles in structure. Bracteoles (4 –)5 – 6, elliptic to elliptic-obovate, (1.8 –)3.4(– 7) mm long, margins ciliate, apex acute - acuminate; the ratio of bracteole length to width (1.2 –)2.6(– 3.6), the longest bracteole (1.1 –)1.6(– 2.5) times as long as the shortest in the same involucel. Flowers white, petals obovate, apex obscure since backward curved, appearing emarginate. Marginal petals (2 –)2.7(– 3.3) mm long; the ratio of marginal petal length to width (1.1 –)1.5(– 1.9) and the ratio of marginal petal length to inner petal length (1.6 –)1.9(– 2.3). Filaments 1–1.8 mm long, anthers 0.3 – 0.5 mm long. Inflorescence determinate, umbels terminal in position. Peduncles (10 –)15 – 36(– 45) mm long, glabrous. Rays (16 –)27(– 45) mm long, glabrous, the longest ray (1.2 –)1.6(– 2) times as long as the shortest in the same umbel. Primary umbels with 3 – 6 rays, 1 – 5(– 9) fruits per umbellet. Secondary umbels with 6 – 11 rays, (0–)1– 4(–6) fruits per umbellet. Tertiary umbels with 6 – 10 rays, 0 – 3(– 5) fruits per umbellet. Fruits 5.4 – 10 × 2 – 4 mm, ovate, greenish brown or black, usually lacquered shining or not lacquered pale, smooth or tuberculate, glabrous or antrorse bristly. Beak (0.2 –)0.4(– 0.65) mm long, the ratio of fruit length to beak length (6 –)17(– 35). Styles (1.1 –)1.6(– 2) mm long, more or less divergent, styles (2.1 –)2.9(– 4.3) times as long as the stylopodia. Pedicels (4 –)7(– 12) mm long, glabrous, the longest pedicel (1.1–)1.4(– 2) times as long as the shortest in the same umbellet. Pedicels not thickened in fruiting period, covered with 5–35 bristles at the junction of the the pedicel and the base of fruit.

1. Filament length (1–) 1.2 mm; fruit smooth, lacquered, shining, glabrous ......................................................... subsp. lamprocarpa View in CoL

1′. Filament length 1.5–1.8 mm; fruit tuberculate, not lacquered, slightly shining or pale, glabrous or bristled ........... subsp. chelikii View in CoL

5a. subsp. lamprocarpa View in CoL ( Fig. 9 View FIGURE 9 )

Phenology:—Flowering time from March to April and fruiting time from May to June.

Distribution:— Turkey (South Anatolia) ( Fig. 10 View FIGURE 10 ) and East Mediterranean ( Syria, Jordan, Palestine and Israel).

Habitat:—The subspecies grows in more or less humid and shaded areas such as Quercus coccifera Linnaeus (1753: 995) maquis, or in rocky slopes. It may also be found to grow in more or less drier, disturbed habitats.

Phytogeographic region:—East Mediterranean element.

Conservation assessment:—In the prsent study, this taxon was identified from two localities in Hatay province. The number of plant specimens found within human inhabited areas was not high. According to consecutive field work within the period 2010–2012, we observed that in one locality, anthropogenic effect is distinctly increasing by uproot of maquis and other vegetation to favour farmland areas. Consequently, having determined solely two localities and because the mentioned threatens, the taxon may be classified as ‘vulnerable’ (VU; IUCN 2014).

Examined specimens:— TURKEY. C6 Hatay: Yayladağ, near Şenköy , Quercus coccifera maquis, 1000 m, 28 April 1957, H. P. Davis & I. C. Hedge (D. 27167) ( E) ; Nur Dağ , 600 m, 24 April 1859, Kotschy 12 ( BP, G – BOIS) ; Hatay: Hatay – Yayladağ road, Şenköy passes 2–3 km, in Quercus maquis, 958 m, 36°01’41.4”N, 36°07’10.7”E, M. Tekin 1073 ( CUFH), 30.04.2011 GoogleMaps ; ibid., 27 May 2011 M. Tekin 1094 ( CUFH), ibid., 24 May 2012, M. Tekin 1218 ( CUFH) GoogleMaps ; Hatay: Belen, above Güzelyayla village , 824 m, 18 May 2014, 36°29’08.1”N, 36°09’12.1”E, M. Tekin 1548 ( CUFH) GoogleMaps .

5b. subsp. chelikii Tekin & Civelek (2016: 253) ( Fig. 11 View FIGURE 11 )

Type:— TURKEY. C 4 Mersin: Mut to Ermenek, 38 km, Adras Mountain, 1158 m, 36°34’50.3”N, 33°13’07.3”E, with flowers and fruits, 25 May 2011, M. Tekin 1092 (holotype: CUFH).

Phenology:—Flowering time from April to June and mature fruits as of July.

Distribution: —This taxon is known only from Southern Anatolia ( Fig. 12 View FIGURE 12 ). It is endemic to Turkey.

Habitat:— Anthriscus lamprocarpa subsp. chelikii grows at 1000–1300 m elevation, in mountain slopes with Quercus Linnaeus (1753: 994) and Juniperus Linnaeus (1753: 1038) , under Mediterranean climate. This endemic taxon was found in two localities, occupying a small area less than 300 km 2. In Turkey, both subspecies of A. lamprocarpa occur in distinct areas and relatively different climatic conditions. On the one hand, A. lamprocarpa subsp. lamprocarpa inhabits drier areas in Quercus populations, whereas A. lamprocarpa subsp. chelikii grows at more humid foothills, in or around Quercus or Juniperus communities ( Tekin & Civelek, 2016).

Conservation assessment:— Anthriscus lamprocarpa subsp. chelikii is only known from two localities in the East Mediterranean, in Mersin and Osmaniye provinces, southern Turkey ( Fig. 12 View FIGURE 12 ), where two discrete populations were observed in 2010–2013. In both localities, a strong anthropogenic impact exists, such as intensive grazing pressure due to livestock activities (in Mersin province, the type locality), and deforestation activities due to proximity to residential areas (in Osmaniye province). These factors might cause a reduction in the number of individuals or even a local extinction of the populations in the next future. On the basis of the IUCN Red List categories and criteria ( IUCN 2014), because the small population size (less than 250 mature individuals in each population) and an inferred decline of the populations, it has been suggested as EN C2a(i) ( Tekin & Civelek 2016).

Examined specimens:— TURKEY. C6 Osmaniye: Düziçi district, Düziçi upland road, 1265 m, 37°16’06.2”N, 36°30’51.4”E, with flowers, 30 April 2011 M.Tekin 1072 ( CUFH) GoogleMaps ; ibid., with fruits, 26 June 2011, M. Tekin 1116 ( CUFH) GoogleMaps .


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