Corimbion ledezmae Santos-Silva, Galileo and Wappes, 2015

Santos-Silva, Antonio, Galileo, Maria Helena M. & Wappes, James E., 2015, Two new species of Corimbion Martins from Bolivia (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Cerambycinae: Neoibidionini), Insecta Mundi 2015 (454), pp. 1-7 : 4-5

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Corimbion ledezmae Santos-Silva, Galileo and Wappes

sp. nov.

Corimbion ledezmae Santos-Silva, Galileo and Wappes View in CoL , new species

( Fig. 8–11 View Figures 8–11 )

Diagnosis. Corimbion ledezmae is similar to C. balteum Martins, 1970 , but differs as follows: Scape pyriform with distinct depression dorsally on basal half; antennae dark; elytra with distal area darkbrown; femora slender. In C. balteum the scape is slender and lacks a dorsal depression on basal half, the antennae are distinctly light, the distal area of the elytra are reddish brown, and the femora are thicker.

Description. Holotype female. Integument primarily reddish to dark brown with the following dark brown: head; scape; nearly anterior 1/2 of prothorax; narrow margin bordering oblique light band, bor- der surrounding elongate light-colored fascia on basal half; distal 1/3 of elytra after oblique light band; abdominal ventrites; tibiae. The following reddish brown: antennomeres III–XI (distal three segments somewhat lighter); nearly basal 1/2 of prothorax; mesosternum; mesepisterna; mesepimera; metasternum; metepisterna; elytra from oblique light band to base and humerus (outside of dark brown edge bordering lighter colored fascia); femora. The following whitish yellow: oblique band on distal 1/2 of each elytron extending from lateral margin to suture and an elongate fascia located centrally on basal 1/2.

Head. Frons with large depression on each side; abundantly finely striate-punctate from clypeus to near base of antennal tubercles, except for moderately finely punctate, somewhat depressed lateral area under antennal tubercles; with sparse short yellowish white setae close to eyes and under antennal sockets. Area between antennal tubercles abundantly, moderately finely punctate, except for smooth longitudinal sulcus. Area between antennal tubercles to about middle of vertex microsculptured, glabrous on subtriangular region (narrowed toward center of vertex); sides of latter abundantly, moderately finely punctate, with sparse short setae interspersed with scattered long setae; remaining surface of vertex finely vermiculate, with sparse short setae. Area behind upper eye lobes moderately finely punctate close to eyes, somewhat vermiculate toward margin of prothorax from apex to about middle; remaining surface shining, smooth; punctate area with sparse short setae and close to eye a few long setae; smooth area shining and glabrous. Area behind lower eye lobes smooth, shining and glabrous, except for tumid, moderately finely punctate region close to eye, also with sparse short setae and some longer setae close to eye. Genae abundantly moderately finely punctate, with sparse short setae on 1/2 closest to eye, remaining surface smooth and shining glabrous. Submentum with numerous transverse carinae; with sparse short setae and a few long setae laterally. Antennal tubercles toward apex acute, in frontal view horn-shaped; sparsely moderately finely punctate; with sparse, very short setae. Longitudinal sulcus distinct from clypeus to level of upper eye lobes (distinctly deeper between antennal tubercles). Distance between upper eye lobes 0.50 times length of scape; in frontal view, distance between lower eye lobes 0.75 times length of scape. Antennae 2.1 times elytral length; reaching elytral apex at distal 1/3 of antennomere VIII. Scape abundantly moderately finely punctate at base, punctures gradually sparser toward apex; dorsal surface with large, distinct depression on basal 1/2; with sparse short setae and a few long setae interspersed. Antennomeres gradually slimmer from III to XI; antennomeres III–VI with sparse long yellowish setae on inner side ventrally (sparser from III to VI); antennal formula based on antennomere III: scape = 0.59; pedicel = 0.21; IV = 0.64; V = 0.90; VI = 0.93; VII = 0.88; VIII = 0.81; IX = 0.78; X = 0.71; XI = 0.83.

Thorax. Prothorax 1.6 times longer than wide; with distinct constriction after basal 1/6; tumid near anterior margin laterally. Pronotum with distinct conical tubercle centrally; sparsely, very finely punctate; basal 1/6 pubescent; remaining surface with sparse, very short and long setae intermixed. Sides of prothorax almost glabrous anteriorly, pubescent on remaining surface (this area widely expanded centrally, reaching sides of prosternum). Prosternum shining, with very sparse short setae, except laterally on basal 3/4 and close to procoxal cavities. Prosternal process longitudinally carinate. Mesosternum finely pubescent. Metepisterna with moderately dense white pubescence. Sides of metasternum with moderately dense white pubescence that may be shorter and less distinct centrally (obscured by glue). Scutellum with dense white pubescence. Elytra with sparse, moderately fine setose punctures subaligned in rows on distal 2/3; apex obliquely truncate, with outer angle moderately spiniform.

Abdomen. Ventrites I–IV with fine whitish pubescence, slightly denser laterally, with sparse long setae intermixed, except for glabrous region on distal center of ventrites I–II. Ventrite V with fine whitish pubescence except center of base subglabrous; with sparse long fine setae in distal region and bearing one long, thick seta near apex; apex slightly rounded.

Legs. Profemora with whitish pubescence on dorsal and distal sides of club (with a few long setae dorsally); remaining surface subglabrous. Meso- and metafemora with whitish pubescence interspersed with sparse long setae, except distal 1/2 of ventral surface of club subglabrous.

Dimensions (mm). Holotype female. Total length (including mandibles) 11.60; prothoracic length 2.50; anterior prothoracic width 1.50; basal prothoracic width 1.45; humeral width 2.25; elytral length 7.10.

Type material. Holotype female from BOLIVIA, Santa Cruz: 4 km N Bermejo (Refugio los Volcanes; 18 o 06’S / 63 o 36’W; 1045-1350 m), 11-17.XII.2012, Wappes & Skillman col. ( MNKM). GoogleMaps

Etymology. This species is named to honor Julieta Ledezma Arias, Chief of Entomology, MNKM. For the last 15 years, Julieta has been instrumental in helping make it possible to conduct a Cerambycidae survey in Bolivia. A survey which has discovered hundreds of species new to science, in turn described by participating or cooperating taxonomists, with holotypes of the new species deposited in the MNKM as tribute to the fascinating biological diversity of Bolivia.













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