Paragagrella brevispina Banks, 1930

Kury, Adriano B., Kury, Ian S. & De Oliveira, Ana Beatriz R., 2024, Checklists of extant harvestman (Arachnida: Opiliones) species for all the countries of the world, Zootaxa 5515 (1), pp. 1-162 : 61-62

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5515.1.1

publication LSID

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Paragagrella brevispina Banks, 1930


Paragagrella brevispina Banks, 1930 View in CoL ** Dentobunus auratus Roewer, 1910 **

Indonesia: Kepulauan Riau (Riau Islands; sep. Riau Dentobunus renschi Roewer, 1931 **

2002) Dentobunus rufus Roewer, 1910

Anacrobunus filipes Roewer, 1927 ** Gagrellula atra (Loman, 1892)

Anambasius proprius Roewer, 1940 ** Gargenna coronata Roewer, 1949 **

Baramia solitaria Roewer, 1949 Melanopula insularis Roewer, 1931 **

Gagrella lineatipes Roewer, 1911 ** Strandibalonius spinatus (Roewer, 1949) **

Gagrella natuna Roewer, 1912 ** Indonesia: Nusa Tenggara Timur (East Nusa Sandokan lingga (Schwendinger & Martens, 2004) ** Tenggara)

Stygnomimus conopygus Roewer, 1927 ** Aurivilliola timorensis Schenkel, 1944 **

Indonesia: Lampung Beloniscellus floresianus Roewer, 1931 **

Caletor javanus (Thorell, 1876) Beloniscellus renschi Roewer, 1931 **

Ceratobunoides sumatranus Roewer, 1923 Dentobunus tenuis (Loman, 1892) **

Paragagrella basalis Roewer, 1929 Gagrella sumba Roewer, 1954 **

Tithaeus krakatauensis Roewer, 1949 ** Gagrellula atra (Loman, 1892)

Indonesia: Maluku (province) Hologagrella timorana Roewer, 1955 **

Dentobunus buruensis Roewer, 1955 ** Metapygoplus intermedius (Loman, 1892) **

Gagrella albertisii Thorell, 1876 Tithaeus timorensis Roewer, 1949 **

Gagrella amboinensis amboinensis (Doleschall, 1857) Indonesia: Papua (province)

Gagrella buruana Roewer, 1954 ** Apygoplus bulbigerus Roewer, 1913 **

Gagrella ceramensis bispinosa Roewer, 1913 ** Gagrella albertisii Thorell, 1876

Gagrella ceramensis ceramensis Roewer, 1913 ** Gagrella amboinensis amboinensis (Doleschall, 1857) Gagrella longipalpis Thorell, 1891 Gjellerupia neoguinensis Roewer, 1913 **

Gagrella mertoni Strand, 1911 ** Heteroibalonius malkini Goodnight & Goodnight , Gagrella nigrescens Roewer, 1954 ** 1947**

Gagrella opaca Roewer, 1954 ** Macrodampetrus bicoloripes Roewer, 1915

Gagrella scintillans Roewer, 1910 Mosoia albiceps (Loman, 1906) **

Gagrellula auropunctata Roewer, 1954 ** Mosoia saylori Goodnight & Goodnight, 1947 ** Ibalonius semperi semperi ( Roewer, 1912) Orobunus quadrispinosus Goodnight & Goodnight , Zalmoxis kaiensis Suzuki, 1982 ** 1947

Indonesia: Maluku Utara (North Maluku) Sermowaius neoguinensis ( Roewer, 1913) **

Dibunus maculatipes (Roewer, 1915) ** Zalmoxis cheesmani (Roewer, 1949) **

Eugagrella argentata Roewer, 1954 ** Zalmoxis jewetti (Goodnight & Goodnight, 1947) ** Gagrella cuprea Roewer, 1910 ** Zalmoxis minimus Roewer, 1912

Gagrella moluccana (Roewer, 1954) ** Zalmoxis neoguinensis (Roewer, 1915)

Gagrella scintillans Roewer, 1910 Indonesia: Papua Barat (West Papua)

Gnomulus matabesar Schwendinger & Martens , Dentobunus waigeuensis Roewer, 1955 **

2002** Dibunus pseudobiantes Loman, 1906 **

Gnomulus tumidifrons Schwendinger & Martens , Gagrella albertisii Thorell, 1876

2002** Gagrella beauforti Roewer, 1913 **

Ibalonianus kueckenthali (Hirst, 1912) ** Gagrella dubia Giltay, 1930 **

Ibalonius quadriguttatus Hirst, 1912 ** Gagrella leopoldi Giltay, 1930 **

Marthana moluccana (Roewer, 1955) ** Ibalonianus impudens Roewer, 1923 **

Prodentobunus nitidus Roewer, 1955 ** Ibalonianus waigeuensis Roewer, 1949 **

Indonesia: Nusa Tenggara Barat (West Nusa Ibalonius impudens Loman, 1906

Tenggara) Ibalonius simoni Roewer, 1915 **

Beloniscellus lombokiensis ( Roewer, 1912) ** Leptopsalis lydekkeri (Clouse & Giribet, 2007) ** Beloniscellus narmadeus Roewer, 1949 ** Leptopsalis novaguinea (Clouse & Giribet, 2007) ** Beloniscellus parvicalcar Roewer, 1931 ** Metanothippus bicolor Giltay, 1930 **

Beloniscellus sumbawaensis Roewer, 1931 ** Pentacros margaritatus Roewer, 1949 **

