Nothopegia travancorica Bedd ex Hook. f. (1876: 40)

Deepu, S., Geethakumary, M. P. & Pandurangan, A. G., 2018, Studies Of The Types Of Various Names In The Genus Nothopegia Blume (Anacardiaceae), Phytotaxa 376 (3), pp. 150-153 : 152

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.376.3.4

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scientific name

Nothopegia travancorica Bedd ex Hook. f. (1876: 40)


6. Nothopegia travancorica Bedd ex Hook. f. (1876: 40) View in CoL

Type citation:— “ Western Peninsula ; Travancor, Beddome.”

Type:— INDIA. Travancore, s.d., Beddome 249 (lectotype K 000695607!, designated here (or perhaps holotype ))

Notes:— Nothopegia travancorica was described by Beddome based on his collections from Travancore and validly published by J. D. Hooker (1876). Only one specimen of this species was traced out at K ( K 000695607!), but the possibility that the author used additional specimens cannot be omitted. It should be realized that some of the material used by the author in describing the taxon may be still unsorted or may not even have survived. It can be considered that Hooker used only this element (sensu ICN Art. 9.1 Note 1) but because of the history of Beddomes’ herbarium, another part of his materials is also supposed to be at other herbaria, it is uncertain as to whether any other element may have been used and dispersed afterwards, hence we choose to designate K 000695607! as the lectotype (or perhaps holotype).


Royal Botanic Gardens


University of the Witwatersrand


Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Museo de Historia Natural

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