Racovitzaibathynella Serban and Coineau, 1994

Camacho, A. I., Mas-Peinado, P., Lagnika, M., Martin, P., Dorda, B. A. & Rey, I., 2024, First record of Bathynellacea (Crustacea: Malacostraca) in Benin (West Africa): two new species and their phylogenetic position within the Parabathynellidae family, Journal of Natural History 58 (17 - 20), pp. 570-602 : 577-578

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1080/00222933.2024.2353941



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scientific name

Racovitzaibathynella Serban and Coineau, 1994


Racovitzaibathynella Serban and Coineau, 1994

Amended generic diagnosis (after Schminke 2011; Camacho et al. 2016)

AI six-segmented. AII five-segmented; outer seta of terminal segment in male transformed into a long, strong fang curved inwards. Md with large tooth on the ventral edge; lobe with row of three or four claws. MxII three-segmented. Male ThVIII twice as long as wide; penial region consisting of two lobes: dentate and posterior lobes; dentate lobe with denticles; outer lobe fused with penial region; exopod located on distal face of basipod; endopod reduced to a seta. Female ThVIII 1-segmented and very reduced in size. Furcal rami with three terminal spines.

Type species. Racovitzaibathynella emilei Serban and Coineau, 1994 . Type locality: interstitial environment of Mutlumuvi River, Kruger National Park, Transvaal, South Africa.

Other species. Racovitzaibathynella transvaalensis Serban and Coineau, 1994 , type locality: interstitial environment of Mutlumuvi River, Kruger National Park, Transvaal, South Africa. Racovitzaibathynella dumonti Camacho et al., 2016 , type locality: dry channel of the Oued Douar River , near Totous village, Tibesti area, Chad.

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