Bonthainia elegans (Roewer, 1931) ** Waigeucola palpalis Roewer, 1949 **

Caletor sumbawanus Roewer, 1938 ** Indonesia: Papua Selatan (South Papua; sep. Papua 2022) Sharma, 2020**

Apygoplus longipes (Roewer, 1911) ** Zalmoxis sarasinorum Roewer, 1914 **

Gagrella amboinensis amboinensis (Doleschall, 1857) Indonesia: Sumatera Barat (West Sumatra) Heteropodoctis quinquespinosus (Roewer, 1911) Acanthepedanus armatus Roewer, 1912 ** Paranothippus singularis Roewer, 1912 ** Acrobunus bifasciatus Thorell, 1891 **

Indonesia: Sulawesi (Celebes), without further Acrobunus nigropunctatus Thorell, 1891 **

locality data Aurivilliola sumatrana Roewer, 1931 **

Altobunus maculatus Roewer, 1910 ** Babrius murcidus Thorell, 1890

Gagrella ochracea (Roewer, 1954) ** Baso jacobsoni Roewer, 1923 **

Hoplodino longipalpis Roewer, 1949 ** Basoides mucronatus (Roewer, 1927) **

Psathyropus conjugatus (Roewer, 1954) ** Beloniscops flavicalcar Roewer, 1949 **

Sarasinica tricommata quadripunctata Roewer, 1914 ** Beloniscops latus Roewer, 1949 **

Sarasinica tricommata sexpunctata Roewer, 1914 ** Belonisculus jacobsoni Roewer, 1923

Sarasinica tricommata tricommata (Roewer, 1914) ** Beloniscus albimarginatus Roewer, 1915 Strandibalonius tenuis (Roewer, 1949) ** Beloniscus albipustulatus Roewer, 1949 **

Indonesia: Sulawesi Barat (West Sulawesi; sep S Beloniscus biconus Roewer, 1926 **

Sulawesi 2004) Beloniscus malayanus Roewer, 1949

Gagrella tuberculata Roewer, 1914 ** Beloniscus morosus Thorell, 1891 **

Gagrellula pulverulenta Roewer, 1914 ** Beloniscus ochraceus Loman, 1892 **

Indonesia: Sulawesi Selatan (South Sulawesi) Beloniscus pustulosus Loman, 1892 **

Bonthainia aenescens Roewer, 1914 ** Beloniscus quinquespinosus Thorell, 1891 ** Hologagrella curvicornis Roewer, 1914 ** Beloniscus tuberculatus Roewer, 1927 **

Leptopsalis modesta (Hansen & Sørensen, 1904) ** Biantes vitellinus Thorell, 1891

Syngagrella bistriata Roewer, 1914 ** Caenoncopus affinis Martens & Schwendinger, 1998 ** Zalmoxis therianthropes Gainett, Willemart, Giribet & Caenoncopus tenuis Martens & Schwendinger, 1998 ** Sharma, 2020** Caletor unguidens Loman, 1892

Indonesia: Sulawesi Tengah (Central Sulawesi) Ceratobunus quadricornis Thorell, 1891 ** Epedanulus sarasinorum Roewer, 1914 ** Dentobunus acuarius (Thorell, 1891)

Gagrella sarasinorum Roewer, 1914 Dentobunus albiannulatus Roewer, 1929 ** Leptopsalis tambusisi (Shear, 1993) ** Dentobunus basalis Roewer, 1931 **

Marthana sarasinorum Roewer, 1914 ** Dentobunus bicoronatus Roewer, 1931 **

Neogagrella eximia Roewer, 1914 ** Dino weberi Loman, 1892 **

Indonesia: Sulawesi Utara (North Sulawesi) Eugagrella muara Roewer, 1923 **

Altobunus formosus Roewer, 1910 ** Eugagrella trimaculata Roewer, 1923

Bonthainia celebensis (Roewer, 1955) ** Gagrella concinna Thorell, 1891 **

Gagrella argentea Roewer, 1914 ** Gagrella hasseltii Thorell, 1891 **

Gagrella cerata Roewer, 1914 ** Gagrella monticola monticola Thorell, 1891

Gagrella curvispina Roewer, 1914 ** Gagrella monticola tarda Thorell, 1891 **

Gagrella longispina Roewer, 1914 ** Gagrella nigripalpis Roewer, 1910

Gagrella sarasinorum Roewer, 1914 Gagrella parallela Roewer, 1931 **

Gagrella serrulata Roewer, 1910 ** Gagrella pullata Thorell, 1891 **

Gagrellina vestita Roewer, 1914 ** Gagrellissa jacobsoni Roewer, 1931 **

Gnomulus latoperculum Schwendinger & Martens , Gagrellula albatra Roewer, 1954 **

2002** Gagrellula albifrons Roewer, 1931 **

Ibalonius sarasinorum Roewer, 1914 ** Gagrellula albitarsis (Simon, 1899)

Leptopsalis dumoga (Shear, 1993) ** Gagrellula circulata Roewer, 1954 **

Leptopsalis hillyardi (Shear, 1993) ** Gagrellula luteomaculata Roewer, 1931 ** Metepedanulus sarasinorum Roewer, 1914 ** Gagrellula schenkeli Roewer, 1954 **

Parepedanulus sarasinorum Roewer, 1914 ** Gagrellula siberutiana Roewer, 1929 **

Sarasinia punctata Roewer, 1914 ** Gnomulus armillatus (Thorell, 1891)

Sudaria sarasinorum (Roewer, 1914) ** Gnomulus segnipes (Loman, 1892) **

Zalmoxis curupira Gainett, Willemart, Giribet & Gnomulus sumatranus Thorell, 1891 **

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